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Hey! Had to watch so many YouTube videos to actually understand Izanagi and Izanami. Its so confusing!

Also had to rewatch Danzo vs Sasuke.

I did a lot of work for this chapter.. and created some new jutsus so bare with me please!




RECAP ON GENJUTSUS:- Izanagi is a genjutsu which effects reality. Its basically an undo button, used to undo your mistakes you've made.

For example, if you are crossing the road and see the car approaching you, you can cast the Izanagi to revert back to your initial condition before you were hit by the car. 

Danzo has 10 sharingans in total, including Shisui's eye. So he could use the Izanagi at least 10 times that is he could defeat death 10 times. Sasuke defeated him by casting a genjutsu on Danzo which made him think that he still had one eye left when in reality he'd used up all his sharingans.

After using Izanagi, your one sharingan will go blind.

Funny, how he couldn't escape a genjutsu with 10 sharingans.


Izanami was originally created by a woman of the Uchiha clan who had the mangekyo and it was used to punish the users of Izanagi. 

Izanami is incredibly strong and it traps the person in a continuous loop, until they accept themselves and know what they did is wrong. 

So basically, if you use the Izanagi to cheat on a test and the teacher saw you do it, then she'd use the Izanami, a continuous loop where you fail each time you cheat until and unless you accept the truth or they let you go.

It is a genjutsu which affects the target through physical sensations shared between them and the user to perform the illusion.

In conclusion, the Izanagi is used to ALTER the future whereas the Izanami is used to DECIDE the future.

There's like so much more to the logic which Itachi explained to Sasuke after fighting Kabuto.. Just check that out if you want on YouTube.

Hope these explanations were clear and you guys understood the basic concept!


Akina's POV

Its time, Akina. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, clad in a full black outfit. I put on my mask. 

"I'm ready, Yume. Let's do this." 

I glanced at my belongings lying in the corner of my room, packed and all ready to go. If something bad happened, then I'd have to take my bag and run. 

All my stuff was kept inside scrolls, arranged from accessories, to weapons and old memories. 

I looked at my hand, holding two important books, wrapped in a black leathery cover.

"Well, you guys have to hide from everyone I guess."

Hide it quickly. Let's move!

I bent down and removed two pieces of the floorboard, keeping the books inside and I placed the wood on top of it.

"Its a suicide mission, Yume." I commented, running on top of roofs as I quickly made my way to the ROOT headquarters on the other side of Konoha.

I won't let you die.

I swallowed the nervousness growing inside of me at a steady pace and tried to calm my racing heart at faring against a powerful shinobi.

Wait.. Go to the civilian sector for a second.


Kill Homura and Koharu.

"Seriously?! That's not right Yume. They've just been brainwashed by the old fool."

.. fine.

Sighing I began running again in silence, my footsteps light as I jumped from roof to roof.

"Kira san..." A ROOT member greeted me as I reached the main entrance, underground.

I nodded in greeting and walked stiffly by him to open the doors.

The ROOT members wouldn't attack me, not without Danzo's orders. 

I was keeping hope in the fact that he hadn't said anything yet. 

Making my way to my chambers I was greeted by a pale emotionless face.

"Kira san, Danzo sama is waiting to give you a mission in training field 93." Sai spoke.

"I see. How many missions have you done, Sai san?" I asked politely.

"I do not know why you insist on calling me that repeatedly, Kira san. I have done many, almost as much as you."

I paused. Sai started earlier than me. 

Since I've been going on missions almost every night and some small ones during the day too, my reputation with Danzo was improving steadily until he found out. And so was my number and kill count.

But it didn't matter.

Whatever I had found out about them could cause a huge disturbance to Konoha. In his own sneaky slithery way, Danzo was getting rid of all the minor pests before they could grow up to cause a potential threat.

But, for obvious reasons he has to be eliminated.

"Ah. Call me by a nickname please."

Sai's face was so eerily calm and blank, it scared me.

"What use do I have for that? I'm merely a tool."

