10. A Meeting with Haku

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Dedicated to all the readers who have been with me since the beginning. Y'all know who you are. Thanks for reading.

Enjoy <3


I woke up stretching my limbs and hummed in satisfaction as I heard my bones crack. Next to me, Sakura was still asleep, tired with all the training going on. 

I got up as I glanced out of the window. I had a feeling today was the day when Naruto would meet Haku. But since the whole situation has changed, I'll go and meet him instead. If I don't see him today, I'll just see him tomorrow instead. I changed my clothes, getting into my ninja gear. 

For the past 4 days, sensei has been making us focus on increasing our speed, flexibility and stamina. It was really needed in our team, especially since we were going against Zabuza and Haku. It made me realize that from one match, Kakashi has observed so much. He was obviously much more smarter than he let on. 

I left a note on Sakura's forehead as I grabbed an apple and made my way outside. Today, I'd train on my fire ninjutsu and wood style. I didn't realize where I was walking and I ended up lost.

I swore as I mentally scolded myself. I should've scouted out the area around Tazuna's home and memorized it. Now how would I get back?

Lost in my thoughts, I walked into a tree.

"Agghhh you stupid tree! How dare you bump into me konoyaro!!" I screamed. My forehead was now throbbing painfully and I'm pretty sure there was a red mark there.

Behind me, I heard someone giggle. I turned around to see a pretty girl.

Haku.. He's a boy though.

I chuckled nervously as I scratched my head. "Sorry you had to see that. It wasn't my finest moment."

Haku smiled. "It's fine. Are you a shinobi?"

Jumping right into the questions are we.. Fine, I'll play your little game.

I nodded. "Yep. I sorta got lost here. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

He held out his basket. "I'm gathering medicinal plants. My brother has been wounded and I need to treat him."

I feigned sympathy. "Hope he gets better. May I help you?"

Haku nodded as he instructed me to collect herbs with specific designs and colors. We worked silently until he asked me something.

"Why are you here, shinobi san? You must excuse my curiosity for I have rarely seen a shinobi around these parts." 

I smiled. "It's fine. We are just protecting a client from Gato and his men."

Haku acted surprised. "Gato?! He is a very powerful man. Be careful shinobi san."

I nodded. "I will. But since you are a stranger, I suppose I can tell you some stuff. You won't go telling anyone ne?"

Haku skillfully recovered from his shock. "Of course you can. I will not tell anyone."

That was surprisingly easy. He must mistake me for a fool.

I sighed. "Well you see, recently my team has battled a man and his apprentice. They were employed by Gato to kill my client. Both teams battled each other, and both faced damage. Now the thing is that when I was in my village, I was was very well known for predictable outcomes such as a person who almost knows what was going to happen. I am correct about 95% of the time."

"So who would win between you and them, shinobi san?" Haku asked generally curious.

I smiled as I answered him. "That's something only I know. But I am sure about one thing. I do not want to kill them, unless it's to protect a loved one. I wouldn't even hesitate. I despise killing people when I know they can become good. I am also sure about the fact that Gato will betray them. I am positive of that fact."

Haku's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

It worked..

 Putting on a cheerful and fake expression he asked me another question. "How are you so sure?"

I giggled. "I am always right in such situations. I knew we were going to be ambushed by them. No one knew that the apprentice was hidden in the trees, except me. He was surely shocked when he saw me appear behind him. He thought he'd observe the match unseen. Even my Jonin didn't sense him. I know stuff most people do not." 

Haku nodded, satisfied that he got his answer. 

I spoke up. "If your life was bad and you had a chance to save your precious one as well as mark on a new beginning after an unexpected betrayal, would you take it?"

Haku smiled. "Yes, I would."

I got up and turned around. "I must go back now for my team must be looking for me. I'll be holding on to your answer, Haku san. Be careful." 

I turned back to see Haku with a surprised face. I gave him a mock salute. "Ja ne! By the way, I knew you were a boy when most would mistake you for a girl."

With that, I jumped through the trees. Hopefully during the battle, everything would work out according to the plan. 

After aimlessly moving around for an hour getting lost, I reached back in time for breakfast.

"Where were you, Akina?" Kakashi asked me. 

