Chapter Twenty Seven

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I have a thing for his creepy ass perv smile. I think I'm Kuroo-sexual.

I apologize in advance for this chapter. It was just one of those days where my writing isn't as good as I want it to be and I don't think I can rewrite stuff now. 

I'm just lazy.


To make up for not updating in a while, it's a double update :)

Hayami crept along in the empty and dark corridors of the high school, hoping no authority figure would catch her. The others decided to stay back in the room, and she had no option but to take a photo for proof.

Clutching her phone tightly in one hand, she opened the doors ever so slightly to gaze inside the room to see where her team was. Since her eyes had gotten used to the dark, Hayami could easily identify the vague silhouettes which did not belong to Nekoma.

She couldn't squirm her way out of this one, any which way she tried and Saeko made her drink the whole glass of breezer for liquid courage.

The courage was definitely popping in now, but if she was caught changing Kuroo's hair color in the middle of the night — she would be royally screwed. No doubt. By both her teammates and the coaches.

Hayami felt like wringing Saeko's neck; gosh that little shit was gonna get it from her.

Her phone beeped with a message from an unknown number and she clicked on it.

You have been added to the group by xxx-xxx-xxxx

The Haikyuu Girls!

Lil'Shit: you there yet
emo kid?

Hayami: no. did you
add me to a group?

Yukie: we figured it'd
be easier to stay in 
touch after this

Yachi: seems fun!

Eri: definitely!

Suzumeda: we should
meet up too!

Hayami: how did you
even get my cell no.?

Kiyoko: We had exchanged
numbers earlier.

Suzumeda: What's with the
name of the chat?

Yachi: Haikyuu is an old
term for volleyball before
we took to the English

Yukie: I swear I learn
more from memes and
the internet than our damn

Yukie: Did you know that
dolphins can have sex with

Eri: Eww what?!

Suzumeda: Yukieee!!!!

Yachi: I'm gonna feel sick

Yukie: I saw an add about
it and apparently having sex
with beasts is called bestiality?

Yukie: It's a kink, people!

Yukie: and a crime against
animals I won't stand for!!

Lil'Shit: Which sites do you

Hayami: Someone, please
kick her out of this group.
Besides, you all are in the
same room. Why are you 

Lil'Shit: Because we're trying
to include you emo kid.

Suzumeda: Yukie-chan im
this close to kicking you 
out of this group. Shut

Yukie: L

Yukie: I

Yukie: E

Hayami: Shut 
the fuck up.

Yukie: S

Eri: Kick her

Yukie: N

Yukie: O

Yukie: !!!!

Eri has removed Yukie from 'The Haikyuu Girls'

Yachi: Isn't that
too rude...?

"Damn you, Kiyoko for adding me to a useless spam group." 

Hayami scowled under her breath, her thumb hovering over the 'Leave Chat' button as she grabbed the handle and opened the next door in the darkness. 

The sounds of soft snoring filled her ears, and her eyes wandered over each figure curiously searching for the one with the messy hair. This was the last room and he had  to be here. If he wasn't then she was going to have to search all of them again. Exiting the messenger app, she used the phone's light to walk towards an overly familiar figure. 

She couldn't see his face, but for some reason she just knew it was Kuroo.

Bending down, she kept her phone upside down on the ground next to her and swiped the option to increase the brightness to the maximum level. She couldn't switch on the torch. Who knew if Kuroo or any of the other guys were sensitive to light?

With enough light illuminating his face, Hayami gently took out the spray color from her jacket's pocket, and ran her hands softly through Kuroo's hair. 

It was soft, she realized in surprise —  the type of soft which she'd expect a girl to have if she conditioned her hair well and regularly. It was a real pity that she was doing this.

Nevertheless, a smirk formed on her lips and Hayami mentally thanked Saeko for giving her the perfect revenge. She still remembered the laxative ridden chocolates, and public embarrassment was always the answer in getting him back.

Kuroo was popular, had an image to uphold and like most people — he cared about what others thought of him. Hayami had no doubt that he was the type to change himself little by little, molding himself into another personality and she didn't like that.

Not one bit.

"Looks like I have to teach you some stuff as well..." she muttered slowly, staring at his pale face. He was fast asleep, undoubtedly tired from all the vigorous training they were doing and the extra practices as well.

