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The art belongs to OhikoSenju of deviant art as do all the other pictures of Akina!

Enjoy reading! 



"You look like shit Akina." Sakura commented on her teammate.

"Thanks for boosting up my self esteem." Akina snapped back.

Kakashi stopped reading his book and stared at her. 

"I thought I told all of you to rest?"

"Nightmares." She answered bitterly.

Akina looked around her surroundings with narrowed eyes. There were five main reasons this particular mission will come to bite them in their asses.

1. Danzo's root members may come after them.

2. Deidara and Tobi might be waiting for them.

3. They were going towards Orochimaru who might be waiting in Kusagakure.

4. They might have to enter Amegakure and Pain will be there.

5. She had no idea what was going to happen on this mission.

Basically, all of the worst dangers, all of Konoha's enemies will be coming for them and she didn't know if they'll be up for it. 

"Oh Kakashi, my eternal rival! How nice to meet you this early in the morning with your youthful students." Gai's boisterous laugh came from behind them.

Sasuke turned to see Rock Lee stand behind his sensei proudly and scowled as he remembered his failure. It seemed as if they were going on a mission as well. 

Kakashi didn't look like he was in the mood to deal with Gai but answered anyways. "Hello Gai. Its been a while."

Tenten gave them all a tentative smile and Sakura gave them one back.

"Neji san! How are you and Hinata?" Akina asked.

"Hinata hime and I are fine, thank you for asking Akina san."

Naruto smirked at Neji no doubt remembering his win. 

"Kakashi! What do you say we have a match right here, right now."

Kakashi laughed nervously. "Its not really the time now Gai-"

"I'd love to see Gai sensei fight against his youthful rival! Yosh Neji san, fight me!" Lee turned to his rival.

Neji got a tick mark. "No."

"Gai sensei we really need to go the Land of Tea otherwise Tsunade sama will get angry." Tenten huffed.

Akina gaped at them.

They stole Team 7's filler mission to escort Idate Morino!!

Gai looked down at her proudly. "My youthful student Tenten is right! We need to get going. Don't worry Kakashi, I'll keep up to your offer of a battle next time!"

Kakashi looked up from his book. "Did you say something?"

"AHA! Take notes Lee! This carefree cool attitude of his is what I lack, yet cannot obtain!"

"Yosh sensei! But in my eyes you are much cooler than Kakashi sensei."

Gai had tears in his eyes. "Lee..."

"Gai sensei!"

The scenery around them suddenly changed to them hugging and standing on the edge of a cliff with waves raging around them, tears in their eyes.

Akina slapped herself and rubbed her red cheeks. "How..?"

"Just don't question it Akina.. Lets go, Team 7." Kakashi muttered already fed up. He couldn't stand all this drama early in the morning.

"Tenten! Please be careful on the boat." Akina called out to the other female.

She seemed confused but nodded anyways.

Team 7 set out to leave the other team behind.

Naruto and Sasuke were bickering and Sakura was occasionally stopping to collect medicinal herbs to make medicines.

Kakashi was reading his book and Akina was lost in her own thoughts. 

The little episode between Gai and Lee made her smile a bit. She suddenly felt refreshed, looking at both the carefree teams.

Newfound determination soared through her.

Danzo will regret messing with her team.

Akina created a bunshin in her place and went inside the forest closing her eyes.

There were two strong chakra signatures nearby them and it was the same as yesterday.

Deidara and Tobi, keeping an eye on her mostly.

Akina ignored them. As long as they don't attack, it'll be fine.

She couldn't feel any other dangerous chakra signatures around them and Akina sighed relieved. 

So far, so good. They probably wouldn't attack with them still close to Konoha.

Akina's bunshin disappeared as she took her place. 

"Akina, would you help me?" Sakura asked.

"Sure." The Senju smiled.

Kakashi looked up confused as he felt someone glare at him. Looking around he saw no one and went back to reading.

All is well. For now.

"Sempai who are they?" Tobi asked.

"That's Akina's team. I have no idea who they are but the black haired guy reminds me of that Uchiha bastard un."

Obito looked at Kakashi, as he felt anger flooding in him in waves. 

He killed Rin.. 

His eyes shifted to the teenage boy on their team with recognizable black hair and onyx black eyes.

Itachi's otouto, the last of the Uchiha. 

He looked at the blonde boy squabbling with Sasuke.

Jinchuriki.. Kushina san and sensei's son..

