40. Hn

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That fanart above was done by an amazing reader of mine!

More about it at the end of the chapter.

Enjoy reading!


Btw major question for y'all at the end.


Itachi quickly intervened. 

"We heard your name being called out from the owner's mouth. Please, calm down."

The three instantly relaxed and Sai put away a kunai he'd whipped out.

"Oh sure. That makes sense. Thanks for believing me, dattebayo!"

I breathed a sigh of relief. 


The trio quickly paid for their meals and left as Sakura began talking. 

"You suck ass Naruto."

"O-oy why'd you say that, Sakura chan?"

"Because you just scared the young girl! Hell, you made a clone and started to make the rasengan!"

Their voices faded away and I turned to my unfinished ramen.

"Why are we here, Itachi?"

He looked at me.

"I need you to find peho."

I looked at him half confused and half revolted.

"You want me to pay your hoe?"

He face palmed.

"Of course not. Its a small shiny object worth more than anything else in the world."

"Did you sell it or something?"

"It can't be bought."

"Wha- then where did you leave it? And how'd you lose something so valuable?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Well how do we find it then?!" I fumed.

He had a glint of humor in his eyes.

"I'll help you, but remember you can't use ninjutsu or anything chakra related."

I grumbled. "If this is a game-"

"It isn't."

"Then I will castrate you. Painfully."

"Now now, don't become like Hidan."

"What happens if I refuse to help?"

He had a small smile on his face. "Should I punish you? I recall being a father figure to you."

".... Where did you last see this object?"

"Lets just head to wherever you think I'd have lost it."

"Oh well um when did you lose it?"

He paid for our ramen and began walking as I tried to catch up to his longer strides, making sure to keep my henge on.

"I lost it when I was in Konoha but it was before battling Kakashi."

I hummed. "So when you used to play around with Sasuke in the park."

A glint of hurt passed through his eyes and he covered it up within a second.

"I guess so."

I stared at him from the corner of my eyes.

He was slowly getting easier to read but somehow, even knowing about his whole life- I still couldn't understand him. 

A very contradicting statement but I didn't know how else to put it.

As we reached the park, I stopped walking. 

I threw the sand on Naruto, laughing loudly.

The sand fell on his hair and got into his mouth. He gagged.

"Akina chan- ugh!" 

"That's payback for the prank you pulled on me yesterday!"

"But that prank was very small dattebayo!"

I snorted. "Sure, I mean hiding all my underwear wasn't a big thing at all." 

He grinned. "I never knew you had so many colors. I only have a few pairs which I alternate every other d-"

"EW! I do not need to know that you pervert!"

Even at a young age, Naruto was perverted yet innocent. 

He was innocently cute- not knowing that to do some stuff was wrong in the norms of the society- but perverted enough to create the sexy jutsu.

He scratched his head. "What is a pervert?"

See what I mean?

I giggled and ruffled his fluffy blonde hair. 

"A pervert is someone who.. uhm..."

I really couldn't give him an answer that time.

He was my light- my someone I could depend upon no matter what.

And I destroyed it- our relationship.

"Oh! Sasuke, what a surprise seeing you here!" I waved at his emo figure, his hands placed in the pockets of his shorts.


I walked up to him.

"You know, if you want me to understand, we might have to create a dictionary filled with all the varieties of hn." I teased him.

He scowled at me. "Go away."

I pouted and linked our arms together.

"Let's go!"

"Stay away."

"Nope! We're going to meet our team for some bonding sessions. Oh- that sounds kinky!"

He looked exasperated. "Everything you say sounds kinky, Akina."

I giggled. "I need some humor in my life. Why not have it through jokes and annoying people?"

"So that's why you annoy me, loser. Am I a source of entertainment for you?"

I stared deep into his eyes with a sorrowful look to make it seem like I was sorry.

"You and Naruto kissing is the best entertainment I could ask for. Its hot."

He flushed a shade of pink and snarled.

"Its all because you pushed him at me!"

I shrieked. "Even Kami wants it to happen. I foresaw this! Twice!"

"Like hell you did. COME BACK!"

I laughed and twirled around to face him as I pulled the collar of my shirt up and made some bangs fall on me from either side of my face. I placed my hands in my pockets.

