Chapter 9: Broken

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I kept on running, while I was still having tears streaming down my face as I kept on running... I don't even want to be with my friends anymore... I don't want to see them ever again... After everything they did for me... What I did for them... They just stood there and watched Ruby drink the tea that had the leaves of the world tree... I can't believe it, I just can't....

I kept on running to see that I was back in the paper acre in the forest where I found Little..... Oh, Little... You poor, poor mouse... I will never forget for what you did for Ruby and for me... I stopped running to catch my from all that running I did. I then sat down on the ground for BD to jump down from my shoulder and stood in front of me...

BD-1: Boop-woo?

You: No... I'm not okay... Not after what happened...

BD-1: Boo woop...?

You: No, BD... We're going back to Jaune and the others... Not after what they didn't do to save Ruby. I don't want to see them...

BD-1: Woooop...

You: I just... I just need a moment for myself, buddy...

BD-1: Boop thrill woo.

You: I just need to meditate, maybe that'll clear my mind...

I crossed both my legs together while sitting and closed my eyes to focus on meditating and avoiding all distractions... I then didn't hear anything and started to meditate.

In meditation

I opened my eyes to see I was in my meditation area, but something has changed... I stand up to see that I see red all around me where I'm standing. Everywhere around me was all red and a bit foggy. The state that I'm in is affecting this place that I'm suffering with loss, sadness, hatred, and anger... That's all that I'm feeling right now... I feel alone here... I don't have to see anyone around me, or bother me...

But then...I started to hear strange breathing... The breathing echoed around me to be afraid of that sound that was making me feel uncomfortable... I then heard a red lightsaber being ignited... I slowly turned around to breathe in fear to see who was behind me...

No way... It's him... Darth Vader himself, how is he... He can't be...

Darth Vader: (starts walking to me) We finally meet at last. (stops to stand in front of me)

You: (speechless)

Darth Vader: You are lost, broken, alone. I can feel your sadness and hatred in you. You have lost someone that you have cared for a long time, and you failed to save her.

I had a flashback where Ruby was on the ground in the manor when she drank the tea and fell through the hole. I stopped having the flashback to shake my head to try to forget about what happened.

Darth Vader: You never were the Jedi to save others. Those you have known are dead because of you.

You: No...

Darth Vader: You are a failure to yourself and your friends.

You: No...

I ran away from Darth Vader and lost him in the rock area where I was in the open, for it to be dark and misty.

Darth Vader: You cannot run from your future.

You: (takes out lightsaber hilt and activates it)

Darth Vader: You cannot run from your past.

I had flashbacks again from when I was a Padawan, seeing my Master died in the escape pod for me to stop having it again.

I held my saber in front of me to look around for Vader, he could be anywhere... I looked around me to see where he might come from. The sound of my saber humming as I kept on looking around for Vader... I then heard his lightsaber ignite on my left for him to swing it to me for me to block his attack for it to stagger me and move back.

Darth Vader: Your sorrow has made you weak.

Vader sent a few more strikes at me to block his attacks with my saber, every time I blocked, I always staggered and I lost my balance and fell to the ground, but I got back up for Vader to strike at me for me to block his saber and we were in a saber lock.

Vader started to push me down in the lock, for me to try to push back, but I couldn't...

Darth Vader: You weren't able to save one of your friends when they died.

I had a flashback where I was in Beacon tower where Pyrrha was on her knees for Cinder to fire her arrow at Pyrrha's chest.

I stopped having that flashback to be pushed down by Vader with his lightsaber pushing down mine...

Darth Vader: You will always be weak and failure.

You: No...

Darth Vader: You would rather let your friends die without you around them, so that they would not have you with them forever.

You: NO!!!

I stood up and pushed back Vader with all of my strength and I swung my saber hard on him to block it and I kept on slamming it down on Vader over and over again for him to side step away for me to lose my balance and look at Vader with anger.

Darth Vader: Yes. Feel your anger running through you. Use it. Release your anger, only your hatred can destroy me.

I let out a war cry and charged at Vader to swing my saber at him to easily block my strike with him only using one hand and knocked my hilt out of my hand to be thrown on the ground. Vader swung his lightsaber for me to dodge his attack and I got out Summer's lightsaber and blocked Vader's attack.

Darth Vader: Another lightsaber, you have come prepared.

I strike at Vader to block my attacks and he Force Push me on the ground for me to get up quickly and equip Ruby's lightsaber on my left hand to have a dual wield.

Darth Vader: Two lightsabers, but with one a different color.

I charged at Vader to swing my sabers as fast as I could to try and get a strike on him to just easily block my attacks, he kept on blocking my attacks easily and he didn't even break a sweat. I then was in a saber lock with two of my blades on Vader's for him to knock both of my sabers out of my hands and they deactivated.

Vader Force Push me on the ground for me to equip my blaster and fire a few shots at Vader, but he easily deleted the shots with one hand and he used the Force to swipe away my blaster for him to walk up to me, on the ground and defenseless...

Darth Vader: Are you ready to meet your fate?

I just looked down to the ground, nothing else to do. I heard Vader's saber rising and then heard it swing to me for him to finish me off...

I didn't feel his lightsaber slicing me... I looked up to see a figure blocking Vader's saber... I focused and realized who was in front of me... It's Summer... She blocked Vader's strike with her lightsaber, but a different hilt, it was a cross guard lightsaber...

