Chp.5 Satoru Gojo's Been Sealed

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As we left off...Gojo stumbled upon the prison realm in front of him, but not just that...someone else stumbled upon him too, and happens to be his best friend, Sugur Geto, who Gojo thought he killed him...

Geto: Hey, Satoru. Long time no see.

Gojo Mind: A..fake?! ...A transformation technique.?!'s really him!

Gojo couldn't believe his eyes, the fact he thought he's seeing a ghost, but is wrong, he is actually seeing his best friend alive. His best friend, who turn out evil during their young days at jujutsu, and then Gojo to kill him after Geto's defeat against Yuta, and overrunning the city with curses.
Just by seeing "Geto" all he can do, is have tons of flashbacks from back then about him and Geto, back when they were best friends, back when none of this ever happened in their time...he couldn't even speak at all...all he could do is stand there...and look at "Geto". Suddenly, the prison realm speeches into several cubes around Gojo, and to trap him there...

Gojo: NGH!!

Geto: You should not loose in thought, not in mindset of battle, Satoru.

Gojo: *I don't sense curse energy, nor can't live my body at all. Is this checkmate?* ...So, who the bell are you?

Geto: Why, Im Suguru Geto, don't you remember me? How sad.

Gojo: No...your body and curse energy, only information provided by my six eyes is telling me you're Suguru Geto. But...with both my heart and soul know otherwise! Now answer me, who the fuck are you?!

Geto: ...Creepy.

Suddenly, Geto pulls a string out from the stitched round his head, and yet...he pulls out his entire upper head off, gives this sadistic smile...and to revel his brain, or say a brain, that happens to be a curse, and yet also to be in Geto's body?!?!?!

"Geto": How can you possibly tell?

Gojo: Nrgh!!

"Geto": That's my technique you see. I can pass to one body to another by replacing its brain of myself, of course I can also use the techniques of the owner's body. I really want this man's curse manipulation, to tell the truth, You never had Shoko dispose Suguru Geto's body after, didn't you? And thanks to that not happening, I manage to obtain this body with ease. Don't worry I'll release you eventually. In 100-no, maybe 1000 years. You're just too strong to be loose, and in my way from my plans.

Gojo: Hehe, you really forgot something. You wanna know who beat the living crap out of that body before I killed it.

"Geto": Why of course, Yuta Okkotsu. But, I just don't see much appeal from that boy as you do. Copying techniques without any conditions, and a bottomless whelm of curse energy, both of those are just affects obtain from binding its soul from his beloved: Rika. Sorry, Yuta Okkotsu could never replace you. But...there is this other special grade student from your school, who I cursed him with that cursed parasite when he was a little child.

Gojo: ...(YN), it was you then, who cursed him with Venom. That explains why Venom was so intense.

"Geto": Why yes I did. And of course, Venim is my creation after all, And to be honest, never I see (YN) use Venom as an actual weapon snd take fully control of it, and how capable he is using him in combat battle. And the fact using his curse energy with it, it's almost unbelievable how strong he can be. In other words...(YN) might be the one who could replace you.

Gojo: ....

"Geto":'s been fun. Goodnight, Satoru Gojo, we will see each other soon in the new world.

Gojo: Goodnight or not, it's time for "You" to wake up already. So, how long will you keep letting him using you, Suguru?

Suddenly, Suguru's arm reacted, moving so crazy, and to strike at this imposter that's using Geto's body, strangling its neck...

"Geto": A-ACK!!! Aagh! ....Hehe, haha! Incredible, this is definitely a first. Who would of thought a soul exist before it's body does, but really the body is part of the soul and the soul is part of the body. To think its memories can flow through my mind after I swap host. Mahito is right after all.

Gojo: Oh come now, are we gonna do this or what? I'm getting bored now.

"Geto": Well, I do want to enjoy this site a bit longer, but you are right. I don't want anything to happen...Gates close.

With that said...the prison realm closed, taking Gojo with him as the prison realm turned back into a small cube, trapping Gojo inside and "Geto" catching the cube...

"Geto": Knowing we can't use this anymore, it only holds one. Unless the man kills himself, that's all we can get. The sealing is complete.