"A tool, yes. Um listen, once a major incident happens, please tell Tsunade sama to join Team 7. I'll be there with you."

Hopefully, or you might be my replacement.

His face showed a hint of confusion. "Fine. If you do need a nickname it shall be.."

I waited patiently for his answer.

"What is a nickname again?"

I anime fell. 

"You know what Sai san, I'll explain all this later. Or maybe you can go to the Konoha library and read about bonds."

His face slightly hardened. 

"Danzo sama said I have no use for bonds, that they are useless and will only drag me down, make me weaker. Emotions lead to hate.. hate leads to war. I refuse."

I chuckled. "Well I can't master Talk no jutsu. I'll let Naruto figure that one out."

"Please stop laughing. Its very unethical." 

I sweat dropped. "Oh. Okay then?"

Sai was actually quite decent of a character when he was younger. He hadn't gone full asshole on me yet.

Unfortunately, just like the anime he seemed to be obsessed with dicks. 

His trailed over my figure. "Assassination?"

"Of sorts."

He nodded. "Your bust size and waist size are increasing rapidly. Last time, I observed your bust was 10 cm smaller and waist was 8 cm smaller than now. You seem to be taller than me by 2 cm as well. I had last met you two weeks ago."

I hugged myself and blushed under my mask.


"I-I don't know what to s-say." My face was on fire.

"I'm merely stating an observation. You do not need to say anything."

"I must leave Sai san. Remember, its Team 7." With that, I hurriedly walked away. 

Goddamn it, Sai. Why do you make it awkward?

Now that that's over.. I think no one has any idea about you defying Danzo's orders. Just march in his room and kill him ten times.

"Yeah, cause its easy to kill a person that many times." I said sarcastically.

Unfortunately, even with being able to assess his abilities, I had two disadvantages.

Firstly, I lost the element of surprise.

Second, he trained me personally and knows my attacks.

Third, I suck at genjutsu and medical ninjutsu, the two most important things required by me to survive this battle. In the anime, Sasuke had bitten Karin and healed. He used genjutsu to defeat Danzo.

I had no one to help with genjutsu and barely knew healing techniques.

Fourth, he knows all styles and I know only three, excluding mokuton which he also knew.

Fifth, he's well versed in fuinjutsu and cursed seals. So am I, but he's better since I barely use fuinjutsu now.

Sixth, he can use kenjutsu and my father's old sword has broken, rendering me without a sword. 

Seventh, he's agile and strong for an old man.

Eighth, ROOT members may attack me.

Ninth, he can use Shisui's kotoamatsukami on me and then I'm dead or brainwashed.

Tenth, I couldn't get poisoned weapons to kill him quickly.

Okay, maybe I had ten disadvantages.

"Yume.. what now?" I spoke softly as I approached the hidden training grounds used by ROOT only.

Akina.. all the best. When you fight, use every technique you've got. At the brink of death, I'll take over.

I'll.. defeat him.

"Danzo sama, you called?"

He turned around as I straightened up. My posture was stiff, waiting for an attack.

"Kira.. You've been quite useful, but now, I must kill you." He began unwrapping his sharingans.

I smirked at him and chuckled. "You think 13 year old plain me is deserving to face off against your sharingan? I'm honored." 

I used my wood style to create a baseball bat with wooden splinters from my hands and held it threateningly.

It was time to get inventive.

"What is that?"

"This is a creation of mine called um the... Akina bat! And I'm going to use it to break your head."

He scoffed. "The Akina bat wouldn't be able to hurt m-"

I cut off Danzo as I swung my bat at him, infused with chakra. It was thrumming with pure energy and he ducked.

I held my bat proudly. "You were saying?"

He growled and did hand signs.

"Air style: Air bullets!" 

My eyes widened and I barely had time to dodge the invisible jutsu as I jumped up in the air. The Akina bat I had left behind broke into pieces. Two bullets hit me in my legs spilling blood and I hissed in pain.

