Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the tenth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*


A couple of minutes later, Weiss comes back inside the classroom, now back in her regular attire. She walks across at the other end of the classroom, readies her Myrtenaster at the growling creature in the cage. My teammates and hers cheer her on from our seats in the front row, with me and my team behind them.

Yang: (raising her fist) Gooooo, Weiss!

Rachel: Yeah!

Mitchell: Good luck!

Blake: (waving a small flag saying "RWBY") Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah, represent teeeeam RWBY!

Weiss: Ruby! I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: (looking sheepish) Oh, um... Sorry...

Me: It's okay, Ruby. Let her take her moment.

Mitchell: Hey, Tenka?

Tenka: Yes?

Mitchell: It's about Professor Port's weapon. Wouldn't firing that thing will kind of... hurt? Like, I mean, look at it?

Tenka: It's alright. I see what you mean. Well, I don't know, Mitchell, but I'm guessing it's his personal preference...

Mitchell: Oh.

Rachel: Aren't you going to cheer for her, Tenka?

Tenka: After seeing Ruby get scolded for it? Nah. And besides, she doesn't need it. She just need to be confident and brave.

Rachel looks at him incredulously by his remark.

Rachel: What do you mean?

Tenka: She has talent. A talent for getting exactly what she wants.

Rachel and Mitchell stares at the samurai out of confusion, before deciding to drop the topic and turn their attention back towards the oncoming fight.

Port: Alllllllright! (next to the cage, pulling out his axe-blunderbuss) Let the match... BEGIN!!

The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at Weiss. She uses Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

Port: Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?

Ruby: Hang in there, Weiss!

Weiss is now speeding towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and the Myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt, and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

Ruby: Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!

Mitchell: Uh, Ruby? Maybe you should stop now.

Weiss turns to glare at Ruby, only for the Boarbatusk to turn its head and rip the sword from her grip. Myrtenaster lands far away from its master, who is knocked back by the beast's tusks.

Rachel: (whispers to Mitchell) This is not getting good...

Port: Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?

I had a very huge urge to help her, but I knew better not to get involved in this as it could get even more messy. Weiss looks up just in time to see the Boarbatusk to charge again, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled and make it crash into a desk. Weiss rushes at her sword and slides to get it back in her hand

Ruby: Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armour underneath-

Weiss: (turning to Ruby) Stop telling me what to do!!

Ruby looks hurt at Weiss' rebuttal, causing her to stop cheering on for her and stops talking for the rest of the fight. Meanwhile, the Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss. It comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her blue-white circles (glyphs) and blocks the roll, leaping up into the now-black snowflake symbol and turning it blue again so she can drive the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach. It squeals and falls silent while Weiss gasps in relief.

Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training!

Weiss stands up at attention from her exhausted position and Ruby continues to frown.

Port: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. But be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Weiss glares and turns away, walking hurriedly to the exit past her teammates.

Jaune: (watching her leave) Sheesh, what's with her?

Rachel shrugged her shoulders in response.

Mitchell: No clue...

The remaining members of Team RWBY look at each other with the same question.

Ruby: Let me talk to her.

Me: I'm coming with you.

Ruby: Thank you, Shadow, but this is something I must do for now. I'm her leader after all.

And with that, she ran off from the classroom to catch up with her.

Yang: Don't you guys really think we should help her out?

Me: No. Like she said, she's the Team Leader.

Rachel: That, and it's what Weiss wants her to act like that.

Me: Let's all go back to our dorm, and do our class homework given to us.

I packed up my stuff and headed out of the class, followed by Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Hmm... Maybe I should see how things would go well between the two.

Turning my head in every corner of the hallwayto find no one in sight, I materialized my body into a flurry ofsnow, and scanned through the hallways to look for them.


Ruby's POV:

I took a sharp turn at a corner to find Weiss still storming off. So, I ran up with her with a concern look in my face.

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: (turning around) What?!

Ruby: What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?

Weiss: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance!

Ruby: (scoffs) What did I do?

Weiss: That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've continued to do so!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about "working together"? I thought you believed in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better.

She turns her back to me, trying to reach out but dropping my hand with the following words.

Weiss: Ozpin made a mistake.

Weiss then walks away as I looks dejected. Little did I know that Shadow was standing behind me with his arms crossed.

Shadow: (Sighs) Well, I take it. That didn't go well as I expected it to be... Now did it??


Ruby was surprised to find me behind her out of nowhere, but she knew I has my way around with my semblance, because she saw a patch of snow below my ankles. After looking at me, I saw Ruby began to feel doubtful, like as if she was even on the verge of tears which she was about to.

Me: Alright, Ruby. What's wrong? (walks in front of her) Come on. I know you want to tell me. You can tell your friend all about it.

Ruby: Is she right? Did Professor Ozpin made a mistake?

Me: (shrugging) Well, he maybe the headmaster of Beacon, but that remains to be seen.


Weiss is still walking around the halls until she comes across a balcony where she notices someone, don in Samurai Armor kneeling calmly, with hands on his knees, on the ground, watching the sunset over Beacon Academy's rooftops. As she looked at his armour carefully, she knew that it could only be one person who dons that armour.

Weiss: Tenka!

Tenka: Ah, (gets up from kneeling position) Weiss. Haven't seen you since ages... well, excluding the time at the Forest and at class though.