"Hn. I'm Sasuke Uchiha and I have a secret crush on Naruto. I have a superiority complex and all the fangirls love me. I could not be more happie- EEK I'M SORRY!!"

I narrowly dodged a kunai being thrown my way. 

He was giving me the coldest, most anger filled look ever and yet I laughed- because things just got a whole lot more interesting with him not denying his boy crush.

Another one...


because of me.

Blinking, I snapped myself from my flashback stumbling back to hit the wall. Breathing heavily, I slid down the wall.

My heart was racing heavily and I could barely distinguish the separate beats of my heart.

Blood rushed to my face and I started wheezing- gasping, trying to take in air which I suddenly found extremely difficult to do.

My hands were sweating and something was running down my face.

The terror and discomfort I felt in that moment was unnatural and struck fear into the very corner of my heart.

Itachi was in front of me saying something but I couldn't hear him over the blood pounding loudly in my ears.

He grabbed my hands and squeezed them tightly. 

"Akina what's wrong?"

I tried to speak but my words were slurring into half sobs and desperate cries.

Just what was wrong with me?

Somehow, his cool and calming voice reached me in my mess of a brain.

"Breathe in, and breathe out."

Listening to his cool and composed voice, I followed his instructions.

My heart rate slowly started decreasing back to normal and my labored breathing became easier. 

"I-I.." I tried to speak but didn't know what to say.

"Is that the first time you had a panic attack?" Itachi questioned me, a soft look in his eyes.

"Y-yes. But I d-don't get p-panic attacks."

"Well you do now."

I felt weak.

"Shit. Akina, your henge disappeared." Itachi swore softly and looked around to make sure no one was nearby.

I raised my hand up. "Henge."

The familiar warm feeling of chakra coated my body once more.

"Maybe we should take rest for a while."

I smiled weakly at him. "W-we do. This park triggered some painful memories and..." 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up gently. 

"The panic attack you had was triggered by survivor's guilt and anger."

"How do you know?" He handed me a water bottle and removing the cap, I drank it hungrily- feeling parched.

"You.. mentioned a few names." He hesitated before answering.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand. I shot him a questioning look.

"Just to make sure you don't faint."

"Sure." My voice sounded weak.

Was this really the effect of a panic attack? Feeling weak? 

If so then I despise it.

I snatched my hand away from Itachi's. 

"I can handle myself thank you very much."


"Lets just go and search for it. The faster we get out of Konoha, the better it is for my health."

He shook his head. "Its almost night. Lets take rest at a local inn and continue tomorrow."

He began walking towards a random direction.

"Itachi! I'm not as tall as you. Hold up!" 

He began walking at a slightly faster pace, almost unnoticeable.

I growled. "You're walking faster aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I just had an attack! Walk slowly."


"Yeah, well I can't understand Uchihanian language."


"Oh wait this one actually makes sen- I can handle myself, just not walking way too fast!"


"I don't care that Kisame and you have set this pace. When you're with me, you slow the fuck down."


"Oh that's it you motherfuck-"

He closed my mouth with his large hand giving me a glare.

"Maddafuckaa" I mumbled into his hand.

"No cursi-" Itachi broke off as I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I grinned and pointed ahead.

"Onward, my noble steed!"

Itachi stood very still and I was a 110% sure he was resisting the urge to kill me in a fire ball jutsu. 

But too bad for him, I could counter them all, thanks to the rinnegan.

He sighed loudly and began walking. I placed my chin on the top of his silky, coal black hair.

"Thanks, Itachi."


I smiled inwardly at his comment. It meant 'no problem'.

Itachi's POV

(Ha! I didn't expect that either)

When I suggested the idea to Pain first about letting Akina and I go on a mission to Konohagakure, his thoughts were that we were going to run away.

"No. Just what business do you have there?" His cold suspicious eyes were scanning me everywhere making sure I wasn't lying.

"I suppose Akina must be giving you a hard time." I answered slowly.

His eye twitched and I took this as a confirmation to continue.

"She's demotivated and I feel that going to Konohagakure will help her get back her luster. Her joy and determination to continue." 

"Hm. Is it because her family is there?" 

"We'll be careful. Konohagakure has less security. Besides, you can send Zetsu or someone... else after us if we leave." I answered slowly. 

