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An 8K special my dear children!!

Its hard to believe that I just updated yesterday and it was on 7.6K reads like omg

Gets a little steamy here!

The closest picture I could find which resembled Akina and Sasuke's position. 

PS: Get your mind out of the gutter or you'll be sorely disappointed.


Pro tip: Select a really sexual and romantic music when i say start and play it. The song makes the scene more intense.



A Little Random Note:-

The shinobi world is quite odd. Everyone is forced to grow up as quickly as possible and live their lives. 

Most shinobi don't live after 30 years and even fewer ones grow up to see their grandkids.

Trusting your team, falling in love, getting married. All of that happens at a younger age than usual. 

And so do certain...  moments.

Akina opened her eyes to the bare white walls, growing used to it.

She hadn't slept well for such a long time and felt well rested. 

The hospital might as well turn into her room.

She got up and took all the wires out of her body. A flat line sound was heard and she looked at the machine.


The Senju heard thundering of footsteps outside and the door burst open for Shizune to arrive. Looking at Akina stare at her confused, she let out a sigh and leaned on the wall.

"I thought you were dead. You just took out the wires."

"Well... I'm not dead."

Shizune grabbed the report lying on the stool and ticked something off.

Akina stretched her limbs. 

"Where's my team?"

"They came to visit you early in the morning and then left."

"Where to?"

"Um training I think. Kakashi san was here with you the full day yesterday as Tsunade sama took care of you."


Shizune put the clipboard down and sat next to her.

"What do you remember?"

Akina furrowed her eyes. "I honestly can't remember shit. Its like a whole blank to me. I remember someone picking me up, probably Kakashi sensei."

The elder female shot her a troubled glance.

She hesitated. "Well see that's the thing. After you summoned your bird, you fell on a tree extremely injured. Sasuke went to search for your body and he.. he couldn't find you."

"What? Then who picked me up?"

"We figured you'd tell us. They had to escape since Orochimaru was after Sasuke. You should've seen them."

"Seen who?"

"They thought your body was still lying there somewhere. Sakura chan was ready to march all the way out there. Sasuke was so cold and anger was pouring out of him in waves. Kakashi... I had never seen a man so broken."

She shivered. "And Naruto..."

Akina's discomfort grew. "Naruto?"

"He lost control of the Kyuubi temporarily in your house. Yamato san was luckily nearby. Its all been covered up quite well."

"H-he lost control?! Is he fine?"

"You must understand, Akina that you disappeared. When Sakura chan appeared on a large summon with Tora, Tsunade sama instantly sent out a recovery team of Anbu members."

"The anbu members met Kakashi san's team on the way back to Konoha. When he and Sasuke reached back with an unconscious Naruto, Sasuke asked frantically about you. He thought you'd traveled through the trees. That hope was the only thing keeping them together and when they realized that they left your dead body there for Orochimaru to experiment on...."

"What?" Akina whispered.

"The amount of self loathing... I could feel their despair from a mile away. Konoha went into a mourning state." 

"I- why Konoha?"

Shizune smiled. "Because Tsunade went into a state of despair as well. You are quite the little charmer."


"Yes, Konoha's citizens like you for your honesty and bravery. I think a young boy was harassing the Akimichi clan heir.."

"Them?" Akina didn't even remember the kid's name.

"Well they were quite the bullies, picking on younger civilian kids as well. The parents were thrilled when they heard what you did. Gossip spreads. They heard about your team bringing Zabuza Momochi. Your Chunin exam where you saved the Sandaime has reached everyone's ears as well."

"Back to the main topic please! What happened then?"

"Ah.. Well after a month, Izumo, Kotetsu and Iruka heard you scream loudly. They found you curled up, crying because of your wound. Then you fainted. They made quite the entrance, carrying the supposedly dead princess into Konoha. Tsunade sama was informed and stopped the funeral preparations with your team."

"My team?"

Shizune smiled. "I think I've told you enough. Go and meet them." 

