Chp.26 The Stranger

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We then see Lee and (YN) finally made it in the hotel...they walked down the hallway....and to find the room where Clem and (YN) patents stayed...the two quietly and slowly enters the room...and to see it empty...but to see a rope attached to a door and a closet door...they slowly walked up to it and knowing Clementine might be in there trapped
Suddenly, they heard gun clip, as they turn and see a man, who happens to be slim and messed up, and holding a gun...

Stranger: I got us adjusting rooms.

Lee: ..You're dead.

(YN): She better be okay, or else...

Stranger: I have a look horrible, and smell. Now, go over there.

Lee and (YN) slowly move to where they were told...and then...

Clementine: Let me out! Who's out there?!

(YN) wanted to say her name, but the stranger points his gun at him...

Stranger: Don't even think about it. And quiet please, your things, leave it there.

Lee and (YN) place whatever they had on them...

Stranger: Good, go sit down.

Lee and (YN) went to go sit down, Lee sat on the chair across the stranger as (YN) sat down on the ground next to him...

Stranger: Do you know who I am?

Lee: No, I don't know even anything about you.

Stranger: (YN) does-

(YN): No I don't.

Stranger: Hm, now Lee, you're maybe thinking "Who would have it out for me?" You know, a few months back...there might've been a station wagon in the forest? Full of all sorts of food, water...things you need, to survive...yeah, I'm not a cannibal Lee...some killer out of the woods...I'm just...a dad, I coach little league.

Lee: ...Not my fault you left it out there.

Stranger: ...

(YN): Yeah, I don't know why you were dumb enough to even leave it out there

Stranger: Watch your tone son.

Lee: ....Easy (YN)

(YN): ...

Lee: Look what you want me to say?

Stranger: I don't want you to say any thing...I want you to know what happen. Have you ever...hurt somebody you cared about?

Lee: ...Not on purpose.

Stranger: If it were on purpose, you'd be a sociopath, but I hurt bad. My son went missing, I took him out hunting even though my wife said not to. He was too young, I figured he learned....and I came back without him and the look of her face said "You're a monster"....we went out looking for him, didn't found him...I hurt her so bad....and when we came back...all our stuff are gone...your people Lee, that asshole with the baseball cap, his stupid wife, that bitch with the purple jacket...I could've seen her trust if they hadn't made our situation so desperate....the hungrier

(YN): It's not his fault, why even leave it out there-

Stranger: Am I speaking to you? *aims gun*

(YN): ...

Stranger: ...The more hungrier we got, the more she blamed me, and took our daughter Elizabeth and left...they didn't get far I...found them...a day the, so I look like a monster to you?!

Lee: We all do.

Stranger: Some more than others...I'm not like you! You walked him and that girl to a dairy farm with sick people, and let them lay their hands on her and him!

Lee: It was more complicated than that.

Stranger: You've abounded an innocent, grieving woman.

Lee: ...She deserve it.

Stranger: You brought them to the dangerous cities in this world, she could have die!

Lee: I couldn't let them be alone at their home.

Stranger: They could have been better off without you! And that sweater the girl has on right now belong to my daughter!

(YN): It's hers now, deal with it.

Stranger: .....

Lee: ...How could you know all this?

The stranger pulls out another radio, which can connect to any other...

Stranger: You're a murder Lee, a monster, and a thief. And I'm going to hurt you, so bad.

(YN): ...!

Lee: Look, what do you even want me to say? Sorry?

Stranger:  ...After I found Clem and (YN) on my radio, I wasn't even and at you at first...I was comin for the others, for revenge...but the more I heard from what you did...the danger they were in, my plan changed. Lee, listen to me before anything....I can take care of (YN) and Clementine, we can have a family...I bet you don't know how old she is.

Lee: ...She's 10.

Stranger: Wrong, she's-

(YN): 11.

Stranger: What? How-

(YN): I know my friend a lot well, better than some creep like you, her birthday...was six days ago...and I just realize it now..

Stranger: ...At least a kid knows Clem more than you do, Lee. I know how to be a dad, better than you.

Lee: That won't're crazy.

Stranger: Keeping them with you is crazy.

(YN): ...He's bitten.

Stranger: ..What?

Lee: Yeah, I'm bitten...and I'm going to make sure you end up bitten too.

Stranger: I...I Uh-

Lee: So you better make sure you know how to aim and shoot me in the head.

Stranger: No...I'm not going it shoot you when you turn, I'll leave you rotten on the streets like them.

Then, the stranger began to talk towards a bowling bad...with his wife's head inside...

Stranger: Hey hon, I think this might work. I wish I wouldn't have you in this bag, but it's all over hon.