Danzo took out his shuriken and mixed it with his chakra before throwing it at me. 

I remembered this move from the anime. 

The shuriken came at me at a high speed, yet still visible by the naked eye and I took out my own shuriken, aiming it at the ones coming at me. 

I did the hand signs.

"Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!"

Fire defeating air could help me.

Danzo gave me a low grin and did hand signs as soon as the shuriken hit each other and bounced off, nullifying the attack.

"Lightning style: Thunder bolts!" 

That old bastard.. he knows I can't use air style which is the only thing used to defeat lightning style.

The atmosphere around us changed and I narrowed my eyes at him.

In his right hand appeared a crackle of lightning chakra, similar to the chidori except it had taken on the form of a lightning bolt.

He threw it at me and I nearly dodged the attack by flipping to the side.

Its temperature was so hot, it nearly singed off my clothes and I could feel its heat emitting in hot waves.

The bolt hit the ground and created a large crater upon impact which sent me flying. 

I hit the ground harshly and coughed.

He's stronger than we thought but now its my time to attack.

He had skillfully chosen a plain empty field, void of trees. 

"Wood style: Rapid tree growth!

Trees surrounded Danzo and I as they grew taller and taller, growing denser by the minute.

I smirked at him and touched the tree.

My strongest jutsu yet.

I went inside and traveled towards his chakra signature. Coming half out of the tree, I brought his attention to mine as I manipulated the vines behind him.

They grabbed onto his ankle and body, lifting him out of the ground. He struggled against the vines and while he was distracted, I stood before him, on a tree. 

The vines brought him closer to me and I quickly grabbed a kunai to stab it in his eye.

He gave a startled gasp but suddenly disappeared. 

One sharingan down.

I saw a shadow loom over me and I quickly turned to stab him in his gut.

He gave me a furious glare and grabbed my wrist, twisting it harshly. I dropped the kunai and shouted angrily in pain.

He twisted it further and a sickening crunch was heard as my bones broke. I screamed loudly as tears welled up.

Giving him my biggest glare I somehow manipulated the tree into stabbing him in the heart.

He disappeared again, leaving my swollen hand alone.

Two sharingan down.

Using my other hand, I whipped out a kunai. Danzo appeared on a tree before me and he smirked.

"Can't do hand signs now, can you?"

My eyes widened. Ninjutsu was considered useless without hand signs and I wasn't skilled enough to do it with a single hand yet.


I squeezed my eyes shut with pain as I tried to form a hand sign but failed. I could barely form the normal bunshin sign.

I dropped the kunai and touched the tree, hoping to stay in there until a plan was formed.

Akina.. Trust me, I'll take over but now you need to fight.

Take over now then!

I can't unless you are undergoing some serious life threatening situation or extreme trauma.

But it hurts...

Please, fight. For Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi sensei, your parents, me.... Hiruzen...


I closed my eyes and opened them as a startling feeling rushed through me.


"I will not let you harm my dear ones. Even if I die, I'll be the one to take you down with me!" I snarled at him and did a hand sign.

My hand stung harshly but I forced myself to make the desired hand signs.

"Wood style: Hand tool manipulation!"

Two tree branches grew through my arms as they turned into large arms. 

A duplicate set of arms of the sort.

I smirked at his shocked expression and began doing hand signs.

"Water style: Water bullets!"

Kage bunshin no jutsu!

Three clones came behind me and nodded as they went inside the tree.

A bunch of bullets raced against a distracted Danzo and he merely jumped away to another place.

Two clones came out of the tree and jumped at him in mid air.

He kicked the both of them and flew upwards. I chuckled.

My clone came dangling from a vine from the sky, throwing her down at a high speed towards Danzo, very similar to what happened during the battle against Orochimaru.

She snarled and transformed her hand into a sharp wooden spear as she detached his head from his body. He disappeared again and so did my clone.

Three sharingans down. 

"Yume.. I'm getting frustrated because of the Izanagi."

Calm down and fight.