Pain considered my offer for a few minutes. 

Why am I doing this again?

God damn you, Akina. I never would've done this if you weren't here.

"I expect to see results, Itachi." Pain spoke coldly.

"And you will get them, Leader sama." I gave him a respectful bow and excused myself. 

I walked straight towards my room but then heard a strange voice cursing.

Hidan? No, its feminine. 


I released a sigh. If she knew how dangerous everyone was, why did she make herself a noticeable? 

If anything, she shouldn't be trying to even exit her room.

I walked towards the noise, my sharingan activated.

My headache and eyesight was getting worse. 


Gathering myself, I walked into the room to see Hidan, Deidara, Kisame, Madara and Akina.


Kisame shot me an amused grin.

My partner had a good sense of humor, I must admit. He was respectful and kept his distance well enough. 

He minded his own business and was a strong fighter. He was a chakra monster and had his strengths in ninjutsu, stamina and taijutsu- my weaknesses.

Kisame was sturdy and a good support fighter.

But, the only thing I didn't like about him was the fact that he read those... irrational books filled with erotic deeds.

I stood quietly and observed from a distance.

"YOU MOTHERFU-" Hidan was cut off with a pillow to his face and Akina shouted in glee as she high fived Tobi.

Is she insane? She knows Tobi is Madara then.. why would she get close to him?

Deidara swung his pillow at Tobi which hit him in his face. 

Madara shrieked and hid behind Akina who gave a malicious grin.

"No one hurts my baby boy and gets away with it!" She made clones of herself with pillows and it was total anarchy as feathers flew everywhere.

I observed her carefully as she turned to make sure Tobi was alright. 

She had a carefree grin on her face and she squealed as he suddenly picked her up, bridal style and twirled around making her feel dizzy. 

She held on to Tobi for support and Hidan let out a battle cry as he and Deidara attacked from different sides.

A pillow hit Madara and in the midst of the feathers, I heard a mask falling down.

I stopped leaning against the wall and stood up straight to see what would happen next.

Did Madara drop his mask?

As soon as his mask touched the ground, large branches shot out and covered them up to form a dome.


"Akina is a cheater un." Deidara reached into his pouch to make some bombs.

Akina's voice was heard from inside. "Just a minute! Tobi chan was peed himself because he was so scared."

I almost choked at her excuse. 

There's no way anyone would believe that. 

Deidara scrunched his face up. "I'm not that dumb, un!"

Hidan growled. "Why the fuck are you lying to us, bitch?!"

Akina removed her whole dome and Tobi dodged every attack, for it was going through him.

... This is Kamui's power

"Weak little pussies." Akina taunted them and they grew angrier as they ganged up on her and forgot about Tobi who ran away from the room giggling.

I shook my head at their childishness, but my mouth twitched anyways.

"Itachi.." Kisame called for me and wriggled his eyebrows.

Giving him a cold look, I walked away.

Fast forward to today!

Akina's mood had dropped drastically when I compare that day and today.

Her eyes held a massive amount of guilt and she was shying away from anyone she knew.

She was frantic and that unnerved me even more.

Being in Konoha was already painful and I was second guessing my decision to even bring her here.

But, I had to complete my mission. 

And that meant Akina and I would have high chances at meeting Sasuke.

My heart throbbed painfully almost as much as my head and we stopped walking in front of the park.

Akina's breathing next to me picked up drastically and I turned to see her sprawled on the ground, sweating nervously and having a breakdown.

She was crying softly and muttering two names again and again.

Sasuke... Naruto... I'm sorry..

Was it survivor's guilt? Had to be, since I have it too.

I held her soft hands and told her to calm down.

Her tear stricken eyes sent a pang of sadness in me and I realized something.

Her childish act, is a front. Its her mask and its breaking apart.

A panic attack. I told her.

Her wide orbs, so similar to mine looked back at me and for an instant they seemed innocent and pure.

I offered her help- she refused.

As we walked towards the inn, she was recovering and was half back to normal. 

Akina was childish and was not ready for this life, no doubt about it.

But who is ever ready for this life?

A small voice in the back of my head voiced my true thoughts and I crushed it immediately. 

Nothing ever good comes out when you self doubt yourself and your decisions.

