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Today was a snowy and cold day but that didn't stop me from waking up. I felt happy after what happened last night made me realize how much I matter to someone. I got looks from people as I walked up to class and when I entered Hizashi grinned and winked at me.

"A birdie told me what happened last night."

Hizashi seems really happy, Aizawa stares over at his friend the same way he always does, "You sure that bird wasn't you?" Hizashi places his hand where his heart is and pretends to be broken.

"How can you say that?!"

Aizawa boredly looks away from him and keeps on listening to Hizashi. "Anyways..Ryuko seriously when's the wedding!?"

"Give her a break."

"What I wanna know!?" He complains to Aizawa while throwing his hands around. "Hizashi we just started dating, no wedding yet okay?' i tell him trying to not laugh at his enthusiasm.

Enji on the other hand scoffs and sends me a glare, "Smile all you want but someday i'll defeat your little boyfriend." I glare back at him but don't say a word. I look over at rhe door and surely Toshinori steps in, "Heh funny how you sensed him coming." Hizashi amused says. "Toshinori!" i wrap my arms around him and he hugs me back kissing the top of my head.

"Our little Toshinori's all grown up"

"Lucky guy."

Someone else from the class says and we smile at each other. We received a letter from the school and it was for our hero suits, "Any ideas on how to design a costume?" Hizashi whispered over to me. I facepalmed. I gave him a few ideas but knowing him he'll add more than what I said.

We all stayed for lunch inside the classroom because I cooked lunch for everybody even Enji. "This is amazing!"

"Thank you Ryuko!" everyone in class said making me even happier.

"Here Aizawa I made these just for you." I said handing him a bento box with three rice balls with cat faces. He stared down at them with the same expression but I saw his eyes softened at the gift, "Thanks..Ryuko.." i smiled wide. Mission accomplish! I made Aizawa happy.

"Man, Toshinori you're one lucky man." a guy with water quirk said looking at Toshi happily. "You're girlfriend can cook some meals, if I were you i'd marry her in an instant." Toshinori blushes "I'm planning to don't worry."

Hizashi nudges me and winks "Told ya."


Toshinori agreed to come by to my house and think of how to design our hero costumes, so meanwhile he took his time to come I came over to my room. Finally after what felt like an eternity he knocked on the door and I opened it wide.

"Toshinori took you long enough!" I say smiling wide and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Sorry I tried to come as fast as I could, I do miss my girlfriend after all."

I unwrap my arms around him and shut the door behind me once we entered my room"Did you bring your form?"

"...I did."

"What's wrong?"

I stare at Toshinori who's staring around my room, "You never told me you were an otaku!" he says surprised and I laugh a bit ashamed of myself. "R-Right it's the first time you come into my room."

"Such a strange but cool hobby you have." he says admiring my mangas and collectibles. I pout and cross my arms over my chest, it's not a's a lifestyle." I say running my hands now on my hair that I decided to let down.

"Come here." i pat on my bed once I sit down and he started hesitating at first, "Come on I won't bite." He finally sat down and we started talking about things till we finally started reading our forms, " We've chosen our hero names, now we need a hero costume." I tap my pencil against the desk next to me,thinking hard of a design to come up with.

"I know!" i scared Toshinori and my eyes lit up at the thought. "Since we're a couple why don't we choose matching uniforms!?" I ask giggling and he looks uncertain.

"Not a bad idea but don't you think it'll be weird?"

"Well if won't be an exact replica of one another, I just mean like same colors so people know."

Toshinori smiled and agreed to the idea, I squealed and hugged him tight "This is why I love you." i say cuddling up to his chest. He chuckles and pats my head "Glad to know I make you happy." we quickly drew our sketches and wrote out some details about the costumes. We were so tired we feel asleep in my room and forgot to do our research on other pro heroes.

That's till my parents came and my dad was happy to see Toshinori as usual, "I'm so happy to know he'll finally be part of the family." he said placing a hand on Toshi's shoulder. Mom wouldn't stop laughing at him.

"Please don't pressure the young man." my mom wrapped her arms around me as we watched my dad asking Toshinori thousands of questions.


"It's not fair! I'm too tired."

I start panting as we run with the other students who didn't do the homework. "I blame you for falling asleep." i pout when Toshinori says that teasingly. "You were comfortable to sleep on so i'm blaming you."

I looked to my right to see Hizashi fanboying. After having another competition of who would win first we changed into our normal school uniforms and had the rest of our day off. I yawned and tried my best to not fall asleep while walking, "I can barely keep my eyes open."

