45. Another Rogue?

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By looking at this pic, I've realized I'm gay for Sakura.

Like damn, Sasuke is one lucky dude (in the anime).

So I've noticed many readers are confused by the Uchihanian language, not being able to understand it clearly.

I decided to provide some translations.


Translation: Enjoy reading!


B r U h-

We are close to 100K reads!!!



I have mentioned a warning below as well.

YoU haVE bEEn WArneD

*screaming intensifies because that chapter name tho- oof*


Pain.. this better work or I'm about to show you some true pain.

I had no idea what I was doing.

The fact that I'm so unprepared and have no idea what to do, makes me wanna cry but I can't do that.

Not now anyways.

My life is a disaster.

I glanced at Asuma's cold body lying next to me and I wanted to gag at the sight of blood decorating his vest.

Taking a life is easy. Living with it is the hard part.

"Why the fuck a stab to the heart?" I whispered to myself.

"Baka baka baka baka!" I smacked myself on the head repeatedly.

The blood lust had taken over me.

I really needed to put a leash on that.

I looked at my hands and activated my chakra. 

Okay, I got this.

Shishou wouldn't mislead me.

Within a few hours, the sun went down and the moon rose up. 

I got off my summon with Asuma's body before it disappeared in smoke.

Groaning and cussing like a damn sailor, I dragged Asuma's body to 'my place'.

"Oh Asuma watch out for the-"


A large sound was heard as Asuma's head banged against a rock.

"-rock." I finished lamely.

It wasn't as if he'd be angry at me anyways.

He was dead.

Shivering at the sudden dark thoughts appearing in my mind, I somehow managed to place him on a bed in the guest room.

I gulped.

Please work.

God damn it, I'll go to Konoha and willingly let Shikamaru kill me if I fail.

I chained Asuma's ankles and wrists to the bed post after removing his vest and shirt.


I snorted at the sudden thought which appeared in my mind. 

I removed my Akatsuki cloak, hanging it inside the closet in the guest room before cracking my fingers and stretching my body to hear satisfying cracks.

"Here goes nothing."

Placing both my cold hands on his chest, I forced my chakra to enter his body.

I could feel the body rejecting the external chakra and I slowed down my stream for it to get used to it.

Within a few minutes, the body slowly started accepting the chakra and I grinned, before adding more.

The chakra entered his body in large waves, almost as if I was trying to heal him- only I wasn't.

Rinne rebirth...

Its a miracle, how I made Pain teach me this before I learnt the other ones.

This jutsu was the hardest to master.

"Shishou, its time to teach me that." I spoke.

Pain regarded me with a cool look.

"Hm, but there are terms." As he rattled off what I had to do, I nodded.

"I accept it all. Just teach me."

He stood up, and walked out motioning me to follow him. He left his Akatsuki cloak behind and was dressed in simple trousers and a black shirt.

"Akina where are you going un?" 

I smiled at Deidara. "To learn a new jutsu."

"With Leader sama?"

"Mind your own business, Deidara." 

Deidara winked at me, not at all bothered about Pain threatening him subtly.

'Tell me later.' He mouthed at me and I shot him two thumbs up.

'Only if I can braid your hair.'

His eye twitched.

Grinning, I followed Pain into a room.

"Konan nee!" Gasping loudly, I knelt down on my knees to her level.

"Oh Akina! Nagato won't let me leave unless I completely recover." She laughed softly and I nodded.

"Even I'd do the same thing."

"Konan, I'm teaching her rinne rebirth."

She nodded. "Of course."

She kept her book aside and I caught the cover.

'Tales of a Gutsy Ninja'

My eyes widened but I didn't say anything.

She slowly laid herself down on the bed and Nagato moved to keep his hands on her chest.

Her orange eyes flared dangerously.

"Only Akina, Nagato."

If I didn't know better, I could've sworn that Pain's chakra wavered. In fear and something else.

Something familiar, however I couldn't place it now.

Chakra was an odd thing. 

Karin could detect emotions and Kami knows what else with the chakra of those around her.

But, I brushed aside the thought and placed my hands gingerly on Konan nee's breasts, blushing brightly.

She seemed amused. 

"Akina, are you perhaps uncomfortable?"

"N-not at all!"

She placed her hands on my wrists and shifted them above her breasts but lower than her collar bones.

"Anywhere is fine as long as its close to the heart." 

"Got it." I said, slightly relieved.

"Nagato, stop staring at us and begin teaching her."

Pain snapped out of his daydream and I shot him an odd look.



I flushed and turned to face Konan.

"N-nothing at a-all."

My face was a tomato and I gulped harshly, trying to remove the image of my shishou having a boner from my eyes.

God, why me?

Pain's chakra wavered in fear and arousal.

Fucking kill me.