The Akatsuki is dry and bleary with the dark stench of death on everyone's hands, metaphorically of course, and sometimes true with Hidan's case.

Akina entered, and she brought a spark of humor and innocence with her.

She turned the atmosphere around so fast, I got whiplash.

Kisame, who'd read privately and didn't mingle much was fangirling with her about a book series.

Deidara, the blonde bomber who appreciated art over anything else liked her 'way of art' which was the highest form or respect one could receive in his eyes.

"What do you make of art?" Deidara asked the new member.

Akina hummed. "Art in general, does not have a definite definition. Without the people to use art or view art, art will be meaningless. Every individual has a different perception of art- which leads to fights or at times agreements, like you and Sasori."

Deidara was listening with rapt attention as he nodded along to her words.

"But no matter what, my art is better un!"

Akina smiled. "For me, art is not making human puppets or even making things explode although that seems really fun. Art for me is in the form of... literature."

He blinked his eyes. "Literature?"

She nodded, a serious look on her face. 

"Its what helps us speak, communicate and understand each other. Not only literature, I feel as if sound and emotions itself is the purest form of art. For example, if you are happy beyond words, then your face will express that pure joy which one can not face. Human emotions are beautiful however, its sad that many people put up a front and hide it."

Deidara nodded, a thoughtful look on his face before staring at her again.

"You know Sasori danna, un?"

"Yes, I've seen him in action and he's impressive."

"Then whose art is better, un? Mine or danna's?"

Akina got up from her place on the couch and she laughed. 

"Yours, obviously. Can you show me how its done?" 

He beamed and shot her a smile. "Of course! Even I like your art hm, even though its not as great as mine."

She nodded in agreement. "Of course it isn't."

"You're mocking me aren't you?"

"Ah, maybe I am."

Hidan... well, he was still Hidan but I could make out from a distance that he seemed to like her attitude and interest in Jashinism, often asking him questions too.

"Can you guys ever get married?"

"Only to another Jashinist."

"Well that doesn't give you much choice, does it?"

Hidan grinned. "I don't mind not getting married."

"Then you'd never have sex."

"Oh I get enough pleasure by hurting others." He smirked widely.

Kakuzu had absolutely no interest in her. In fact, he despised Akina due to her heritage. He was mad about being thrown out of his village due to the failed assassination of Hashirama Senju.

"Maybe I should take your heart, Hashirama's brat." Kakuzu growled and Akina giggled.

"If you do, Leader sama will kill you and so will Tobi chan."

I knew, she was quite literal with Pain's case. However, how did she have the confidence to say that about Madara?

Kakuzu scoffed obviously not buying her threat.

"Watch your back Senju scum." He snarled at her and walked away.

"I'm half Uchiha ya know!" 

"I will kill you, you annoying bratty little shit."

Akina was a weird one for sure. 

I just haven't decided how I feel about her yet.

Later that Night..

Akina stared at Itachi intensely, holding a book and a pen.

"We need to do it."


"Because I can't completely understand you! Nor can I be a translator for you."


"Like hell!"


"..I'll take that as a yes."


"You finally agreed. Let's start!" Akina cheered and opened up the page of the notebook as she began writing in it.

Language of the Uchihas- A Guide for Beginners

First thing you guys need to know about this language is that its extremely hard to learn and understand. 

Unlike other languages, this has only two letters by which they can communicate.

I being a half Uchiha got used to it thanks to Sasuke within a year.

But Itachi tells me Kisame took four years to understand, and Kisame is a very smart fish.

From what I learnt, this language is something which comes to Uchiha's naturally however, I'm not fluent in this language and therefore might 'mispronounce' a word.

Now, you're thinking how can we mispronounce a two letter word?

It depends all on the tone and facial expressions. Or rather, the lack thereof.

If you're close to an Uchiha (highly unlikely since there are only two for now), then you should know that the facial expressions and tone for them is bland.

Yes, they prefer to keep a poker face on at all times so that it becomes hard for poor schmucks like us who need to learn it.

Now, if you're reading this for fun, get the fuck out because its about to rise from 0 to 100 real quick. 

However, if you have the stamina, determination and the will inside you..

Welcome to Hell (aka How to Learn Uchihanian Language 101)

We'll start with the simplest of words for now.

I have a person next to me who is helping me.