"I think I told you to calm down and concentrate during a fight." A voice whispered in my ears and shivers went down my back.

I turned around, eyes wide and suddenly I was being choked as he pushed me towards the bark of the tree branch. Two more people landed next to me.

It was his clones.

He glared at me. "Do you think you can actually defeat me? I'm not the only one who can use bunshins."

His clones restrained my limbs and he tightened his grip on me.

Tears freely ran down my eyes as I tried to free myself to take a breath of air.

He slightly loosened it for me to breathe and I coughed before he tightened it again.

The whole process was repeated four to five times. As soon as I'd run out of air or be on the verge of consciousness, he'd let me take in a breath or two before choking me.

Yume, where are you?

No response.

"I see you figured out my sharingan trick. I must say, you're a keen observer if you could figure it out that fast. Now, after slowly torturing you I will go after Sasuke making it seem like an accident. He's bound to go rogue anyways and I can always stage an accident."

"O-over m-my dead b-b-body." I wheezed out.

The pain was excruciating, the short gasps and lack of oxygen to the body was getting to me as adrenaline was high. 

I was feeling dizzy and there was only a moment or two before death or unconsciousness finally took over.

"As you wish. I have more sharingan eyes, enough to last me a lifetime, including the clan heads eyes. Fugaku Uchiha.. his eyes are quite a big deal." He chuckled lowly.

"Y-you fucking sc-scoundrel.. Just because y-you couldn't g-get powerful like H-Hiruzen sama d-doesn't m-mean you can k-kill him."

His grip on me slightly loosened and he had a strong steely glint in his eyes.

"I had to. I have to become the Hokage to protect this vill-"

"Wrong! You just want power! You made Itachi and Shisui massac-"

I was cut off as he choked me again. A dark look entered his eyes.

"Looks like you need to die now since you know."

I closed my eyes as pain and suffocation overcame my senses. The last thing I felt was a soft breath reassuring me.

Its gonna be okay...

I woke up gasping, my eyes wide as I touched my throat. Next to me was my bag pack and I was lying on a stone cold bench, the exact same place Sasuke placed Sakura after he knocked her out to go rogue.

Great, you're up. Get going quickly bef-

An alarm resonated through the village and I turned to the direction of its sound. It signified a murder within the village, one comrade killed another.

RUN! Konoha knows its you!


Anko Mitarashi caught us finishing him off after hearing our battle.

They'll understand if I show the-

No! THEY WON'T! Konoha doesn't know your abilities. Even if you show the files, no one is alive to confirm it other than Itachi. He's obviously not going to come to Konoha! Homura and Koharu will be out for revenge! JUST FUCKING RUN!

Shaking I stood up and ran towards the Konoha gates where two Chunin were guarding the exit.

"What's your business, squirt? Haven't you heard the alarms? No one can leave." 

"Sorry!" With a sharp attack I knocked the two out with jabs to their neck.

I ran through the trees quickly, forgetting the fact that I could use tree transport. 

Maybe if I'd remembered in my panic and ever growing sense of dread, all the shit I encountered could've been averted.


My blood ran cold and I stopped on the tree at least 5 miles away from Konoha.

Definitely not enough.

"K-Kurenai sensei! What are you guys doing here?"

Kiba frowned and Akamaru whimpered. "I hear an alarm in Konoha. Something's wrong."

My hand twitched. 

Shino observed me. "Do you know what happened?"


"You're lying. My beetles say so."

Hinata frowned. "What is it, Akina?"

Kiba paled and took a step back, sniffing his nose. "Akina... did you-"

I acted. I outstretched my hand after a few signs and the genin were strapped to the trees, their mouth muffled by a branch acting as a gag.

Kurenai got into position, eyes narrowed at me.

"You killed someone.. There's blood all over you." She muttered.  

I looked at my arms, soaked in blood. My eyes widened in slight horror.

Just what had happened?

"I did." There was no hesitation in my words, no sense of fear. Just a sense of acceptance.