Neither of them seemed to notice the big problem as Konan nee and Pain both guided me.

"So, let me get this straight. I have to place my hands close to the heart, preferably on her breasts."

Step 1 was done. I glanced at my hands on Asuma's chest.

At least he wasn't a girl.

"Then, I have to make sure the body accepts my chakra. If it doesn't, I have to send in small streams."

Step 2 was also complete.

"And then once the body starts accepting it, give out all my chakra."

"Well, it depends on the amount of chakra one has. You have more chakra than I do, since you are a direct descendant, being a Senju and Uchiha. I am an Uzumaki, and my blood was slightly diluted."

"Got it!"

Well then.

I began focusing all my chakra in Asuma's heart.

"The most important thing, Akina is to not overwork yourself. You shouldn't do this when your chakra is running low."

I nodded. "Sure."


I smiled at her concern.


As large waves of chakra entered his heart, a bead of sweat made its way down from my forehead all the way to my chin, leaving a faint line of wetness.

"O-oh God.." I groaned under the pressure, as my fingers started getting sore.

The discomfort in my hands quickly changed to pain as I exerted my chakra coil.

"I swear to Kami Asuma, I didn't fight you guys only to reserve my chakra. Now, I had to kill you to make Konoha and Team 7 hate me. I can not have you dying on me, you hear me?! I trust myself. If you don't come back, I may as well kill myself."

The sweat began mixing with tears running down my face.

I was desperate.

"When do we stop giving our chakra?" I asked.

"Well, you usually feel a sudden connection. You'll understand it if you ever perform it on someone and feel it."

"Yeah, that's great advice- fuck!" 

My hands were starting to quiver under pressure as the sudden ping was felt and heard.

It was hard to describe the feeling.

It was as if..

I used my chakra to rip out Asuma's soul from Death and place it back in his body.

The transaction was complete and a sense of satisfaction overcame my senses as I slowly removed my shaking hands from his body.

My hands were glowing a faint white from the chakra.


Shouldn't it be blue or green?

I observed my glowing hands in fascination before glancing towards Asuma.

He was still.

And cold.

No pulse.

Terror seized my heart.

Did it not work? 

Oh Kami what if I put less chakra?!

Is that not the feeling?

Oh no oh no!


I groaned and placed my head in my hands.


In a mindless state, I made my way towards the First Aid box and placed bandages around my hands like how Rock Lee does.

It failed.







I wanted to scream at my luck, rather at myself.


Picking up the kunai kept on the side of the dressing table, I saw my reflection in the shining metal.

This was the kunai my father handed to me when I broke myself out of the genjutsu.

I stabbed myself on the hand to snap out of it and they were so proud.

Would they be proud of their worthless daughter....

if I did it again?

If I hurt myself again?

Would that make you proud, mama, papa?

I mean.. it'll pain..

but I want to make you proud.

Kaa san, answer me?

I lifted the kunai up with my shaking hands and gulped harshly.

Shika.. you won't kill me.


A sharp intake of breath was heard and I gasped loudly at what I was going to do- what I would've done.

I dropped the kunai and it fell on the floor with a clatter.

I stepped back horrified only to bang against the table and a bunch of scrolls fell on me.

"A-Akina? Were you going to hurt yourself?" A hesitant, male voice asked me.

I looked up to see Asuma, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Asuma? Is that you?" I whispered.

"Um, I think its me? I don't know if I am me? How am I alive- WHO AM I?!"

"Asuma." I half laughed and half sobbed with joy as I grabbed his hand, rushing towards him.

"You're alive!" 

He raised his head up to look at me, confused and angry.

"What the he- oomph!"

I let go of his hand and hugged him tightly.

"What the hell woman? Wait- are you crying?" He asked quietly.

"No, its just that the clouds decided to rain hot tears on you today."

"A-Aki- c-can't b-br-breathe-"

Flushing terribly, I removed myself from Asuma and he took in a deep breath of air.

"Give me a warning next time." He said seriously.

"Sure." I said timidly. 

Then an awkward silence ensued between the both of us.

He cleared his throat.

I looked at the ground.

He started whistling.

I tapped my foot and picked on the bandages.

He blinked.

"Why am I in chains? Do you have a weird kink related to dead bodies or something?"

I gave him a deadpan look.

"You really think so?"

"I mean, with all the crazy shit you've been doing, I wouldn't be surprised- I'm shirtless."

Scene: The borders of Kusagakure

Time: Parallel to Akina reviving Asuma

"Ugly, wait up." Sai said a little out of breath as he struggled to catch up to the pinkette.

"We're almost there Sai!" Sakura said, her thirst for vengeance was about to be filled and she wouldn't- couldn't delay it any longer.

Sakura landed in a field, her clothes wet and dirty.

She had chakra- enough to kill the man.

He was a puny sound ninja. 