Akina nodded and she made her way towards the door, having an inkling of where they might be.

"Akina, a word of advice. Please talk to Tsunade sama first. She's been drinking non stop for days now. The entire Team has a vendetta against her, even Sakura chan." 

The Senju's eyes softened. She treated Tsunade quite terribly. But, she couldn't bring herself to get close to someone again. 

Her team hating Tsunade?

"I'll talk to Tsunade first then."

Akina made her way to the Hokage's room as she thought things over. 

Disappearing for a day? 

Maybe she wiped her own memories away.

But why and who picked her up?

Akina knocked on the door and a faint reply of a 'fuck off' came from within. She opened the door and gasped loudly.

"Tsunade onee san!"

The Hokage's desk was littered with sake bottles throughout as the female Hokage drank another bottle. 

There were 12 empty bottles. 

"Oy brat! I said to fuck off!" Tsunade slurred. Akina looked at all the ruined paperwork and sighed.

"Its me, Akina."

Tsunade got up wobbling and held onto the desk for support as she hiccuped. 

"M-my deaaaaar imouto... You -hic- aren't dead like my otouto! He'd have -hic- loved you, you know."

Akina softly closed the door behind her.

Tsunade stared at her for a moment, her cheeks rosy and a haze in her eyes. "You are riiiiiighhttt.." She drawled out the letters.

"About what?"

"About getting hurt, brat. What else?"

"Ah about that-"


Akina stared at her elder sister, weirded out by her antics.

Tsunade had fallen back down on her seat and she stared intently at a photo frame. Walking closer she saw a picture of herself.

"Akina you brat! You're -hic- smart. I got hurt by getting close to you. You -hic- died as soon as I came back. I really am unlucky eh?" 

Akina began speaking. 

"No its my-"

Tsunade held a hand out at the photo as if she was shushing it. 

"Shurt up for now. My head hurts. But I don't regret spending time with you." Tears weld up her eyes and they slowly made way down her cheeks.

"I deserve all the backlash from Team 7. I made you go on that mission. It wasn't supposed to be dangerous." She drawled. 

"How wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"I received intel that Orochimaru was spotted near Sunagakure, away from all of you. It should've been a C or B rank but it turned out to be an A!"

She took another swig of her sake bottle before smashing it on the wall.

"Damn you bastards.. first my cousin and now her daughter!"

"What? You aren't making sense. You need some sleep." Akina grabbed her hand and dragged her out of her office after locking it. 

Tsunade stumbled not being able to see properly and Akina struggled with her weight, as her bosom smashed against her face.

Akina looked away with a bright blush.

"Ano Shizune san! Help!" 

Shizune ran over to grab Tsunade from the other side and together the two girls made their way to a beautifully furnished house.

Shizune used the keys to unlock the door and they promptly dropped the drunk Hokage in her bed. 

"Nice house." Akina commented.

"Tsunade sama thought it'd be better for you to take the Senju compound. She thought it'd be uncomfortable for you to share the compound with her."

"But why? She deserves it more than I do. I mean she's the Hokage! And there are tons of houses within the Senju compound itself."

Shizune smiled. "She didn't want to inconvenience you. She didn't want to go back either."

"Ah.. I'll leave now. Arigatou Shizune san!"

Akina made her way to the Training Grounds where they administered the bell test.

Slowly touching the bark of a tree she went inside it and traveled to where she felt three chakra signatures.

Akina poked her head out and observed her team.

"Again Sakura." Kakashi took a stance.

Sakura took out her kunai and attacked Kakashi as Naruto and Sasuke observed her.

The pinkette made sure her center was balanced before she punched Kakashi in his face. He directed her punch away to the right and side stepped to the left as he tried swiping his legs from underneath her. 

Her emerald eyes flashed and she jumped up into the air as she landed behind Kakashi. 

Infusing chakra into her legs she brought it down on the ground and a small part of the ground cracked under the pressure. Kakashi jumped away and aimed a jutsu at her.

"Fireball jutsu!" 

