Sewers. Terrific.

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Jason's POV

Percy hesitantly ate the food, like he was afraid it was going to be poisoned. Once he was finished, we realized he was still in just a towel. "Oh, right, Percy, do you mind following me for a moment? I'm going to make you some clothes and I need to take measurements." Piper told him.

"Isn't there a store downtown?" Percy asked. "One of the sewer caps are actually in the store, in the back storage by the bathroom."

"Yo, Annabeth, what time is it?" I asked, looking over at her. She shifted the heavy curtains to the side and looked out at the sky.

"About noon. We've got time." She said, letting the curtain drop. A small cloud of dust went with it.

"We need to do a better job at cleaning this place." Leo said, sitting up from his spot on the floor.

"You've been down there this entire time?" Reyna asked, looking over at him.

"It's comfy!"

"Whatever. Percy, where's the closest sewer cap?" I asked, looking over at him. He looked over at the map.

"Still the one on the corner, outside of the Starbucks store-"

"Dunkin Donut's is better." Leo muttered.

"- The second closest one is a few blocks behind this building." Percy finished, like he hadn't even been interrupted.

"Oka- Wait, can you fight?" Thalia asked.

"I can do pistols, knives and other sharp blades, anything else is to big for my tiny body." Percy said, looking down at his scrawny chest in distaste.

"How good are you with those weapons?" I asked.

"I'm okay." He said with a shrug. "I think if my mom and I could disperse a crowd of twenty walkers in five minutes, me on daggers and her on shotgun, (Since when did you know how to use a shotgun? Just now XD) I think we did pretty well. But I lost my weapons while running." He sighed.

"I think we can supply, what's our weapon count Thalia?" I asked. She walked over to a large trunk shoved against the wall and pulled the lid up, resting it against the wall.

"Enough for him to have a pistol and a dagger. We've only got a few clips, so-"

"I won't miss, I can assure you that." Percy told her. Thalia pulled out a pistol and dagger, then closed the lid and turned to Percy. "You get these, IF you prove you're a good shot." She grabbed a paintball pistol from her back pocket, how she got it in there I have no idea, and handed it to Percy. "Let's go for some target practice."

Percy grinned back at her. "Contest?"

Thalia pulled out another pistol from her other pocket with a wider grin. "Contest."

Ten minutes later we were in our shootin range, aka the roof with a bunch of paper targets stapled to plywood nailed down to the roof, curtesy of Leo. There were four in a row against the far end, and Percy and Thalia were in the middle two. "You first." Percy told her. She nodded, smirking, like she knew she was going to win, and aimed.

The first shot was the ring outside of the bulls eye. The next was the same. The third was a direct bulls eye. Percy shrugged. "Not bad. But," He grinned. "I'm better."

Thalia snorted, crossing her arms. "Prove it kid."

Percy shrugged. "If you insist."

He turned to face me on the other side of the roof, away from the target, and angled the gun so it was over his shoulder but aimed at the target. "No way he's going to make that." Frank muttered.

Percy fired. Bulls eye. He spun around and shot in a millisecond, without even aiming. The first yellow splatter of his previous bulls eye was covered with a blue splatter of paint. He smiled innocently at Thalia, who's jaw was almost on the floor. Then, while looking at her, smiling like a cocky little bastard, he pointed the pistol towards the target and fired. Without looking, he got another bulls eye.

"Do I get the pistol?" Percy asked innocently, holding out the paintball pistol to her.

"Yeah yeah, show off. If you had gone against Reyna you would have lost." Thalia grumbled.

Percy shrugged and we all laughed. It felt weird- Laughing, that is. We haven't laughed for almost a year, actually. Leo tried, but we just weren't in the proper mood to laugh. We had good moods, but none good enough to laugh. This kid was bringing out the lost sides in us, I guess. Hopefully, he can change me back like he has Leo and Thalia.

We all went back downstairs, where Thalia handed him a pistol and dagger. "You've earned them." She said with a slight grin.

Percy smiled back, accepting the weapons. "Thanks. But I do need clothes in order to go for clothes, I can't just run around without any clothes, and I'm most certain this towel won't hold up if I'm running." Percy said, looking down at the bulky towel tied around his waist.

Piper smiled. "Alright, come with me. I'll make something real quick, the rest will get ready to leave. I'll be done in half an hour." Piper told us, before leading him into she and Annabeth's room.

