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Sort of a filler chapter.. I'm not that proud of it but

Enjoy reading! <3

Also hi! *waves to the new readers*

PS: That pic above might be a hint for future chapters. Creds of pic go to owner.


"I said I was sorry Riko!" I pleaded with her to forgive me as she continued to ignore me.

She stopped walking and glared at me. "Akina nee chan! I am new to Konohagakure and I was late to the first day of school because I was waiting for you. I felt so bad when you forgot about me. Why didn't you come?"

I gave her a weak smile. "I got lost on the path of... love?"

She snorted. "Love? That's even worse than Kakashi sensei."

I laughed lightly. "How about to apologize, I'll buy you some ramen?"

"I hate ramen."


"I want some pocky. Buy them for me." 

I stared after her, dumbfounded as she dragged me to the convenience store. After buying her pocky of 5 diffeent flavors, she was finally satisfied.

"R-Riko.. I'm broke." I anime cried.

"You should be late more often, Akina nee! I love these new flavors." She gushed happily.

I nodded. "I'll buy you anything I want! I'll be late everyday to buy you pocky."

She gave me another smile and my thoughts became slightly muddled as my eyes became transfixed on her grin. She looked so cute! No one can resist her.

"Oyy! Akina chan!" I heard Naruto call for me. I got an irk mark.

"Not now Naru! I'm going to buy pocky for my precious Riko after getting more money."

Naruto walked over to me. "Akina chan, you never buy anything for me."

"Why should I?"

Riko crossed her arms. "Akina nee will buy stuff only for me!"

"What she said hm." 

Naruto gave me a confused stare. "You are acting weird dattebayo."

"What do you mean? I'm normal." I scoffed. 

He continued staring at me and then Riko who gave him a bright grin. His posture relaxed. He shot me a smile. 

"Gomen gomen for doubting you both. Let's go and train!" Naruto cheered.

Riko nodded with a smile and I carried her as we ran towards the training grounds. Sasuke was training there with Kakashi sensei. 

"Yo teme! Kakashi sensei!" Naruto greeted them and I gave them a wave.

"Hn. Why are you here dobe, Akina?" 

"To train 'ttebayo! Kakashi sensei, you said that you'd teach me a super cool new jutsu which will defeat Akina chan. Teach it to me!"

Kakashi laughed. "Maa, Akina chan knows it better than I do. I'm teaching Sasuke a new jutsu already."

"Is it chidori?" I asked, my eyes slightly widening. If Sasuke and Naruto learn a few jutsus before the Chunin exams, it could help us a lot more.

"Hn. You are right."

Naruto groaned. "If Akina chan knows this jutsu then how will I defeat her?!"

"You are so troublesome, Naruto. Only those with wind style chakra can do this jutsu just like how those with lightning style chakra can do the chidori." I explained.

Not really.. Even I can learn it but I want my own jutsu I can scream out loud. Who'll be my rival? Maybe I'll ask Lee..

Naruto frowned. "What's the name of this jutsu?"


"It sounds so cool dattebayo! Show it to me."

I turned to look at Kakashi. 

"What is it?"

"Show him your rasengan."

He sighed. "This jutsu was first used by the Yondaime. He hadn't perfected it but it was still powerful. I prefer not to use it because I prefer using raikiri or chidori. But I'll show it to you."

Using his left hand he grabbed his other wrist and began concentrating chakra into it. 

"Rasengan!" A blue colored ball with a mass of swirling chakra was formed in his hands. The chakra coming out of it was intense and I gulped.

I so do not want to get hit by a rasengan or chidori.

"Akina! Make a tree. Everyone else step back." Kakashi ordered.

"Hai sensei." 

I closed my eyes and made a hand sign. "Wood style: Tree growth!"

A small tree appeared in front Kakashi and he smashed it with his rasengan. Sasuke and Naruto's eyes widened as there was a huge whole left in the tree. Riko clapped and cheered.

"Woah! That's so cool dattebayo! I'll master it and defeat teme and Akina chan with it. Just wait and see!"

