C21 The Train to Argus

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Ruby's pov

I woke up and head downstairs to see F/n with a women wielding a scythe in the kitchen drinking coffee

(Credit goes to the artist who drew this)

F/n: Lady Death, What do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?

Death: The land of the dead been losing souls and Gabriel asked me to look into it and I found out someone been stealing from there.

F/n: Cornell was killed last night so it wasn't him.

Death: Cornell the Beowolf king I saw his soul and I know you send Lucifer to the afterlife to bargain with souls who deserved damnation.

F/n: Death I want you to ride somewhere.

Death: My lord if I ride Raphael will think it an act of war.

F/n: I want you to locate the lair of Zobek and report back to me in Mantle after you inform Gabriel I'm giving you permission to ride.

Death: Zobek you sure I'm hearing you correctly.

F/n: Ruby it rude to ease drop now come out and meet one of my horsemen of the apocalypse.

I sit at the table as Death looks at me

Death: Master I think I need to have my siblings help me with this one.

F/n: War busy with castle defenses, Strife being Strife, and Fury in her happy place to stay calm. Beside I have faith in you Death.

Ruby: So your the first reaper with a scythe?

Death: Yes Ruby Rose and your mother spoke quite highly of you before she ascended to heaven to become an angel.

Ruby: She an angel so she can visit us.

F/n: Ruby she can but those who slept with me no they can't.

Raven: I'm fine with that so only Qrow and Tai can see her.

Ruby: It not fair you guys can't see my mother.

F/n: Ruby that Raphael hate boner towards me.

Death: It not a hate boner.

F/n: I say it a pretty hateful hate boner if you count the war between us after heaven attacked my castle and I defended it by killing a few hundred angels and religious nut cases before calling a truce between us.

Raven: Yup that a hate boner.

Death: I see your point.

Time skip to the station F/n's pov

When we arrive at the station with my ring on to hide my appearance as I see Ruby rushing off somewhere and Qrow goes deliver a message to Irondick as I spot a old lady as I sneak behind her after I see a message from Emerald that she loves my castle and Seinna relocated the White Fang base to my domain as she sent me a picture of her on my bed naked saying come to your kitty

Old lady: I see your still young and beautiful F/n.

F/n: I see time was great with you my silver reaper Maria Calavera.

Maria: Those were the days of us working together with you using your strength and me using my speed.

F/n: Sadly we left to train on are own with you lost your eyes and I raised hell when I found my first human partner.

Maria and myself chuckle as we meet up with everyone else as I see two pricks bragging about protecting the train as I step forward with Qrow

F/n: What I see are two pricks bragging about being professional huntsman in a presence of a legend and a real huntsman who don't need to let people know what we are.

Qrow and myself show are huntsman license as they look at us shocked to see veteran huntsman making them leave

Maria: No blood impressive.

Ruby: Who she F/n?

F/n: Rubes she your new teacher with your eyes.

Maria: I see then and she your newest little reaper to play with.

Both me and Ruby blush red as everyone see this and Yang gets a teasing idea

Yang: I didn't know you could blush I guess you can be rosey.

F/n: Yang I love you but not the type for jokes.

We board the train as Oscar or Ozpin looking at me looking at the relic as everyone having fun while I'm reading a book as I'm petting Lily who sleeping on my lap like a puppy who happily wagging tail as Lola watching out the window in are cart I paid for are privacy

Oscar (Ozpin): What your angle in holding it?

F/n: Oz we both know your new body clumsy so would you rather me hold the relic or your new body.

Lola: Beside if you lose the relic they might ask for knowledge regarding your three past.

Oscar (Ozpin): Valid point but I'm still responsible for you F/n.

Lola looks at me as I shake Lily who yawns cutely before getting up and we head to the roof as my knights are waiting for me to issues orders as Grimm are tailing us

Dracula: Master orders.

F/n: Lucifer, Dracula, Lilith take out any Grimm in the air and keep them off this train I think the house of Dracul deserves a better life with humanity.

Dracula, Lucifer, and Lilith spreads their wings and flies off to kill any flying Grimm and protect the train

F/n: Tammy take them out from range, Lola see if you can tame a few and use their numbers against them.

Tammy starts firing her bow as Lola using her whip to tame the Grimm to attack the fellow hoard

F/n: Aplises call the Grimm shots and attacks out and Elizabeth protect her using magic of decay.

Aplises starts using her mirror as Elizabeth stays beside her with magic in her hands till I see the turrets turn on but I override them with my scroll to disable them as I start firing my guns at a manticore as it lands on the train before me as glare into it eyes

Manticore: You reek of something fowl.

I just stay quiet as I close my eyes while putting my guns away before opening my eyes after taking my ring off to show my blood red eyes before dodging a strike from his tail as I put my left hand on his stringer and holds it in place as the Manticore looks at me in fear

Manticore: Let go this instant.

