86| More Demons

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"Well, it's been a pleasure having company, but once a century is enough for me. You can let yourselves out."

"Hey, listen, pal," I stood, following Cain. "We're not leaving here without the Blade."

"You have quite a reputation, Eleanor. I see the part about you being brave rings true."

"Well, what can I say? I'm an all-in kind of a girl. Abaddon is the last Knight of Hell, and if you're out of the game, what the hell do you care if she dies?"

"If your friend here could talk, he would tell you that I trained the Knights of Hell," Cain nodded back at Crowley. "I built that entire demonic order with my own hands- Abaddon included."

"Well, that is information I could have used five minutes ago!" I glared back at Crowley.

The demon king just gasped in explanation, still unable to talk.

"Well, here's something your friend doesn't know, that no one knows, in fact- outside of Abaddon," Cain continued. "It wasn't the archangels who slaughtered the Knights. It was me."

"Why did you turn on your own?" I asked.

"Once again, I admire your bravery. But if you'll excuse me, I have errands to run in town," Cain turned his back on me once more. "Goodbye, Eleanor Winchester... Never return."

"This is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had," Crowley whispered as we snuck back into Cain's house hours later.

"Yeah, well, it's early," I quipped.

Crowley peeked into the room where we'd had tea with Cain, then backed away.

"Oh, there's nothing here. Shame. Let's go."

"Hey!" I held out a hand and grabbed his arm. "Sack up and start looking, okay? We don't have much time."

I wandered into the living room as Crowley headed off in a different direction. Noticing a picture on the mantel, I picked it up to get a closer look. It had an old picture of a woman with the name Collette along the bottom in pretty cursive. As I studied it, I noticed the woman was wearing a ring on her finger similar to the one Cain had been wearing. Swallowing, I set the picture down and started playing with my own wedding ring.

"Nothing. Not even porn," Crowley announced, entering the room.

"Think I figured out why he went off the reservation so many years ago."

I handed the picture of Collette to him to see.

"Lovely. Little plain. Who is she?"

"Cain had a similar ring on," I gestured to the picture. "Father of murder got hitched."

We both looked up as the sound of all the doors locking met our ears.

"He's back. Come on."

We rushed to the front door, but it was solidly locked.

"Go!" I cried.

We turned to find another exit to see Cain standing blocking our path.

"That belongs to me," he said, gesturing to the picture still in Crowley's hands.

"Sorry," Crowley said, handing it over. "Gorgeous, by the way."

Headlights flashed from the driveway, and I walked over to window and drew back the curtain. Six people, who I assumed were demons, all stood outside.

"I don't suppose they're with you," I shot at Cain.

"No," he said, expression hard.

"I guess we can't wait any longer," one of the demons called. "Your friend from the shop was very helpful... after I peeled her skin off! We don't want any trouble, Cain. Just want the so-called King and the Winchester. I got a new master to impress, and I'm betting bagging those two will do just that."

"'Master'?" I echoed, looking over at Crowley.

"Abaddon. This lot all need to die. I count-"

"Too many," I shook my head. "The whammy you put on the doors that keeps us in. Will it keep them out?"

"For now," Cain replied.

"I'm gonna barricade the entrances. Get ready for a fight."

"Good luck with that."

I paused, staring at Cain in shock.


"You exposed my home. You exposed me."

"Well, boo-hoo!" I rolled my eyes.

"Brave, but impulsive. You truly have lived up to your reputation."

"I can't say you've lived up to yours."

"What can I say? I'm retired. If you survive, you're welcome to join me for the last meal I will eat in this house before I disappear again. It's the least I can do."

Cain set the brown paper sacks of groceries down on the table in the kitchen and Crowley and I exchanged a look. Sighing, I moved to start pushing furniture in front of all the doors with Crowley's help, and then I had Crowley take the front while I stayed in the back with Cain. He had sat down at the table and started pulling husks off of ears of corn.

"So this is your play?! Corn?! What am I not getting here? I mean, it's not like you're a coward."

Cain looked over at me, still prepping the corn.

"Since when does the great Eleanor Winchester ask for help? Well, that doesn't sound like the woman I've read about on demon bathroom walls. Maybe you've lost a step. Let's find out."

Before I could register what was happening, Cain had snapped his fingers and the door flew open despite the fact that it had had a fridge pushed in front of it. The lead demon and another demoness rushed in, but before any more could get in, Cain snapped his fingers and the door was shut with the fridge barricading it once more.

"Oh, don't mind me," Cain addressed the demons, then motioned to me. "Enjoy yourself."

Breathing heavily, I eyed the demons as a third one smashed through the glass doors behind me. I flinched as glass sprayed my back, turning to face the newcomer. I went to throw a punch, but the demon ducked and punched me in the stomach. I kicked at him, making contact, but then he sent me flying across the room into the other two demons. The entire time, Cain just sat at the table shucking corn as he observed.

I pulled out a flask of holy water, splashing it on the first two demons before using my powers to kill the one who'd come through the glass doors. The female demon grabbed me from one side while the lead demon kicked me in the knee, making my legs buckle. They each grabbed one of my arms and flipped me onto my back on the table. Cain leaned over me, appearing upside down, and smirked.

"Doing great," he informed me.

I just glared at him, finally managing to get my leg up enough to kick the female demon into the far wall. After exchanging a few punches with the lead demon, I finally sent him flying into the counter. The female demon had gotten her hands on a kitchen knife and I quickly grabbed a yellow dish towel to protect myself. As she lunged at me, I swung out of her way then wrapped the towel around her neck. I whipped her into the fridge then the china cabinet and finally managed to hold her still as I used my powers again to kill her.

I turned on the last demon, who managed to get a hold of me and threw me into the china cabinet as Cain stood up from the table to grab a beer. While I was getting pummeled, I noticed Crowley watching the exchange silently from the door. After beating on each other a little longer, I finally managed to get the upper hand and pinned the demon down on the table, using my powers one last time to kill him. Looking triumphantly at Cain, I pushed the body off the table onto the floor.

"What was that? Some kind of test?"

"I felt connected with you right from the start," Cain said, sipping from his beer. "Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike."

"Right. Yeah. Except I didn't kill my brother. I don't even have a brother."

"No, but you have a brother-in-law. And you saved him. Why?"

"Because you never give up on family- ever."

"Where's your brother now, Eleanor?"

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I really don't care. Just give me the damn Blade."

"Sorry, Eleanor. I have nothing to hand over."

"What?" I blinked.

"I no longer have the Blade," Cain said. "It's gone."

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