Chapter 9

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4 days later

"You're going home! That's final." 

Thalia sighed. They had been going at it for around 3 days. Thalia was trying to convince Percy to let her and the others stay with him.

Or to at least let Jason stay. It wasn't as if Jason could go home and be welcomed back with open arms. He had run away from their father.

"Ok, I understand why you would want to send Nico back. But at least-" Percy's glare deepened.

"No, Thalia. I'm sending the three of you home. Nico's a child, he shouldn't've been here in the first place. And Jason was just following his older sister, so of course, I'm not going to blame him."

Alright. So Percy was in that kind of mood. Only one way to end that. Thalia glared right back at him. "Oh, so you're blaming me now?"

Percy threw his hands in the air exasperatedly, "I've been blaming you since I saw with my own eyes that Nico couldn't even walk on his own!"

Thalia groaned. She couldn't even put into words how much she hated when Percy got into these moods. Especially when he decides to act the eldest, and like he knew everything just because he had a loving and doting mother.

"That's not my fault. I'm not the one who brought Nico here just for him to get beaten!"

An animalistic noise came from Percy's throat. "So who exactly would you like me to blame? Hm?"

Thalia groaned again. "Fine. If you wanna be in that kind of mood and blame someone, fine. But don't you fucking dare blame me!" Thalis turned away from the boy, her hand outreached towards the door. 

"Why'd the ship stop moving?"

At the posing question, Percy stopped glaring. "I'm not sure..." He moved to his window.

Although he and Luke's, bedroom was located on the lower level of the ship, and thus underwater, he usually could tell where they were. Right now they were probably near Athens, about three hours away from their destination. 

The room darkened, er, more so than it usually is. Percy shivered, moving to Thalia. The boat shifted, causing the silent pair to fall. Screams were coming from up the stairs. NOt screams of terrors exactly, but people shouting at others; staggering footsteps were pounding up and down the stairs. 

"Hurry up, Cain!" A young male, about thirteen, ran down the stairs tripping over himself. 

The cousins stood up, one of them opening the door for Cain. "Cap'n, Cap'n's cousin." Jack Cain raised his hand in greeting smiling crookedly. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're sinking."

"Excuse me?"

Percy ran out of the room eyes wide. He ran up the stairs, ordering Thalia to make sure no one else was left downstairs.

**7-8 minutes later***

"1, 9, 3, 7, 16- c'mon guys hurry up. No time to waste. Wait, where's Luke!" Percy leaned over the side of the ship, peering into the lifeboats. "Grover! Is Luke with you?"

Grover shook his head, helping others on the boats. "No! Said he was gonna get you! Here you go El, steady now. He's probably down below looking for you!"

"Damn," Percy left the side of the boat running back downstairs, at the same time double-checking Nico and Jason were accounted for.

Though the ship was mostly bare, there were a few stragglers left. By now Percy was thinking the worst. Luke had to be dead by now, or at least unconscious and close to death.

"Where are you going? C'mon before you drown. It's too dark to see down there." Reyna grabbed his arm pulling him upstairs.

Percy yanked his arm out of her grip straining his eyes trying to find Luke in the darkness. "You didn't see Luke down there did you?" 

Reyna shook her head. "He's probably on a lifeboat already. We need to go."

Reluctantly, Percy followed Reyna. The two of them got on the last lifeboat watching Queen Sally sink as they drifted away. And if Percy cried because he still didn't see Luke...well nobody has to know.

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