His eyes finally fell on the two girls. Sakura and Akina.

Akina.. her heritage makes her so interesting and different.. not even Madara sama knew about the two.

Watching Sakura laugh, he heard her explain to the Senju about various medicinal herbs who in turn looked extremely confused.

"I'll be the best iryo nin!"

Obito felt a pang in his heart as he saw the girl with pink hair change to one with brown hair and purple markings on her face. He saw his old team walking towards Kanabi bridge, unaware of the dangers. 

Just like this team.

What an interesting team you have, Kakashi. 

Obito chuckled forgetting to mask his deep voice.

Deidara looked at Tobi confused. He shook his head.

He must be going insane with Tobi if he's hearing voices by now.

"Deidara sempai, I want to pee."

"Why the hell are you telling me un?! Go and do it in the damned bushes."

Deidara really needed a vacation after this. Preferably one without Tobi.

For some reason the girl Akina would go and touch the trees and close her eyes, every twenty minutes or so.

That was weird.

About three hours later Deidara perked up, his eye automatically realizing a genjutsu was put. He sighed in relief.

Things were finally going to get interesting.

Akina stopped walking after three hours, narrowing her eyes at the number of shinobi coming towards them.

She touched her pendant, thrumming with chakra.

"Mina!" She called out and everyone stopped walking to face her.

"We.. have a major situation. Anbu level.. They'll reach us in 10 minutes.." She said. 

Kakashi's eyes widened as he looked at his unprepared students.

The three genin got into a stance, their backs facing each other as they whipped out their kunais.

"How many Akina?" asked Kakashi.

"Around... 15." She said with a grimace.

Danzo hadn't underestimated them.

She had no plan. 

"Can we flee?" 

Kakashi was never one to flee from any attacks, but right now he had four genin to take care of. Moreover, the shinobi were anbu level.

"No way sensei! We will kick their asses 'ttebayo!" Naruto spoke up, fear and excitement in his eyes.

"Yes we will. I'm not running." Akina spoke up glaring into the distance.

"Hn. It'd be nice for a break." Sasuke said smirking, ready to test his skills.

Sakura looked confident but didn't say anything. 

Kakashi looked at them, amazed at their mental development. 

They are stronger now..

"Maa, looks like we have to get ready. Akina, plan. This will be your test as field Chunin. One has to take command."

Akina turned to face them, a creepy grin on her face. Naruto shivered. 

"I'll bring on the first wave of attacks. Sensei and Sasuke, once they come close enough, please put a genjutsu. A disturbing one with multiple layers."

"What do you mean by disturbing?" Sasuke asked, knowing her gaze.

She smirked. "Do whatever you wish, preferably with sexual fantasies to throw them off since they won't expect that. Once their distracted, I'll attack first with my mokuton. Once they are distracted, Naruto and Sasuke you both step in. Naruto, create as many bunshins as you can and attack with your rasengan and air jutsus. Sasuke, you attack alongside Naruto. Try to do as many long ranged jutsus as you can and effect multiple people." 

"What about me, taicho?" Kakashi asked amused. He wasn't sure this was going to work, especially the genjutsu but he wanted to see what happens.

"Sensei you might have to use your kamui if things get out of hand. Sakura, heal us if we get hurt. Naruto and Sasuke, work together and combine your jutsus. Sensei, just attack. I have no plan for you. Protect Sakura since they'll target her first."

"Get ready." Akina said.

As soon as Kakashi sensed the shinobi he signaled Sasuke and the first wave of genjutsu began. They were repelled almost instantly but the waves kept on coming. Many started fidgeting, making the team wonder what was going on. 

Akina brought her hands together and did a series of hand signs. The trees around them shook and shivered.

Naruto watched in amazement as the tree branches started moving. One by one, the men got stabbed in the stomach or the heart. With a nod at Sasuke, they both ran.

The others, hearing other people scream snapped out and came out of the genjutsu, feeling an odd sensation down there.

The root members were thoroughly confused. Just what happened and what was that electrifying sensation happening in their bodies?

They had never felt lust before and it was a new concept to them.

Kakashi tried looking for their hitai ates but could see none since they were hidden.

Five of the shinobi had died due to Akina's tree attacks. 

The rest of the ten attacked. Four of them cornered Naruto as the other 6 sped towards Kakashi, Akina and Sakura.

Akina and Kakashi ran forward, kunais in their hands. Akina created a bunshin and the two girls joined hands and trees grew around the shinobi, trapping them inside.

