50. Letters and Slut Drops

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I guess its time to see what steps Konoha is taking. 

They really need to kill a few more members, huh?




I squeaked as Itachi entered the room, and the memory of our almost kiss entered my brain once more. I looked around. There was no way to escape except to crawl.

"What are you doing?" He saw me.


"Practicing a slut drop." 

I calmly said, shooting him a sultry smile from the floor.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I even ask."

"I wonder about that too." I got up and turned towards the kitchen counter, rummaging through the shelves for sugar to make coffee.

"Leader-sama has asked to see you. He wants you to train."

I nodded, holding my neck. "Of course. I'll go soon."

"Akina," I turned around to face him and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

He gulped harshly before turning around. "Never mind."

(I must not be selfish for I don't deserve it)

Pain and I stood in front of each other and he began speaking. "Which methods have you learnt?"

"Well, I know rinne rebirth, summoning jutsu, almighty push and pull and that's it I guess."

He nodded. "The rest will be easier since you've mastered the tougher ones. The key is emotion and determination, Akina. It helps you control the rinnegan. Now, I'll be teaching you the rest today. Mainly, the Asura path, Human path, Preta path and the Naraka path.

The Asura path grants the user the ability to augment their own body to summon mechanised armour and various ballistic and mechanical weaponry. The Human path grants the user the ability to read the mind of any target by placing his/her hand on the target's head or chest and yanking the soul out of the body, which then kills the target. The Preta path grants the user the ability to absorb chakra in any form, including most ninjutsu, using the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal. And lastly, the Naraka path grants the user two main abilities: interrogation and restoration, by using the King of Hell."

He continued speaking, completely unbothered. "There are more powers of the rinnegan, yet to be known but these are the ones so far."

One thought was going through my mind.

Rinnegan is way too overpowered. And what do you mean more are there?!

I'll die!

"I'm ready to master them, shishou."

"We'll start with the Preta path then."


Learning the Preta path was not easy, but it was easier than the others. As Pain sent the wave of chakra towards me, I had to relax my body but make it ready to accept more chakra. I could either use this chakra or disperse it in nature.

I chose to disperse it, remembering how Naruto used his Sage ninjutsu against Pain.

At the end of the day, I was a complete mess. 

Pain glanced down at my defeated form. "You mastered Preta. That's good enough. Tomorrow, we'll be doing Naraka or Human. I have a couple of prisoners for you to use them on."

I merely nodded as Konan picked me up and carried me towards my room. My eyes were closed.

"Konan nee, if I were a lesbian I'd be gay for you. You take care of me so well and boys suck." 

She laughed. "I remember when Nagato used to train this way with Jiraiya sensei. I know just the perfect remedy for you."

"Kakuzu, Hidan I have a mission for you." I heard Pain speak and I drifted off to a dreamless sleep, warning bells ringing in my head.

Third Person's POV

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, glancing at the waterfall. His sharingan was activated and he murmured a few words.

"There are around five chakra natures inside. The Sound Four and Orochimaru." 

Yamato nodded. "We've gotten permission from the Hokage to attack whenever necessary. Should we do it now?"

Anko let out a malicious grin as she cracked her knuckles. "Oh I've been wanting to punch my dear sensei's face for a long time now. I say we do it now."

"I'm in, dattebayo. I want revenge for Sakura-chan." Naruto muttered lowly. 

"Hn." Sasuke's eyes glittered and the four shinobi set out towards the waterfall where Orochimaru was waiting for them. 

The Snake Sannin licked his lips. "This time, Sasuke-kun will be mine. Intercept the rest Sound Four. I'll battle Sasuke-kun."

Anko's devious laugh filled the base. 

"I finally found you, ya snake fucker! Now die!"



Sakura screeched as she woke up, writhing against the chains. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! I SWEAR TO KAMI IF YOU TOUCH ME-"

The door opened with a bang as Asuma hurriedly walked in and blinked. "Sakura, you're fine!"

Sakura stared wide eyed at the man she presumed to be dead. "Asuma sensei? You're alive?! No, wait unless we're both dead."

"We're alive, Sakura." Asuma picked up the key from the study and unlocked her chains sighing as he did so.

Akina really has some fetish with chains. First me and now Sakura?

"So what's happening? Are we in Konoha-"

Asuma cut her off and began explaining. "Its Akina. She brought us back to life."

Sakura blinked once before sighing and shaking her head. "Why am I not surprised. Honestly, she's insane! And even more unpredictable than Naruto and that's saying something! She chooses to leave Konoha, attack us, run away, join the Akatsuki, tell us to stay safe and now bring me back to life?! WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE TRYING TO DO?!"

He sighed. "Honestly, at this point she's a traitor everywhere. She makes her own rules. Now do you wanna here the details or not?"