"Water style: Waving torrents!"

The two jutsus clashed and Sakura ran through the steam created as she covered her skin with a layer of chakra to protect her self before attempting to kick Kakashi's torso.

He grabbed her leg and threw her elsewhere. 

She landed on her hands and back flipped landing near a large boulder. 

Taking out a shuriken she aimed it above Kakashi.

Distracted, the Copy Cat nin looked up thinking a trap had been set.

Sakura picked up the big boulder and threw it at Kakashi as she ran towards him. 

Kakashi's single eye widened and he jumped back to avoid getting hit. 

The rock hit the ground and a layer of dust was formed and a large sound was heard. Sakura scooped up the dirt and threw it in Kakashi's eye, sending a shuriken right after it, aiming to hurt him.

Kakashi's senses were going into overdrive and his intuition of danger was the only thing that gave him a warning of an oncoming weapon. 

Substituting himself with a piece of log he rubbed his eye to get rid of the irritation which only worsened. 

Sakura was running towards him at an unimaginable speed thanks to chakra and he had no choice but to activate his sharingan to stare at her.

With a grin Sakura stopped and cheered loudly.

"I did it! I got sensei to activate his sharingan!"

"Yeah well you threw dust into his eyes dattebayo!" Naruto complained.

She poked her tongue out at him. "Dirty tricks are allowed."

Next to the Uzumaki, Sasuke didn't say anything his scowl deepening further.

Even Sakura was catching up to his level.

Now Naruto was the only one who couldn't get Kakashi to use his sharingan.

"Maa Sakura that was a nice trick. You pass!" He gave her a closed eye smile albeit it was forced. He was sore about the fact that he had no choice but to admit it.

"What?! Come on sensei that's not fair 'ttebayo!" 

"Actually Naruto, it is." Akina stepped out of the tree having seen enough.

Sakura's battle was... an eye opener of sorts. She'd used her wits and brains when she clearly lacked in the monstrous chakra level departments.

The team stared at her speechlessly not expecting her to wake up for another day or so.

Akina fidgeted. "Um you guys are making it awkward. I don't prefer attention on me."

Sakura briskly walked up to her and smacked her. And it was hard.

"You absolute bitch! How dare you die on me?! You freaking promised that you'd be alive!"

"Well I am alive so-" Akina rubbed her swollen cheek not expecting that.

Hell, she came here for hugs not slaps. Otherwise she would've worn a full body protective gear with a helmet. 

But even that wouldn't be enough with Sakura's slaps. It hurt like a bitch.

"Shut up! I'm not done talking yet! You promised you'd be back alive. Sasuke, Naruto and sensei came back so why didn't you?! You foresaw this didn't you? How could you be so selfish to keep the fact that you'd be stabbed by a Sannin!" 

"Woah woah woah! I didn't foresee this for hell's sake! I don't appreciate being stabbed you know. This mission was completely on a whim. This mission wasn't supposed to happen, at least it wasn't meant for us."

Sakura's eyes slightly softened before she smacked Akina's other cheek.

"OUCH?! What the fuck dude!"

"I ought to punch you down there as well but you're injured." Sakura growled and hugged her tightly.

"You made us worry for no reason! Who took you?"

"I-I don't know.. I thought sensei picked me up." She muttered lowly before looking up to meet Kakashi's eyes.

He looked away from her and looked down at the ground before disappearing into smoke. 

Akina felt hurt. Did she do something wrong?

Naruto had began running towards them as he joined the group hug. Sakura broke away to give them their privacy as she headed home.

She saw Sasuke's expression and smirked. 

There would be no training today.

Naruto stuck onto her with chakra. Again.

"This time I'm never letting you go Akina chan! First the old man and now you? I was so scared and angry at that bastard snake. I lost control and destroyed your home dattebayo!" Tears ran down his face.

Akina giggled silently remembering the 'rape' comment.

"Gomen Naruto. I really had no idea that this was going to happen! I would've changed it otherwise."