"Alright, let's gear up!" I said, clapping my hands together. Everyone nodded and started to grab their stuff from around the room. After all this time, we knew exactly who's stuff was who's in the giant mess, and soon everybody was situated in there supply run gear.

Nico had a skull bandana covering the bottom half of his face and his aviators jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, two black-bladed katanas sheathed at his side. His normal black skinny jeans and black combat boots accompanied the rest of his outfit.

Thalia and Reyna wore matching outfits, except slightly different colors. Thalia wore a dark blue bandana over her face, a leather jacket, with blue jeans, a dark blue t-shirt and dark blue combat boots. Reyna wore the same outfit, but instead of dark blue she wore maroon. Frank had a purple bandana with a grey muscle shirt, blue jeans, a dark grey hoodie and sneakers. Annabeth had spiked high-heeled combat boots, grey skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, a black leather jacket and a grey bandana that tied her hair up. Talk about fifty shades of grey. Hazel had a panda hoodie with skinny jeans and a dark purple shirt, which was tucked into her jeans. She also wore black combat boots. Nico had his Katanas, Annabeth had two daggers sheathed in her belt, Thalia had a crossbow strapped across her back, as well as Frank, Reyna had a shotgun strapped across her back, and Hazel had a golden katana. Leo wore a white t-shirt and corduroy pants, a fire bandana and orangish-red suspenders, with a tool belt that seemed to have an endless amount of items in it, which was an odd fashion statement if you ask me. My outfit was a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, a black leather jacket and blue sneakers. We found a LOT of combat boots and leather jackets.

Unfortunately, our outfits and weapons were all stained with black blood. So Annabeth with all her greys looked like a serial killer with her knives dripping black blood and her face glistening with the disgusting substance. Her fierce grey eyes didn't help the matter. overall, when we were in battle, we looked like psychopaths. Especially when Nico's killing everything with an emotionless expression, like he's eating ice cream or walking through a park. Freaky.

Piper and Percy came out, also situated. Piper's hair had feathers braided into it. She wore a pink t-shirt, blue jeans, a black baseball cap, dark red combat boots and a dark red leather jacket. Her baseball bat, which had spiked sticking out of the end of it, was covered in blood. Percy came out behind her in a slightly large blue t-shirt and blue jeans. His pistol was in a make-shift holster on his side, and his dagger was in a small sheath attached to his belt.

"We ready?" I asked, shoving my hands into my leather jacket pockets. I could feel the familiar weight of the shotgun on my back and katanas on my sides.

Leo grinned through his fire bandana. "We haven't been on a run in forever, I'm psyched!"

"Me too, you know how long I've been itching for a fight?" Thalia asked, stretching out her fingers.

Percy looked at all of us in shock. "You want to fight? You won't once you have to everyday and don't get any sleep for weeks at a time. You're lucky you have your defense system like you do, my mom and I never slept."

Reyna shrugged. "People want what they crave, people who have it don't crave it."

Percy nodded appreciatively. "Good point."

"Alright, let's go." I said, then began jogging towards the stairs to the first floor.

Once we were all down, Frank tossed each of us, minus Percy, a duffel bag. "We need these if we're carrying back supplies." He explained. We nodded and then turned to face the gate.

"You got the remove Leo?" Piper asked. Leo nodded and pulled a small remote out of his back pocket, which had three buttons in it, all were red and covered in grime except one.

"What's that one do?" Percy asked, pointing to the clean button.

"I clean that one so if someone gets ahold of this remote, they'll assume it's one of the grimy buttons that we use to get in and out of the gate, but really the top one turns on an electric fence and the middle one does absolutely nothing." Leo grinned at Percy's excited expression.

"Cool! I like tricks like that."

"Me too!" Leo exclaimed.

"Boys, we can fangirl later, we got a store to raid." Piper interrupted.

"Right." Percy walked over to the gates, looking around. There were only about five walkers roaming about, but Percy's face told us there was a bigger problem. "There's a zombie hoard inside the Starbucks store." There it was. "There aren't too many, maybe ten, but if we're trying to pry up a sewer cap and we have seventeen coming after us, we're not going to do too well unless they're all dead- and we can't attract any more zombies either or they'll crowd around the sewer cap, and when we come back we'll be trapped."