I shrugged. "Just for some fresh air." He nodded his head.

3rd person POV

Haku thought she was stupid for telling him the mission details. He thought he played her. Turns out she played him instead. She skillfully manipulated the conversation to make it seem like she was telling him important information but she was manipulating him to turn on Gato. 

But was it the truth?

Now that he thinks about it, the girl never told him anything worth knowing, except for the fact that she was well known in Konoha and her predictions were correct many times. She also confirmed his doubt on her finding him. She already knew he was there. But how?

Would he believe the girl or not? It all comes up to the decision he makes.

Maybe he should ask Zabuza. It seems as if Zabuza knew her, but she didn't know him.

Slowly, he made his way to the room where Zabuza was resting. 

"What happened?" Haku found it funny how well his teacher actually knew him. His emotionless facade seemed to fool everyone except him. Upon asking him the very question one day Zabuza told him it was the eyes.

Haku still didn't understand what he meant by that phrase and so he left it.

"I met the Senju girl." 

Zabuza turned his head towards him. "Tell me what happened."

And Haku told him everything, including his suspicions. His sensei remained silent for a long time and then he laughed. Haku was confused as to why he laughed.

"That girl... really is something else, isn't she?" He sighed. The young apprentice began to create a medicine using the herbs they had found. 

"I was passing through the Land of Fire when I first met Daichi Uchiha and Kana Senju. They were sparring against each other in the middle of the night. Feeling a bit daring, I battled against them. It was a good battle, even though they both overpowered me. After that, it became a regular habit for us to spar whenever I'd pass their village.

We became friends and I became their informant keeping them up to date with the latest news. It's not everyday you meet a couple who decided to run away from a shinobi's life because of love. But if you ask me, I think they were hiding from their enemies as well. 

Anyways, one day when I was in the village, I stopped by to see a young girl practicing with them. It was their daughter. Afterwards, I found you. I stopped going to see them because they forbid me to. I never really knew why, but I respected their decisions. Around a few months ago I heard a bunch of rumors about a couple being killed brutally leaving their lone daughter and that their bodies disappeared. I went to check on them but it was as if no one lived in the house."

Haku paused. "How can they just disappear? Also is that why we were moving in the Land of Fire for so long? I understand now." 

Zabuza sighed. "That's what I don't know. Kana Senju was a fuinjutsu master. She must've done something with seals. That's what I think but seeing Akina wielding Black Nightmare really confirmed my doubts. One thing that I know about that family is that they are extremely protective about the ones they care about."

I do not want to kill them, unless it's to protect a loved one. I wouldn't even hesitate.  Her words echoed in Haku's mind.

"To what extent?" 

Zabuza gave a small and sad smile. "Even to the extent of keeping information from them and risk getting hated. Even to the extent of self sacrifice. If she's truly Daichi's daughter, she must be out for revenge as well."

Back to Akina PoV

I went on sneezing continuously. Sakura looked at me worriedly."Did you catch a cold?"

I sniffled. "I think someone is talking about me."

She rolled her eyes. "I doubt it. Let's train!" 

We were back on the bridge. We had today and tomorrow to prepare ourselves in terms of ninjutsu. Kakashi sensei was satisfied with our reaction time and taijutsu for now but he said he'd work on it more in Konoha. 

"I want two teams. Each member in the team will fight against the other with the intent to maim only. In the end whoever wins from those two matches will have a face off and the winner will get bragging rights."

"... Bragging rights? So lame dattebayo." Naruto pouted.

Kakashi sighed. "Fine, then whoever wins this match will order the other 3 around for a whole day. You do remember your D rank bet right? I'm changing it to that."

I scoffed. "I'm winning this match. You guys have no chance. Maybe I'll go easy on you if you bow down to me like peasants and worship me."

Sakura growled. "No way do you deserve to be worshiped!"

Sasuke glared at them a fire burning in his eyes. "I will not be bested by a civilian born and my rivaling clan. Get ready to become my slaves for a day." 

I snapped. "I am half Uchiha in case you have forgotten." 

"You are more Senju. There's not a hint of Uchiha in you! You can't even activate the sharingan." Sasuke argued back.