Akina was pulled underground and her neck was poking out. She snarled, not able to do any jutsus without her hands.

The members attacked Kakashi who was protecting Sakura at the same time. 

They got out using an earth jutsu.

Akina tried wriggling out but to no avail. There was an earth jutsu at work here, keeping her rooted. (HA! Get the pun?)

Naruto and Sasuke weren't faring much better. With now two anbu attacking them, they had cuts and bruises all over their bodies as they escaped large attacks. Kakashi's training had helped them, but not much.

"Rasengan!" He missed.

"Dobe, move away!" Naruto nodded and jumped up.

"Chidori senbon!" Sasuke snarled as the senbon hit the anbu members. One standing far away deflected them by jumping up where Naruto was waiting for him with a kunai.

He threw his kunai at him which was glowing a pale blue with sharp edges. He'd infused his special chakra enhanced kunai just like Asuma had suggested. 

It passed through his heart and Naruto's eyes widened with horror. He'd just killed a man. His aim was too injure him, not kill. He stumbled on the tree trunk and vomited.

"Akina help!!" Sakura's high pitched voice reached everyone's ears as they turned to look at a man holding her captive, a kunai to her neck.

Kakashi wasn't able to move towards her, battling four men.

Sasuke due to her scream got distracted and was now being choked to death.

Naruto looked at both his teammates shell shocked and confused on who to save. He decided on saving Sasuke first since he was the closest.

"NOO!!!" Akina screamed as the root member brought his kunai down on Sakura's neck. Sakura closed her eyes and a tear slipped out.

Obito and Deidara looked at the match undergoing underneath them.

"It makes me want to fight un! They have no sense of art at all." Deidara muttered.

"Sempai's art is pretty amazing! Tobi thinks so!"

"Hm. They are faring pretty well for anbu level. Its quite interesting." 

Obito looked as an anbu member crept up behind Sakura. She turned and began to defend herself but was caught.

She yelled out for her team and Obito twitched.

Just like Rin.. 

He was a cruel man, but he never wanted children to die so ruthlessly. But, it was a part of the shinobi world and he remained silent fighting down his twitch.

"There's no way someone like you will become the Hokage, Obito." Kakashi said rudely.

Minato looked at him sternly. "That's not how you support your teammates, Kakashi."

Rin smiled. "Obito would make a good Hokage ne sensei?"

Obito smiled proudly. "You know the first thing I'm going to do?"

His team looked at him inquisitively as he balled his hands into a fist.

"I'll stop sending children to war! They shouldn't be forced to see all the horrors of a shinobi world."

Kakashi snorted. "If they chose this path, they have to get used to it or they'll die. In this world, no matter who you are its either kill or be killed. Someone like you wouldn't understand, and that's why you are not meant to be a leader."

He repressed his childhood memory and looked down at the battle scene once more.

He noticed Kakashi's panicked eyes, filled with despair and smirked.

You finally understand how I felt, Kakashi.

A strange voice enveloped everyone's ears.

Obito smiled.

That's what he wanted to see. That's why he came here.

Sakura closed her eyes and waited for the killing blow. When she felt the grip on her disappear she opened her eyes to see Akina stand in her position, out of the mud. 

Her eyes were unfocused and her arm was coming out from the back of the shinobi, holding a kunai. It was dripping with blood.

"Oh no.. My arm got dirty. Leave them alone." She said dully.

Sakura choked, relieved yet confused. 

Is that all she cared about, getting dirty? 

There was a thud as Kakashi fell on the ground a shinobi kicking him on his chest. The three shinobi got ready to deliver the final blow. Kakashi held his bleeding eye.

They didn't give him a chance to use it. He got up with difficulty and attacked the closest member.

"I said.. leave my team alone." Akina slowly announced as she removed her weights.

With a blur, Akina attacked the remaining two shinobi and killed them. Blood spilled on her face and she wiped it, creating a further mess.

Her outfit was drenched with red.

She was red.

"Let us go y-you bastard! Stay away from Sasuke and leave his eyes alone!"

The three members turned their eyes to see Sasuke unconscious, a root member sharpening his kunai to take his eyes.

Naruto was restrained by the bunshins of the root member as he was forced to watch.

Akina sighed. "How many times should I repeat myself?"

She threw a kunai at the man who turned and caught it.

Akina jumped up and stood between the man and Sasuke as she held her hand out.

"No one is stealing his eyes." 