"Hn. Chidori is much better. And such a jutsu will take years to learn." Sasuke scoffed.

"Sasuke is right. It took the Yondaime three years to learn it." Kakashi said. Naruto visibly deflated.

"Well, I can speed up the process." I said. Sasuke and Kakashi's eyes widened and Naruto tackled me in a hug. I fell down.

"N-Naru! Get off me baka!" I was flustered. Kakashi chuckled and Riko giggled. Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"Oi dobe! Get off Akina." 

Naruto's head was in the crook of my neck and he shook his head. "I won't leave until Akina chan teaches me. She also smells really nice." His breath fanned a spot on my neck and I shivered. 

Oh Kami he found a sensitive spot without knowing what he's doing!

"N-Naru chan p-please get off me." I squeaked in alarm. Kakashi chuckled even louder and I glared at him. 

That asshole knows what's going on!

"Promise me first Akina chan!" 

"I-I promise. Now get off!" I squeaked. 

He got off me and gave me a grin as he held out his hand to help me up. I accepted his help and I touched the side of my neck where his head was. 

That felt so weird and good at the same time what even..

Riko gave us a big smile. Our posture relaxed and my eyes became hazy once more. Her smile... I have to buy her pocky yeah..

Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "Riko.. Stop it."

She gave him a smile and Kakashi refused to make eye contact with her. Sasuke's eyes widened and he came towards Naruto and I.

"Akina. Riko is using her kekkei genkai on you."

"Is that so? Well she's just a child. She needs to train." I trailed off. Naruto nodded.

"Yeah! What she said."

Sasuke growled. "Riko stop it."

"Sasuke nii san. I'm merely training don't stop me."

She gave him a mischevious grin and he flashed his sharingan at her as he smirked. 

"Your kekkei genkai won't work on me."

She shrugged. "It works on the rest of you. I can use them to tell me anything I want them to do or tell me."

"Riko sama, what are your orders?" Naruto kneeled in front of her, his head was touching her feet and she giggled. Sasuke's mouth slightly twitched.

"How do we get out of it?" Kakashi asked as he uncovered his sharingan eye.

"Well you need to do something to the individual which they won't expect or you need to find a weak spot. Like for example Naruto nii gets a hug from Sasuke nii or something like that or he gets pinched on a sensitive place. But then my powers are pretty strong now. My control on the targets decrease with increase in their number."

"I like this feeling Riko." I hummed. I felt euphoric and I'm pretty sure Naruto was too. Kami knows what Kakashi and Sasuke were talking about.

She beamed. "That's because I'm using the happy one on you."

"Sasuke snap her out of it. I'll take care of Naruto." Kakashi ordered.

Sasuke's onyx black eyes made contact with me eyes and I smiled. 

"Hi Sasuke!"

He slapped me and I held my cheek as I pointed at him.

"I always knew you'd try and slap me. How rude." I scoffed. Riko giggled. 

"Its hard to break Akina nee chan because she already knows a lot and expects almost everything." 

Naruto yelped as Kakashi pinched him and he got out of his trance.

"Itai! Riko I'm going to kill you." Kakashi held him by the collar of his jacket.

"Oh and the target also remembers everything happening to them." Riko said.

Sasuke pinched me and I yelped. "Stop abusing me baka!"

He gave me a full blown out smile and I pulled both his cheeks. "How cute~!" 

Riko laughed. "This is gold!"

Kakashi face palmed. Naruto walked towards me as he shook me and yelled into my ears.


I frowned as I massaged my ears. "Honestly you are so loud Naru."

Kakashi sighed. "Snap her out of it Riko."

Riko suddenly became quiet. "I-I don't know how yet. I was never able to break it."

"Are you saying Akina chan will be drunk forever?!" Naruto shouted.

I gave him a salute as I giggled. "Yup! I won't have to do my responsibilities then."

Sasuke stared at me for a minute silently contemplating something. He leaned forward.

