Chapter Twenty

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im so lazy i dont even feel like editing ugh...

That OC up there is the closest representation of Hayami that I could find, excluding the yellow eyes. Her eye color is different.

Hayami stood with a towel and her bearings in the girl's locker room. Everyone was sleeping in different classrooms spread throughout the school and the girls were (for obvious reasons) placed in a room together.

She assumed the same would be happening once they go to Saitama for the training.


Oh how she hated the female race sometimes. Hayami was bitter about her past experiences with females before, thus extending to other girls. It wasn't everyone in particular, just the particularly pretty ones who every boy fawned over. Because while they're all smiles and giggles in front of boys, they are much more nasty, intense and downright rude within private doors. Snakes and bitches, the whole lot of them.

Oikawa Tooru included - and she told him multiple times that he had a nasty attitude but he just laughed it off with a proud smile. Not like she was one to talk anyway.

But in an almost strange way, she'd grown up to be somewhat similar - yet so different from them. Bitterness, jealousy and anger made up for who Oikawa Hayami was today and in that perspective, perhaps in running away from the clutches of the girls in middle school, she ended up like them.

Jealous and rude to pretty and sweet girls, Riko and Akane were the only exceptions put forth.

But unlike them, she'd never go to extreme lengths of making the poor girl's life hell. She just tended to avoid them.

Shimizu Kiyoko in her eyes was no exception. She was unnaturally beautiful and had boys fawning over her. Perfect grades. A good family, she reckoned.

In all her honesty, she went out of her way to avoid Karasuno's manager during the first half of the first day.

But she couldn't stop thinking about it. Did she, Oikawa Hayami have an inferiority complex? Or was it just the way she was forced to think in order to fit in? Any which way, she didn't really like Shimizu Kiyoko. So when she found out that she had to share a room with other managers, she cursed.

The Fukurodani Academy Group consisted of Fukurodani, Nekoma, Shinzen and Ubugawa High. There were two managers from Fukurodani, one from Ubugawa and lastly her from Nekoma. While Karasuno wasn't a part of the group, they'd been invited any which ways and so there were two managers from there too. Oh, and an extra girl called Saeko too. 

All the girls were bubbly and cheerful, ironically reminding her of herself when she was in middle school.

But now... she was standing stiffly next to a silent Shimizu Kiyoko, waiting for her chance to take a shower from the stalls. Unfortunately, there were only four stalls and all of them were busy at the moment, occupied by the other girls who were chatting.

While taking a shower.

"Yukie! Did you bring the gummy bears?"

"I'm sorry but Bokuto and I ate it all up!"

Whines came from two stalls. "Come on, seriously? You know how he gets when he sees food."

"Forget about Bokuto-san, its her too!"

Then a giggle came from one of the stalls. "I didn't even try to stop myself."

A voice spoke timidly from the last stall - the cute Karasuno manager - Yachi Hitoka. She reminded Hayami a bit of Akane. "I-I have gummy bears. I can share them if you w-want."

"Really?! Thank you, Yachi-san!!" The three stalls shrieked at her, the rushing water doing nothing to stop their voices from being overheard. Hayami sat down on the bench next to Shimizu, waiting for one of the girls to exit.

Her legs were tired from standing up all day, observing each team carefully. Karasuno in particular after the two first years arrived. The team seemed to brighten up immeasurably. While they had the most losses... they were going to evolve, and change is always dangerous.  

"Hey, you girl! Nekoma's manager!" A sudden shout from one of the stalls jolted her out.

"Yeah?" Hayami called out tentatively.

"What's your name? I didn't get to introduce myself to you, but caught the Karasuno girls anyways. I'm Shirofuku Yukie, one of the Fukurodani Managers."

"I'm Miyanoshita Eri, Ubugawa's Manager."

"I'm Suzumeda Kaori, the other Fukurodani Manager because apparently, one manager and coach along with Akaashi-san isn't enough to control Bokuto-san," she ended with a laugh and the other two giggled.

"I'm Oikawa Hayami, Nekoma's Manager." She said finally, fiddling with the hem of her towel. She should've gone home instead and returned early in the morning.

"Man, how do you even control Kuroo-san? He's handsome but could do something about that behavior of his." Yukie asked, amazement in her voice. Hayami snickered a little.

