Between Dream and Reality

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This amazing love story by Fanfic.Net writer VenusAmorette is simply perfection. It is the story of an OC or Kathleen, who is in a love triangle between Richtofen and Dempsey! Read the story! It's amazing!

"What the fuck is going on in here?"

It was Tank's voice.

The doctor brushed his lips across the tip of my nose, pulling away. "I do not vish to shpeak to Dempshey," he muttered, taking a few steps back. His eyes never left my face. "Ve vill continue our conversation later." Then he straightened his jacket, glaring at our intruder as he walked out of the room.

And there I was, left alone with Samantha and Tank and wondering what the hell I should do.

"Kitty," he said, his voice strained. "What the fuck was he doing?"

He was so handsome standing there, his hair still damp, shirtless under his unbuttoned jacket. So handsome, and hurt.

My face crumpled, and suddenly I was just mad. Mad that I felt guilty for doing what I wanted to do. Angry that my love and respect for Tank was getting in the way of my need for the doctor. I shook my head, frowning. "Don't ask me right now," I snapped.

"Is there something going on with him?" he growled, his voice harsh.

I stared at him with furious eyes. "Just leave me alone, Tank. I don't want to yell at you." I made for the door, but he blocked my exit.

"Then don't," he said loudly, stepping close to me.

"Look," I said, exasperated. "I already told you, I don't really understand the way I feel about him. I don't know what else to say."

Now he was furious, too. "How about you tell me if something's going on?"

"I won't lie to you," I hissed, getting in his face. "So think about whether or not you really want to know."

He closed his eyes. "What's he got that I don't?" he asked, suddenly miserable beneath the rage. He took a breath, looking at me with dejected blue eyes. When he spoke again, his voice was raw. "What the fuck is better about him?"

The tears were in my eyes before I could do anything about them, and I gasped. "Tank, it's not like that," I groaned, looking at him in desperation. "I swear to god, I don't know what it is. I don't understand it."

He pressed his hand against his forehead, brushing it back through his hair. "I mean… Fuck, Kitty." His eyes flickered between mine and his face crumpled. "I'd do anything for you. He's shit compared to me."

I shook my head, lost. "It's not a comparison."

"What else could it be?" Tank asked, tense. "That's how you make a choice, right?" He looked away from me, still shaking with anger, and stared at the wall. "So I've gotta ask. What can I do? What'd make me better than him?"

"Tank, please," I moaned. "Let's just stop."

"No," he said quickly, turning back to face me. His jaw was set. "Tell me. What do you want me to do? You say it, I'll do it."

This was getting nowhere. I tried to push past him, but he held me back with one powerful arm.

"I can't do this," I said, giving up. "There's nothing I can say to you."

He grabbed me with his other arm and held me in front of him, staring at me. "Is it 'cause he's smarter than me or somethin'?" he asked, wretched.

"No," I cried. "Shit, Tank. Why would you even say that?"

"Is it the doctor thing? You get off on that?"

I huffed. "Please, I just want to go," I whimpered.

"That's what it is," he hissed. "He gets you off. Shit."

I struggled to get out of his arms and he just stared at me, shocked.

"You didn't even give me the chance," he grumbled.

"Tank, it's really not anything you think," I hissed. "I told you I can't explain it, so I'm done trying."

He was quiet, looking at me hard. "What can I do to make you want me?" he asked, suddenly serious. "Wear a swastika? One of those freaky hats? Fuck with everyone's heads?"

"Stop," I moaned.

"No," he growled.

"Let her go," snarled the doctor, suddenly coming up behind him. Gloved fingers closed around Tank's throat, sinister and black. "I vill remove you by force if necessary," he hissed, flexing his hands. "Your neck is so thick."

Tank's jaw clenched and he released me, twisting around to face Richtofen. "Get your filthy hands off me," he yelled, reaching up to pry them off. The doctor squeezed briefly before letting go, then stepped back and glared at Tank through narrowed eyes.

They stared at each other, hatred crackling between them.

I'd backed into the corner of the room.

"How dare you," Tank growled. "You knew she was my girl."

The doctor grinned. "She has ze right to choose whomever she vants," he said, openly smug.

Tank snarled, holding himself back. "You motherfucker."

"No, no," Richtofen tutted. "I have been many zhings, but definitely not zhat."

For a moment, Tank was so angry he couldn't even speak. Then he shuddered, shaking his head. "You know what, doc?" he said, his voice low and terrifying. "You're right. She can choose whoever she wants." He glanced back at me, and pain flashed through his eyes, quickly replaced by determination. When he turned around, his voice was gritty. "We'll just see who she picks in the end."

Then, he pushed past Richtofen, storming out of the room.

I stared at the doorway for a moment, stunned.

"Did zhat ape hurt you?" asked the doctor, walking over to me.

"Of course not," I suddenly snapped. I realized I was still furious about everything, and now my anger was turning on the doctor. "And don't you dare call him an ape," I hissed.

Richtofen raised his eyebrows. "Such violence," he observed.

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered under my breath. I started to push past him and he stopped me. This was getting really old.

"Vill you run after him?" he asked, ominous. His hands slipped around my shoulders, holding me in place. "Vill you go to comfort poor, wretched Dempshey, vallowing in his rejection?"

I stared up at him, frowning. "Stop," I hissed. "Don't you dare do this to me."

He looked at me with cunning green eyes. When he spoke, his voice was dark and tempting. "Is zhere somezhing else you vant me to do to you?" The words fell over me, black and sinful, and I shivered. I looked away from his electric stare.

"No," I grumbled. It was a half-lie.

Richtofen grinned, slipping one of his hands up to touch my neck. His eyes flickered down to watch his gloved fingertips press against my skin. "Ah, I seem to have bruised you," he murmured, sounding delighted. He leaned over to examine more closely, and I felt the warmth of his lips join the leather of his gloves.

"That's how they got there in the first place," I hissed. "Stop."

I felt him smile against me. "Your anger is so erotic," he sighed. His tongue touched my skin and I shivered.

"That's enough," I muttered, trying to push him off.

"It vill never be enough," he murmured, his breath tickling my ear. But surprisingly, he let me go. I stalked away from him and out the door, but not in time to miss the last thing he said. "I vill be in my office vhen you need me," he growled.

As though I could miss the implication.

To be honest, Tank needs love. I mean there are more Richtofen x OC stories than anyone in the crew! Poor Tank:( To be honest, and plz dont hate, but I would pick him!

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