He let her go after a few minutes and wiped his tears. He low key glared at her and Akina felt nervousness bubbling in the pit of her stomach. 

"I will not forgive you again if that happens."

"It won't happen again.. hopefully." She muttered the last part slowly but he didn't seem to hear anything. 

Naruto was grinning widely at his rival and shouted at him.

"Akina chan hugged me first dattebayo!"

Sasuke got a tick mark. "I was waiting for you all to leave. Now get out dobe!"

Naruto chuckled. "I know a lot about girls because of ero sennin teme!"

"Naruto..." Sasuke growled and activated his sharingan.

Akina looked at them confused. 

Were they communicating telepathically because she had no clue what they were saying.

"Naruto what- Sasuke!" Akina was cut off as he roughly grabbed her hand and began dragging her.

"Where are we going?"

"Hn. My house."


He refused to answer her and continued dragging her.

"My house!" Akina shrieked at the worn down condition of one of the houses in her compound. 

Luckily, it was empty.

"Hn. Its fine. You live in the main building."

"But its still destroyed!" Akina whined at the amount of work she'd have to do. She gritted her teeth.

I'll make you pay, Naruto you idiot.


They entered his home and Akina was let go from his grasp. She rubbed her wrist and looked down.

"So what did you need to show me?"

"I never needed to show you anything." Sasuke placed his finger under Akina's chin and made her look up at him. 

Her dark sparkling eyes mesmerized him. 

He thought he lost her. He regretted so much he could've done for her.

He won't hold back.

Without a warning Sasuke pressed his lips to Akina and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed slowly, full of passion and love. The soft feeling of his lips was making Akina want more, more of him.

He won't hold back.

Sasuke pushed her against a wall and his kisses transformed from soft and full of love to viciousness and want.

Akina moaned as he forcefully pushed his tongue inside her mouth and she did the same as their tongues battled for dominance.

Their soft moment had transformed.

She needed more of him and it was as if Sasuke understood.

He held the back of her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her back on the wall.

He gently squeezed her thighs and Akina gasped, having lost the dominance she'd almost asserted.

Smirking into the kiss he kissed her with more force and he slightly groaned at the feeling.

This sensation was new to the both of them and so inviting. It was inviting them to explore each others bodies even more, touch each and every curve and crevice of each other's bodies.

They had never gone to such levels.

Sasuke stopped kissing her and rested his forehead against hers, giving both of them time to take in deep breaths.

They stared at each other and saw the look in their eyes, mirroring what they themselves felt.

They were too young and it was too early.

But that didn't stop Sasuke. He'd go far, far enough to make her want him all and then pull back. 

That was her punishment.

He removed his shirt and Akina glanced at his body as she slightly bit her lip. He let her down and pulled her against himself, now holding her waist.

He began to peck her lips and then left a trail of kisses from her mouth to her jawline. Her breathing was getting heavier and her hands traveled from the back of his neck to his hair.

He began kissing her neck and Akina threw her head back at the sensation. At a particular spot she gasped loudly and she felt him smirking into her neck.

He harshly bit the spot before soothing it with his tongue, making her whimper at the sensation before doing it again and again, each time at another place on her neck.

 Each time he'd reach a spot, she'd pull on his hair unknowingly and Sasuke felt himself losing his willpower to stop at the sharp sensation.

He was driving her crazy, but she was driving him crazy as well.

Akina smashed her lips against him again and she softly touched his stomach.

Shivers ran through his body and he sucked her bottom lip giving it a slight tug.

He kissed each of her dark bruises before looking up at her half lidded eyes, begging at him to go further and smirked victoriously. 

She was completely out of it, her eyes having a look filled with lust. Her messy hair and pouty red lips gave everything away.

She wanted more. 

Akina began kissing him again and she harshly pulled his hair making him hiss. Taking that opportunity, her tongue entered his mouth and she sucked on his tongue.

Sasuke almost moaned at the feeling and let her do as she pleased.

A string of saliva connected their mouths as she stopped for breath but continued immediately after. 

