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my one wish.

things had been smooth as both males reached the park's household. jimin had went to throw himself at his parents, his emotions all over the place as fresh tears burned his eyes. he had missed them so, so much. add that with all the stress he had been going through while trying to adapt to being a royalty, seeing his parents was as if a dam broke in him and he just let it all out.

"i miss you guys" his parents are no different, they too had missed having their son with them, their moodmaker and the sunshine in their life. "come on love, lets settle your stuff, your dad and i didn't even get the chance to talk to your husband" at the mention of jungkook, jimin steps back, totally forgetting the male's presence in the room.

"hello mr and mrs park, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" the prince says, bowing to his in-laws and jimin's father had said his greetings, welcoming him to the family while his mrs. park had laughed it out, "drop the formalities please, call me mom" the latter's eyes widened, mom? the word was foreign on his tongue. since young, he had always been taught to call his own mother with respect, he could count with his fingers the number of times he had actually called his mother without the formalities.

"mom, he doesn't call his own mother that, it might be a little-"

"alright, mother" jimin brings his gaze to the male beside him, stiffling a laugh at the male's flustered expression, it must all be new to him.

"alright you guys go keep your bags first, i'll start making dinner"

"wait, where is jungkook sleeping? the gues-" before the old man could finish his sentence, his wife's head popped out, a grin on her lips, "well i'm not expecting him to sleep in the guest room when his husband is here do i?" jimin's eyes narrow to hers, a look of betrayal in his face as he hears his mom's laughter echoing through the kitchen.

with a sigh, he takes his bag and walks up to his room, jungkook following behind. when they enter the room, jungkook feels a sense of comfort and warmth in the other's room as jimin closes the door behind them. jimin's room is really nicely put together, considering the large space, it's decorated really simple but so jimin, with nude colours and a spacious bed in the middle.

"i guess you're sleeping in my room" jimin sighs exasperatedly, but there's no bite to his words and jungkook places his bag next to jimin's before walking up next to him, "i guess. . .but there's a problem here" he murmurs as his hands travelled to jimin's waist, keeping it there as he feels jimin tensing up, turning to look at him, "what?" jungkook chuckles before looking around the room, "there's only one bed, jimin"

jimin walks out the room with a blush high on his cheeks, ignoring jungkook's calls for him as they went down to the dining room, the table already set with steaming hot dishes. jimin's mother had asked them to start digging in and as they sat down, jimin refuses to look at the black haired sitting next to him. instead he takes his food and starts eating. conversations are thrown in once in a while, mostly at jungkook so that they know more about their son's husband.

"so, has jimin been a good husband to you?" the mentioned male chokes on his drink and glares at his mother, the teasing smile on her lips making him more embarrassed than he already is.

"we've been fine. it must be hard for someone to suddenly have many responsibilities and get used to living in the palace but jimin has been really good. he's really friendly and warm, my parents love him as well" jimin brings his head up to look at him, froze in his seat when jungkook brings his thumb up to wipe at the side of his lips, jungkook's lips curving up so wide jimin wondered if his cheeks hurt.

"ah how wonderful it must be to have an understanding husband like jungkook here" her husband glares jokingly, erupting laughters from the table as jimin turned back to his food, mind still in a daze. once they were done, jimin had volunteered to do the dishes, ushering his parents to rest since they have work the next day and they had gave in, excusing themself from the couple because jungkook had stayed and offered to help as well.

"you can go wash up first you know, i don't need your help" jimin says under his breath but jungkook caught it, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the counter, arching a fine brow as if to say, "really?" and jimin ignores him, rolling his eyes as he starts to put the plates back in the drawer, cursing when some of it had to be put out of his reach and grunts in annoyance.

but a body was pressed behind him, taking it from his hold and placing it back on the rack, hears jungkook's snickers from the back and really, jimin curses his luck, pushing the male away as he continued and started to go back up to his room once they were done.

"i'm taking the shower first since you didn't want to earlier on" jimin takes his towel and heads to the bathroom connected to his room, eyes throwing daggers at the prince in the room with him when he heard a "alright shorty" and slamming the bathroom door, releasing a long and deep sigh.

when jimin steps out of the shower, towel hanging on his hips as he uses another to dry his hair, he sees jungkook scrolling through his phone but the latter's head turned to him when he hears the door clicking open and jimin can't really decipher the look on jungkook's face but he feels vulnerable under jungkook's stare and mutters a "what" loudly which made the black haired flick his eyes up to him before shaking his head, taking his turn to shower.

jimin calms his racing heart before going to his closet, putting on a long sleeved oversized shirt that reached his mid thigh with shorts and throws his towel in the hamper before settling himself on the bed and switching on the tv, listlessly switching channels till he finds an interesting one, and he becomes too absorbed in the drama that he doesn't realised jungkook had finished showering and was walking to his side of the bed.

"jimin" the said male snapped out of his trance and turned to the source of voice, throat going dry at he sight of his husband in a white shirt and grey sweatpants. he blinks and watches as jungkook started to take a pillow, grabbing his wrist to stop the other's movements, "sorry, i just wanted to take a pillow, i'll sleep on the-"

"don't be silly" and jimin didn't intend for it to come out as a whisper but jungkook is looking attractive and alluring, it's really not his fault that he can't find his own voice. "you sure?" jimin hums, and when he sees jungkook looking skeptical, he switches the tv off and softly pulls the black haired onto the bed next to him, going under the covers and he knows jungkook is staring at him, eyes raking through jimin's body and jimin doesn't know what to do so just keeps quiet, enjoying the warmth jungkook's body is radiating.

"you know, i can't really figure you out" jimin suddenly murmurs through the darkness of their room, the only light seeping in is through the glow of the moon against the window. jungkook locks his eyes with the silver haired, humming in confusion. "nevermind, it's nothing" and he shivers, pulling the covers against him more as the air becomes colder in the room.

"cold?" the male nods, gasping softly when jungkook slides a hand down and around his waist, pulling him closer to the latter and jimin braces his hands against jungkook's chest, eyes going wide as jungkook just stares at him, his hold tightening but he knows jungkook is just as stunned as he is, probably not realising his actions as well but his expression became calm again, smiling softly. "still cold?" he whispers and jimin shakes his head. with the way his heart was thumping against his chest, jungkook could probably hear it so he just proceeds to hide his face in jungkook's neck, earning a kiss at the crown of his head as a hand runs through his soft silver locks.

"sleep, love"

jungkook's the first to wake up, fluttering his eyes open to soft hair tickling his chin. he moves a little to be able to look at the still sleeping male, a hand coming up to caress his face softly, his eyes, nose, cheeks and lips. jungkook just silently gazes at jimin, awestruck at his beauty as the sunlight casts a shadow over him, making him look more ethereal than he already is. he slowly brings his lips to jimin, meshing them softly and that made the jimin softly stir and wake up from his slumber, honey brown eyes blinking open sleepily.

"morning" jimin feels heat pooling in his stomach at the hoarse tone in jungkook's morning voice, kissing his lips back in return which made jungkook break into a small smile, groaning when jimin wraps his hands and legs around him, cuddling him in tighter but the silver haired soon realises his actions and removes himself, gulping at what he had just done. "i- i'm sorry" but jungkook pulls him back, shrugging it off and places his arm around jimin's waist to say that it's okay and he shouldn't be sorry, jimin is his husband after all.

"don't ever be sorry alright?"

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