Chapter FortyOne

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(A/N: I'm changing Nico's age to eighteen but I can't be bothered to change everything in this fanfiction while I'm still writing it (when I'm finished I might go bald through them both and correct everything but I can't be bothered right now). Basically, he was eighteen at the start of the first fanfic and is still eighteen, almost nineteen.)

"She's so cute!" Will coos, cradling Emily in his arms. "Nico! Look at how cute she is!"
"I can see, Will." I chuckle, standing beside him. Hazel and Frank smile at us, holding hands. Will beams at the baby as she giggles, then turns and grins at me like an excited child.
"Isn't she just adorable?" He looks like he's about to combust from excitement. I nod.
"Calm down!" I laugh. Will just keeps smiling.


When Hazel and Frank leave, Will still can't stop smiling. I sit beside him and he pulls me closer, kissing my cheek.
"So what did you do today, other than talk to Hazel and Frank?" He asks me.
"That's pretty much it." I shrug nonchalantly.
"Yeah." I shrug again. "What about you?"
"Same boring routine." Will sighs. "I hate my job."
"Hey, you met me because of your job." I remind him. Will smiles.
"Yeah. You're the only good thing to come from it." Will agrees.

I lean up and kiss him gently. Will kisses back, pushing me back as he does so. I fall into my back and grin as he smiles down at me, before he starts to trail gentle kisses down my neck.
"Will..." I say quietly. I can feel the need to say it eating away at me. It's threatening to spill out of me any second now, and I can't wait any longer.
"I think we should have a kid." There. It's out in the open now. What will happen, will happen, I guess.

Will pulls away and stares down at me, his eyebrows drawn together and confusion written all over his face.
"What?" I take a shaky breath and repeat myself, my eyes flitting away from his face. "A-are you serious?" Will asks cautiously. I nod. "Nico, look at me." My eyes drift back to his face. "This is serious." He says, sitting up. "It's a big decision, and I don't want you to feel like you have to so this for me. This has to be something you really want-"
"It is." I sit up and lean closer to him, clasping his hands in mine. "It is, Will."

"But... Before, you said..."
"I was just scared." I tell him. "A few months before, I hit you, and... I was just worried that it would happen again. But... I'm not as scared anymore. I know that you'll be here, and... I want this, Will." I smile nervously, but inside I'm screaming. Will bites his lip, then after what feels like an eternity, he nods, a small smile slipping into his face.
"If you're sure..."
"I am." I say confidently.
"We still might not be allowed to adopt." Will points out.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the pessimistic one." I joke.

Will laughs, then kisses me. Soon enough, I'm laid underneath him again. Will smiles teasingly.
"Now, where were we?"

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