Naruto scowled. "Sasuke teme! Get ready to eat dirt because your face will soon be on the ground."

Kakashi sensei looked amused at the way we were jeering and taunting each other. 

Tazuna who was watching us whistled. "The brats are pretty fired up." 

Kakashi sensei held out his fist. I understood immediately. 

"It's rock, paper and scissors. The first two to get out will spar against each other." I explained. 

"I know how you did this as a contest with Gai sensei multiple times." I whispered. Kakashi laughed as he whispered back. "Akina, you sound like a stalker. Stop it."

"Rock paper scissors SHOOT!"

"So, Sakura VS Sasuke and Akina VS Naruto. Interesting. Naruto and Akina will fight first." Kakashi hid back a smile. 

It's time to see how much they've improved. 

"Gomena Akina chan for I will be beating you first instead dattebayo!" Naruto pointed at me.

"I doubt it. If you do manage to win, I'll treat you with 15 bowls of ramen when we get back."

"Yatta! Here I come ramen chan!"

I stifled my laugh. "Ramen chan?"  

"Begin!" Kakashi sensei said as he, Sakura and Sasuke jumped back.

"Oi dobe. I might consider you my rival if you beat her." Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto looked back at me with greater determination.

The one thing I have to look out for is his endless stamina and kage bunshin.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Naruto shouted as he ran towards me with 10 clones. 

I ran towards him as the bunshins tried to attack me. I kicked, punched and dodged all of them. 

He redid the jutsu and this time he attacked me with kunais. I smirked as I ran towards and with a sudden burst of speed I appeared behind the real Naruto standing at the back of it all pressing a kunai to his neck. 

"It's over." As soon as I said that, Naruto disappeared into a poof of smoke.

Kage bunshin huh..

"Wind Style: Wind Bullets!" Naruto shouted as he made the hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu!" I let out a medium sized jutsu.

"Water Style: Water jutsu!" I combined my fire and water jutsus together to make steam appear. I needed a momentary distraction. The whole place was covered with steam.

Masking my chakra and running without any noise, I merged into the wood of the bridge being made. I could travel much faster using this and it would be easier for me to find out who is the real Naruto. I was surprised he used wind style chakra. He's been improving at a faster rate here than in the anime. 

"Where did she go?" Naruto looked around suspiciously with a kunai in his hand. The other bunshins did the same. I spread out chakra throughout the bridge as I looked for the real one. 

"...." Naruto remained clueless as I suddenly jumped out in front of him with a kunai and kicked him. He blocked the attack and tried to punch me as we started exchanging blows. 

His speed and taijutsu has certainly improved.

From behind, a kage bunshin attacked me. I had forgotten about them. 

Three kage bunshin held me by my hands and legs as Naruto pointed a kunai at me. 

"Surrender!" I looked to the side to see Sakura giving me a look filled with disbelief and Sasuke watching with disappointment. Kakashi sensei was giving us an unreadable look, almost acting uninterested.

They had expected me to win, not Naru. Well who was I to disappoint them? Gomen, Naruto. But without your rasengan you are pretty weak for now.

"I refuse." I instinctively closed my eyes as I gathered my chakra for a substitution reaction. I had read in books that hand signs weren't necessary, as they just redirect the flow of chakra in correct pathways. But, if I replicated the same flow of chakra in the correct pathways with the correct amount, I should be able to do it without them. I concentrated on my chakra making it flow throughout my body as I imagined the sign in front of me. 

I shot open my eyes. "Substitution Jutsu!"

 The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of Naruto, his bunshins holding him down a shocked expression on his face. With a burst of speed I pointed my kunai to his neck, almost touching him.   

"Surrender." I threw my words back at him.

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration. "No!" 

Kakashi stepped in to stop our match. "I have seen enough. Akina wins." 

Naruto glared at Kakashi sensei. "How can you stop our match so suddenly dattebayo?!" 

Kakashi stared back at him. "It's because I will teach you a new jutsu to defeat her. It was evident from your match that she has more skills than you. She didn't even use her wood style. Naruto, sometimes it's okay to accept defeat. She's your comrade and she will help you become stronger." He helped Naruto get up. 

