Chapter 5

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"We're so delighted to have you here today, Your Highness."

Jackie shook hands with the headmistress of the south west London primary school she was visiting. "I'm so happy to be here. This is the first event I've done with Save the Children and I can't wait to see some of the work they've done."

"I know all of the children are so thrilled to show you," the headmistress said, motioning for Jackie to follow her inside.

It was early September, a cool fall breeze swept through the streets of London, the noise of rustling leaves blending in with the sounds of flashbulbs popping. Jackie was visiting a school that was largely made up of underprivileged children for her first engagement with Save the Children UK. At that particular school, the charity sponsored a reading program that aimed to help give needy children a head start.

She was wearing a lovely new dress, navy blue with red flecks. Her face had a natural glow that no amount of skillfully applied makeup could emulate.

Jackie was shown into a classroom where children were sitting at tables with adult volunteers, reading aloud from small chapter books. As Jackie and the headmistress entered, followed closely by a few members of the press, the children looked up.

Jackie was greeted by excited squeals and claps, it was obvious that just about every 6 year old in the room knew who she was.

"Hello, everyone!" Jackie said cheerily, giving a wave.

"Hello!" the children called back in unison.

The headmistress spoke up. "The Duchess of Windsor is here today to see how our reading program works. She'll be coming around and speaking to each one of you, but in the mean time, I expect everyone to keep reading."

Jackie was given a brief tour of the room, the members of the press recording her every move. She knew their eyes were always searching for a hint of something more than what she wanted them to see, and at the moment, Jackie was hiding a huge secret.

She was just about 8 weeks along in her third pregnancy. No one knew, besides Kate and Will, of course. Jackie had gotten her first ultrasound earlier that week, showing a healthy little baby (only one, thankfully). She and Harry planned to tell the rest of the Royal Family that week, and when she reached her 12th week, they would announce it to the press.

With still 4 more weeks until the rest of the world would know the news, Jackie had to keep a low profile. Her dress gave some breathing room for any early signs of a baby bump. For some reason, Jackie had lost the baby weight from the twins and a few pounds more, so she doubted there was any way the press would see anything. She was careful of where she rested her hands. One hand resting against her stomach may set off the pregnancy alarms on the covers of all the tabloids.

Jackie was lead over to a young girl reading to a middle-aged man. The man got up, allowing Jackie to take his seat. The little girl looked up and grinned, revealing two missing front teeth.

"Your Highness, this is Cora," the headmistress introduced.

"Hello, Cora, I'm Jacqueline," Jackie said with a smile, sticking out her hand.

Instead of shaking her hand, Cora threw her arms around Jackie, giving her an enthusiastic hug.

The flashes of the photographers' cameras immediately went off. Jackie laughed, her heart swelling as she wrapped her arms around Cora. "I like hugs better than handshakes."

After Cora's initial excitement passed, she showed Jackie the book she was reading. "It's about a little girl who travels all around London. She even goes to Buckingham Palace and meets the Queen's corgis," Cora explained with a smile.

Jackie laughed. "That sounds like a lovely story!" In reality, it sounded more like a horror story. Jackie was terrified of the Queen's corgis. Though small, they were vicious. Harry told her that once, in when he was young, the corgis were in a fight, and when the Queen tried to break them apart, they bit her hand, requiring her to get three stitches. "I'd love to hear it."

Cora read Jackie the story, her eyes lighting up when she read a particularly exciting part. It was quite uplifting to see a child so inspired by a book.

When Cora finished, Jackie clapped. "Wonderful job, Cora!"

"Thank you! Do you like to read books?" Cora asked.

"I do," Jackie answered. "I especially like to read books with my daughter, Mary Kate. She can't read yet, but she likes to listen to the stories."

"Even though I can read, I like it when my mum reads me stories, too," Cora said. "I love my mum."

Jackie beamed. There was nothing in the world she loved more than being a mum.


"Happy birthday," Jackie whispered, giving Harry a nudge.

Early morning sunlight was leaking through the curtains of their Kensington Palace bedroom. Her husband groaned and rolled over in bed, pulling his pillow over his face. "Don't say it."

"Thirty... one..." Jackie drawled, her lips curving into a smile.

"You might as well put me in the ground now!" Harry grumbled. He moved the pillow so he could peek at her with one eye. "I can't even imagine how I'll feel when I turn 32."

Jackie narrowed her eyes. Her thirty-second birthday was coming up in just over a month, on October 23rd. "How dare you?"

Harry shrugged, trying to repress a smile. "At least I still have a year left."

Jackie flopped back on the bed, striking a dramatic pose. "I'm still youthful, for an old woman."

"Definitely." Harry drug Jackie across the sheets into his side, giving her a kiss.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Jackie asked, their faces just an inch apart.

"You're all the gift I need," Harry said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Jackie groaned. "In your dreams."

"But it's my birthday," Harry whined, doing his best impression of a university girl.

"Sorry, I'm tired," Jackie teased, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

Harry's arms tightened around her. "C'mon, you're already pregnant, what's the worst that could happen?"

Jackie laughed. "We could make it twins."

"I don't think it works like that," Harry said. He flipped Jackie over so she straddled his waist. She was just about to give in when a cry came from the baby monitor on the side table.

Jackie jumped out of bed, throwing her robe on over her pajamas. "Duty calls."

Harry let out a huff. "How convenient for you."

Jackie shook her head, trying to hide a smile. She swung her foot onto the end of the bed, pulling up the leg of her pajama pants to reveal her calf and knee. "Here's a sneak peak for later. And for the special occasion, I shaved three nights ago."

"Three nights ago?" Harry asked exasperatedly. "How do you expect me to wait all day knowing you've shaved three nights ago?"

Harry reached out to touch her leg, but Jackie smacked his hand away with a laugh. "I said later. No touching."

Harry let out a dramatic sigh, clutching his chest and falling back onto the pillows.


I hope you all enjoyed! Just a little bit of humor before the drama of this book picks up.

Thanks Atlantismyhome for adding Jackie's engagement ring! Perfect as usual!

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