Running her hands through his head once more—this time a bit rougher—Kuroo purred and she chuckled.

"Let's begin your makeup, Ku-roo-chan~" 


The girls roared with laughter as they took a glance of Kuroo's picture in her phone.

Yukie fell on the ground, her face red from not being able to breathe. Her body shook as silent laughs left her mouth and tears exited her eyes.


Hayami sat on her mattress with a smug smile on her face, her eyebrows raised at Saeko expectantly. "Satisfied?" 

An unexpected smile broke out on the elder's face and she nodded. "Very. Step one is complete."

Hayami furrowed her eyebrows. "Step one?"

"Of turning you into a sociable person."

The Nekoma manager shuddered. "Sociable? Disgusting. I don't have any use of being sociable to anyone, except my friends."

"Well then," Saeko shrugged, "your choice kid, but you're missing out on life."

Hayami looked away from her piercing gaze with a passive expression, staring into her reflection in the window. "So I've heard."

"And you wonder why I call you emo!"

"I'm not emo! " she snapped.

Saeko rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say emo. Okay, now let's save some laughter for tomorrow, yeah?" She turned to face the others. "The game is still going on."

And they continued well till two am. Eri, Suzumeda and Yachi has the smaller and simpler dares which was nothing compared to the ones Hayami and Saeko got.

"I dare you to jump onto into the pool, in only your underwear."

Saeko grinned.

"Wish me luck, kids! Yipee yoooo!!"

Some water splashed on their clothes and they all laughed as Saeko emerged from the water, completely drenched. Her blonde hair was sticking to her face and she gladly accepted the towel Kiyoko gave her before winking at the girls in a jokingly flirtatious manner.

"Enjoyed the scene?"

"Very much. I was almost turned on."

"No need to be sarcastic, emo kid."

The games ended at 2 in the morning, Hayami's mind and body tired from the activities. She cursed at the fact that they had only five hours to sleep, but the other girls had it worse. They had to wake up at six in the morning to prepare breakfast. 

Hayami, however, had been banned from the kitchen's premises after the very first day where she nearly decapitated Yukie.



Yukie bent down just in time, gulping harshly as the knife grounded itself into the wall behind. It vibrated for a few seconds before going still and a red faced Hayami bowed down almost immediately.

"I'm so sorry! I'm not good in the kitchen! I swear I didn't mean to accidentally kill you."

"M-Maybe just sit this one out Oikawa-san..." Kiyoko winced, turning away and making sure she had a firm grip on her knife. Beside her, Yachi shivered, praying to every deity she knew that Hayami wouldn't kill her.

"For how long?"

Yukie shivered. "Indefinitely."


"Oh I'm gonna regret this in the morning." Suzumeda groaned, switching off the lights before heading to her mattress.

Eri just let out a giggle. "I wonder how the boy's will react to Kuroo-san's hair in the morning."

"Time will only tell," Hayami sighed, pulling the blanket over her and cuddling into it. "I bet the first thing he'll do is suspect me."

"What, why?" Saeko frowned. "If I knew you were gonna fall in trouble, then I wouldn't have given you the dare."

"Well," Hayami chuckled, "I wouldn't have done the dare if there wasn't a part of me that wasn't willing to do it. Besides, he had it coming after giving me laxatives."


But Hayami was already asleep.


The next day was a turbulence of emotions. Within a single scream of terror, echoing down the walls of the once silent school, everyone snapped their eyes open and raised their heads towards the sound.

The blue toothbrush fell out of Kuroo's mouth, his mouth agape as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. A worried Yamamoto poked his head inside the bathroom.

"Oi, Kuroo-san what—"

The duo stared at each other in the mirror with silence. And a beat passed before Yamamoto burst out in hysterical laughter, pointing at his Captain with tears coming out of his eyes.


"Shut up, Yamamoto," Kuroo hissed through his clenched jaw. He tentatively poked his hair to hope it was a wig. His once pitch black hair was now half pink, fading halfway to show his natural locks.

"So... you're trying to be a trap? Let me get some skirts—"

"Yakkun, shut up! 

The libero turned away, still snickering as more and more boys gathered towards the bathroom to catch a glimpse of what had happened to the Nekoma Captain. And a sudden flash made them turn towards their setter, as he slowly slid the phone back inside his pocket.