"You promise to teach me that new jutsu?" Kakashi smiled. 

"I'll contact someone you can." 

I looked at sensei. 

Rasengan I mouthed at him and he gave me a slight nod. I put my arm around Naruto's shoulders. 

"I'll teach him the first two steps. The third will be left up to him."

"Yatta! No.. I lost my ramen chan and the battle. I'll get you next time Sasuke teme." 

Sasuke got an irk mark. "Let us battle. You guys have wasted enough time as it is. I expected you to fail anyways, dobe."

"Sasuke teme!"  Naruto went stomping childishly towards Sasuke as he smashed his forehead against his. Sparks were flying between their eyes.

Their chemistry is unreal.. I still can't believe there are anime effects in this world. 

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Can you both stop!" They ignored her as they insulted each other further. Kakashi didn't do anything as he started reading Icha Icha.

I got a dark aura around me as I walked towards them. Sakura being a smart girl moved out of the way.

"I will force you both to kiss if you don't stop fighting." I told them with the darkest glare I could muster. 

Naruto got a horror struck emotion on his face as he backed up to a tree, dragging a nervous looking Sasuke with him.

"H-how's her eyes r-red dattebayo? KAKASHI SENSEI!" 

"You guys brought this upon yourselves. Use team work to get out." He just gave them a nervous smile. 

"Sakura! Calm her down." Sasuke yelled at the pink haired kunoichi.

"Gomenasai! I agree with her. For the past few days you both have been arguing way too much."

I walked slowly towards them. 

"Wood Style: Tree Control." I muttered darkly under my breath. I made the trees trap them against the trunk as they were stuck to each other side by side. 

"You guys have a day to get out of here on your own. Otherwise I'll force you both to kiss, take a picture and spread the rumor that you both are gay for each other. Understood?"

Naruto turned green. "A-Akina chan, don't do that. We will get out of h-here hm."

Sasuke scoffed. "Do it. At least the fangirls won't bother me." He tried to sound brave.

Keyword being tried.

Naruto struggled frantically against the tree trunk. "NO! I WILL NOT KISS TEME EVER AGAIN. GET ME OUT OF HERE!!"

I let out a dark chuckle. "Sasuke, I am a girl. I know for a fact that yaoi shippers are much more dangerous fangirls than normal ones. But if you want to risk it, fine. I will make sure that you will not be able to restore the Uchiha clan. And by the way, the competition will continue in Konoha." 

Sakura nodded with a bright blush on her face as she averted her gaze to the ground. "Y-you guys do look cute together. I might start to ship you both." I looked at her amused as I nodded my head in agreement.

Sasuke had seen enough. He and Naruto tried to wriggle their way out of there frantically as my bad mood evaporated. Kakashi walked up to me.

"That was a good punishment. How did you do the substitution jutsu without hand signs?" 

I explained my theory to him and he nodded. "It's similar to doing one handed sign jutsus, except these will be much harder." 

I smirked. "Who says I don't know one handed signs?"

Ram. Tiger. Snake.

My hands turned into wood as I got into a fighting stance.

"Sugoi Akina!" Sakura exclaimed.

I shot her a smirk. "I know."

Kakashi gave me an appraising look. 

"Akina, why don't we have a spar?" Kakashi asked me. I paled.

I shook my head frantically. "I'm not as strong as you. I'll die." 

Kakashi laughed. "Don't be dramatic. Agree or I'll go even more harder on you during missions."

Well fuck.

At the end of the day Sasuke and Naruto somehow got themselves out which was sad because I and Sakura did want to see them kiss. I was able to keep up with Kakashi the half the time we sparred. Shocked was an understatement for his reaction. I was surprised that I could actually keep up with him but I think it was due to the vigorous training I'd been put through for the past three days. I was facing chakra exhaustion and Sasuke had to carry me back. All in all, it was a good couple of days until our peace was broken.

Another filler chapter! How was the fight? I'm bad at writing battle scenes so I did my best.

But at least she isn't op righhttt?

Anyways, some more of her past is going to get revealed in the upcoming chapters. I'm so excited for the Chunin exam arc. Its gonna be really different than the anime.

Q: How do you feel about Akina?

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

I love you guys!

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