As Gojo is now trapped in the prison realm, Mahito, Choso and Jogo, also alongside with Dagon, waking up from Gojo's infinite void...

Choso: head.

Mahito: What happen...

Jogo: It's obvious, Gojo actually used his Domain, and didn't care at all...

"Geto": Ah, you three are finally awake. No need to worry, Gojo is now sealed. Now, our next step...huh?

Jogo: What's wrong?

Suddenly, Geto felt the the prison realm feeling heavy at some point, and yet it also felt like it's being pulled down...and it did. The prison realm drops straight to the floor with such heavy impact...

Jogo; What?!

"Geto": I hate this guy. What a show off.

The eyes of the prison realm began to shed tears all of the sudden...
Inside the realm, we then see Gojo laying there and not even worried at all being trapped...

Gojo: Looks like physical time doesn't pass inside where. Man, I screwed up big time, this is all kinds of bad. But, it'll all work out somehow. My students have faith, and everyone else.

Outside the cube...

Mahito: So, what happen??

"Geto": The seal is now complete. However, the prison still hasn't finished processing all the information of Satoru Gojo. So we won't be able move it for a while.

Mahito: ...Huh?

Suddenly, Mahito spots something at the corner of the wall, a camera, a camera that has a face too...and looked like one of the Mechamarus...

Mahito quickly expands his arm and destroys the camera, which could mean one thing: everyone in Jujutsu and Kyoto now knows what "Geto" and his group are up to and have to stop them....

"Geto": Score one for the team I see.

Mahito: Aw man, now they know what we're doing. The sorcerers are gonna come here with full force.

"Geto": Ive decided I'll stay behind. What about you?

Choso: I'll avenge my younger brothers, by killing Yuji Itadori, and Nobara Kugisaki. And make my way to Jujutsu High and release the rest of my brothers.

Jogo: I don't care about Kugisaki, I only care to turn Itadori to Sukuna.

Choso: Not my problem.

Jogo; Huh?!

Mahito: Jogo calm down. And honestly, I wanna kill Itadori too.

Jogo: Mahito! You're not helping.

Mahito: From what I can tell after seeing Gojo in person, and now he's sealed away, the sorcerer and curse spirits are even. And if Sukuna sided with us, we'll have a huge victory. So, let's go and kill Itadori, it'll be fun. Even if Sukuna doesn't side with us, we will win no matter what.

Jogo: Serious?

Mahito: As serious as I can possibly be. But..let's make this as a game!

Jogo: Huh??

Mahito: If I find Itadori first, I get to kill him as I want. But if find him first, you can regain Sukuna back with his fingers.

Choso: And if I find him, I get to kill him? Okay, I'm in.

Mahito: Oh? Choso, you want in too? Cool, that's fine.

Jogo: Hey!

Mahito: what about you Geto?

"Geto": I'll have to remain here, watch over the prison realm. I'm fine for whatever you do, as all I'm concerned, Sukuna was the back up plan if this fails.

Jogo: This is ridiculous. Instead of going after the sorcerers and Itadori, we're just here arguing-

Mahito: Ready? Go!

Choso: Heh.

Jogo: Hey!

Mahito Choso and Jogo then run off to go after Itadori and see who gets to him first.
Meanwhile, "Geto", or whoever curse spirit is that's controlling his body, stays...and yet notice something through the doze off people...

"Geto": Those curse spirits are more smarter than the two of you.

???: Give him back.

???: We've cooperated with you fully, and kept dropping monkeys for you. Now give us back Master Geto's body like you promise. Don't you with Master Geto..

Through the crowd, they're two teenage girls, who happen to be Geto's adoptive daughters, who he saved them back then when he turned bad. The two teenage girls were Nanako and Mimiko Hasaba...

"Geto": Obviously I'm keeping him. I don't recall your heads being empty but I forgot. The next you make a promise with a sorcerer, you should make it's a path that could never be broken. Now become, or is it desire to be killed with this body.

Nanako: ...You'll regret this.

"Geto": Regret, huh?

"Geto" looks back at the prison realm...

"Geto": Huh, wonder how regret tasted like again. long will it take for (YN) to come back, and would have time to save his friends...and his girlfriend? Hehe, let us wait.


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