Let's start!

Hn- means 'hello'

Hn- means 'get out of my face or I'll kill you'

Hn- means 'Annoying'

Do you guys see the difference? 

I know Itachi and I can see it.

Maybe its because we have special eyes.

Let's continue!

Hn- means 'fuck off'

Hn- means 'No'

Hn- means 'yes'

Tip 1: Usually, if its something like a Hn said with a grimace or a small sigh, it means that they are being forced to do this particular deed.

Tip 2: If the word is accompanied with a slight smirk or mischievous glint, that either means they are planning something or they just insulted and roasted you.

Hn- means 'Enough'

Hn- means 'Come here'

Hn- means 'You are going to die' or 'Don't underestimate my power'

Hn- means 'I'll kill Itachi'

Hn- means 'I know'

Tip 3: The third last 'hn' is said with a major glare or at times a snarl. 

Tip 4: The second last 'hn' is said ONLY by Uchiha Sasuke.

Now, since your basics are over, I'll move to the advanced lessons.

But for now I have to sleep.

Assignment: Practice your 'hn's' carefully with utmost precision and tones. Use facial expressions if necessary but try not to.

If you get this, congrats! because you have covered around 25% of the language already.

See you next chapter!

Akina shut the book with a small smile.

"Let's sleep."


"Good night too, suicidal loser."



"I will push you out of the bed."

"Its not like you're gonna sleep anyways. You'll probably go to the rooftop and sulk around like a whiny child saying 'I wanna die'."

It was pure silence.

"Holy shit, I'm right aren't I?"

A thud was heard and a voice groaned in pain.

Holy shit this is such a boring filler chapter.

I'm disappointed... but then the next few will be good (I guess?)

So a dedicated reader of mine sent me fanart and holy hell I'm so happy and it looks amazing!!

If you guys have any fanart, do send it to me via gmail

[email protected]

then DM me saying you've sent me a picture!

Thank you so, so much peepachu_chu for sending me a pic of Akina above ^!

Also guys.. YooTip needs some love on her fem!Deidara X Sasori book called 'Trial of Man'.

Check it out because its fucking amazing and she deserves so many more reads. 

Its an AU. The city of Akatsuki is invaded by Tsukigakure (Did i spell that right? I doubt it..) basically Madara the sexiest Uchiha alive is the leader. 


And, it has all the characters- from Naruto to Ino to Kisame and Orochimaru- all are fighting for their survival in the hostile world of war.

Unlikely bonds form and break. However, the bonds formed are so, so strong where they are forced to trust each other in the midst of danger and war.

And when they escape, they find a new enemies EVERY FUCKING TIME BECAUSE SOMEONE WON'T GIVE THEM A BREAK!

And damn! 

I suddenly like Sasori so much more by reading that book, I regret making him dead here. 


Fair warning though. That book will make you want to kill yourself coz of character deaths. Like I really, really cried when a particular character died. 

You can see my comments all over cursing at her. Lol. 

However, I'm a sadist (and a masochist too I guess) and will continue to read it and provide my heart with some ache. 

And I don't NOT mean that in the sexual way lmao.

Question for y'all.

Omg Im blushing already sksksk


Do you guys want me to write... *ahem*

Explicit scenes?

I don't really mind if you guys request it and I will write it when the time comes but I need to know your opinion because a few people might be icky about it.

I'll put a warning tag of course.

And explicit scenes don't only include smut. It includes a lot more sensitive topics too which includes abuse and rape I guess.

Yeah, that completes it.

Go vote for Trial of Man on NWA! 

Also, if you're looking for some Kakashi action head over to this book.

'The Endearment of the Quadrumvirate (Kakashi X Reader)' by brookellemarie

Holy shit Y/N's so sassy I can't.. I've been reading her book for a long time now and it just gets better and better.

She's also there in the NWA so vote for her!

The category is 'General Naruto'.

Send her some love peeps!

And a gentle reminder to vote for me too if you haven't already. 

Guys I'm sorry for not replying to your comments because I've been inactive lately on wattpad since I'm studying for my exams. 

I'll reply to them, but it will take some time. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Also if its something important, just tag me.

Peace out my kawai little genin!

PS: My update schedule is now every Friday. (9:30 pm according to GST time)

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