Chapter Four

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A/N: The Akane mentioned in this chapter isn't Taketora's imouto. Its an OC.

Btw.. I update every week on Saturday


"Kiyoko-san has my heart.. she's so sexy!" Yamamato Taketora exclaimed, clutching his chest tightly.

"Isn't that Karasuno's manager?" Yaku asked, doing his stretches.

"It is. Tanaka and I've been in contact and he keeps updating me on how she ignores him coldly." An arrow entered his chest as the bald comically staggered. Then, suddenly a light bulb went off above his head.

Inuoka looked away, whistling. He did not want to get up to any trouble, especially with Yamamoto.

Taketora's eyes landed on the figure who walked into the gym and he ran towards him desperately, grabbing his shoulders. 


 The black haired boy grumbled. "What is it, Yamamoto? Stop yelling in my ears."

"We need a hot female manager!"

Silence ensued. Kenma who had ducked behind his taller friend as soon as he saw Yamamoto approaching slowly poked his head out from behind his back, seeing that he wasn't going to get attacked today.

"Huh?" Kuroo frowned. "We have no use for a manager. Aren't Coach Nekomata and Coach Naoi enough?"

Fire lit up in Yamamoto's eyes. "No! We have to get one! Please, Kuroo. Help me find a cute and sexy manager! I can't stand that Tanaka's smug face whenever he mentions Kiyoko-san."

"Its too early for this, Yamamoto." He sighed, running his hand through his bed hair. Kenma slowly stepped around from Kuroo's figure and looked up at him.

"Maybe you should give in. You know Yamamoto won't rest until he gets a female manager."

Looking at his childhood friend's verdict, he released a defeated sigh and Yamamoto whooped, tugging off his shirt and spinning it in the air.


"P-please don't hug me, Yamamoto."

"Oi! Lev! We're going on a little manager hunt today. Come with your senpai!" Lev nodded absentmindedly, still drowsy after waking up early.

Yaku face palmed, exchanging worried looks with Inuoka. "This isn't gonna end well."


Hayami entered her school gates with a small smirk gracing her features. She felt smug returning back to school when no one knew what she had done. Well, no one except two people anyway and they were her close friends.

The two girls and single boy were close enough to be classified as best friends but she didn't like that label at all. 

Hayami was a very cautious and defensive person in general, cold to strangers and sweet to her friends. She had had bad experiences with 'best friends' in elementary and middle school, so for an odd reason, she never classified anyone with that label again. That label meant bad shit in her opinion.

Walking inside her class, she sat down on her seat. She was lucky to be able to get the classic shoujo manga heroine's seat by staring out of the window. It really was a good way to pass time; except when the wind blew all in her face and messing up her hair to resemble as if she just jumped out of bed and came to school.


She turned around to see her friend smiling softly at her and the brunette's eyes softened, standing up and hugging her. "You will be fine, Akane. I took care of the bastard."

True to her name, Akane was a ginger with brown eyes and light freckles spotting her pale complexion. Being half British and half Japanese had done wonders for her looks and she was on the receiving end of many confessions.

"I- I-.. sor-" Small tears welled up in her eyes and Hayami gently wiped them away with her finger. "Hey, what did you tell me in my first year of high school? Crying is for the weak."

She sniffed but her face broke out in a small smile anyway. "You said that to me."

"Whoever said it.. it was true. Now then.. do you want Akira-kun to think we are in a cheap copy of a Girl's Love manga?" She winked at the shorter female slightly. "You know he gets a kick out of those, right?"

Akane's smile grew wider and a giggle poured from her mouth. "Why do you distract me like this, Hayami?"

"Because its the only thing I'm good at." She confessed, gesturing her to sit down in the seat behind her. Soon enough, the devil himself entered the class with a large yell. 

"I am here!" 

Akira was a popular boy in the class. His cheerful attitude and approach garnered him many friends. He just had that charm and was a total geek, although he'd never confess it.