Percy's eyebrows were furrowed, like he were deep in thought. "How do we do this then?" Piper asked.

"We..." Percy held up a finger and looked outside the gates again. "I know how to the get the sewer cap up, there's a trick that doesn't involve any real strength, but I won't be able to have any zombies after me when I do or I'll mess up... So you guys need to stand around me and use only melee weapons. Miss Reyna's and Frank's crossbows will be fine, but any other shooter will make to much noise."

"So melee, around you, protect you, then what?" Leo asked.

"The sewer has metal rungs down, but precipitation makes them slick, you'll have to be careful going down. I know how to keep it open, just... trust me, I've done this many times before. Then you follow me through the sewers, et cetera." Percy explained.

"Sounds good to me." I said after a few seconds of pawning it over in my head. Percy smiled slightly.

"Then let's go!" Leo cheered. We all walked out to the gates next to Percy, then I heard a soft click before the gates started to slowly open with a high pitched squeal and sickening crunches. "I have got to fix that." Leo noted, narrowing his eyes at the hinges.

"Not the time, let's go!" I shouted, running through the gates and onto the streets. I could hear the others close behind.

"Alright, let's go to the sewer cap." Percy muttered, brandishing his dagger and adjusting his grip on the pistol.

"Without gathering to much attention." I added.

"And without being killed, because being killed is lame." Leo said with his impish grin planted on his face.

"And without being killed." Percy agreed.

There was a walker a few feet behind a trashed, rusty ford pickup. It made a disgusting growling sound in the back of his throat that somehow sounded wet. Gross. It stumbled around the truck, and Nico calmly drew his swords and waited. Once it was close enough, he made a smooth sweeping motion with his hands. The decapitated zombie fell to it's knees, before falling over on it's side. The black blood pooled around it's neck, and around the head, which was about a foot away. Nico grimaced as he recognized the blood on his jacket.

"This thing was expensive dude. Not cool."

"Alright, come on." I said, making a run for the corner. Percy was in the middle of us all already, so when we stopped around the sewer gate we were already in a circle around him.

"Alright, I'm going to pry this up, protect me." He said, dropping to his knees. I immediately turned my attention to around me. I was facing the crossroads, and I saw at least ten walkers approaching from each road, not to hard.

"Seventeen in the store, I'm going to need an archer." Piper called, facing the Starbucks store. I could hear walkers moaning, making weird noises in the back of their throats and pounding on the walls from here.

"You take Reyna, we need Frank, 27 walkers our way." Annabeth told her, brandishing her dagger with deadly posture.

"Cool. C'mon, we've got to do this thing."

Suddenly, the walkers did something weird. They started to run. I could see Percy glance up in my peripheral vision. "Runners. People who originally had a cold while they turned. They can run, but they're slow at attacking. Weak points are their temples, everything else is pretty sturdy." Percy said, loud enough to be heard over the moans of the walkers in the Starbucks and the strangled screams of the runners. "You have to be pretty accurate. It's gonna get gory."

"Noted." I replied. "Work on the-" there was a loud shutter and the moans were amplified.

"Glass broke!" Piper yelled.

"Got that! Kill as many as you can!" I shouted back, pulling out my sword. The runners were getting close. The first runner fell, an arrow sticking out of it's temple. Frank grimaced as it exploded like a balloon full of black paint.

"Gross." He muttered, notching another arrow and firing again. He missed this time.

Runners were five feet ago. I took a small dagger from my back pocket, just in case, and aimed for the temple. The top half of the runner's head fell off, and it crumpled to the ground in a still heap, the black blood running all over my sneakers. Ignoring the disgusting feeling, I continued to kill the runners. I looked back and saw Piper dominating the walkers with Hazel and Reyna. Everyone else was fighting with me. Leo swing a massive sledgehammer that came from god knows where and took out two runners at once, angling his angle now so he crushed both of their skulls with the single blow. Nico was dominating everything with ease, and Annabeth was a killing machine.

"Jason!" Frank shouted, and I heard a gunshot.

"Watch yourself! You're gonna get killed!" Percy shouted, and I turned just in time to see the runner fall to the ground with a smoking bullet hole in it's temple. I saw Percy's pistol lower, but his eyes hadn't moved the from the half-pried up sewer cap. "I need a piece of scrap metal!" he shouted.