Her eyes widened and she attacked me throwing a punch aimed at me stomach except her fingers were outstretched.

I dodged it and kicked her hand away as I took out another kunai. I felt oddly drained and tired.

Please leave! She's going to-

Yume! I'm fighting. Please don't disturb me.

She kept on trying to grab me and I twirled and jumped away from her, frowning. 

She wasn't attacking me.

Why was she aiming at my stomach?

I can't wait! Akina listen. The old woman was Kurenai transformed. That day she didn't tickle you, she placed a seal on your stomach to limit your powers. She did it because our parents asked her to. They separated us into Senju and Uchiha.

I am your Uchiha half! And you are a Senju!


Together we-

Yume what are you saying? I don't understand!

I am your Uchiha subconscious, taking a form of the person most important to you. I am not exactly Yume, I'm a subconscious taking her form. I saw your memories and transformed into her. 

You began the intertwining of our chakra as soon as you said that you trust me. Kurenai can seal away our kekkei genkai but she could only do half because you needed the mokuton, not the sharingan!

I have no idea why that was the trigger, but it worked and I can access you more easily and vice versa. 

If she touches your stomach, I disappear forever!

I gulped. 

Yume tell me later I am fig-

Distracted, Kurenai pressed her five fingers into my stomach and a burst of chakra emitted from my body as I coughed out blood, slamming against a tree.

I slowly got up, holding my stomach and slightly pulled up my shirt seeing black designs all over vanishing slowly. 

I saw the word trust, Uchiha, Senju and separate before everything vanished.

Kurenai panted deeply staring at me, a pained expression on her face.

I tried doing a hand sign but a large tree grew out of my body suddenly. I gasped not being able to control it.

"Your chakra is mixing with your reserves and causing imbalance. You won't be able to use jutsus." 

Yume are you there?

No answer.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" I hissed at her harshly.

She gave me a passive stare. "It all started when a couple reached out for help sealing away their child's powers. They believed in a certain urban myth and didn't want that to happen. I transformed into an old woman and came to your doorsteps. I played with you and tickled your stomach at every opportunity I got, placing seals on you. I sealed away your Uchiha power before you noticed anything."

A tear fell down my eyes. "Why would they do that to me?"

"To protect you."


I couldn't think straight.

All my life...

They've been lying to me.

"No! Akina they did it because they loved you!"

"THEN WHY?! WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME! THEY LIED TO ME ON MY FACE! I WOULD'VE UNDERSTOOD HAD THEY TOLD ME! " I was sobbing now, not able to control my emotions.

She didn't answer.

"Y-you liars kaa san, tou san... You knew who was after us yet you chose to do nothing. You left me all alone. Willingly" I wiped my tears away as a fresh batch of tears appeared again. 

"Who else knew about this?" I asked quietly.

She gave me a pitiful look. "Your parents, me and Sandaime sama."

I stilled. Even him.

"Do you know who Yume is?" I asked looking up at her. 

"Yes. Hokage sama kept me updated about her. He.. told me everything."

The air around me stilled and I felt my heart stop before shattering into pieces.

"I... trusted him not to tell anyone about the future."

She frowned. "What future?"


I was raging in anger. 


I grabbed my hitai ate and grabbing a kunai I slashed the headband through the middle. In my anger, multiple slashes decorated the hitai ate.

I threw it at them and spat at them. "Fuck you." My body was shaking in pure anger and I heard a whimper from the side coming from Hinata. Her face was red with the wood branch pressing them too hard and her fists were glowing blue, trying to break the branch restraining her.

"Let them go, Akina! This isn't like you! Your parents had their reasons." 

I turned to her, a crazed look in my eyes. "Really? Then tell me the truth. Tell me and I'll let them go."

The branches tightened further and Akamaru yelped. Shino and Kiba let out a grunt of discomfort.

Kurenai looked at her genin worriedly.