"Are you proclaiming yourself as a hero now, Akira-kun?" Hayami asked him dryly as he greeted her and Akane. With a bright look on his face, happy that she caught his reference, he nodded.

The brunette shook her her head mockingly. "Well then, you would make a terrible hero wouldn't you? After the events of last week.. I must say I'm the real hero here."

Akane slightly flinched and Akira lowered his head in shame, his eyes shifting towards the ginger. Hayami turned to face the teacher who entered the class, not feeling guilty at all for throwing shade at him. If he was there.. then so much could've been prevented.

Akane wouldn't have to suffer the way she was right now.

She tuned her anger out by downing her anger by delving into her studies. But the anger only grew.


Their group wasn't broken, but a sharp crack had appeared. Hayami kept up normal appearances and she talked to Akane and Akira normally but neither one of them could forget the accusing glance she sent towards the boy earlier in the day.

They couldn't ignore this forever, but Hayami seemed pretty hell bent on doing that itself. 

People would call her a bitch for doing such stuff, but she didn't care anymore. Call her selfish, but after giving too much.. sometimes she wanted to be rude back to them. In middle school, she did just that and the feeling of pure relief which crept up on her wasn't lost on her. Since then, she always treated people coldly, never letting them completely enter her high walls.

So far, them and Riko Aida were the only exceptions.

After all, there were heartless people who cared too much.

At the end of the day, Hayami turned to face Akane. The three of them were now the only occupants in the room. "Now that the basketball club is shut down.. what will you do?"

The ginger thought about it for a moment. "I'm not sure. I was thinking about joining Akira-kun's club."

Akira perked up, pulling his chair closer to his friends. "Really, Akane-chan? The chess club might get too boring for you. You have to apply your brain which really isn't your best attribute."

"Hey! I can think!" She scowled, poking her finger into his chest. He simply laughed out loud, not bothering to say anything. His hazel eyes turned to rest on the brunette.

"Hayami-chan, what about you?"

She pursued her lips. "Basketball is my passion. I don't know if I can join another club. I might just focus on my studies for now. At the end of our third year, we are advised to quit anyway." Shrugging slightly as an act of defeat, she got up and suddenly paused at the leering figures at the door.



"Eeeek!" Akane yelled out a startled yelp seeing a scary bald headed figure outside the door. Beside him was an extremely tall boy with green eyes and parted light grey hair. He waved at them, smiling cheerfully.

"G-G-Giant and is that a Y-Yakuza?!" She hid behind her bag, shuddering in fear. Meanwhile, Hayami blinked at the tall boy. He was easily six foot four or even five.

"Hayami! Who did you piss off now? The Japanese Mafia?!" Akira asked her.

"No, not recently at least." She turned to look at them with a serious expression and shivers went up their spines. They knew Hayami was a hacker.. and if she royally pissed them off then-

"Hayami-chan, goodbye. It was nice meeting you in this lifetime. Maybe we can meet again." Akira bowed towards her, grabbing Akane's hand and dragging her through the other door, successfully escaping the weird duo.

The taller boy broke the silence with a grown. "The cute manager left! Now what, senpai?"

Hayami silently grabbed her stuff and walked towards them. "Move out of the way. You juniors aren't even supposed to be here."

"S-She talked!" Yamamoto clutched his chest, groaning in pain. She looked at him disgusted.

"Move it."

"Heh~ She's so small, just like Yaku-san. And she's not as cute as the other girl." The tall male commented. Yamamoto froze. "B-baka! How can you say that to an upperclassmen?!"

Hayami frowned. "What do you two old people want? I don't have time to waste around you."

"O-old?" Lev frowned slightly. He was offended. "I'm not old!"

"Your withering gray hair seems to say otherwise." She pointed out before turning to Yamamoto with an unimpressed stare. "And he's balding. Your point?"

"Please marry me."


Okay, I lied. No Kuroo this chapter lmao.

I had fun writing this though.


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