Chapter 2 (edited)

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   Luke was hurt. Not physically or anything in the like. But hurt emotionally. He was hurt because his best friend (and longtime crush) didn't believe him.

   You see, they recently received a letter from the royal messenger, Hermes. In the letter, it stated that they have received the ransom note, and would have the money as long as the princess didn't get hurt.

 This angered Percy because he really didn't want his crew's reputation to get ruined. Also because the person who supposedly kidnapped the princess was his crush. So Percy really didn't want to think it was true. But having to fair and just (and hide the fact he was crushing, Percy had to think that Luke did it and question him.

    In their shared room, they were having yet another argument. "Luke, that's my cousin!" 

"I know Perce! Just--Look at it this way: Even if I did kidnap Thalia, where would I even hide her?"

   Percy thought for a second. Before he could admit defeat and apologize, Luke started ranting about how he didn't kidnap his cousin. Percy did the only thing he could think of. Which he went sure if it was sad or not? He kissed Luke. It was only a quick peck, but it got Luke to be quiet. Percy pulled away quickly and looked down at the ground for a while before he spoke up.

  "I'm sorry. You're right. I'm sorry, I didn't believe you and--" now Percy was ranting. So Luke did the only thing he could think of. And wanted for a long time to do. He kissed Percy. But this time it was more than a peck. 

  When Luke pulled away and left the room "calmly" (and went straight to Silena), he left a scarlet captain who immediately collapsed on his bed. Thinking the same thing as Luke: Did that really just happen?


  Jason woke up shortly after Thalia left. He shivered slightly and wondered what woke him. Then he noticed his window was open, and the note in hand.

     Jason Jupiter Grace only hoped the letter wasn't from Piper, as she often talking of running away to Rome. It wasn't from Piper and Jason almost released a sigh of relief, until he reread that it was from Thalia. He held an even bigger breath.


   10 minutes is how long he read the letter for. He started crying for 5 of those minutes after he read the second paragraph.

     When he finished reading he shot up from his bed and raced to his sister's room. He pushed open the door and immediately beat himself up, for not believing she would have actually left, as a new set go the waterworks came. He had to hand it to Thalia when he read the 'ransom' note: she was really smart.

    When Thalia left the castle she had one place in mind: Her Aunt Sally's and cousin Percy's house. They, or Sally, weirdest exactly royalty, but they lived in a nice place. In actuality, Zupiter often tried to give them a place to stay in the palace, but stubborn Sally and Percy always refused.

    Princess Thalia arrived at the Jackson residence but was extremely disappointed and upset when she saw dried blood on the floor of Sally's bedroom. It wasn't a lot so someone must've tried cleaning it. She then went in Percy's room and realized he more than likely left, and couldn't cope with the murder of his mom.

      Thalia vaguely remembered hearing Hermes talking about two murders around 5 years ago, but she didn't know who was murdered. Until now of course. Then she saw the dusty old letter.

Dear whoever found this,

   Hi. Um... My mother was murdered last night. But don't worry! I killed him. Or maybe you should worry... I'm a murderer now... No! Don't worry because I just remembered why I'm writing this: I'm running away. I'm leaving because I have murdered a man which is something I will never forgive myself for. Also because my mother was killed before my very own eyes. Anyway, I'm not asking whoever reads this to come look for me because I'll probably be dead in a few days, living by myself. So before I end this tell my cousins Thalia, Jason, and Nico goodbye for me, or show them this letter.

Closing out of this,


      When Thalia finished reading she laughed at his signature while sobs took over his face. Thalia doesn't cry often, for some it's rare to see her cry, but when she does you know someone just died or her world turned more upset down than when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts.

     Thalia climbed into her missing cousin's bed, and soundlessly cried her self to sleep, thinking of her next task. Finding Percy. That is if he isn't dead already.

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