"It takes a great amount of skill but he usually shuts up whenever I sass him back. Acting like a bitch helps sometimes. You have to give him a dose of his own medicine."

Kaori let out a slight laugh. "No wonder they were so scared of you. You give off a really unapproachable aura." 

Silence and awkwardness overtook their conversations and Hayami raised an eyebrow at how bold she was, smirking to herself. Should she make her suffer a little? Maybe tease her? Be blunt?

"A-ah I'm sorry Oikawa-chan! I really didn't mean to offend you." Kaori stammered.

"Its fine. I do give off a bitchy aura, there's no need to hide it."

"I-I didn't mean to say you were giving a bitchy aura-"

"Huh? If not talking, then were you thinking of it?" 

"D-definitely not, Oikawa-chan!! I apologize!!"

Then Hayami chuckled, breaking up the tense atmosphere which had fallen on the six girls. "Its been ten minutes already.. you all are taking quite the time, hm?"

"WE'LL BE RIGHT OUT!" The four girls chanted loudly.

She tapped her foot continuously, reminding them of the fact that she was waiting for them to exit. Psychological effects worked best on girls when terrified.

Turning away, she made accidental eye contact with Shimizu and blinked in surprise as she smiled at her pleasantly. Hayami forced one back. 

Great. She was going to be left alone in the bathroom with miss beauty pageant, of course she was. The four girls exited the stall at the exact same time, towels wrapped around their bodies and water still dripping from their wet hair, let loose. Hayami smiled at them, grabbing her necessities and entering the stall.


The aforementioned girl stiffened, as she turned to make eye contact with the Nekoma manager. She nodded meekly as Hayami sighed and placed her hand on the shorter girl's shoulders, feeling pity for her. Being the manager of Nekoma her actions would have consequences on the other teams relations with hers and she didn't want that. 

She already had to make it up to Karasuno, somehow. No longer was she free to insult anyone and get away with it because this time she had a bunch of members to look after.

"I'm not angry." 

And Hayami immediately saw the look of relief blossoming over the shorter girl's face as she blushed a bright red. Grabbing her essentials, she walked into the first stall and shut the door behind her. A moment later she heard the girls leave and nodded in satisfaction.

She hadn't been outright rude to them, but she hadn't been overly friendly either. Because of that, Nekoma's relationship with the other teams won't be affected and they won't bother her.

Walking out of the stall with a towel wrapped around her body, she stopped in slight surprise to see Shimizu Kiyoko dressed and waiting for her. 

Hayami raised an eyebrow. "You already took a shower?"

She nodded. "I didn't have to shampoo so I took a relatively quicker shower."


With that she grabbed her clothes and went behind the curtains, an area specifically made in the female changing room for those who were shy and couldn't change their dresses in front of everyone. 

After PE, some girls would do change out in the open - those who weren't shy about their figure and would blatantly show how big they were. And there were the shy or the lesser endowed ones who hid behind the curtains, all of them keeping eyes to themselves because no one wanted to get peeked at. 

And then there was Oikawa Hayami who either came really early to take a shower and change quickly or came when few people were hurriedly getting dressed and rushing out doors because they were the last ones. She didn't prefer girls calling her 'big' or 'flat' simply because she was a very private person. The fact that she wore loose fitting clothes seemed to help.

But no matter how much she wanted to get out of the stigma of girls rating each other, she simply couldn't.

Kiyoko Shimizu was curvy and slender, without a doubt. Finally putting on her big tee shirt and a pair of shorts (because it was summer. Who wears pajamas to sleep?) she walked outside to see the Karasuno manager waiting for her. 

She smiled at Hayami. "Lets go to our room."

The Nekoma manager blinked back at her confusedly before walking alongside her anyway. She dried her hair on the way, not bothering to talk to the other girl. Just a few steps away from the door, Kiyoko held the brunette's wrist, stopping her effectively.

Hayami internally rolled her eyes. Of course she was going to threaten her, because the nice ones felt the need to do it to anyone who didn't believe her bullshit aura.  

Shocking grey eyes stared into hers. "Oikawa-san, were you ever a student at Shibata Girls Junior High?"

Hayami quickly snatched her wrist out of Shimizu's grip in anger and stepped up towards the girl. "Look, whatever you're going to blackmail me with.. save it because I could ruin your fucking life. I'll stay away from your precious boys so don't test me, Karasuno."