Alongside Sai, she could defeat him easily.

And that was her first mistake.

Never underestimate the enemy.

"Oy you!" 

The grey haired man stilled, tucking a scroll into his robes.

He didn't bother to turn around.


"You attacked Konohagakure three years ago, didn't you?"

The wind blew harshly as Sakura's pink hair fell on her face.

Moving it away from her line of sight she caught a glimpse of the man.

"I did." 

There was pride in his voice and superiority.

Sakura gritted her teeth.

"You killed two civilians. Haruno Mebuki and Haruno Kizashi. Tell me you did it."

Tears ran down her face as she recalled the hurt and agony she felt.

It was still there, no doubt, however it was subdued- a pulsing rhythm in heart.

"Oh, sorry I can't seem to remember. Wait a minute.. Aren't you Akina's teammate?" The man questioned.

Sakura felt the dangerous vibe surrounding him too late.

She was strong as hell but this guy was stronger.

Nevertheless, she wouldn't back down.

"She is my teammate." Sakura nodded.

"I heard she's gone rogue."

The pinkette gritted her teeth.

Just why was he showing so much of interest in Akina?

Its always her.

A bitter taste was there in Sakura's mouth.

She'll never be enough.

Not in Sasuke's eyes, nor in Naruto's. Even Kakashi sensei and Tsunade.

She was just a civilian- a nobody.

The pinkette admired Akina and she still did but she couldn't stop the bout of jealousy flowing through her.

"She's rogue."

"Hmph. I have no interest in you."

That was the last straw.


Sai took out his paint brush and scroll, grimacing.

Looks like its time to fight bad guys.

As Sakura fought with increasing speed, accuracy and fatal hits, Sai fought with his art.

They could've easily defeated any shinobi they wanted.

But, unfortunately for them, Kabuto Yakushi was under Orochimaru's tutelage.

He was just as cunning as the old snake- maybe even more.

The match was between two medics.

And only the strongest could win.

Sai faltered first.

He was a long range fighter. 

But, he couldn't stand the fact that his teammate was getting her ass kicked by someone.

"SAI- NO LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU DAMN BITCH!" Sakura swore harshly, the word leaving her mouth seeming unnatural to her.

Kabuto picked her up by her short hair and grabbed his kunai.

Sakura thrashed to reach Sai's bloody body, lying at the roots of a tree.

He was still and blood was making its way down his already pale forehead.

Kabuto clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"You know, he's still alive. Being a medic, how could you have not felt that?"

Sakura's eyes teared up but she refused to cry.

"Akina killed my teammates, during the Chunin Exams." He scoffed. 

"You should know that. But, I don't care about them. I disappointed Orochimaru sama and that damn bitch defeated me so easily with her mokuton." He harshly spat out his words and some flecks of spit landed on Sakura's face.

She recoiled in disgust.

"She's stronger than you- than all of us. What do you fucking expect?!"

Kabuto suddenly smiled at her.

"You know, I can see the jealousy inside of you. You want to defeat her hm?"

Her emerald green eyes widened.

He continued talking. "You can easily join us. We can give you power- more than you could ever imagine."

Kabuto hoped she agreed.

With this valuable female, he could kill two birds with one stone.

Sasuke would come looking for his teammate and Orochimaru sama could finally get his body.

Or, maybe Akina could come and he could have her instead.

No matter what, Kabuto knew for a fact that if Sakura was captured, they'd see the two powerful children together and Orochimaru sama would be happy.

Kabuto licked his lips.

"Join us and live, or die here right now. Besides, if you get strong enough, maybe you can kill me." 

No one is there for her anyways...

Sakura looked at Kabuto, a determined glint in her eyes.

He smiled.

"Leader sama, where's Akina un?" Deidara questioned the organization, rather his boss as the extraction was going on.

"She won't be joining us with the extraction."

"Tobi misses his best friend Akina chan." Tobi whined.

The muscle in Itachi's jaws twitched slightly in annoyance. 

He told her to stay away from Tobi and Hidan.

And like an idiot, she refused to listen to him.

Gosh, Itachi's mind was completely filled to the brim with thoughts regarding Akina's safety.

Is she okay?

What's her big plan?

Where does she disappear off to every few days?

I can't track her and neither can Madara.

At least she's smart with her fuinjutsu skills that way.

Silence was a common thing in the members of the Akatsuki and this was not different. 

Each one of them had their own reasons to be here.

"Kakuzu." Pain spoke up.

He grunted. "She killed a Konoha nin called Sarutobi Asuma."

Itachi had to hide the shock on his face.

"Oh dang she looked so fucking hot. Leader, she's becoming one of us now you know. She went all out of control."

Deidara gulped harshly.

Akina out of control was not good.

"What do you mean, un?"

