Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Surprise update! 

Are you happy? :))

Its my job to keep you guys entertained during quarantine, if only for a while. And since I'm neglecting my other story (IM SORRY) I decided to update this faster.



Oikawa Hayami leaned against the wall outside the volleyball club, waiting for Kuroo to appear. That stormy expression he shot her in class made her almost tremble in fear. He was angry. 

Furious. Enraged. All the big synonyms people learn about but never use.

But Oikawa Hayami does not  tremble in fear. She outgrew that a long time ago. Straightening up, she smiled sweetly as he paused in front of her. He stared at her with a blank face for a while, his hands shoved in his trouser pockets. Kuroo Tetsurou's face was oddly blank, as if he didn't know what to tell her. 

Lacing her nervousness for agitation, Hayami spoke. "What is it? We have to go inside for practice."

Kuroo leaned down towards her, trapping her against the wall as he narrowed his eyes at her. He placed his hand next to her head, trapping her inside. She sniffed disdainfully.

"A kabedon won't work now."

What he whispered made her almost wet her pants. "Watch out, Hayami-chan. Don't start something you can't finish." His breath blew across her ears and Hayami narrowed her eyes at him, staring into his hazel ones. He wasn't going to move, she realized after a while of staring into his ever passive face.

Regaining her composure, she ducked from his kabedon and folded her hands across her chest, raising both her eyebrows. "You started it, I ended it."

"Is that so?" Kuroo mused, walking past her and into the court without another word. She stared at his retreating back, her arms falling limp to their sides.

She was nervous, but refused to show it. Taking a few deep breaths, she entered the room a moment later initiating the training regiment.

Hayami hadn't increased or decreased the amount of exercises. If she pushed them more, it will start showing a negative effect on them. Instead, she was starting to watch video clips of them playing previous matches and silently jotting down what they needed to work on, discussing stuff with the Coaches. She left all the strategy attacks to the Coaches, knowing that they had more experience than her.

Lev was still terrible at receives. It was gonna take a long time for him to start doing it properly. Once in a while he'd get it properly, but then he'd mess up the next five in sheer excitement.

Everyone was practicing as much as they could and Hayami looked down to her buzzing phone. It was Riko. Excusing herself for a break, she went outside and picked it up.

"What's up, Riko-chan?" she greeted happily.

There was worry evident in Riko's voice. "W-we lost the Inter-High tournament."

Hayami paused, waiting the information to settle in. "And?" She finally spoke, her hands turning into fists. "Everyone loses, although I'm no big fan of it. You still have the Winter Cup."

"K-Kagami-kun said that he couldn't be Kuroko-kun's light anymore." Her voice was trembling slightly with worry as she gazed at the sullen and dejected basketball players. They were in a slump, and Riko could only hope that they don't completely lose themselves in the sorrow like Hyuga Junpei did before.

"He what?" Hayami asked, her mouth set in a hard line.

She was aware of what 'light' and 'shadow' they were talking about. Hayami often had to go to Seirin to teach Kuroko the set- or pass or whatever the fuck she thought of. While she didn't converse with team much, preferring to talk to Riko more than anyone else, she did have a tiny place in her heart for the team. The disappointment she felt was nothing compared to what they were feeling.

All the times Riko was there for her back in middle school.. she needed to be there for her now.

"Riko-chan, is everyone still there?" 

"Yeah, but its really dull."

"I actually want to talk to bakagami. Would that be fine?" She narrowed her eyes on the ground. He gave up so easily on the team? Did he really abandon Kuroko and everyone else? Just because he lost?

If so then he wasn't worthy of being called a player. The devastation Kuroko and the others must've felt would've been hard.

"I don't know. He hasn't shown up for practice." The Coach confessed.

"Fine. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Ending the call, Hayami looked at the time, heading inside the court with a neutral face. She pocketed her phone in her trousers, walking towards Coach Nekomata.

"Coach, when will practice get over?" 

He frowned. "Do you have a prior engagement? If so, you can leave early for today."

She turned towards the boys, her gaze falling over each one of their physiques and forms. Kenma stared intensely at Lev for messing up three of the spikes in a row as the giant profusely apologized, begging for one more chance.

This team is still alive - its thriving and growing and won't stop anytime soon. Did Seirin reach its end? That quickly? Were they defeated so badly?

She looked at their cheerful faces as they received, set and spiked the ball. The sportsman inside of her was dying to do a sport - to do something at least. Her hands were twitching with unrest. Hayami really wanted to hit someone or play a sport. 

Pushing that thought aside, she was a manager. She was the manager of the Nekoma Volleyball team. She wasn't in Seirin and therefore, they weren't her first priority.

"Its fine." She finally spoke, turning to the inquisitive Coach. "My priority is the team right now and how they can improve."

But her hands were itching to hold the ball, hear the swoosh of the net as she did a three pointer and even the way sweat made its way down her face. Because she was nostalgic.

