Part 3

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I was gonna wait a while more to publish this, but im doing it early just for you guys
And bc idk when the next time ill be able to update is bc my phone is broken

"A-adrien?" I stuttered out of realization. Realization of what this place is, and who he really is. There was a small possibility that I was wrong, but the look of pure shock written across his masked face told me I was right. The noise that could be heard was his heavy breathing.

"H-how?" Was the only thing Chat could mutter.

"This place." I answered. "When we were younger and hung out all the time, this is where we hung out. I remember these marble stairs, your mom's bedroom." I explained.

"You can't tell anyone about my this." He said.

"I know. Now I have somewhere to be." I stated before turning around and making my way down the stairs. I heard the tapping of shoes coming up behind me, so I moved faster, but he was faster. Strong arms wrapped around my small waist, restraining me from moving.

"I'm sorry Mari, but you can't leave." Chat said. "Where do you even need to be anyways?"

My body tensed at his question. Am I really ready for him to know who I am? I should, I know I should, it's only fair. However, I just don't think I can deal with all the complications that follow. "I, uh, I can't say." I replied.

His brows furrowed. "Why not?" He asked curiously.

"Let's go to bed, I'm really tired." I lied. Chat nodded and walked back up the stairs. I followed behind him and quickly ran over to my temporary room, locking myself in it. Chat's not gonna like what I'm gonna do next. I felt a pang of guilt as I slowly crept over to the large window that sat next to the plush bed. The guilt and fear sunk into every little part of my small body as I carefully lifted the window open. Guilt and realization of what I am currently doing hit me as I took one step out the window. It's dangerous out there and I could get severely hurt. Cops are probably searching for the person who killed the poor, innocent man laying in the alley and my finger prints were all over the dead man. The thing that hurt me the worst however is that I'm betraying him. I'm betraying Chat and Adrien who miraculously happen to be the same person! The guilt was seeping into every inch of me, but I had to get Tikki back.

"Too late now." I whispered to myself.

Minuetes later I found myself walking into the school. I walked carefully, trying my best to not be loud. I proud smile spread across my lips as I realized I was walking in the dark and not constantly tripping over everything. However my smile faltered once my face made contact with the cold ground. I got up and examined what object made me trip. My breath hitched and my eyes widened once they caught sight of another pair of eyes, cold, lifeless eyes. On top of the man sat my purse with a note laying on top. I grabbed my purse and released Tikki and she hugged my cheek as I read the note.

Is this what you were looking for?

"We need to figure out who killed this poor man." Tikki said as she examined the lifeless body in front of us. I looked up to the red kwami with guilt burning in my eyes. I may not have killed this guy, but I have killed another. How do I tell her that I'm the one who killed the man? How do I tell her that the girl she trusted committed murder? How do I tell anyone that a superhero killed someone? Do I even deserve the title of hero anymore?

"Tikki?" I said weakly with a cracked voice. She looked up at me with concern. I was about to explain to her what I did today, when thankfully sirens blazed through the air, followed by lights flashing in red and blue. I stood up and ran to an exit that only and few people knew about.

Whoever killed that man must have known that I was coming back for my kwami and called the police so it would look like I killed him. I do deserve to be in jail after what I did though.

Time skip bc I'm lazy)
I crawled back into the window that I left open and plopped down onto the bed. My mind wandered off to deep thoughts, until a voice brought me out.

"Marinette?" It asked. My eyes shot open and focused on the black cat standing by the door.

"C-chat? H-how long have y-you been st-standing there?" I questioned.

He ignored my question and went straight to his own questions. "Where were you." He asked, annoyance laced into his voice.

"I, uh, fresh air." I mumbled.

"There was another murder." He stated. I looked at the boy with pure shock.

"Are you suggesting that I killed the man at the school?" I asked. I was infuriated by his accusations.

"How did you know it was at the school?" He questioned me as he slowly inched forward until I was trapped. He had one hand on my waist so I didn't escape, and the other leaning against the wall. I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"Look," He sighed. "You have always been one of my best friends as both sides of me, and I have always trusted you. However, you're making it really hard to trust you with all of this secrecy." He admitted.

"I, I just can't tell you where I went." I stated.

"Well you're gonna have to because none of us are gonna move until you do." Chat said. We stared into each others eyes in complete silence until he descovered that I was not going to speak. "At least tell me why you can't say." I took a long deep breath, followed by a sigh. Here I go.

"I didn't want you to be disappointed." I admitted. He looked confused, very confused and it was super cute. "I didn't want you to be disappointed that I'm Ladybug. That the girl you love, is really just a klutz. The reason I left is because I left my kwami at school by accident and I had to go get her, and that's when I saw the body." I admitted just as the small red kwami floated into our eye sight.

"Y-you're Ladybug?" He stuttered. I nodded and giggled softly. I looked into his green eyes that were full of thought. In perfect honesty, I'm drowning in the green pool of his eyes, but I don't want to breath the air again.

I leaned in closer and closer as his grip around my waist got tighter and tighter, until our lips met. However the second I closed my eyes, the trance of his eyes broke and the current situation I put myself in - although I will admit is very, very enjoyable - was a very very odd one. I quickly pulled away and eased myself out of his lose grip.

"I'm really tired." I mumbled as I layed down in the silky sheets. Minuetes later, I was only half asleep.

I felt the bed shake and shift as another person climbed in next to me and wrapped their arm around me.

Seeing as I was half asleep and no real concept of what was happening, I mumbled "Goodnight Chat." and drifted off to sleep.
Yay, new chapter
I like this story so far😊

Ilysssssssm- Lizzy

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