"You look good, Kuroo."


"Kuroo-chan, how about we go on a date sometime soon?"


"Kuroo-san... I didn't expect you to be that type."

"Daichi-san, I swear I didn't do this! And what do you mean by that type?! " Kuroo cried desperately. He turned his head away from Daichi to stare at Yamaguchi, then Tsukishima who had a small smirk on his face.

"No, Tsukki look away! You—," he turned away dramatically and covered his hair, "you'll lose all the respect you had for me in the past few days! I've worked hard to earn it."

"What respect?"

"Geh! You're so rude Tsukki!"

Kenma looked down at his phone. "This is the only photo of Kuroo I have. And it's worth the space."


"I deleted the rest," Kenma said dryly. "I already see you enough at school. I don't need your pictures."

"But if Kuroo-san didn't do this..." Daichi frowned. "Who did?"

Almost unanimously, the Nekoma team answered. "Oikawa Hayami."

"They have this hate-love rivalry thing going on," Yaku sighed, massaging his forehead. "Don't read too much into it."

"It's not love for sure!" Yamamoto butt in.

"Someone needs to scold her. It messes with practice." Kuroo simply said and the entire crowd turned to him incredulously.

"If you want to scold her, be my guest," Inuoka gulped. "She's scary, Kuroo-san." 

"To be fair," Yaku said hesitantly, "It's really not messing with practice. She's just messing with you." 

Kenma nodded silently, looking up to glance at Kuroo once before focusing on his game. "We don't care if she messes with you."

"Ahhh~" Yamamoto blushed brightly, clasping his hands together. "I'd want her to scold me instead, even step on me if she's sadistic enough. You're so lucky she touched your hair, Kuroo-chan."

"Stop calling me that you simp!"

Bokuto poked his head inside with a grin.



"It's simple to wear this, I think."


Kenma turned to Akaashi with a silent question. Noticing his gaze, the raven head sighed. "Bokuto-san heard from Hinata-kun that pain-in-the-ass Kuroo was wearing a skirt, so he went to search for a spare skirt and apparently found one."

"Shouyo? Where is he?" Kenma questioned with a bright gaze, placing his PSP back inside. 

"The other bathroom, I think. He and Kageyama-kun were racing each other to the stalls."

Maybe I'll get ready early and spend some time with him... 


Hayami stifled a laugh, staring at Kuroo from across the room in the cafeteria. She covered her mouth and looked away as his fury filled gaze bored into her. She could feel the anger wafting away from the other end of the large room and internally laughed with glee. It was fun, terribly fun making people angry.

It just showed how much control she had over them. 

He stood up, pushing the chair backwards before standing on it and yelling loudly. "YOU'RE DEAD, OIKAWA!"

The attention shifted to her and she flushed slightly. Hayami bared her teeth at him. 

"Maybe before killing me, you should straighten out your hair first. I'd hate for someone to ruin that face of yours even more."

"Even more? My face is perfect!"

"Maybe wipe your mouth. There's still a little bit of bullshit left around your lips!"

"I could eat a can of alphabet soup and still shit a better argument than yours you basic bitch!"

"Okay," Yukie stepped forth and covered Hayami's mouth from spitting the next insult. "I think that's enough for today. Let's meet up at the court, guys!"

Hayami wriggled under her iron like grip, furiously shouting something into Yukie's palm as it came out in furious mumbles. No one, no one could get the last word on her.

Practice that day was hell for Nekoma as Hayami and Kuroo rudely sniped back at each other throughout the day. The only good part of the day was the barbecue. 

Bad, bad chapter! 

Was definitely not in the mood when I wrote this, but I'm positive next one will be better. Since we're closing the summer camp arc, another one will be coming.

Also.. I have a request for you guys. My friend, yangri is participating in a HQ award competition and it would mean a lot to us if you'd nominate her name for the awards. Apparently, only the top ten nominations go to the finals so this means a lot.

The deadline is 30th September, 2020 so we barely have time... maybe six days? But.. still please do do that. Her work Shard Society is really good and the link will be in the inline comments -->

And the link for nominating her will be in this inline comment. Please go to the last category, which is 'Best Alternate Universe Story'. The instructions are on the same page and yeah... it'd mean a lot if you'd vote for it because I'm trying to prove a point.

Thank you :) 



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