The Faunus Duo + Sun

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An idea that a friend suggested to me. As you can tell by the title this will be bout the Faunus peeps (some of them) at Beacon. One of the more longer chapters I have written. As always enjoy!

Currently we find our kitty cat Blake laying down on her bed currently engrossed in her book. She was alone for the day due to the rest of her teammates going on a mission with team CFVY. Ruby said that Blake could stay if she wanted because she knew that Blake was longing for some time alone. That's Ruby for you, always considerate of her teammates. After a while Blake closed her book and stretched out. She was kind of regretting not coming with the others because she had nothing else to do. Team JNPR was currently on a mission for a couple of days and Sun and his team were no where to be found so Blake wasn't left with a lot of options. Blake then heard a knock on the door and wondered who it was. When she opened it she was met with the familiar sight of brown hair and rabbit ears. Velvet was standing giving Blake a cheerful hello. "Velvet, do you need anything? I thought you were on a mission with your team and mine." "Yeah about that, Blake, my team left and made me stay behind" Velvets ears dropped as she pouted, she was supposed to be mad but in the end Velvet just looked too cute. Blake chuckled at the sight and made up her mind that hanging out with Velvet wouldn't be a bad idea. The two never talked to each other much unless it was about class work but it was better than being alone. "Hey Velvet, do you wanna hang out?" Velvets ears went up in excitement, "Sure! Let's go then." "Hold on a second" Blake went to get Gambol Shroud as she walked out the door. "You coming?" "O-Oh, yea!" Velvet walked alongside Blake as the two walked through the empty hallways. Things were silent as the only thing that could be heard was the clicking of both Faunus shoes. Velvet tried to break the awkward silence, "So uh, how are you and Yang doing together?" Blake looked at the bunny faunus who thought she had asked something wrong, she answered her question, "Me and Yang are doing good, I'm glad that someone could love me even with these" Blake gestures to her bow covering her ears. "That's good to hear." The silence was back again as the two continued walking. Blake didn't like the silence but she couldn't think of anything to talk about. The two ran into Professor Ozpin who was sipping coffee from the same mug he always drinks out of. "Ah, Ms. Belladonna, Ms. Scarlatina just the people I was looking for." The two faunus gave Ozpin a simple hello and asked why he was looking for them. "About that, it concerns the mission your teams went on together." Blake didn't like the way this was sounding and Velvet became worried about the wellbeing of her team, and Ruby and the others of course. Ozpin noticed the expressions the two girls had and continued, "Now now, I don't mean that they're injured, in fact the mission was a success and they were able to drive the grimm out of the village." "Then whats the problem then sir?" Blake asked. "The ship that was supposed to take them back appears to have the engine damaged, to answer the questions you may have it will take a day to fix the engine so they won't be back until tomorrow." The two were relieved to hear that nothing bad happened. "Alright then, that is all, I will see you ladies some other time then." With that Ozpin walked back to his office leaving the two faunus back where they were. The awkward silence came back. Realizing that both her and Velvet's team wouldn't be back until tomorrow she decided to hang out with Velvet for the day. "So Velvet, what do you want to do?" The rabbit faunus thought before saying that she wouldn't mind going to the library because she knew how much Blake loved to read. The two walked in and Blake found a seat while Velvet went to look for a book that might interest her. After a few minutes of looking she found a book about a human and faunus who were siblings and were close to each other. Velvet found a seat next to Blake who was currently engrossed in her own book "A Man with Two Souls." Velvet began to read and continued to read, she usually wouldn't read that much unless it was for a book report but the book she was reading had her adrenaline going up every second, eyes widening at every word. Currently she was at the climax of the book where the human sibling has to make a choice whether to save his faunus sister or the love of his life who despises faunus. Velvet was about to find out when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Jumping in surprise she looked to see who had dared tapped her at the best part of her book only to find Blake chuckling at her reaction. Velvet blushed in embarrassment as Blake suggested they should go get some lunch from the cafeteria. The two had a nice lunch talking about random things from the books they were reading to the topic of Ruby never taking off her cape. After a while the two left the cafeteria with their hunger satisfied and walked through the halls once more. On the way they heard someone yelling followed by barking; Blake heard the barking and immediately jumped over Velvet and hid behind, said faunus yelping in surprise. "Blake, whats the matter? Its just a dog-" Velvet stopped and realized the situation of Blake being a cat faunus. The barking came closer then the corgi known as Zwei, team RWBYs resident dog came running past them. "Hey! Come on, give me a break." Blake came out of hiding