He shot his arm out to punch her. She sidestepped and watched his hand go by.

Sakura tended to Kakashi's eye and wounds. Looking at her battle, Kakashi remembered something.

Whenever she's angry, she becomes hyper aware and her senses heighten or she becomes incredibly clumsy.

The shinobi landed a kick on her and she landed next to Sasuke.

Clumsy it is.

Without so much of a wince she got up and glared. 

"You are the last one. Go and report that your mission was a failure. Otherwise, I'll lose control and you don't want that to happen trust me."

"I will fight till my last breath."

"... I am sorry."

"You don't sound sorry."

"Its a formality. We are monsters after all." With a flick of her wrist she channeled chakra into the tree she was standing on. 

Slowly, smaller branches started crawling on his legs and he bent down to get rid of them by using fire style and his chakra layered kunai.

Akina raised her hands as branches shot out from her hand and grabbed his wrists, causing him to lose hold of his kunai.

"Akina chan don't kill him please!" Naruto's pleading voice was heard from the other side.

"I gave him a chance to escape and he didn't." 

"Please! Don't kill him." He begged even more, tears in his eyes.

He can't stand the sight of death..

"I won't. I'll injure him so he can't follow us." Naruto nodded, slightly relieved.

"Please make it quick." The shinobi murmured.

"Akina, we need to question him." Kakashi said as he told her to stop.

"He will not answer. He's not allowed to." The shinobi nodded.

A tree branch stabbed him in his thighs and he screamed in pain. Naruto and Sakura winced and turned away. Kakashi stared stony faced at Akina in a new light.

She's changed.

"Would you like it quick?" Akina murmured.


"Akina chan no!!" Naruto screamed.

"He asked for it, Naruto. I'm only following his wishes." With a sick smile she killed him.

The root member hiding in the trees ran back to Konoha to inform Danzo of the development.

His weakest anbu shinobi were just killed by a team of genin.

The bunshins restraining Naruto disappeared and he fell on his knees puking again. Nothing but bile came out and he looked up to glare at her.

"You didn't have to kill him!"

"I didn't, but I'll do anything to ensure your safety. Kuchiyose no jutsu!"

Akina bit her thumb and Nozomi appeared.

"Hello my dear- oh my! What happened?"

"A massacre. Please, carry all of us to the nearest town." Akina murmured as she hoisted Sasuke up on Nozomi's back by herself. Naruto got on and kept Sasuke's head on his lap.

He didn't so much even glance at her.

Nozomi flew down to Kakashi and Sakura who got on and began healing the boys.

Akina sat down on the tree.

"Akina?" Kakashi questioned.

"I have to dispose the bodies." 

"You need medical attention. Leave them." 

She shook her head. "I'll catch up using tree transport. Go ahead."

"Come down right now Akina!" Kakashi scolded her.

"You are not my parent. Nozomi, go ahead please."

"I'm sorry Hatake san, but Akina will catch up. Please hold on tightly." Nozomi instructed them and flew away.

Akina lay down on the tree and closed her eyes.

Just what happened that moment?

Fear just took control and suddenly she had impaled him.

She needed time alone. Getting up she glanced at the bodies, not feeling an ounce of guilt.

"Its time to clean up huh?"

Obito glanced at the dead bodies. 

He was impressed. He thought they wouldn't be able to make it, but they did. 

And what did she mean by tree transport?

"She's good un. I can see why Leader sama wants her. But she reminds me of Hidan, getting blood all over her." Deidara wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"Tobi is scared of Hidan. Hidan wants to sacrifice Tobi but Tobi doesn't understand why because he's a good boy." He shivered.

Deidara glanced at the female gathering the bodies in a pile.

She used earth style to remove a large patch of ground and lugged all the bodies inside it.

"What is she doing sempai?"

"She's burning their bodies un."

Using a fire style jutsu she watched all the bodies burn and she coughed at the smell of burning flesh.

"EEK SEMPAI THAT SMELLS HORRID!" Tobi shrieked as he grabbed his mask at where his nose would be.

Deidara noticed as Akina narrowed her eyes in their direction. 

"Shut up Tobi! She'll catch us un." Deidara hissed.

He's wearing a mask, how the hell can the stench reach him this quickly?

Akina stretched her body, having heard Tobi's shriek.

He's being way too obvious. Does he want them to get caught?

The stench grew worse and she decided its time to leave.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!"

Katsumi appeared before her and she grunted.

"You called for me brat?"