"Bakasuke what are you-"

I froze as his lips made contact with the sensitive spot on my neck and I regained myself once more. My face became flustered at his actions. Everyone became quiet as they witnessed the scene in front of me.

"Sa-Sasuke what are y-you-" I was cut off once again as he gave me a smirk and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along with him.

"Kakashi sensei. I'll be back." He said coldly as he left three people standing there with varying levels of confusion.


I heard Riko squeal.

As Sasuke dragged me to Kami knows where I snatched my hand back and glared at him.

What's wrong with him? First he kisses me, then he ignores my confession and then he kisses my neck?

"Sasuke.. Thanks for taking me out of her kekkei genkai but I need to go somewhere else now," I said coldly.

He scoffed. "Where? Back to Naruto? You seemed pretty comfortable back then."

"Y-you are such an ass! It was a sensitive place you idiot! I was far from comfortable. And why are you acting like this? What happened to the Sasuke who actually talked to me on the roof that day?!"

He sighed. "You are a distraction for me."

I stared at him. How could he say that?

"If Itachi sees that I've become close to you then he'll kill you too."

I stayed silent for a long time. He wanted to protect me I get that but his words still hurt me. I looked down, bangs covering my face making a shadow. I felt hot tears rolling down.

"Well you shouldn't have kissed me then." I said softly without my voice wavering.

A drop fell on the ground and Sasuke noticed it. His eyes showed remorse and guilt but he didn't say anything.

"I-I like you Sasuke. You made me feel normal and not alone even if it was for a short period of time and thank you for that. But I need to leave because you are acting like a major ass only thinking about yourself as usual. I thought I had changed you." I turned away from him as I started to run, hot tears running down my face.

He didn't call after me as I ran in the market place muttering excuse me occasionally. I finally stopped running as I reached a park in Konoha. Little children were playing here and no body I knew would be here.

I needed to be alone.

That idiot.. I want to break his bones but at the same time I want to tell the truth. The rejection hurt me bad.

I wiped my tears using the sleeves of my outfit as I sat down on a bench, moping in self pity. I knew there were purple depression lines covering me, just like Hashirama.

What would Kana say?


Just imagine how your parents would react to you getting rejected.

"Um well otou san would kill the boy, literally. He wouldn't care if Sasuke was the last Uchiha or whatever. He'd kill him in the most brutal way possible. Okaa san on the other hand would smack Sasuke and ask him to rethink everything rationally. She wouldn't hurt him. Then they'd have a fight over the fact that I had a boyfriend in the first place with my otou san becoming extremely overprotective and okaa san smacking him saying I needed the experience to handle boys." 

Well that was interesting. Now what should you do?

"Um I guess kill him?"

I'd love to but no. Its the next best thing.

"Tell him the truth?"

No you ass! Make him jealous!

"Wha- No way. Its gonna end up badly. He'd glare at me and that poor guy and probably beat him up."

Well then you need to get a guy who rivals that emo.

I stifled a laugh. "Naruto?"

I was thinking more along someone in Gai's team.

"There's no way I'm dating Lee!"

... How am I so dumb? Its Neji.

At the mention of his name I started blushing remembering the first time I met him. I cleared my throat.

"It won't work."

Sure it will. Go to Hinata and Ino and explain what's happening.

"Akina!" I turned around to see Sakura waving at me. Ino and Hinata were standing next to them.

"Oh hey guys!" I jogged over to them.

Ino grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "What happened? No lying."

"Nothing happened. Why do you ask?" 

Hinata narrowed her eyes. "You look as if you were crying. I'm positive that you were."

"Pfftt no- OW INO!" I rubbed my head massaging the place she hit me.

"No lying." 

Sakura clapped her hands. "Okay I'm sure we should have a sleepover today!"

"Yes!" Ino and Hinata exclaimed.

"No!" I shrieked as I tried to run away. Sakura held my wrist and didn't let me go.

"Yes. And we are having it at your house Akina! We don't know anything about you and we are going to cheer you up! I'm pretty sure its concerning a certain black haired boy in our team." She smirked.