and noticed Sun running after Zwei but stopped to catch his breath. "Sun?" The monkey faunus turned around to see Blake and Velvet. Sun caught his breath and tried to look cool, "Heya Blake, how are ya doing kitty?" Sun knew Blake and Yang were dating but that didn't mean he could have his fun. Sun looked at Velvet, the two had never officially met before so it was awkward, for Velvet at least. "Who's your friend Blake?" "Oh, I guess you two never really met each other yet, Sun this is Velvet Scarlatina, second year on team CFVY, Velvet, this is Sun Wukong, he's leader of team SSSN, he's also from Haven." Velvet gave a timid hello as Sun tried to be cool and ended up failing because Velvet was so dang cute when she was nervous. Blake noticed this and decided to play the role of wing woman, or wing faunus, but that would come later. "So Sun, care to tell me why you were chasing after Zwei?" Sun laughed nervously "That's a long story, but to cut it short he was running because he accidentally trashed my dorm and I got a little mad." Blake just sighed and signaled for the two to follow her to go look for the corgi. The group of three had been searching for Zwei almost the entire day, it was starting to get late and still no sign of the little corgi. "Where could the little guy have gone?" "Don't know, should we check the dorms?" They went to check at RWBYs dorm and when they opened the door they were met with the sight of Zwei sleeping on Weiss' bed. "He's been here this entire time?!" Blake whispered/yelled. "Huh, guess that settles it then, I'm going to get some shut eye, later." That left the two alone once again. "What a day, wouldn't you say Velvet?" The girl just nodded her head in response for some reason a small blush on her cheeks. "Velvet? Do you...have a thing for Sun?" Velvet fumbled over her words trying to deny it, but failed. "Ok, so I like him, but how do I ask him out, I'm too shy and awkward to do it..." "Velvet, I could help you if you want" "Really?" "Of course, but we should probably get some sleep, its getting pretty late" The time currently read 11:30 P.M.  "Yeah, guess you're right" Velvet said yawning. "Velvet...would you like to sleep with me tonight, its already late and your dorm is..." "U-Um, I-I'm not sure, what if Yang sees us." "Don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll understand, now get in bed." Velvet followed orders and got into Blakes bed. Blake changed into her pajamas, took off her bow and got into bed. "Comfortable?" "Y-Yeah, thanks for letting me stay here for the night." "No problem." With that the two drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Blake woke up to the sound of her girlfriends voice. "Wakey Wakey kitty." Blake yawned and opened her eyes to be facing the lilac ones of Yang. "I see you found a new cuddle bear for the night" Yang said while giving the biggest shit eating grin she could muster. Confused what Yang said Blake turned around to see Velvet still asleep cuddling against Blakes chest. Velvet must have cuddled up to me last night, well at least it was warm, it was cold last night... "Yang, its not what it looks like" Yang signaled for Blake to stop talking, "Its okay, Sun told me what happened yesterday, so I understand." "Wait Sun told you this?" "Don't freak out, he was going to give Gambol Shroud back because you forgot it and happened to stumble across you two cuddling up to each other." Velvet opened her eyes and looked to see she was still in Blakes bed and she was cuddles up to her. Velvet yelped in surprise and got up. "Well good morning there" Yang said. Blake said that Yang was fine with what had happened and Velvet was relieved to hear Yang wouldn't do anything. "When did you guys come back anyways?" Blake said getting ready. "Just a few minutes ago, the others are eating breakfast right now, I went to wake you, or both of you up." "Well, we're ready to go so lets go." The group of three walked and bumped into the CFY members of Velvets team who was worried because Velvet wasn't in the dorm last night. Yang calmed everyone down and explained what happened. During the explanation the two faunus walked off going leaving the the others. "And thats what happened." Yang left out the detail about Velvet sleeping with Blake because she wanted to show them the picture she took.  "Well thats a relief, I'll thank Blake over breakfast." Coco said. "Oh yeah I almost forgot to show you guys the picture I got. "What picture?" the team said in unison. Yang just grinned and pulled out her scroll showing a picture of Blake and Velvet cuddling. "Aw! That is so cute! You have to send that to me, pretty please!" "Yeah alright, geez." "It does look pretty cute" Yatsuhashi commented. Fox not knowing just agreed. "Oh I am so gonna tease Vel about this" Coco laughed walking towards the cafeteria. Meanwhile with Blake and Velvet Blake remembered yesterday about the interaction between Velvet and Sun. A smirk appeared on her face because she was going to be playing matchmaker. "Blake, is something funny?" Velvet questioned. "Uh, no just thinking about how funny Sun was chasing after Zwei. she lied. The two walked in eating breakfast catching up with Ruby about what happened during the mission, little did everyone know Blake was coming up with a plan to get a certain monkey and rabbit together...

Blake you dawg! Next chapter will be about Blake getting Sun and Velvet together so be ready for that chapter. As always, hope you enjoyed and I will see you next time!


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