I grab the stinger then rips it off as the Grimm screams as I summon beowolf and punch with full force on the manticore making every bone shatter as it implodes as we get back inside the train while I put my ring back on as the two huntsman are gathering everyone I see Ren and Jaune using both their semblances to protect them as Nora firing her grenade launcher out the window

Ruby: F/n we need to split up to protect these people my team and your knights stay with you.

F/n: Sarah, Yin, Kaya go with JNPR and protect them and Oscar go with them.

Oscar (Ozpin): I'm staying with you.

Blake unattached are train car as I hold onto Maria and Lily as we are rammed off the cliff and after we stop we get out of the train as I see my knights getting their snow coats on expect Dracula, Lola, Lily, and myself while I hold the Relic of Knowledge close as I help everyone up and get Yang's Bumblebee out of the train and holds it up as everyone looks at me

Ruby: F/n why are you holding the relic?

F/n: Cause it was either me or Oz and I rather not be in that bastard hands.

Oscar: Why do you look like you want to kill me?

F/n: Jinn.

As soon as I say that name a blue genie like women appears and looks at me shocked

Jinn: Lord Dracul why do you have the relic?

F/n: Jinn you have infinite knowledge I don't need to answer if you already have the answer.

Jinn: Your right.

Ruby: F/n, what's going on?

F/n: Jinn you remember Ozma?

Jinn looks at Oscar then snickers before looking back at me

Jinn: Yes he asked me a question years ago I believe you didn't ask your yet.

F/n: Jinn I have alot of questions but I can't I don't want to spoil my future.

Jinn: You been quiet selfish on in your life.

Ruby: What the history between Ozpin, Salem, and F/n?

I stop Ozpin as soon as he took control of Oscar to rush at Ruby as Jinn starts an illusion as Jinn explains are past starting with Salam in a tower but after she was rescued it switched to my mother who was begging my father to have the ability to conceive a child and he agrees but the twist was he made her pregnant as I'm covering Lily's eyes while Yang covers Ruby's eyes of my father pinning my mother down and does things to destroy innocence of children as I'm embarrassed by this and when Jinn tells the rest of story saying Salem can't be killed.

Jinn: Dracul do you have your question?

F/n: Jinn return to the lamp.

Jinn returns to the lamp as I approach Oscar

Oscar (Ozpin): What did you do?

F/n: Shut it old man I'm running this show now you lost your touch with many years ago after you stormed my castle and put me in your group to stop her.

I feel Ozpin's soul go into Oscar mind and locks himself in a subconscious room as I look at everyone

F/n: Listen up everyone I know Salem better than anyone here and since we have the Relic of Knowledge and heading to Mantle that her new target and gonna send everything at us even seek out humans and faunus who hates us who'll work for her to get what she wants.

Raven: F/n you bonded with that Schnee in the military who raising your child of the Schnee family.

F/n: Raven if I portal to Winter and she near Jacques he'll arrest me for something I didn't do yet.

Raven: So you better be on humanity side or I'll castrate you.

I pick up Lily and give her a piggyback as Maria jumps into my arms to be carried as Team RWBY and Raven are looking at me showing jealousy before we start walking to find shelter and when we see a building I recognize it as a farm that I know abandoned due to what made it home here but I can't afford for them to get hyperthermia and die

F/n: Everyone we stay here then we head to Argus cause I'm burning this place to the ground everyone dead here so living room only.

They head inside as I'm outside with my knights as I'm pouring oil in the well for tomorrow before we head inside as I'm leaning against the framing of the living room while everyone getting ready for bed as Qrow drinking while on watch

Next day

I was attaching cart to Yang's bike and sits on the cart before everyone joins me outside and gets on the cart attached to Yang's bike while I drop a molatov down the well before I get on the cart as the fire spreads quickly as soon as we drove off and I look back at the burning farm smiling that I avenged those souls but my attention quickly changes to Ruby who talking to Jaune as I put my ring back on to hide my true appearance as Argus gets into view from the hill were on before we head down carefully while my knights disappear back to the castle and when we arrive I get off and head to the park to see a memorial statue of Pyrrha as I look at it while I'm dealing with the painful memories of her passing as I place my hand on the the footing to the foundation as soon as I kneel before it

F/n: I'm sorry I couldn't save you from death as well as I could if only I was faster and wasn't being attacked by that priest you'd still be alive and probably kissing your Vomit Jauney boy.

I pull out her broken spear Akouo and put it on the memorial statue before standing back up as a women resembling her approach with roses

Women: You a friend of hers?

F/n: Yes.

The woman place the roses down beside the broken weapon before leaving

F/n: She died doing her duty but she wasn't ready for it. Everyone lost someone that day from each kingdom who was important to them some more important to that said person I lost a good friend, my first bride, and child within my pregnant wife.

Woman: I see well down the line we just keep their memories alive in are hearts.

After she said that she left as in staring into the statues eyes a bit long before heading to the Atlas base with just to see it guarded heavily then leaves to find the rest who at the last place I wanted to be at Jaune's sisters place and when I enter I see everyone looking at me as I sit in the corner of the room

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