Ooo I like Sakura. She has my approval.

I slumped down as depression lines covered me once more. Sakura sighed exasperatedly. Hinata activated her byakugan to see if it was chakra.

"Akina.. I'll become your slave for a day if you let us help you." Sakura made me an offer.

"Deal accepted." I shot up.

Ino shuddered. "Sakura you might've just sealed your death warrant."

"No. We both have." I felt a shiver run down my back at her tone. I felt Yume giggle. She's so happy.

"I see Shikamaru and Choji. I got to go see ya!" Using the replacement jutsus poor Hinata was now left in Sakura's clutches as I ran ahead to catch up with them.

"Yo Shika Choji!" Choji waved at me as he ate another flavor of chips. On closer inspection I saw that it was a new flavor I hadn't tried out yet. 

"Shika?" The said boy raised his eyebrows at my nickname for him.

"Your name is too long to pronounce." 

"What are you doing here you troublesome woman?"

"I wanted to hang out with you guys!"

Shikamaru raised his eyebrows again disbelievingly.

"... I had to get away from Ino and Sakura. They were annoying me. Can I join you both in cloud watching?"

Shikamaru scratched his head. "As long as you don't trouble us."

"Okay then. Let's go!"

The three of us walked to an empty field and got comfortable as we lied down. It was completely silent except for the rustling of the leaves and Choji's groan as his snacks got over. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Choji got up to get more snacks.

Shikamaru was right. This was really relaxing.

I felt his gaze on me and I opened one eye. "What?"

"Just observing you."

I blanched. "That's not creepy at all."

He sighed. "You aren't like the others."


"You befriended Naruto on the first day of school and Sasuke let you sit next to him. He wouldn't let even Sakura or Ino do that. You even talked to the both of us, Kiba and Shino."

"Maybe I wanted to know you guys."

"You didn't talk to anyone else."

I shrugged. "They were boring."

"Could it be that you knew we would graduate?"

I hummed. "Maybe I had trust in you all."

He stared at me for a few more seconds. "I don't think so. Your body language says you are lying."

I paused. "Teach me how to not appear obvious and I'll tell you how I know stuff. Deal?"

"Its troublesome but I want to know. I agree."

I sat up and faced him. "I have a kekkei genkai which gives me glimpses of the future. That's all I can tell you."

He stared at me as I remained still and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. He spoke up.

"When you lie you need to maintain eye contact and not fidget. You look away and play with your fingers. When its a major lie you bite your lips. Give a neutral expression."

My eyes widened. Just for how long had he been observing me?

"Okay. Don't you think I'm lying?"

He laid back down in the grass. "I know you are lying. I'll find out some other day. Asuma sensei, Kurenai sensei and Kakashi sensei talk about you occasionally. They are worried."

"Oh. Thanks for telling me I guess. And thanks for not forcing me to tell you." I trailed off.

No one can hide anything from Shikamaru. His IQ is unbelievable.

"Just tell me soon. I don't think I can wait any longer." 

I smiled. "Definitely."

He glanced at me and smirked. "Stop fidgeting. But that smile was good."

I cursed under my breath. This guy..

"I can't say anything Shika. Hokage's orders." I closed my eyes once more.

He remained silent. "I see."

We remained silent until Shikamaru broke the silence. "Choji never takes this long. I'm going to check up on him." His normally calm and laid back expression had a tint of worry in them.

"I'm coming too Shika." 

We both made our way to the shop where Choji usually buys snacks from.

"This fatso keeps on eating. We told you to go on a diet didn't we?" A boy sneered. I frowned at his words.

Choji looked down embarrassed. Shikamaru clenched his hands as his jaw twitched.

"This fatty can never do anything. He's so lame and weak. His whole family sucks." Another boy said this and laughed loudly as his friends praised him. The villagers walking by ignored the commotion. Tears gathered up in my friend's eyes.

A boy walked up to Choji and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Choji, maybe you can throw up after eating. Its a good way of losing fat hm." His eyes were sparkling with mirth and I growled.

