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Akina battling Orochimaru. Instead of those blue lines imagine her glowing blue instead as if chakra was surrounding her.

Creds of this pic goes to OhikoSenju on deviant art. I saw so many pictures of this girl on google and Im shocked coz this is almost how I imagined Akina to look like. Except for her hair color and she's a bit paler.

Enjoy reading! <3


It was almost over but I was still terrified.

Orochimaru had really outdone himself and Sakura would've died a horrible death.

"Sakura.. Are you fine?" I asked tentatively. I hadn't asked her how she felt and for that I felt guilty. She took in a deep breath and nodded.

"I am fine for now."

"Sasuke?" I turned to the black haired Uchiha.


"Naru-"I was cut off by my blonde team mate's nod.

Entering, Sasuke opened the scrolls and threw it out on the ground.

I collapsed on to the ground exhaustion catching up to me. Sasuke keeled down protectively beside me. To my surprise, Ibiki appeared in front of us instead of Iruka sensei.

"You maggots look like you've been through hell." He smirked at the condition of our team.

"Yeah, well you try escaping leeches, random shinobi who'd attack every five minutes and a fucking Sannin on our trail. As a bonus point we also had to fend ourselves from his minions." I snapped back.

His expression turned grave. "Akina.. After he attacked you guys he changed his appearance. We lost sight of him."

I stood up furious. "Are you fucking kidding me! I told Anko EVERYTHING and you guys couldn't catch him?! He is out for Sasuke you know that right?! You need to find him now!!"

Ibiki sighed. "All the Jonin and ANBU are looking for him. Its most probable he's escaped Konoha by now. We've tightened our defense system even more and since its the Chunin Exams we can not stop everything for it would show weakness to the other countries."

Sasuke snarled. "You guys are doing a pathetic job. You didn't even protect Akina from him when the rest of us couldn't. I thought you were supposed to protect us from outside threats?!"

Ibiki's face hardened. "We did not know who she was until she attacked you guys and revealed her face. When we were about to intervene, you guys fled thanks to Akina and she disappeared having sensed us. The situation is under control. Go and take rest. Stop worrying about such things for now. Worry about becoming Chunin first. There are rooms for you to rest." With that he disappeared.

I quivered, anger clouding my body as red spots danced in my vision.

Anger was the only emotion I was feeling right now and I needed to let it out by punching the ground and it cracked.


I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me. Turning around I saw Naruto and Sasuke.

Sasuke wiped the angry tears and brushed the stray bangs of hair falling on my face before he took me in a hug.

"They let me down... I can't trust them. I can't trust anyone with my knowledge. I have to do this alone..."

"Akina.. Calm down. You saved us. You saved me. You can trust us with whatever it is. Its time for us to protect you now." Sasuke said slowly.

"What the teme said."

I clenched his shirt with my hands and nodded.

I can't trust anyone..

Just like our previous life huh?

"Just like that Yume..."

Naruto joined our hug fest and I felt Sakura healing me.

"I'm going to-"

"Knock me out? Don't do it." I mumbled into his chest.


I started collecting my chakra for a powerful move and looked at my chakra saving bracelet which Yamato got for me.

Sasuke stared at me with his sharingan. "Why are you doing that?"

"Just in case we get attacked by flying leeches or a snake."

"Is that much chakra necessary?"

"That's actually for me to transport us all to the tower or somewhere close to it."

"Shouldn't we be fighting dattebayo?"

Sakura shook her head. "If Akina says this is dangerous, we should trust her."

"But I want to fight dattebayo! If Akina chan protects us all the time we won't get to kick anyone's ass and won't grow stronger!"

"Hn. The dobe is right. We should fight."

"... Fine but if Orochimaru is nearby I'm transporting us all out." I stopped collecting my chakra.

After a mere five minutes, we heard a scream and stopped.

"Wasn't that someone just screaming right now? I'm getting nervous." Sakura said.

"I-It was nothing Sakura chan. I have to pee!" Naruto unzipped his pants near a tree and Sakura got an irk mark as she punched his head.

"What are you doing in front of a lady! Go to the grass baka Naruto!"

"You mean ladies." I said pointing to myself.

"You aren't much of a lady Akina. Its like you haven't even attended Kunoichi classes."

Sasuke smirked. "Hn. Akina is nowhere near a lady."

"She's flatter than Sakura chan 'ttebayo!" Naruto said observing my chest.

"You guys... really want to die DON'T YOU!!" I roared at them as I punched Naruto.

"Itai! Now I have to pee even more because you scared me! I'll be back 'ttebayo." He ran into the bushes holding his bladder.