Then suddenly, Lee and (YN) notices the rope loose, and Clementine quietly appearing out from the door...she quietly sneaks up to the weapons on the table...and to grab the knife....while the stranger talks crazy with his headed dead wife...Clem sneaks up to the stranger behind...and to stab him on the neck....(YN) quickly rushes at the stranger and to drop him on the floor...(YN) tried crawling up for the gun, but the stranger kicks him towards his gut and rushes for the gun, Lee stops him, dropping him on the floor and started punching him...but the stranger shoves him back as he then began choking Lee...

Clementine: N-No!! Let him go!

Stranger: I won't! I won't let you stay with this monster honey! You and (YN) are better off with me! Once I kill this heartless bastard, you'll love with me, and we can start a family, yeah! We'll be one big lovable fa-AAAACKK!

(YN) appears behind the stranger, as he uses his bat, choking the life out the stranger and doesn't let go, the stranger stood up and to try fight back, slamming (YN) to the walls and furnitures...but (YN) kept on choking him and not letting him go at all...

Stranger: (Y-Y...YN)..!!! Wha...What are you-

(YN): Everything you said is wrong, all wrong!! Lee finding us and taking us with him was the best thing he's ever done, even for us, for our safety!!

Stranger: Y-You got it w-wrong- son-ACK!! H-He's a mon-

(YN): I don't care what he did, neither does Clementine!!, from what we've seen, Lees a great guy! He's looked out for us, took cared of us and cares about us...! If he was a monster, he would have abandoned us and left us to die! And you're saying your a better dad?!? No you're not! You're a liar! You let your son die, you left the food, and killed your wife! And you're saying you taking care of us is better?! In your dreams jerk! You're the real monster here!! And Lee's a far better dad figure than you...even than my actual dad too!!!

Then...with (YN) still choking him...the stranger slowed down...and to then drop to his knees on the floor...and fall he isn't breathing anymore...(YN) gets off from him...Lee approaches towards him with the gun...and shoots him on the head...

Clementine: He would've...come back.

Lee: Thats right sweet pea.

Clem rushes at (YN) and hugs him and he hugs her back...Lee then comes and hugs them both...

Clementine: I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry!

Lee: Shh, it's okay, it's okay.

(YN): All that matters is you're safe, with us, with me.

Clementine: ....You look horrible.

(YN): Thats what he said.

Lee: Yeah...but, (YN)...what do you mean me being a "father figure" and better than yours too? I know you have a step dad...but what happen to your real one?

(YN) stood quiet, rubbing his arm...and replies...

(YN): My dad...was different...I mean he wasn't that bad, but...he wasn't around that much when I was little, always busy with whatever work he's got, and also, my mom didn't like how he was treating me, teaching me stuff that he showed me that my mom didn't like...and one day, they got in a huge fight...and...he left, left me and my mom...

Lee: ...I'm sorry to hear that son...really.

(YN): I know...but, I just don't wanna talk about it anymore, just wanna find our my mom and step dad already, I miss them.

Clementine: Me too...we should get out of here...and you don't smell good too.

Lee: Yeah, I know.

(YN): But did he hurt you??!

Clementine: No...not really...I'm sorry (YN).

(YN): It's okay. Let's just get out of here, together.

(YN) grabs her hand as Clem smiles..

(YN): Oh, and also...

He then had her hat and gives it to her...

Clementine: I thought I lost it.

(YN): ...I thought I lost you.

Clementine: *gently smiles* Thank you.

(YN): *gently smiles and blushes* You're welcome.

Lee: Hm, okay, let's go.

As the my were about to leave the room, Lee opens the door...and a Walker was standing by, and up front to Lee...but, the walker didn't wanted to eat Lee somehow...only instead went after (YN) and Clem...Lee drops him to the ground and shoots him...

Clementine: It...didn't bite you.!

Lee: didn't. Maybe...

(YN): Maybe it's all the gross blood you're covered up.

Lee: Yeah, come to think of it, you and I didn't get eaten while fighting them with the blood we were covered up....That's how we will get out of here.

Lee uses his knife, and to cut open the Walker...and to grab its slimy bloody guts...

Lee: It may smell horrible, and will for you too...but you're gonna have to bear with it.

Clementine: Yuck...okay.

Lee began rubbing the bloody guts on Clem for the smell to get all over her...

Clementine: cold...and sticky...and gross.

(YN): Don't worry, we'll get clean up after this.

Clementine: two, stay right next to me, walk very slowly, don't look around...and don't panic. I'll keep you two safe.

The two hold hands and respond...

Clem/(YN): Okay.

They walk out of the room, the hallway and to exit the hotel...and arrive outside...the two stayed close to Lee and to began walking through the far so good, it's working, they do as they were told....
But then, the two froze up, as Clem then finally saw her parents...who are sadly walkers, standing there, starring at Clem...and (YN), who also spot his parents...who were also walkers too, they were eating a person who's been dead not that long ago...

Lee: (YN)...C-Clem...don't...uhh...

Lee started getting dizzy again...and to then lost unconscious and drop to the floor...

Clementine: L-Lee!

(YN): Stay Clam Clem...look, at the building! Let's take him there!


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