Tsunade glanced at Shikamaru's rigid form. He changed. He wasn't saying troublesome this or that often and now, he was asking for a revenge mission.

Its about damn time, Nara.

"Hm, take Kakashi, Ino, Choji with you. Or do you need more?"

"We should be enough. We've been working on a new technique."

Tsunade nodded. "Well, I just sent Naruto and Sasuke to get their revenge for Sakura. Speaking about that, her body should be arriving soon."

"Tsunade-sama, there's a problem!" Shizune burst in the door, carrying a letter from Sunagakure.

I spoke too soon.

Tsunade read the letter from the Kazekage and promptly spat out her drink.

Akina attacked the Suna village, destroyed his shinobi and flew away with Sakura's body. Team 8 was lying there brutally injured. Everyone except Gaara was injured.

Kankuro and Temari had been hospitalized.

"Shizune, call Jiraiya. Its time."

Shizune stared at her Hokage, wide eyed. "Tsunade-sama, are you sure?"

"Jiraiya can handle himself. We need information on Akina and the leader." The female Hokage wasn't sure about it though.

If Akina could do so much damage, how much could the leader do?

Flatten a whole village?!

There were rumors floating around that Akina's shishou was one of the leaders of Akatsuki. That could mean serious trouble.

"Shizune, change Akina to a flee on sight if its not there already."


She glared at the Nara. "Shikamaru, be careful. I can't lose anymore people."

Shikamaru's eyes widened slightly before nodding. "We'll make sure to remove Kakuzu and Hidan from the ranks of Akatsuki soon enough."

And Akina as well when I see her.

Sorry Hokage-sama, but I'll get my revenge.



Somewhere else, Akina shivered and rubbed her forearms. She headed towards her closet and took out the scrolls which contained important stuff of hers when she left Konoha.

Opening the scrolls, she began going through them searching for something she didn't know. It was her gut feeling telling her to go through each and every one of them, one by one. She stumbled across a scroll and her eyes widened before she gasped.

From Yume

She opened the scroll in a hurry. 

And smiled. 

"Just what I'd expect from you, Yume. You did a nice job when we exchanged places." 

Her giggle echoed in the base as she thought back to Danzo's death.

Inside the scrolls were well preserved sharingan eyes, floating in a liquid to keep them safe.

Including Shisui's eye.

"Huh.. I wonder if Itachi can recognize his father's eyes and get eternal mangekyo-" She paused and a smile grew on her face with delight as a plan began to take form in her mind.



"Deidara, Tobi I have a mission for you both."



Dear Sasuke and Naruto!

How are you guys? You must be surprised hearing from me, ne? 

Sasuke, you want information on Itachi? Defeat Orochimaru and meet me where we rescued that spy - Akio Tora, remember? 

I remember it clearly well since I was stabbed by that douche Pedomaru and went missing and all that crap with my funeral. Like boys, I ain't dying that easy!

If possible, try and gather a team comprising of Karin Uzumaki, Suigetsu Hozuki and Juugo. They might help? Since I changed stuff, I don't know shit.

Try to stay away from Iwa no Deidara. He's a suicide bomber and hates Uchihas.

Naruto... you best get your ass to Mt. Myoboku and master sage mode if you want to defeat rinnegan users. Meet with Jiraiya. 

Hint:- use CLONES 

Hope to see y'all soon!


Akina Senju Uchiha - a terrible friend and ex lover 

PS: This letter will burn into flames once you finish reading it. Step away and if you value your information, Sasuke, come ALONE. 

Don't tell Morning Wood or Crazy Proctor because I know everything.



Dear Kakashi-sensei,

The hottest teacher ever. I look at you as a father figure yet I lust after you... Its kinda weird but I've come to the conclusion that its an emotion called fangirlism.

How's your sweet ass doing? ;)

So, you might wanna rasengan the hell out of Kakuzu. Actually, just snag Naruto for yourself if you can and ask him to use rasenshuriken. If that ain't possible..

Just ask Shikamaru to use his brains!

Also Shikamaru, you can't kill me boy.

Not yet.

Maybe when all this is over...


Akina Senju Uchiha - amazing student and a terrible friend

PS: This letter will burn into flames once you finish reading it.



"Kisame! May I speak with you?"

The blue man turned around at the sudden voice.

Sort of a required filler until all the major battles start next chapter.

Its gonna be insane because all these battles, happen within a few days of each other.

Team 10 + Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu

Oreomaru + Sound 4 vs Sasuke, Naruto, Anko and Yamato (what an odd team!)

The fated battles against the Uchiha brothers and the student and his sensei will happen soon enough with Akina butting in way too much. And she's growing stronger! 

I hope I've left you all a confused mess in this chapter since that was precisely my aim.


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