Shimizu's eyes were wide with varying emotions. She was shocked at the sudden outburst of a normal question, feeling bad for even asking her that question. "B-but I wasn't-"

"Save your tears." She replied scornfully, taking a few steps away from her. "I don't have time for this." Hayami shook her head, the wet ringlets of her brown hair sticking to her face. The two girls stared at one another with an awkward and hostile atmosphere. Shimizu shook her head, determined to get through the other girl. She wasn't going to stop now.

"I just wanted to say one thing. Could I, please?"

Hayami sighed distastefully. "Spit it out. Its not like anything I've heard before."

"I-I just wanted to thank you."

"I knew i- wait, what?!" The Nekoma manager was wondering if she was going deaf. But she had cleaned her ears the other day and this was ridiculous.

Shimizu straightened up, her grey eyes turning serious. "You definitely don't remember me, judging by your reactions, so I'll tell you. I was a student in Shibata Girls Junior High, but I wasn't a classmate... nor a friend."

Hayami blinked incredulously. She definitely would've remembered a face as pretty as hers. Depending on the year, she either would've scorned Shimizu or stared at her in awe. She couldn't remember doing either.

The Karasuno manager continued speaking, seeing that the other girl was intrigued now. "I'm sure you remember Kasumi-san and her group." 

Hayami her eyed for a while, racking her brain all the while to figure out just who was Shimizu Kiyoko. "I do," she finally answered, revealing a bitter smile, "I was a part of that group. Oikawa Hayami - the slut and boyfriend stealer  - doesn't that ring a bell in your memory?"

"We all avoided your group like the plague, my friends and I," Shimizu answered softly, brushing away the bangs falling on her face, "However yes, I do remember that nickname. Anyway, towards the end of our second year in Junior High.. the third year girls were even more vicious - much more than usual. I think its because they didn't want to leave the dictatorship they'd established there."

The basketball player stood still, a sudden laugh peeling out of her mouth. She snorted, shaking her head with a proud smile. "Nah. They were pissed because I was rebelling against the system and no one rebelled against them, much less a group member." 

"Oh.." The dark haired girl let out a small smile. "So that's why you did it.."

"Shimizu Kiyoko.. your name sounds oddly fam-" Hayami trailed off, the memory coming to light inside her mind. Kiyoko smiled seeing that the brunette finally remembered her. 

The Nekoma manager stood still for a while, her hands now lowered from her defensive stance she'd previously taken.

"Man.. you're really not the cute girl you were back then. You've grown.. Kiyoko-chan." The Nekoma manager let out a sigh, shaking her head. In more ways then one, the latter added silently in the back of her mind.

The Karasuno manager relaxed, taking a few steps towards her to see if Hayami would do anything hostile. She was like a dangerous animal - a tiger - in Kiyoko's opinion. Tigers are proud creatures, protective of their loved ones and would not hesitate to strike anyone down. Fearless and over protective seemed to describe her the best. 

But it was as if she underwent a personality makeover - from the first year of middle school to the third year of high school - molding herself into a cold shell which didn't hold an ounce of her real personality. 

Or maybe she was real and didn't bend under the twisted minds of Kasumi-san and the others. 

Perhaps, Kiyoko Shimizu would've been the same as Oikawa Hayami right now if she actually did agree to replace her position in the clique. Whatever the case was, Kiyoko was thankful Hayami stepped in to protect her and herself those few years ago.

Hi there.

This chapter wasn't much action filled at all, really. But now you get a hint of why Hayami acts like that. As I said earlier (or maybe I didn't).. in this book I will be focusing on the character development of MC and her relationship with the people around her. 

Not much is known about Shimizu and I really wanted to write about an MC who dislikes her because naturally, every single MC (girl/boy) will have to fall in love/ want to be friends with Kiyoko, don't they? 

Not that I blame them.. Shimizu Kiyoko can step  on me and I'd thank her. Tanaka is one lucky dude.

Hayami's past isn't really a traumatizing thing like you see in other movies and fanfictions - she's much like us, mind you. Life in a way has sort of forced her to become that way.

And I apologize for the lack of Kuroo in this chapter. He'll be pissing her off enough in the other ones.

Q: Does anyone know an app to make Haikyuu fanart?


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