Sitting down on the bleachers, the excitement began getting to her. Hayami tapped her legs quickly, often running her palms through the synthetic material of the red jersey. Coach Nekomata eyes her oddly.

"Do you want to use the bathroom...?" He trailed off oddly and a slight flush coated her cheeks as the former player shook her head.

"No, just too energetic."

His face lit up with a grin. "Ah, you were a former basketball player were you not?"

"I am a basketball player. I just.. don't have time for it because of the club." Hayami confessed, changing her position again. She was getting antsy. No studying for today, she decided. Today after the club, she was going straight to Seirin, smacking some sense into bakagami and playing a match with them.

To hell with the time.

"Well, I can't allow you to play basketball right now but.." His eyes glinted knowingly and Hayami got the feeling that he was plotting something - the old geezer. "Maybe you can play volleyball with the boys?"

As soon as he finished his sentence, she snorted, waving away his silly idea. "I only know how to set and Kenma needs to practice more with Lev. Besides, I play basketball  not volleyball."

"Right now," His voice turned stern. "You need to relieve some of that energy of yours so that you can concentrate. I think any sport will do just fine so go."

Hayami scowled, folding her arms against her chest as an act of defiance. "Its fine, Coach. I'll be playing basketball after this anyway with a couple of my acquaintances."


That single word made her get up instinctively, realizing the order of the Coach. He was the head here. Her hands were trembling with energy and her gaze was distracted. Nekomata knew that she wasn't going to be able to concentrate anytime soon.

"Go and set. Ask Kenma to teach you if required."

Her hair covered her eyes and she nodded once, walking towards the ace - Yamamoto Taketora.

He stiffened, seeing their sexy and beautiful manager approach him. What did she need? Clothes? Jewelry? A mansion? A car? To beat up Kuroo?

He'd do anything of what she asked right now, especially since she was looking hesitant and almost shy. 


Inuoka snickered seeing the spiker's flustered condition. But he didn't expect what came out of her mouth next.

"Kenma is busy with Lev, isn't he?" She tapped her foot impatiently, masking her discomfort and anxiousness. "You've only been practicing receives with each other. P-please let me set for you guys!"



The boys turned to each other confused as Hayami looked down on the ground, nervous for their answer. If they say no then it'd be total humiliation. Kuroo would never let her forget it. Heck, she'd glare at Coach Nekomata unless he apologized to her.

"Okay." Inuoka finally spoke and she looked up. Yamamoto grinned brightly.

"Anything for ya, Manager!"

A sigh left her face as Yamamoto grabbed the volleyball, signalling that he was going to send it to her, immediately feeling at peace. She wasn't going to mess this up. The adrenaline was begging to escape.

"I apologize in advance if my sets are messy." Hayami said, as Inuoka nodded. Seeing the ball approach her, she raised her hands above her head, moving accordingly to position herself underneath the ball. Then, she felt the rough and delicate texture of the volleyball.

Bending her arms slightly, she saw that Inuoka was already half way there. Concentration and determination was in her narrowed eyes, Yamamoto noticed. She was calculating everything - the number of steps he took, the wing span, the height. 

Then she tossed the ball.

It wasn't perfect - but it wasn't terrible either. In fact, it was good for a newbie. 

Inuoka missed the spike and the ball fell on the ground with a few bounces. He turned to her, beaming. "That was amazing Manager, especially for your first time!"

She looked flustered but shook her head anyways with a small smirk. "Its not my first time. I've been practicing it a few times with my cousin since elementary school, so its to be expected."

Yamamoto got fired up. "YOSH! Now its my turn!"

"No! I want to do it again!"

Hayami looked between the two of them, amused. Then a giant shadow covered her and she barely had time to gasp as Lev hugged her from the back and picked her up like a sack of potatoes. Again.

"No, this time I wanna spike!" He declared childishly.

"Korra! Get your grubby hands off the manager!" 

"First learn to serve with Kenma!" Inuoka snapped. Kuroo walked towards her, smirking at her trapped figure. Hayami glared at his amused expression. Then with a sneer, he spoke.

"I'll stop every single spike Manager-chan sets."

She scoffed slightly. "This time Kenma won't be here to save you."

"Bring it on, Manager-chan~"

Ha! Another chapter done.

Q: Do you guys think I'm focusing too much on volleyball and basketball? I mean, I want Hayami and Nekoma to bond really well and Kuroo doesn't think of her romantically at all so far. The best way to do that was to understand each other through sports.

I hope its not too slow. Anyways, I wanted to focus on sports as well because I haven't seen many books which describe the sporty scenes. Besides, the sudden adrenaline rush Hayami felt is a 100% true. I'm a basketball player and used to get real fidgety whenever I couldn't play for a while lol.

which is now, during quarantine. 



But we have to be the responsible citizen and sit inside our homes. Well, here's another question for my readers.

Q: What do you want to be in the future?

Also, I'm panicking because Furudate hasn't revealed what Kuroo is doing in the future and oh gods what if my poor baby is in jail or dead haha my heart can't take it. 


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