"Tick tock tick tock! Time's up! Konoha took everything from me. My parents ran away because of you. If they'd stayed, then we could've received protection. You guys destroyed the Uchiha clan and forced people to murder each other even though you had corrupt politicians on the inside. You bullied an innocent child, who was actually a hero saving the village from the Kyuubi! I hate you guys... You used me. You couldn't even capture Orochimaru even after I gave you guys a hint!"

"What hint?"


She got tears in her eyes. "I don't know anything, Akina! I have no idea what you are talking about. Let my team go!"

A part of me softened at Hinata's now unconscious state and I released them. They collapsed on the tree branch.

I sneered at Kurenai. "Thanks for sharing the truth. You even took Yume from me. Why couldn't you leave me be?"

"Come back to Konoha. We'll forgive you and I'll explain everything I know. Please, Akina."

Yume please reply. Are you still there?

No answer.

"I refuse to come back. Tell my team not to look for me. If they do, I'll kill them. Hell, I'll send them a little warning." 


It was the only emotion which defined me now. 

From the trees I felt a bunch of shinobi approach us.

I picked up Shino using my mokuton and threw him against a tree. Kurenai leaped in the air to catch him. 

A branch impaled her thigh and she screamed in pain.

A sick smile came over my face.

She deserves it.

Kaa san

Tou san









Each and every one of them suffered either due to secrets or they were the ones keeping secrets.

I felt the hatred and anger envelop me in a different way. I felt...



Blood lust.




It was as if my emotions had increased ten fold.

I was tired. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally.

I wanted this ache in my chest to stop. It was growing larger in size.

Today I lost my closest friend, the one I could watch old memories with, argue with but in the end she'd always be there for me. 

Kurenai took her away from me.

I shivered and fell on to the ground. I touched the wood and transported myself away from there, as soon as the first batch of shinobi arrived.

Before leaving I saw Kakashi's stricken face and he called out for me.


But I'd already disappeared.

It broke me all over again.

Stumbling across my old town, I went back to my house. The wind blew harshly and dark clouds gathered in the sky. It began raining and I closed my eyes and allowed tears to fall again.

I sniffled at the feeling of fresh water and rubbed away blood from my hands. 

I sat down on the ground, staring at nothing. 

There were no thoughts in my brain, no cribbing from Yume, no nagging or any sadistic or any perverted remarks about Itachi.

She was truly gone.

But I refused to accept it.

I curled up in a ball. 

After a few minutes the rain stopped, but I could still hear the sound of rain.

I looked up to see a boy a year or two elder than me hold an umbrella out. 

He shot me a cute smile.

He knelt down and slowly touched my face, removing the hair covering it.

"Hey, what are you doing out in the rain all alone?"

I stayed silent.

He slightly tilted his head. "Did you hear me? Oh wait, you're mute aren't you! I'm so sorry I didn't think about that-"

He continued rambling on and I gave him the middle finger which shut him up quickly.

"I can speak, you fool."

He blushed. "S-sorry for rambling too much. Do you want to come in our home? The couple you're looking for shifted to Konoha a year ago from what I heard."

"I'm their daughter."

His eyes widened. "Akina?"

I whipped out a kunai growling at him. "How do you know me?"

"My grandmother knows you. Please meet her!" His eyes were bright, like an excited puppy.

"Give me a reason to do so."

"You'll get to sleep on a bed and eat food. I think you're the type of girl who gets hungry easily."

I am..

"I'm not hungry."

He shot me a small smile as he outstretched his hand for me to take it. His eyes were dancing with mischief.

"Come on, Akina! I'm Seijuro, nice to meet you!"

A new OC!! Seijuro is his first name btw.. 

And that's only because Akashi Seijuro from Kuroko no Basuke was my first husbando!

Haha things are almost done with PART 1!!

Im so excited for it to end and for y'all to curse at me..



Q: Who is your first anime crush? Name a female and a male!

A: Male:- Akashi Seijuro

Female:- Misaki Ayuzawa from Kaichou wa Maid sama! Oof I'm in love with her and Usui Takumi....

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