"How about I carry you then?"

I roll my eyes knowing he'd only joking but then I felt him lift me up and carrying me in his arms, my cheeks were warm again and hid my face from him. "Come on give me a smile." i refuse to so he starts letting me go and I panic,quickly wrapping my arms around his neck and showing him a smile.

"That's more like it."

"Toshinori...where's your house anyway?"

"Just a few blocks away from yours. See?" looking up I see a very small building next to a large one. Don't tell me he lives in the small one, Toshinori put me down and walks over to the door unlocking it, "Welcome to my small home." slowly I entered and saw that it was small..there's a tv next to the wall with a few tables,garbage scattered around,his bed by a corner with the sheets on the floor, his carpet kinds dirty and the curtain covering the window filled with little holes.

"Why didn't you tell me you lived here? Are your parents always away?" he remains silent and shakes his head to the side.

"I live on my's been years since i've taken care of myself. I've been trying to earn enough money to feed myself but it hasn't been that easy with school, sorry I never told you before. Nana's like a mother to me so I don't feel completely lonely, she came here to visit yesterday and brought me lunch till she saw the place and scold me, i promised to clean up but I stayed over at your place." i don't want to see him like this.

"I have something to tell you parents aren't actually my parents." Toshinori stared at me curious to know more. "My real mom abandoned me when I was around four and my dad died so I know how you feel but I learned to love my aunt and uncle as if they were my real parents, just like you look up at Nana as a mother." without letting me finish Toshi wrapped his arms around me and thanked me for listening to him.

"From now on no secrets, we tell each other everything." I smiled at him and grabbed a broom. "Now let's get this place cleaned up."

With Toshinori's help we cleaned up his room which looked nothing like it was before, we sat down on his bed and finished our homework. "Have you thought about living together in the future?" I asked to which he almost choked on his drink.

"Live t-together!?"

I stared at him blankly, "You're saying that like it's a bad thing."

"No i-i', not!"

"I know what you're thinking, we're still young. I mean i'm just 17 but i'd like to experience some new things.." i looked back to see his entire face red till I knew what he was thinking, "Not that! I'm still not ready!" i fight back and also my face warms up.

"...Well I don't know what to say..we'll have to save up a lot of money for that..shit.." the more he starts thinking about it the more he's getting nervous.

I sit next to him again and try to calm him down, "Don't worry we'll figure it out later on, it's too early after all."


"Come on,Toshinori you can do it!" I keep cheering him on while I see him and Nana fight against each other, before he could kick her she punched him and kicked his stomach hard. He began to cough up a bit of blood before standing up again.

Nana smiled at her successor and gave up, "Not bad at all, you really have improved over time. You too Ryuko, I haven't seem that much effort put into battle."

"Thank you master." we both reply bowing our heads.

Nana chuckles and pats both our heads, "Enough training for today, head back to class." she said dismissing us. I grabbed my backpack and looked over to see him and our master talking, "I'll catch up to you, Ryuko." Toshi said giving me a thumbs up before talking back to Nana.

I wonder what they are talking about.

As I made my way back to school I saw everyone excited, "Why's everyone so happy?" i ask around and see them holding some clothes in their hands.

"Our costumes are finally done."

"All of you go to the lockers and dress up." Gran Torino announced before all of us ran and changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and could t believe at how awesome his costume looks. i let my hair fall down my shoulders and keep looking at myself into the mirror, my suit is red with blue like the color of my flag's country since Toshinori and I agreed on these colors plus it also,has some gold and white on some details.

My whole costume is blue except for the top of my chest and shoulders which are red including my gloves and boots. I have three golden lines on my chest area with a star in the middle and the scarf I always carry with me around my waist. (The image below is what Ryuko's outfit looks like)

We all walked outside and I saw Toshinori up ahead talking to Hizashi, but when Hizashi saw me he gasped, "I ship you guys so hard!" he yells and everyone stares at him weirdly.
My entire face turned red again when I saw Toshinori in his costume, "You look amazing..but don't you think this costume is too tight for me." I complain while trying to stretch my clothes away from my body.

"You look good,Ryuko!" Hizashi says smiling with two thumbs up. I back up and see Toshinori looking away, his cheeks deep red. "You l-look great."

"I'm so jealous of them."

"Relationship goals."

"Honestly they look cute dressed up that way so similar." Some girls in the back say. Hizashi is wearing a leather jacket with speakers and headphones, Aizawa is dressed entirely in black with a white scarf. We began to fight against each other first in groups then one by one. I fought against Aizawa or should I say Eraserhead,his scarf fooled me since it wrapped itself around me and threw me away from him before I could touch him, but once I was about to make eye contact with him and make him fall into my trance he looked at me quick and de-activated my quirk.