I huffed. "You guys wanted a fight then here you go. I won't be doing shit." I sat down cross legged.

After a while Naruto came out. I smirked and leaned back, waiting for the fight to begin. I knew exactly what would happen, having re watched the episodes multiple times with Yume in my head.

I hummed slightly as I got up after the match.

"Did you guys have fun?"

Sasuke smirked. "It was. But he got away."

"He'll come back later."

Naruto looked away. "He crept up on me while I was peeing.. I didn't even fight."

"You really are such a loser, scaredy cat."

"Oi teme urusai 'ttebayo!"

"You both stop fighting all the time!" Sakura scolded them.

"We need a password to identify each other." Sasuke suddenly spoke up. Sakura nodded.

"It should be something small and easy."

This scene... I looked around frantically as I started gathering chakra rapidly.

'Please please please gather enough on time!' I thought frantically to myself. Concentrating, I felt three chakra signatures and whimpered.

I'm too late...

Sasuke noticed me and nodded at the others. They made a circle around me and drew out their kunais.

"W-what are you guys doing?!" I snapped at them.

"Protecting you." said Sakura as she looked around.

"Why? Its Sasuke who is in trouble-"

"No. I saw her eyeing you like a piece of meat. Its you, I am sure of it."

"No you guys are wrong! Just distract him long enough for me to transport us out. Also gather chakra at the bottom of your feet."

The three nodded their heads. A strong gust of wind flew our way and Sasuke activated his sharingan. None of them flew back.

The three Kusa shinobi came out of their hiding spots. Orochimaru licked her lips.

"You two go have fun. I'll deal with these meat sacks."

Meat sacks?!

"Oy who you calling a meat sack teme?!"

She licked her lips hungrily. "This will be more fun than I thought. You want our Earth scroll don't you? I saw you eyeing my scroll hm."

Using her long tongue, she swallowed the scroll. Sakura and Naruto winced.

"Well lets begin, the battle of the scrolls. For life or death!"

Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and I gasped as we felt her KI. Images of blood and gore flashed through my eyes and I staggered as I stopped collecting the chakra. This intent was way more than I had imagined!

Sakura and Sasuke fell down to their knees and Naruto fell back down. Sakura whimpered as tears fell from her eyes.

"A-Akina.. Take the others and flee. I'll hold her back." Sasuke stammered, his eyes trained on her.

"S-Sasuke teme stop being a teme. We should fight her together."

"Can't move already?" She grinned at us.

"S-she's going to kill us. Akina! Do your technique. Snap out of it!"

I snapped out of the trance and slowly reached for my kunai. Using it I stabbed myself in my thigh and gasped. Sasuke followed my actions and we stood up.

"Hm? You guys broke through it. Interesting, but its too bad for the pinkette and the blonde. They look like prey for my summon."

Simultaneously Sasuke and I threw our kunais and Sakura and Naruto, nicking them slightly and breaking them out of the trance. Orochimaru took out four kunais and shot it towards us. With an unspoken signal Sasuke and I grabbed our team mates and ran.

"Sa-Sasuke kun! Akina! Are you both fine?!" Sakura whispered. Sasuke shut her mouth.

"If we don't escape quickly she'll wipe us out."

Naruto spoke up. "T-That was Orochimaru datte- A SNAKE!"

We jumped in different directions as a snake attacked our previous position. I made five bunshins for them to gather chakra as I jumped towards Sakura.

"Don't come near me!" Sasuke screamed as he threw his shurikens. The snake landed dead and Orochimaru came out of its skin.

"Don't lower your guard down for even a moment. A prey must always stay tense and try to flee desperately for they know they aren't any match for the predator. You four are the prey." She twirled around the tree with her long body and suddenly stopped as a few kunais landed on her path.

"Don't you dare hurt my frie- family Orochimaru or I'll kill you!" Naruto shouted, his eyes blazing with fury and determination. My eyes widened. I'd forgotten that Naruto was an idiot.

A brave and reckless idiot.

"Naruto. I know you are trying to be cool and all but take Akina and Sakura and flee! I'll hold her back." Naruto got pissed and punched Sasuke's face.

"NARUTO SASUKE WATCH OUT!" Sakura shrieked as she jumped away.

"Kuchiyose no justu!" Orochimaru was now standing on top of a snake.

I gritted my teeth and caught Naruto who was flying in the air and we landed on a tree as we stared up at Orochimaru.

"Sasuke Naruto keep her away from my bunshins by distracting the kunoichi! Sakura heal us when we get hurt. I'll try and transport us out of here as soon as possible!" I shouted as I created another bunshin to gather chakra. I cracked my knuckles ready to fight.

