Chapter Sixteen

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Why, you ask?

Because I'm a nice person. 



Me: *stuffs her back inside*

Now then, lets start!


Kenma hesitated outside class 3-6, the honors class. Hayami had texted him as Mystic to come here and meet her. But he could distinctly hear voices inside. Rumors would start if he went inside and asked to talk privately to a senpai.

He especially couldn't go there because Kuroo himself was in that class. Yaku was in class 3-5, a rank lower. But that didn't mean that the libero wasn't smart. 

The door opened and Hayami stood there, not even surprised. "You really came, hm?"

"You did tell me to come to your class." he stated.

She closed the door softly behind her. "Lets talk on the roof?"

Kenma followed her through the empty halls. Oddly enough, Kenma's class and hers were the only ones who had a free period at the time. It was perfect. No one would even discover them talking privately if they somehow stumbled their way upstairs.

A breeze of summer air blew towards them as Hayami opened the door. Outside, she kept a cool facade but internally she had no idea how to start. Kenma was equally expressionless and she had no idea if her were angry at her or not. Heck, she'd be angry too if someone did that to her but she really couldn't bring herself to care.

She was here to make sure Kenma didn't tell any authorities or friends. She really wasn't in the mood to care about other's feelings at the moment. 

He eyed her wearily. "Are you glaring at me?"


"You're irritated."


Then the two of them went into an undisturbed silence. Kenma was silently gazing at the view, waiting for her to start speaking. Honestly, he wasn't sure what he wanted to know.

Hayami let out a sigh, running her hand through her brown unruly hair. "Mystic is my code name on the internet. I use it to do hacking, obviously. I do small jobs sometimes, here and there but am relatively unknown. I'm not a hot shot hacker, not until our Principal at least. The police are on my ass and well, I don't know what else to tell you. Ask questions and I guess I'll answer."

Kenma turned to finally look at her. She was avoiding eye contact with him, staring down at the class who was currently playing soccer. The girls were in a circle, playing dodge-ball. The laughter reached up to their ears. 

She was nervous, clearly so and wasn't trying to show anything.

"Why did you hack into our group?" He finally asked.

Her face slightly contorted into a frown, but went away quickly. "You guys added me first. Akira has my hacker number, as does Akane. They are my closest friends and I think he gave Kuroo the wrong number by mistake. There's only a difference of a single digit in both numbers. It wouldn't have happened if that stupid rat-cat asked me for my own number instead of Akira..

Kenma barely heard the last sentence but he was pretty sure she called Kuroo a rat-cat. What type of an insult is that? He'd have to ask her sometime later.

"Then why did you stay? Why not leave?"

Hayami bit her lip, clearly unwilling to say anything. She was mentally deciding how much to tell her, Kenma realized. Soon after, she shook her head and gripped the railings tightly.

"Too personal. Besides, I would've left the group soon enough. But you found out."

"Why did you expose yourself on the group in the beginning by pretending to hack yourself?"

She blinked. "Oh, you were catching on to me.. that's what I thought since you asked if I was Kuroo's classmate. So I exposed a part of myself so that you wouldn't get suspicious."


He fired another question. "What was with the.. out of characteristic behavior? You're usually not like that in real life."

The manager shrugged. "Its just that you guys don't know me well enough yet."

"You're shy." He stated blandly.

She chuckled mirthlessly. "I can be confrontational if I want to, but most of the time, yes. I hate attention on me."

"How was your middle school?" 

Hayami looked at him, startled. "Huh? Why?"

"I'm just getting to know you as a person, better. I don't know if you're Mystic.. or Oikawa Hayami." He stated quietly, removing the bangs off his face.

She shrugged once more. "It was fine, I guess," she concluded, "It could've been better."


"If I'd have been smarter in observing people like you," Hayami mumbled quietly and looked down at her feet, lamenting her stupidity for not seeing stuff sooner. She was just a prepubescent child back then. But for a very odd reason, she was happy it took place because maybe now she wouldn't have known how to protect herself from the world.

Because shutting people out was the only way in her opinion and as long as the walls stayed well maintained... well, there wasn't much to worry then, was there?

Kenma hummed. "That's all I have so far. Thanks, Oikawa-san."

She turned to face him, surprised. She was expecting him to bombard her with more questions, not just leave her alone after four or so. His golden eyes seemed to understand her query. "I know enough to figure you out."

She deadpanned. "Now then Kenma, that isn't creepy at all. It sounds like I'm a murderer."

He smiled uncomfortably. "You did  kill our school's reputation."