The Uchiha moaned as she left small bite marks on his pale skin.

Akina worked on him quickly, biting harshly and then giving small kitten licks to make it better.

His neck and collarbone was covered with hickies as her hands roamed his body softly.

Her hickies on him were small, nothing compared to the ones he made on her and he slightly nodded at the satisfaction. 

It was the man's job to satisfy his girl.

Sasuke let her go and stepped away trying to calm himself.

"You need a drink?" He smiled at her.

Akina almost didn't seem to register his question as she touched all the places he'd marked on her skin. After a moment she nodded, still confused at what transitioned between them.

Her reaction stroked his ego.

Sasuke handed her a glass of water before drinking his. 

"I-I have to go to t-the bathroom." Akina stammered as she regained what she just did as it finally settled in.

"You want me to come with?" He smirked and took a step towards her.

"We can recreate the scene again and maybe go further. If I remember correctly, you wanted to keep going."

Her face instantly turned a deep shade of red at his teasing and she turned to walk away from him. 

Akina half ran half walked to the bathroom before locking herself inside. She stared at her messed up reflection.

Her eyes were bright and her lips were red and swollen with the harsh kisses she'd received. Her neck was littered with bruises and a few of them were bright and visible from a distance. 

Why did he stop? 

Remembering the smirk on his face she came to a realization and her hands curled up into a fist. Yet, she smiled. Because this is exactly the type of thing Sasuke would do to tease her. 

And she didn't mind them doing the same thing everyday, but she hated the teasing. 

One day, she'd get her payback. 

But mostly, she needs one of Sasuke's high collared blue shirts he usually wears.

Covering her neck, she exited the bathroom. 

"Sasuke? Can I borrow something from your room?"

He was heating up some food in the kitchen and with a small nod he granted her permission.

Sasuke smirked, waiting for her reaction.

A few minutes later he was not disappointed.


He chuckled to himself and turned around to face Akina with an annoyed look on his face when she appeared.

"What is it Akina?"

"Where the hell are your shirts?"

"Ahh.. They became dirty so I threw them into the washing machine." He turned around and smiled to himself.

"All of them? Even the black ones?" He felt the glare on his back as she questioned him disbelievingly. 

"Yep. But you can always take the one I'm wearing." 

"N-no! I'll just wait for one of them to get dry."

"The food is way too hot and it has to cool down. What do you say we-" He took a few steps towards her as Akina hurriedly stepped back.

"- enjoy ourselves?"

"Enough teasing Sasuke!" Akina covered her face with her hands, unable to make eye contact.

He chuckled and went into the living room. From a box, he took out one of his shirts and handed it to her.

She sighed in relief and quickly pulled his shirt over her own.

"I'll get you back for this you know." Akina said. Sasuke stepped closer to her and grabbed her hair pulling it back gently. He leaned near her neck and spoke.

"Then I'll make you regret it. I'll go even further until you actually beg me. Do you want that?"


He smirked in satisfaction and let her go.

"Good girl."

Ayo Ladies and Gentlemen!

omg i was a blushing mess while writing this. 


btw in no way or form am I encouraging underage sex! 


I just realize how my readers enjoy smut.. Don't lie I can see you through the screens.

Im the FBI agent spying on you through your camera! haha

smh what am I gonna do with y'all? XD

tbh this entire chapter is like a big filler coz i felt like writing one. But you guys can't complain coz i gave you this moment!

Honestly, whenever i write about them i imagine them as 16 year olds coz i can't imagine any 13 year old doing this.

*looks at a few underage readers*

Well aren't you guys a little too young to read this? 

*gives closed eye smile like Kakashi*

lol did you guys think you were getting smut?? 


sorry to burst your bubble but I'll just be writing these small scenes. maybe in shippudden i'll think about it if you guys make a request but idk! 

Also there lies the main problem of who Akina will end up with! 

The romance is just getting started and its a long long way until she finds peace.

Anyways.. see you guys!

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