Meet Jaune Arc's AU part 1

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Fallen: Yo! Yo! What's up fuckers!!

Fallen wearing a white t-shirt, black boxers, dark gray sweatpants, white socks, white sneaker, a white & blue sweater. His hair messy from the you know.. and some lipstick on his face

Tesla: Dude.. It's been 5 weeks already, where were you?

Fallen: I having sex.

Tesla: I... you what never mind... you took care of today reaction..

Fallen: What is it?

Jack: This reaction is about meeting Jaune Arc's AU. Tesla and I are going to sleep now.

Tesla and Jack vanished leaving Fallen with the RWBY cast

Fallen: Okay then, let's go.

Fallen sits in his chair and types in some codes into computer which several lights appeared and about 10 figures showed up and the light went away
(Fallen: This these are the nickname for the ten different Jaune.)
(CyberPunk)- Razor
(MHA)- Excalibur
(Fantasy)- Royal
(Grimm)- Dark
(Zombie Apocalypse)- Scout
(Parasite)- Fresh
(Child)- Sunflower
(Dead)- Phantom
(Monster Hunter)- Hotshot
Jaune AU:Where am I?!

Razor scans the room and now knows what is happening

Fallen: Hello there.

Sunflower: *loud dramatic gasp* Fallen!!!!!!

Fallen: Hey there, sunflower. Did I interrupt you with your playdate?

Sunflower: Nope!!

Fallen: Hehe, good.

Phantom: What are we doing today?

Fallen: Meet the rwby cast.

Fresh: Wassup ma broski!!!

Does finger gun to the audience and the audience become slightly uncomfortable for no reason

Jaune: Um what..?

Razor: Ignore him, allow us to introduce ourselves. *ahem* I'm Jaune Arc from a Cyberpunk universe and my nickname is Razor.

Razor pulls his sword and strike his sword into the stage

Fallen: Dude! Don't stab your sword into the ground all of sudden!!

Razor: I'm sorry! *pulls his sword out of the stage and place it back into his hostler* Sorry about that..

Fallen: It's fine, just don't do that again.

Ruby: That sword design?! What material is it made of?!

Razor: This sword here, is made out of carbon steel, tungsten, and carbon alloy with a bit of technology from Mr. Ironwood and Mrs. Ironwood.

Ironwood: Mrs. Ironwood?

Razor: Oh right, Mrs. Ironwood is Ms. Goodwitch.

Glynda/Ironwood: Wait I'm married to Ironwood/Glynda!!?

Shocking the crowd. The women congratulated Glynda and the men congratulated Ironwood

Qrow: Congratulations James.

Tai: Congrats man!

Obleck: Congrats.

(Author: This is me, Fallen.)

(Fallen: Oh hey, Author. What do you need?)

(Author: About that... you'll be having four more guests coming to you...)

(Fallen: Who are th- Nononononono!! You don't mean?!)

(Author: Mhm yep, those four people. Welp good luck!)

(Fallen: Wait don't leave me here with those four?!?! Author?!?!?!?!)

The ten Jaune Arc were quickly moved to seats with the audience and a bright light appeared blinding everyone including Fallen, who was screaming internally

(Fallen: MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!)

The light disappeared revealing THE FOUR and suddenly the atmosphere in the room became so heavy and cold which everyone was slowly being crushed or forced into their seats. The heavy and cold atmosphere stops and everyone was coughing and shaking in fear or shivering in the cold temperature.

Creator: Hello.. Fallen..

Fallen: *heavy panting and shivering in from the cold* H-Hello Creator, De-Destroyer, Observer.., and Reality Conq-quer...
Creator Info

Age- Unknown
Height- Unknown
Weight- Unknown
Birthplace- Unknown
Race- Unknown

Role info- He is the Author's helper who creates new ideas, oc, stories, or many etc. and also known to be the 1st strongest being amongst his many brothers and sisters. The warden to the Multiverse Watchers that observe them do their job instead of causing trouble, fear, or death to any other multiverses or even the other Authors..
Destroyer Info

Age- Unknown
Height- Unknown
Weight- Unknown
Birthplace- Unknown
Race- Unknown

Role info- He is the 2nd strongest being amongst his many brothers and sisters. His role is to destroy any non existent or existing ideas that Author has no use for. Same his brother Creator that observes the Multiverse Watchers but does the opposite. He'll wipe any Multiverse Watchers that does anything stupid which his brother Creator will indeed inform him about..
Observer Info

Age- Unknown
Height- Unknown
Weight- Unknown
Birthplace- Unknown
Race- Unknown

Role info- He is the 3rd strongest being amongst his many brothers and sisters. He observes many Authors stories and ideas, in which he'll share some of the Authors ideas to his brother Creator and Creator will tell the Author about this new idea. He is neutral to everything and everyone but he will act out of anything or anyone who tries to do anything dumb or annoying to the Author..
Reality Conquer Info

Age- Unknown
Height- Unknown
Weight- Unknown
Birthplace- Unknown
Race- Unknown

Role info- He is the 4th strongest being amongst his many brothers and sisters. He is always with the Author at all times in his mind and infuse his mind into his Creator thoughts or his reality as if the real world never existed..
Creator: We'll continue to tomorrow, Fallen..

Fallen: Yes sir..

Creator: Also Fallen..

Fallen: Yes sir..?

Creator sent a killing intent to Fallen which Fallen notices and nods his head up and down repeatedly. Creator stops sending his killing intent to Fallen and said

Creator: Fallen.. YOU. BEEN. GONE. FOR. FIVE. WEEKS!!!

Shaking the whole room by his loud and aggressive tone. The Rwby cast and the ten Jaune was strike in fear but Fallen was afraid he'll be wiped out of existence by Destroyer

Creator: I.. want.. you.. to.. leave.. this.. place..! Now..!!

Fallen quickly disappear leaving the rwby cast and ten Jaune alone with THE FOUR

Observer: *turns to the viewer* We're sorry but the Author has created a new story called The Immortal Pirate and he won't respond since he is dealing with his school work and other stuff. So have nice day..

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