Chapter 2

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I feel something on top of me. I look up and I see a colorful big thing in my face with a yellow beak. I scream at the thing on my face. Olivia rushes to the room and swings the door open!

"Are you...." She stops to stare at me and she burst into laughter!

"Patrick, you little prankster get out from hiding you scared our guest." A little boy with strawberry red hair and blue eyes comes out from under the bed and removes the creature from my face long enough for me to see what it is.
"A bird, a colorful bird! that was what was on my face!"

Olivia looks at the boy I believe is named Patrick "I am really"

"That is ok Patrick!" I smile at him and he runs to his room.

"Sorry about Patrick he pranks people all the time even me." Olivia leaves and shuts the door.

I get up and look out the window and I see a doctor outside and Maria talking to him. I go down the stares to see what happened. The doctor had broad shoulders. He had a big beard and had a nice gentlemen haircut. He had a suitcase. He spoke with a broad voice.

"Ok were is Cleo?" He asked

"Don't worry she is asleep." Maria try's to calm him.

He seams in a hurry. I follow them and I peak through the door there is Olivia, Maria, and the doctor looking at a little girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes. He takes a minute and speaks.

"Cleo has a fever." I saw in his eyes he wanted to cry.

"No she can't you must give your daughter medicine!" Maria demands

"I am sorry but no one has seen medicine for miles."

Olivia looks sad and leaves the room. I get away from the door and trip on a table.


"Oh Paton are you ok!"

"Yes I am fine."

"Oh good um, so do you want to go?"

"Ya, let us go."

I get my stuff and we say by to Maria. Ru looks happy to see us. We get on and start to fly again.

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