Which sucked since I was looking forward to test my abilities. Next was Present Mic versus Midnight and Midnight won but making him fall asleep which was a good thing since he was about to leave us deaf.

Now it's All Might versus Endeavor.

The fight went on for a long time until Endeavor began to shout and argue to Toshinori about some personal things which almost made Toshinori lose, Endeavor was breaking some school property and Endeavor began talking about me to All Might and how he's take pleasure in torturing me,so before Toshinori could do anything to Enji, Gran Torino stepped in and stopped the fight.

I breathed in relief that nothing bad happened, "Toshinori don't listen to him, Enji will never lay a finger on me." I said trying to calm him down since he was angry, which was a sight i've never seen before.

"Come on forget about him." I offered him my hand to which he took and assured me he was alright with a smile. I tried my best for Toshinori and Enji to not fight back in the classroom but that didnt stop them from arguing, however Enji kept on glaring at me and followed me around whenever Toshinori had to leave for either to bathroom or to talk with his friends while we had lunch. As soon as I finished eating in the cafeteria I started making my way to the library when someone backed me up against the wall and I looked up surprised to see none other than Enji.

"Get away from me Enji." glaring back up at him I saw one of his hands on fire. "What do you see in that pathetic idiot?"

"A lot more things than you'll ever have, he may not be rich as you but he's given me plenty of love and that's worth a lot more than money."

Enji laughs menacingly and glares down at me, "That's nothing, you won't able to buy things with love, it's a pathetic excuse to be with me. Stay with me and i'll give you everything you want." He said offering me his other hand, i stared down and it and clenched my fists before punching him hard and pushing him away from me.

"I'd rather die than stay with an abuser like you! I love Toshinori with all my heart and that's the something you'll never get to experience. Touch me again and I swear I will kill you myself." I glared back at him one last time before entering the library.


I had a lot on my mind after running into Enji and his horrible attitude. I couldn't help but feel sorry to whoever might marry him in the future, I walked into a library near my home and started to search for a few since we had an assignment for tomorrow and i forgot about it "Now where is that damn book." i wondered to myself and my eyes started to roam at the section i was looking in. "There it is." i grinned once i saw the book above me, slowly i reached up but was too short to catch it, so i stood on my tip toes and got hold of it but i stumbled back when i accidentally knocked a few down.

I gripped onto my book and yelped when i saw the books scattered and a guy on the floor with a book on his head. i looked closer and saw that he was a lean, but muscular with sharp features. His hair was worn smoothed down and parted to his left, and was of a dark green color,matching with rims of the triangular glasses. The guy looked at me sternly appearing to be glaring at me. "O-Oh i'm so sorry! I deeply apologize for stumbling into you mister." i bowed respectfully and began grabbing the books in my hand.

The man stood up and handed me the book i apparently let fall to the ground, "No need to apologize. Just make sure to be more cautious of your surroundings next time." he bluntly told me while fixing his glasses with his index finger and still staring at me with cold eyes.

"I will..umm"

The tall man stared down at me unamused and gave me my book "Nighteye." I nod my head and introduced myself also "Ryuko Miyazaki." i answered him. Nighteye and I talked for half an hour to know each other a bit. I have a feeling we'll be meeting again in the future.

I had my books in hand and began walking out of the library when i saw two girls around my age talking. One of them had green hair and the other one had white. "A-Are you sure Rei?! I mean if you like him then-" "Of course I do! He may be cold on the outside but he might be sweet. Think about it Inko." the girl known as Rei interrupted Inko while talking about some crush she has.

"I don't know. Excuse me?" i stopped when i saw one of them running to where I was. "Hmm?" i turned around the see the green haired girl looking at me a bit too worried.

"Sorry to interrupt but I would like to ask you a question-"

"Do you think someone can change themselves into a better person?!" the white haired girl quickly asked. "Well it depends..they also have to put an effort if the person would like to change into someone better. But I do believe that a person might change." i say deep in thought and blush. I look at them and see them both blushing and Rei pointing at Inko.

"See? I'll prove it to you that he'll become a better person. Hey would you like to sometime hang out with us?" the girl asked. I was going to decline but decided not to since i dont have many friends and they seem nice. "Alright." I smiled and we exchanged numbers. Rei was going to show me the guy she has a crush on saying that he's from another school. I just can't wait to see who he might be.

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