"You should've seen the way her hands itched to join us in fighting the Jinchuriki. With the fight against the Konoha ninjas, she made this shadow guy watch as she murdered his sensei in cold blood. I feel like her torture needs some work though."

Another person materialized on top of one of the statue's fingers.

"Oh sorry guys! Got caught up in some work." He laughed.

"Be on time, Rou." Pain reprimanded him.

He pouted. "Okay then, Leader. But it was kinda your fault ya know for giving me such a lengthy mission."

Deidara noted carefully how he didn't even flinch when Pain narrowed his eyes at him.

He either didn't care about his life, or knew he wouldn't do shit to hurt him.

Tobi giggled. "Rouuuuuuuuuu!"




"Oy, shut the fuck up twerps!" Hidan snarled.

Itachi face palmed.

Just why did he join the Akatsuki again?

Forget S ranked ninjas.

They were a bunch of babies throwing a tantrum at how life isn't fair.

Madara included.

Itachi regarded Rou with close eyes.

Blue eyes.

Black hair.

An easy going grin on his face.

Itachi was a genjutsu master. He could twist reality with ease.

Rou dealt with mental torture whereas Hidan dealt with the physical torture.

Even Ibiki Morino barely smiled, having seen all the mental torture people went through.

Inoichi Yamanaka had to calm himself down after he went through the memories of traumatized victims.

Itachi didn't know a single soul who could carry such an easy smile on his face while torturing victims.

He was surely someone and the Uchiha knew for a fact that Rou knew exactly who Tobi was.



The two men smiled at each other, one in an orange swirly mask and the other in his own mask as they called each others names repeatedly, trying to rile up Pain.

Both of them were the biggest trolls ever.

However, the one in the orange mask did everything he strived for- a perfect world with Rin alive- with purpose.

The other man's purpose was still unknown.

Omake (Extra/Bonus)

"Itachi, push it in harder!"

Deidara stopped walking, as his ears twitched like a dog.

"I'm trying."

"Yeah, well you're not trying hard enough!"

"Its too small!"

A mischevious grin appeared on his face as he kept his ear on the door, signalling Hidan who was walking nearby to come and listen.

Hidan placed his ear next to Deidara's.

"Its almost done."

"Almost?! There's still so much left!!"

Hidan smirked and Deidara stuffed in a giggle threatening to escape.

A few grunts were heard from inside the room and the bed creaked loudly.

"Its not going to fit anymore." Akina groaned.

"It has to." Itachi replied, his voice a little out of breath.

Deidara's face was completely red by now, as he tried to stop his laughter.

Hidan's smirk grew bigger and bigger, threatening to explode his face.

"Just give up already. I'll get a smaller one-"

"No. I won't give up."

"Then push god damn it!"

"Move Itachi. I'll try it." Akina said after a moment.

Hidan's ears blew a fuse.

Itachi was going to be a sub?!



Pain looked at the pair, with leery grins on their faces.


Deidara motioned Pain to come and listen.

"I told you, Itachi. It won't fit."

"I will not rest until its done."

The bed groaned loudly and Akina screamed.


"I know, calm down and stop screaming in my ears."

She sobbed. 

"Calm down, Akina. It will be alright."

Pain had heard enough. With a kick, he broke down the door...

only to see the pair standing on the bed, a large rock in Itachi's hands.

There was a cockroach on the floor.

Akina, her eyes filled with tears turned to Pain.

"Ah what's going on here?" He asked confused.

"Leader sama, Itachi said he'd place a rock in the hole in my room so that the cockroach would be trapped there. He got a big rock and it won't fit in the small hole. Now, the cockroach escaped and... I'm scared."

Deidara burst out laughing, madly.

Akina looked at her friend, confused.


Hidan chuckled.

Pain stood there, a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"So you both- I mean, you guys didn't..."


Pain's jaw twitched as he deactivated his 'overprotective father mode'.

"Nothing at all."

Hidan and Deidara couldn't stop laughing for the entire day.

Lol I had fun writing this scene.

The best part of the damn chapter I tell ya!

Especially since it got dark with Akina.

What do you make of Sakura hm?

Welp- I really fucked it all up didn't I?

And I'm pretty sure I made it obvious with who Rou is.

But, I'm really not done yet.

So please, do tell me your theories but don't assume anything for granted unless its mentioned in the chapter.

I didn't really want to update before time since I end up getting less reads, but then a few people insisted...

Well, I feel like Naruto is just gonna go around, rounding up his teammates like a bunch of sheep I tell ya.

The poor boy needs better teammates.

Buckle up your seat belts, folks.

Its gonna be one hell of a ride!

I want 35 votes for this chapter and at least 500 views before I publish the next chapter.

Yeah, that should be enough.

PS: To ARMY's out there, I may have began a BTS book so be sure to check it out and let me know if I should continue it or not...

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