She smirked as her eyes raked over Naruto and my figure. She blew something from her hand and it appeared as a flame of fire. We both jumped out of the way. The snake she was standing on caught Naruto while he was flying through the air and flung him down.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed. I gasped.

"Wood Style: Wood control!" I manipulated a tree's branches to catch Naruto. Looking into his eyes I saw he went into Kyuubi mode.

'Shit!' I looked at my clones and they shook their head as they mouthed 10 minutes more to me.

"Change of plans. Naruto and Sasuke distract Orochimaru. Sakura protect Sasuke. I'll gather chakra faster. With bunshins the process is slower."

They nodded their heads. I dispelled my bunshins and situated myself on a tree as Sakura guarded Sasuke with a kunai.

"First will be the blonde brat..."

Naruto shouted as he launched himself on top of the snake, punching him. The snake swatted him away again.

"Next is.. the pink brat. Then it will be your turn Sasuke kun, Akina chan."

'Faster.. faster..' I thought frantically.

"I-I won't let you h-hurt Sasuke kun!" Sakura shrieked. Sasuke was still frozen in fear.

"Sasuke snap out of it!" I shouted but to no avail.

Another one of Orochimaru's snakes came behind them and they gasped as two gigantic snakes loomed over their heads. The one behind them opened it's mouth to eat them and Sakura pushed Sasuke out of its way as she got trapped between the snake's mouth and the tree branch.

My breathing hitched. "Sakura.....:"

Sasuke had fallen down as he looked at Orochimaru again.

"Next is you.. Sasuke kun. What will your move be?" The snake headed towards him at an incredible speed and a scream tore out of my throat.


Naruto appeared between the snake and the Uchiha as he stopped it from moving further.

"Are you okay, scaredy cat?!" Orochimaru's tongue wrapped around Naruto and he brought him to herself. I snapped. A kunai tore her tongue through the middle dropping Naruto back down. Sasuke, back in his senses helped his teammate up. Orochimaru hissed as she went back.

"I change my mind.. You will die first Akina chan."

"Naruto... Sasuke help Sakura out of there. I'll deal with Orochimaru."

She smirked. "Won't you tell me how you know me my precious Akina chan?"

"I thought I told your bitch Kabuto to tell you to stay away from us!"

"Hmm but battling you is so much more fun. Your kekkei genai is... strong... so beautiful. I want you.." She cackled in glee. "But I want Sasuke kun's body even more. I'll put it on you both. Whoever survives... is mine!"

"Wood style: Wood binding!" My hand morphed into wooden branches as they kept Orochimaru and his snake in place and he couldn't move. He dispelled his snake and stood on a branch.

With a battle war cry I attacked him with kunai and shuriken and it resorted into a taijutsu battle.

"Lets test you hm." He drastically increased his pace and I gasped.

'I can't see him!' He punched and kicked me as I tried dodging his attacks or redirecting them.

"Enough!" I merged into the wood and she stopped. I felt her chakra and smirked as I came out from under neath her and punched her jaw. She stumbled back and I delivered a series of kicks and punches to her with chakra. She skidded back coughing. She raised her hands and slammed it on the tree trunk sending a burst of air in my direction.

I went back into the tree and grabbed her from the back. Without loosening my hold I slammed her on the ground. She melted into mud and I whirled around as she punched me, smirking. I slammed into the tree behind me.

I gasped as I coughed blood out.

"You are a dishonor to the Senju Clan. Even Tsunade would be disappointed." She chuckled mirthlessly.

"And you are a disappointment to your dead parents. When you go to hell tell them hi from my side."

Her expression turned to one of shock and then anger and amusement. "Just for that comment.. I'll take Sasuke kun." His snake like head sped towards the two distracted boys who were dragging out an unconscious Sakura.


Use your bracelet before its too late!!

Absorbing power from my chakra bracelet I transported myself there before Orochimaru could reach them and took out my sword, ready to slice his neck if I had to. His mouth widened as he got ready to bite Sasuke and Naruto pushed us out of the way before jumping away with Sakura.

"Sasuke, Naruto grab onto me quickly!" I called out to them.

The Kusa nin snarled as she attacked Sasuke with her neck, trying to bite him. Naruto reached me and held my hand as I reached out my other.

"Sasuke teme! Stop acting so weak dattebayo and defeat her!"

Naruto's words sparked a fire within him and he trapped Orochimaru to a tree using a wire and roasted him with a fire ball jutsu. As the smoke cleared away, so did his skin and everyone saw him for the first time.

"Sasuke kun.. Don't you want to defeat Itachi? I can give you power if you come to me."