"Got it!" Annabeth ran over to a broken down car and ripped a pipe from the open hood. What?

She ran back over to Percy and handed it to him. He positioned it so it was enough for us to slip through, then stood. "Don't knock that over!" he shouted, then gripped his dagger and looked around at us. There were still ten runners, and only three walkers.

Percy ran around us, out of our protective circle. The zombies were approaching him from all sides, but he didn't look worried. "Don't attack." He said quietly. We looked at each other nervously. What was he planning?

He continued to look at he walkers, who were only five feet from him. They took another step and he bolted in one direction. They all turned to follow, creating a perfectly straight line of walkers. He pulled back the top of the pistol, aimed, at fired at the first walker. They all fell at once, a bullet hole going perfectly through all the walker's foreheads, taking them all out with one shot.

"If you're surrounded, make a train. It's easier to take them out than defend yourself from all sides." He said with a frown, looking at the walkers, like they offended them. "Alright, let's go."

He trotted over to the sewer cap, kneeling down in front of it. "Don't knock the pipe over when you're going down, unless you want a 100 pound slate of metal sitting on you." He warned, lowering on foot in. He grabbed onto either side of the pipe and lowered himself down before grabbing what I'm assuming was a metal rung until his head dissapeared.

"Well?" He called up, his voice echoing slightly, "Are you gonna come?"

We shook out of our daze and got in line to go in, me being last. Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Thalia, Nico, then me. We all carefully lowered ourselves into the empty sewer, looking around. Bones, trash, and a terrible smell filled it. "Ugh, this is disgusting." Hazel muttered.

"It's the quickest possible way of transportation." Percy said with a shrug, looking around.

The sewers were basically a giant, cement tube full of disgusting trash and waste. "Oh, I almost forgot." Percy muttered, looking back over at the pipe holding the sewer cap up and pulling out his pistol. "You'd have to aim that perfectly for it to-"

Annabeth was cut off by a loud gunshot and two large clangs. "For it to not land awkwardly and hold the sewer cap up, still wedged in between the enterance and the cap." Percy finished, putting the pistol in the holster. "I know." Annabeth looked a little miffed but didn't say anything.

Our light source was very little, other than the grates in the cap. "It's going to be dark, by the way." Percy said, then began to walk through the trash an waste.

"Yeah, we got that!" Leo called back, following Percy.

We followed Percy around the disgusting sewers, occasionally taking turns or stopping so Percy could mutter inadubly to himself for a while, looking around and then walking in another direction. He finally stopped at a set of rungs, looking up. "Here. This is the clothing store."

"Are you sure? Cause that was pretty confusing." Leo asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Possitive. The amount of turns and above ground streets match. They run along all the sidewalks. I've been roaming these sewers since this whole thing started." Percy told him, grabbing one of the rungs and begging to climb up. He frowned when he got to the top.

"I need to stand one someone's shoulders." He said, looking down. "I'm not tall enough."

"Jason and Frank are the tallest, who's the most balanced?" Piper asked, looking between the two of us.

"I think Jason's pretty sturdy on his feet. I'm pretty clumsy." Frank admitted.

"Not as much as in school, but I agree." Annabeth said.

"Sure." I shrugged, walking over. Percy grabbed the two handles on the bottom of the sewer cap and let his feet go, so he dangling a good almost five feet in the air.

"Just walk under me, I need a good grip." Percy said, looking over at me. He didn't look the least weak, he actually looked like he could do this for hours. (Why is a seven year old kid stronger than me? XD I can only do ten pull ups before I'm dead XD [and no offense I don't care how many you can do, please don't comment about it. I'm talking to you, eleven year old boys who are trying to look hot or whatever. I'm gay, so go away. Shoo. Sorry, I'm awkward, if you didn't know. Back to the story! XD])

I walked underneath him and he bend his knees a little so he was standing on my shoulders. "Sorry, I bet this is uncomfortable." He mumbled, gripping the iron cap handles tightly.

"It's fine, you're really light, so-"

"I won't be in a second. Steady yourself." I felt a huge weight appear on my shoulders, and I threatened to drop from surprise. "Don't fall!" Percy exclaimed. I regained my composure and stood straight again.

"It surprised me." I apologized. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize." There was a soft scraping noise, and I could feel the weight go away. "There." I could see Percy grin. "We're in."

Word Count- 3,536

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