That's it! 

"You guys are just looking for ass whooping aren't you. Leave him alone!" I snarled as the boy's eyes widened. 

"Do you know who I am?"

I scoffed. "If I don't know you, you aren't important."

He gritted his teeth. "You bitch! I am the son of the greatest merchant of Konoha in food. Without my dad you guys wouldn't have anything. I am Yuuma Tanaka."

"I see. So you are one of those spoilt rich kids who leeches off their family's wealth. Well let me tell you ask one thing. Do you know which clan Choji belongs to?"

"He's in a clan?"

"Yes you dimwit! He comes from the Akimichi Clan. In fact, he's the Clan Head's son. Now since your father runs Tanaka Food's you must know that the Akimichi support your business by a great amount. I don't think you'd want your father's business to fail now would you?"

"Well I-I-" He stammered. 

"Do you want the wrath of three clans on you?! Because I'm telling you that's a horrible idea and I won't take it lightly."

He composed himself and gave me a sneer. "You are a girl. He's fat and the guy standing next to the fatso is lazy as hell and doesn't care. We can beat you up in minutes."

I laughed. "Shika does he even know who we are?" The group of boys bullying Choji gave me a confused look.

"I don't think so Akina." The boys surrounded us as they sneered. Yuuma cracked his knuckles.

"Shika take Choji away. I'll be behind you." I stated as I made a mokuton bunshin.

"Akina don't go overboard." Shika warned as Choji shot me a thankful look.

"I make no promises." Shika and Choji stood at a distance waiting for me to follow them but I turned to my bunshin. She smirked at me.

"Is it what I think it is?" My bunshin asked. I nodded and she grabbed my right arm and spun me around as I punched all those idiots and kicked Yuuma in his face. They all went flying away as they groaned. I walked up to them.

"S-sorry!" They all chorused and I gave them a blank stare.

"If I see you bullying anyone else I won't go easy on you."

Akina.. They're the ones who bullied Naruto. I just checked your memories.

My blood boiled as I grabbed Yuuma's collars and snarled. 


The boys gave me a look of horror and feeling repulsed I threw him on the ground. 



"Scatter." They did as they said and I finally looked up to my surroundings. The civilians had surrounded me shooting me looks filled with disapproval. I gave them a glare.

"What are you all doing? You can't help a boy being bullied and yet you send me reproachful looks? Scatter."

Muttering among themselves they walked away. I saw Shikamaru and Choji looking at me shocked as I walked towards them.

"Choji are you hurt?" I asked as I scanned his body for wounds.

"No I am not." 

I lightly punched his head. "Next time fight the bullies. If you don't then it'll get worse. Don't listen to what they say. We all love you for you. You aren't fat, just chubby." I gave him a sweet smile and he hugged me tears falling.

Shikamaru looked at me as if he had never seen me before. He looked at me in a new light and... approval?

"You do know that you will fall in trouble with the Council right?" Shika gave me a smile.

"Its worth it. I am the Senju hime anyways. They won't go against me. I have support from the Ino-Shika-Cho, Sarutobi and Uchiha clans. I'm good for now."

Choji gave me a smile. "Let's go away from here." Shika and I nodded.

On the way most of the villagers were giving me dirty looks and I ignored them. 

I hate this village. 


What's up guys?

This chapter is approximately 4K words and it took me two days to write it. Sasuke is acting so emo istg. He'll come around. Hopefully. Well there's one more chapter left before Gaara makes his entry so yay!

I need to put all these extra chapters because I need to show her involvement and relationship with the characters. Only Kiba, Tenten, Gai and Lee are left now.

Q: Would you ship Akina and Itachi?

Fact: I originally planned to make my OC and Itachi fall in love but idk now. On the other hand this story is ranked #77 in Itachi n Im like wtf he hasn't even made an appearance yet XD.

But honestly if Akina and Sasuke end up together who will Sakura end up with??

Don't forget to vote and comment. It really makes my day. Its just one little button you have to press.

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