"I don't go to pedophiles."

I would've laughed if it wasn't for the fact that we were fighting.

"Sasuke come quick!" I said and he reached out to hold onto me. As I reached for his hand I noticed Orochimaru's head reach Sasuke's neck, ready to bite him and I screamed. The scream sent Orochimaru flying back and as soon as I felt another hand grab mine I transported us far away.

I panted with chakra exhaustion. I had little left.

"Akina chan... Why were you glowing blue back then?" Naruto asked as he laid Sakura gently on the forest floor. Sasuke looked at me and picked me up.

"Thanks.." He said softly looking straight into my eyes.

"A-anything for all of you..."

"Naruto I see a cave. Lets rest for the day. We'll patch you and Sakura up." My eyes started drooping.

"I'll get to see Sakura chan... naked!" Naruto giggled. That's not going to end well.

"Channaro!" Sakura woke up and punched Naruto.

"Itai S-Sakura chan is that how you thank your savior?"

Sasuke smirked and he laid me down. Sakura worriedly checked my body and grimaced. "Boys go out and look for some food. I'll heal Akina chan."

"Sasuke.. you and Naruto take the protective seals from my bag and put them all over the cave. That way no one will find us."

My eyes closed and I saw the three shoot me a worried look. Eyes closed I gave them a thumbs up.


"She should be fine now. She has a little more chakra left but its less.." Sakura trailed off.

"I feel fine. Let's make it to the tower before anyone tracks us down." I slightly grimaced.

"This time I'll beat them up 'ttebayo! Akina chan don't worry. Just take a seat back and relax."

"How is she supposed to walk if she relaxes?" Sasuke smirked. Naruto got an irk mark.

"Urusai teme!"

"I told you its that team Orochimaru sama was talking about." I heard a familiar voice and froze.

Naruto bared his teeth at the intruders as he remembered the man's name.


I sighed sitting back down. Everyone shot me a confused look.

"Don't mind me. They'll destroy you three and if not... I will. Hurry up. I'm impatient."

Sasuke smirked. "I'm excited."

Naruto snorted. "You were shaking with fear a few hours ago and -"

"Bam bam!" I pretended to shoot at Kabuto's teammates with a fake gun as a tree branch impaled them from the back killing them instantly.


I smiled brightly. "Looks like you are out of the Chunin Exams. Anko will have Orochimaru by now in the T&I sector. And we..." I grabbed my team mates.

"... are going to be the first team to reach there. Ja ne!"

I transported us out of there and onto the steps of the tower as I fell down and took deep breaths. Sakura and Naruto picked me up as we made our way inside and Sasuke threw the scrolls on the ground.

Flashback Over

"Let's go to the resting rooms and take a bath." Sakura said. I nodded and grabbing onto Sasuke for support we made our way to the rooms.

Sakura and I decided to share a room. Sasuke and Naruto shared the room next to us. After closing the door I headed towards the bathroom and stripped down my clothes. I stepped into the shower. Luckily they had common sense to keep soap and other toiletries stored for use.

I turned on the shower and felt myself calm down. Water is peaceful. Water is nice.

"I was weak.. too weak." I tried speaking to Yume.

You were going against a Sannin. You aren't weak. You are only 12.

I sighed. "I should've trapped him with my seals."

He is needed in the future.

"Its creepy how you know what to say at the right time." She remained silent.

"But that doesn't excuse the fact that I couldn't sense him. Also what is up with him wanting my kekkei genkai?"

I am not sure.. What will you do about the Lee vs Gaara match?

"Stop Lee from getting hurt. Maybe I can change Gaara."

Naruto and Gaara need to have good relations. Maybe you should leave it be.

I had the faintest of smiles on my lips. "Maybe I can give them a head start."


So how are you guys today?

Also 1.5 K reads wow. I can't believe you guys read this trash. I am VERY disappointed with this chapter. Its hard for me to write battle scenes and I feel as if Akina was very weak here. There is a reason for that! If I tell you I'm spoiling the book ending for y'all.

She is strong trust me on that but battling Orochimaru takes a toll on you.

Also what was up with that scream? She screamed and the snake pedo went flying back?


Anyways more battle scenes are left to come. How troublesome..

Do you guys want any special scene to happen in the upcoming chapters? Like maybe Naruto loses control or Gaara/Akina moments? Let me know!

Q: Why do you think Akina left Kabuto alive when she could've killed him easily?

I don't know what that dumb girl is thinking. She should've killed Kabuto.

Akina: I have a reason!

That's your excuse for everything! Its troublesome to guess.

See you guys later!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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