"Yeah, I did." Her eyes were glinting with a dangerous expression. It was a soft and silent anger, waiting to burst if she was pushed too much. Kenma decided that he didn't want to be there to witness that.

He looked down towards his watch. "We had a nice chat, but I think we should go. Our classmates may be wondering where we are."

She nodded, walking with him side by side. Hayami found it oddly relieving. If it was Kuroo or Lev (highly doubtful about the latter) who had figured it out, then they would've demanded to know everything about her from the start. Kenma kept his distance, not too intrusive but respectful of her decisions.

It was refreshing, for a change. There were only four people (now five) who knew Mystic's true identity - Tooru, Izumi-kun, Akane and Akira. All three of them reacted exactly the same way, asking the same questions. 

Why she did it?

Did she really need to go that far?

Doubting her skills..

Getting highly over protective of her and begging her not to hack their phones.

Except Iwaizumi. He was just exasperated and bonked her on the head multiple times for being stupid.

In fact, when she hacked the volleyball club member's phones, she just went through the photos and YouTube videos watched. It was  highly intrusive and she did regret doing it. Hayami wasn't exactly a person to intrude on someone's privacy but that day, she was feeling mischievous and let her emotions run over logic.

Highly dangerous in her opinion, if you ask - letting your emotions lose. It was illogical. While a childish part of her longed to run her hands through Kenma's silky hair, the logical part of her won with ease and avoided doing that. Back in elementary if she knew Kenma, she would've asked permission to braid his hair. 

Walking down the steps, she stopped on her floor, waving a bye to Kenma as she went towards her class. 

"Oikawa-san.. I won't tell anyone." Kenma called out from behind and even though she didn't respond, he knew she was relieved.

Hayami felt an odd connection to the setter soon after, thankful to him. Last night, she almost expected him to spill her secret on the group - and she panicked which only confirmed it. If she was calm, maybe the situation could've been prevented but there was no use lamenting over spilled milk.

Entering the class, she sat back in her seat with Akane and Akira staring after her - smirks on both their smug faces.


"You're smiling."

"Yeah, and?"

"I take it the meeting went well." Akira sported a shit eating grin and spoke loudly and for a moment, Hayami saw Kuroo's mischievous smile staring back at her. "I never knew you had a thing for juniors, Hayami-chan."

A few of the girls nearby overheard this and shot her suggestive looks, whispers and giggles breaking out. Akane punched his arm softly. "Don't tease her, Akira-kun."

But Oikawa Hayami was in a good and teasing mood. Leaning back against the chair, she sighed running her hands through her hair and made it purposefully messy, giving the wrong message. "Well," She drawled out with an intense look. "The both of us couldn't stop." Then with a sharp glance she turned towards the girls and smirked.

The girls gossiping let out a small gasp and hurriedly looked away, cheeks as red as the jersey. Hayami laughed. "It went well. He reacted better than you both did anyway." 

Akane giggled. "Its rare to see you so... positive, Hayami-chan. It suddenly uplifts our moods when you smile."

Akira's eyes sparkled. "You know what, lets go out, all three of us. Its been a while since we've hung out."

Hayami snorted. "I'm not doing a threesome with you and Akane."

Akira slyly grinned. "Damn it.. and here I was going to buy some extra large condoms."

"Extra large?" The brunette sneered. "I don't believe it."

"Well, no one does until they see it for themselves." He smirked, crossing his leg over the other as his eyes glinted. Akane was completely red, stammering and looking between the both of them.

"Y-you guys.. stop."

"Aww, is our Akane-chan feeling embarrassed?" Hayami cooed at her, leaning over on her desk and taking a piece of her hair in her hands, twirling it. 

Akira got a serious look on his face, pulling out his phone and opening the camera app. "If you guys wanna make out... just pretend no one's here."

Akane covered her hand as a hot red blush spread throughout her face and she whimpered out. "I-I- we aren't in a c-cheap girls love manga, A-Akira-kun!"

"Oi! I'm not becoming a cheap video for you to jack off to at home!"

Then the three of them promptly burst into playful laughter. It felt nice to laugh so freely, Hayami realized. She missed this. She missed the playful yet perverted banter the three of them had before the incident. Maybe she could loosen her reigns a little.

Kuroo watched the manager with an astounded look as she let herself lose for the first time and laugh wholeheartedly.

Okay, just to be clear, Kuroo doesn't have any romantic feelings for Manager-chan. He's just surprised.

This is only my second fanfiction.. from the first, I learnt how to write. From this, I'll learn how people all react differently and how to write the complicated behavior and emotions of a human, trying to make it justifiable.


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