Weiss: Yeah.

Tenka: It's an honour to see you again,Ms. Schnee.

Weiss: Likewise with you, Mr. Kaito.

A moment of silencefilled the air as birds were flying by. 

Weiss: So, it was a great lecture wasn't it?

Tenka: Indeed, it was, Ms Schnee. As a matter of fact, you really did great back there, you know.

Weiss: (smiling) You really think so?

Tenka: Of course! I never doubted you for a second.

Tenka then notices Weiss' small frown and the lack of eye contact.

Tenka: Is there something troubling you, Weiss?

Weiss: Y-You could say that?

Tenka: Well, I'm your friend. So, come now. You can tell me all about it.

Weiss: Well... To be honest with you, Tenka. Don't you think I should have been the leader of team RWBY?

Tenka's eyes widens in shock at what he just heard. He was silent for a moment until he spoke.

Tenka: I'm sorry to say this, Weiss, but the question that you're asking is way out of my leagues. But if you want the truthful answer, it's incredibly ridiculous!

After he said this, Weiss' eyes widen in what she heard.


Ruby: What do you mean?

Me: I mean, come on. It's only been one day, Ruby. Trust me, I know the feel of becoming a leader too. But, let me tell you this Ruby, leaders are rarely perfect and, I know that Ozpin may have---

???: ---have made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But if you were me, I would not consider your appointment of being leader to be one of them. Do you?

I suddenly jumped while I was talking to Ruby in private. I looked back, only to see Professor Ozpin, holding his cup of coffee and his cane as he looked at me and Ruby discussing about being a leader.

Ruby: Well.....

Me: Ummmm... well I...


Weiss was incredibly mortified to hear this from her most trusted friend. This angers her to the top as she looks at Tenka in an angry look.

Weiss: Excuse me?!

Tenka: Look, Weiss. Ozpin has his reasons why he's doing it. He is known to be a man of reason, after all. 

Weiss: So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?

Tenka: With all due respect that I could gather within myself Weiss, but to lay it on the line, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude.

After hearing Tenka's statement, Weiss became more angry and frustrated at him, deliberately seething him now.

Weiss: How dare you!!

Tenka only sighs in disappoint at Weiss' harsh retaliation, while looking unto the setting sun.

Tenka: I stand corrected. If you ask me.....

He stops staring at the sun and faces the young huntress-in-training with a straight face.

Tenka: ...I see a girl before me who has spent her entire life getting exactly  what she wanted.


Ozpin: Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?

Ruby looks thoughtful with his words, then smiles at him, then to me.


Tenka: So statistically speaking, the outcome did not fall in your favor because of it. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those who are in more power than the two of us to reconsider their decision?

With this question he asked, Weiss finally calms down and looks at him again.

Tenka: So if I were you Weiss, instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do, and what you have. Try to.... you know, hone your skills instead, improve on them. Try to perfect every technique that I taught you back at home in Atlas, and try to be... "not"  the best leader, but the "best"  person you can be. Trust me, I know the feeling too as Sensei felt that once when he was younger before, Weiss. And this has been helping me a lot lately as a live lesson.

With that last sentence, he smiles solemnly at Weiss, who smiles a little at the words of wisdom. Then out of the blue, Weiss engulfed him in a tight hug, which Sky responded a little too soon.

Tenka: So, like what my sensei once told me in a situation like this, fix things up a bit so that everything will be solved. So, try fix things up a little with Ruby before it's too late, Weiss. She is your team leader after all. We may not become of what we are expecting to be, but the best thing we could do for now is to accept of what our position is now.

Weiss breaks off the brief hug and nods her head in agreement at Tenka's decision.


Me: You and I both know we've both been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Rubes. Try to take some time, think about how you will uphold it.

Ruby, with a last look of consideration, nods gratefully to me and Ozpin, turns and walks away. She comes to the balcony where Tenka is now walking away from Weiss and smiles a little at her partner. As for me, I gave a nod to Professor Ozpin as a thank you for backing me up for just a little while before leaving for my Dorm room. Whereas for Ozpin, he smiles as he said.

Ozpin: You are just like your father and mother, Shadow. Always talking about how leaders their leadership.


Weiss' POV:

Later that night, I returned to Team RWBY's dorm room to find Yang, spread out on her bed and snoring, Blake, sleeping peacefully under the covers, and Ruby already asleep, the latter being surrounded by a number of textbooks and papers, implying that she fell asleep studying. Though Ruby apologizes for her sloppy behavior, I - took Tenka's advice to heart - goes to get Ruby a fresh cup of coffee and admits that I always wanted bunk beds as well, to which Ruby smiles.

When I closesd the door to their dorm, Tenka is seen leaning beside Team STRM's dorm's doorway, crossing his arms with a pleased look on his face.

Tenka: So, how did it go?

Me: I guess, you could say that It went... smooth. Thank you for the talk that afternoon, Tenka. It helped a lot.

Tenka: (Nods) That's good to hear. Well, (yawns) let's call it a night. I'll see you on the morning, Ms. Schnee.

Me: You too, Mr. Kaito.

And with that, he enters the dorm and closes the door, while I left to change into my sleeping clothes, getting ready for bed.


And that's all, folks! The tenth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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