"Yeah. Catch up to Nozomi please. I'll be sleeping on you." Her eyes felt droopy.

It was the morning yet she was tired. She climbed on top of her and stuck herself to her using chakra.

"Fine. Don't mess up my feathers."

"Sure. Also, Katsumi, please tell Nozomi to continue until Kakashi sensei says to stop. Wake me up if its important." She dozed off.

Deidara watched in frustration as the bird took off.

He'd have to use his clay bird too now, and it wasn't exactly the best for spying yet he had no choice.

He started chewing the detonating clay. 

Naruto was horribly sad and angry at Akina.

He'd seen her killing before and he didn't know why this was any different.

Maybe because of the look on her face.

She seemed satisfied and he couldn't see any regret.

She didn't even stop when he told her to. Its like she changed personalities.

"Alright Naruto, I'm done healing you." Sakura muttered tired as she stopped using her chakra.


She looked at Sasuke who was still unconscious. He'd banged his head against the tree trunk several times and his head was bleeding.


The team turned around to see another giant bird and their eyes widened as they saw her tail.

"Katsumi! I see you are carrying Akina chan. She looks tired."

Sure enough Akina was sleeping peacefully on the griffin's back.

Katsumi snorted. "Thank Kami. She's scared of heights and she'd be wailing with fear if she hadn't slept. She told you to keep going until her sensei told you to stop."

Her eyes fell on the masked man.

"I'm assuming you are to give us orders." She said unhappily.

"I guess.. We have to fly until we reach the edge of the borders of the Land of Fire."

"Sit tight then. That will take at least another six hours." Katsumi said.

Sasuke's eyes fluttered open and he slowly got up, touching his bandaged head as he did so. He winced.

"What happened?" He croaked out.

"You got knocked out, but not before you took out a few of them." Naruto explained surprisingly not jeering at him.

"Here's some water Sasuke kun. You hit your head hard but take care." Sakura said as she handed him her bottle.

"Whose summon..?"

Sasuke remembered a similar bird help him battle Gaara. 

"Akina's.. She's on the other bird, sleeping." Kakashi said.

"I need to go to her." Sasuke said immediately getting up.

Katsumi and Nozomi slowed down as they eyed the Uchiha boy take care of Akina.

"Sakura didn't you heal her?"

"I-I ran out of chakra so I couldn't." She winced getting ready to hear him scold her. 

"Hn. Pass me the bandages and water. I'll wrap her wounds until you recover. Pass me a cloth as well." He said as he checked her body for wounds. 

Sakura wordlessly threw the materials and he caught it as he began to bandage her.

"Uchiha.. you better not drop water on me." Katsumi growled.


The rest of the trip was spent in silence until the two birds set them down in a town close to the border.

Tensions within the team were running high between Naruto and Akina who had woken up while Sasuke was carrying her.

Kakashi sighed as they checked in an inn for the remainder of the night.

Tomorrow, they'd have to look for the spy in enemy nations.

He looked into the distance and closed his eyes as he saw Rin and Obito smile at him.

The Kanabi bridge was nearby.

"Leader sama is calling us back un. Let's go, Tobi."


"Deidara sempai, should we sleep on a bed together? It'll be fun like a sleepover!"

"What the fuck Tobi! No way un."

"Please sempai? I'll wash your hair for you while you take bath. Long hair can be messy!"

"Katsu!" An explosion was heard.



I had fun writing about Tobi and Deidara..

I have bad news...

I have a disease..

Its quite common but most people do not recover from it. I promise you guys I will! 

I'm way too young to run out of ideas!

Yes, I have a writer's block..

I just need to think of a filler arc before all goes to shit! I literally know how Akina will meet Team 7 again in Shippuden.

Sksksk i just don't know what to do for the filler arc!

Dw I'll be back soon. I have four chapters as drafts already.

And I have decided that for the second book, I'll be merging it with the first one instead of making a new cover n all and adding description.

After 'Naruto' is completed, I'll be editing all the chapters and call it as PHASE 1. Shippuden will be PHASE 2.

Aaand this story is rated as mature now since sensitive topics will come up in the future! I'll give a warning so dw.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Rate this chappie!

Aaand what do you think Danzo will do now hm? 


Listen to this:

My dumbass thought I posted it yesterday just before I went to sleep! I wake up and see no notifications n i think I finally did it.

I killed you all with the boredom and sadness.

Then I go and see that my chapter has not been published!

Smh im soooo smart sometimes..

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