Sherlock OC

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Name: Cecylia Adelajda Sikorska

Age: 35

Nationality: half Pole half Czech

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday:  11 November

Profession: Programmer, hacker, amateur digital artist, cannibal


Height: 183 cm/ 6 ft

Weight: 75 kg / 163 lb

Race: white


Mother: Agnieszka Sikorska

Father: Bretislav Masny

Siblings: Lilia Sikorska (died in a car crash as 8 years old child, younger than Cecylia)

Friends: none in her current location, few internet friends

Pets: none


Personality: cold, collected, preserved, calm, good at masking emotions like anger or fear. Almost never smiles.

Disadvantages: socially awkward, tactless when it comes to emotion stuff, not emphatic, urges to show dominance by physical abuse

Fears: fear of failure, fears of showing emotions and being considered weak

Likes: cats, her work, chemistry, and biology, fascinated how the human body can work and how easily can be destroyed.

Dislikes: dogs, hamsters, coffee, extroverts, abuse in any kind of relationships despite her own aggression, stereotypes.

Reputation: people think of her as a nerd and workaholic. She is pleased to know that people think of her like that.


Cecylia was born in Wrocław in Poland. She had a normal life, as normal as any person can have. After her 2 years younger sister was born, her parents divorced, she decided to change her last name to her mother's one. As a shy and young girl but also intelligent, she had a hard time in school, however, she quickly adapted and changed her own behavior so she could scare off any bullies. She started to exercise and analyze people around her, including following her enemies, gathering information about them, so when she confronted them, she knew almost every their weakness. She learned hard way that information is a key to be the one pulling the strings.

After the death of her sister, her mother decided to move to Poznań, leaving her memories behind. That accident changed her already damaged personality, resulting in her coldness and lack of emotions. She stopped caring, considering it as weakness and unnecessary usage of time.
Her mother was strong, only occasionally drinking, and working hard for a good life. Notwithstanding Cecylia didn't love her. Only showed respect.

End of high school was also the date of death of her mother. With no one and nothing to stop her in her adult life, she decided to go to uni, choosing IT studies, despite her mother last wish to go on medical ones. At the end of last year, she murdered one of her friends after a heated argument. She panicked and hid the body in her flat. After emotions have cooled down, she started to analyze her situation. Deciding that burying body or hiding it is pointless, she had only one option at that moment. Part by the part she ate the body and cleaned up blood using special chemicals so it won't be visible in black light. What surprised her the most was that she enjoyed the taste of human flesh. As her friend was an orphan and didn't have any close relations with anybody, so at first nobody noticed her disappearance. After a month there was nothing left out of a body. But then started questions, slowly annoying and scaring Cecylia. After long and hard thinking she decided that she will move on to London. What's better, her job application was accepted so her removal wasn't suspicious.

In London, her life got stabilized. She had a job, money and a nice flat on Baker Street on the other side of the street where our sociopath lives. But not everything was perfect. She heard about a brilliant detective and she was afraid that one day he might deduce her story on accident. Moreover, she was addicted to human meat and adrenaline when she killed. Would she risk her freedom and social innocence for one silly in her opinion addiction?


Her hunger for blood is too strong.

She chooses her victims carefully, analyzing everything and everyone around them before she makes her step. She knows the risk and that's why she is so careful, sometimes even waiting for months before she does something.
Cecylia knows that she can't be even considered a suspect, so that's why she check if there is any connection within her victims. So far, she succeeded.

She knows that Sherlock is way more intelligent than her and could easily deduce her. That's why she respects him as an enemy and human. She also thinks that he is underestimated as a human with such a brilliant mind. That's why she is very careful with her crimes and she analyzes her every step. She almost felt compassion towards him and people close to him when he died, but that didn't mean to her to be any less careful with her secrets.

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