You: Summer....

Summer pushed Vader's lightsaber back for her to send powerful Force Push to him to be sent back and hit a rock. I got up and got my stuff back from my battle with Vader.

(Music Playing)

(I do not own this)

Summer deactivated her saber and went to me.

Summer: Y/n, go somewhere safe. I'll take care of him.

You: No, I'm not leaving you!

Summer: If you stay here any longer to fight him off, you will be only getting yourself killed!

You: I won't leave you!

Summer placed her hand on my cheek and I stopped shouting...

Summer: I know you want to protect me and not see me fight alone, but you have to go where you can be safe. I'll be back for you.

You: You promise?

Summer: I promise. Now go.

I did what Summer told me to do. I went somewhere safe where she can defeat Darth Vader.

Third Person View

Summer watched as Y/n fled from being overwhelmed by Darth Vader. Summer turned around to see Vader getting up from his injury to activate his lightsaber for Summer to do the same revealing her blue blade.

Darth Vader: So you are the boy's guardian... How predictable.

Summer: He needs someone to protect him, from what he has been through.

Darth Vader: He is weak, broken and lost. He has nothing to be who he is anymore.

Summer: (points blade at Vader) You're wrong! He's not any of what you said. He will fight until the very end, and I won't be anything else. Y/n will always be himself, just the way he is.

Darth Vader: Then you will die like the rest that know him.

Summer prepared herself with her cross guard lightsaber to get ready to fight Darth Vader to be in a defensive position. Summer then dashed to Vader and sent multiple strikes at him for Vader to block all of her strikes with only one hand. Vader parried Summer's strike to stagger her for her to dodge Vader's strike for her to do a backflip and stabbed her saber at Vader for him to block the stab for them to be in a saber lock for Summer to push back Vader with all of her strength and got out of the saber lock to slice his armor.

Vader sent a few strikes at Summer for her to block Vader's strikes with her saber for Summer to parry Vader's attacks to send a few strikes on his armor. Vader Force Pushed Summer to the ground for her to get up.

Darth Vader: Why waste your time for a boy who has been broken?

Summer: I care about him. He's been through so much, just like my daughter has.

Darth Vader: He is turning to the Dark Side. I can feel it inside him.

Summer: He's stronger than that!

Darth Vader: We shall see.


Vader Force lifted a few rocks and sent them at Summer for her to block the rocks with the Force for a Force Barrier to block the incoming rocks. Summer got ready to continue fighting Vader. Vader Force Pull Summer to him to swing his saber for Summer to block his strike.

Summer and Vader continued to swing their sabers, non stop for Summer to walk backwards for Vader to walk forwards as they were swinging their sabers at each other. Summer and Vader clashed their sabers into a saber lock for them to hold their saber tips to each other.

Darth Vader: Impressive. You have grown stronger.

Summer: No. I've only let go of my fear.

Darth Vader: We shall see.

Summer sent her strike at Vader for him to block Summer's strike for Vader to move Summer's blade to the side to knock her off guard. Vader swings his saber at Summer for her to roll out of the way for Vader to send his strikes at Summer to block Vader's. Vader overwhelmed Summer by swinging his saber to knock her off balance for her back up against the wall. Vader swung his saber at Summer for her to roll in front to dodge Vader's strike to get some distance.

Summer used the Force to crack the wall and bring it down on top of Vader to be crushed. Summer then saw that the rubble may have killed Vader, she thinks she won. But then, the rubble was pushed away for Summer to be surprised to see that Vader was not killed by the rubble. His breathing sounded injured, but he wasn't giving up that easily. Summer got ready to fight Vader again.

Summer dashed at Vader and sent a various strikes at Vader for him to block every single attack that she sent at him. Summer then slashes Vader's oxygen level where he is gasping for air, trying to breathe for him to weakly strike at Summer for her to Force Push him to send him to a wall.


Summer jumped high in the air to let out a war cry as she dashed down to stab Vader and hit him. Summer was looking at Vader for the camera to zoom out, revealing Vader's saber was stabbed through Summer, while he moved Summer's lightsaber at the wall to make her miss her final move. They both deactivated their lightsabers for Summer and Vader to get up in a weak way for Vader to look at Summer for her to step back.

Then, a green lightsaber was stabbed through Vader's chest. As it got pulled out, Vader's body hit the ground. Summer was breathing heavily from what Vader did to her. Summer then fell down to the ground.


Before Summer hit the ground, it revealed that Y/n caught Summer right before she hit the ground for Y/n to be on his knees. Y/n saw the stab wound at Summer that he was starting to tear up. Y/n was holding Summer in his arms to see that she is about to die... Summer said one final word to Y/n...

Summer: I love you... Just the way you are... (places her hand on Y/n's cheek) Always...


Summer's eyes closed as her hand let go of Y/n's cheek. Y/n slowly sobbed as he saw that the only person he for the first time is now dead. Y/n held Summer close to him to hold Summer's head on his shoulder, while white rose petals started falling as he was holding Summer's dead body for a sunrise to appear behind him.

8:45 (emotional part)

Y/n started crying sadly for tears to stream down his face as he cries out loud, to let out all of his emotions as he was holding Summer closer to him as he was letting all of it out for him to be so sad for what he had witnessed. Y/n still holds on to Summer, now that she is gone, but he still holds on to her, for what she has done for him...

Screen slowly fades into black

To be continued

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