55. Deidara's Suspicion

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I realized I never showed you the Team 7 picture.. so here! ^

Or maybe I did show it and I don't remember.. Er, just see it, yeah.




"HOW DO YOU BURN WATER?!" Asuma yelled at the cowering pinkette as she glanced back at the book to read the instructions once more.

"Well it said-"


"But it sai-"






"It says to boil it for.. oh wait, is that.. ohhh... Asuma, sorry! I thought we had to add oi-"

Akina yawned, stumbling out of her room, rubbing her eyes. "What's the commotion about?"

"Akina, I beg you to let me go." Asuma scowled at Sakura as she looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

"I mean, I just burnt water.. I wanted to try-"

"Wait... how do you even do that?" Akina groaned. It was too early for this bullshit. She was up all night making a surprise for Asuma and Sakura, to the extent that she got only an hour of sleep.

"The book-"


"Oh dear.." Akina slowly crept past them, aiming for the fridge to drink some milk before the house exploded.

"Big forehead?" Sakura's voice was deathly quiet, and Akina hastily opened the fridge, searching for something to calm them down. Preferably a fire extinguisher.

"Okay guys, can you just.. um take this outside? Took me a month to build this, yeah." The temperature dropped and Akina ran inside her bedroom, abandoning her food as she changed out of her night suit and into her outfit.




The Senju squeaked, hurriedly picking up her scrolls and storing them inside the cloak as a sudden sound of electricity crackled from the kitchen.





She flew out of her room, quickly grabbing a toast lying on the table before making a mad dash towards the front door.





The shots had been fired. It was one thing to insult Sakura's forehead, but it was another to insult Asuma's dick which he was very proud about.



Akina glanced at the toast she was holding. Shivering in disgust, she threw it away, gagging and wiping her hands. "Why did you have to say that Sakura? I was hungry."

Her stomach grumbled in agreement as the voices faded away. Holding a tree, she went inside and made way towards the Land of Waves to meet Sasuke.

Last night was fun for the three of them. Excluding the emotional breakdown and the fact that Asuma couldn't meet either of their eyes for half hour (How odd..) they reminisced about the old times and as promised, Akina told information about an Akatsuki member as well as herself.

The Akatsuki member being.. Uchiha Itachi but the name wasn't revealed.

Oh, he was going to kill her. Brutally, for this.

But she was going to send him back to Konoha with Sasuke. No matter what.

She told tales about how a shinobi was so dedicated to his village, that he killed his family to protect them. All for the greater good.

Sakura didn't know much about the Uchiha massacre and she didn't connect the dots. Asuma, however got a hint already. His jaw twitched in irritation and that was the only indication given that he knew. 

But Sakura's mind worked in a different way. She narrowed her eyes, wondering if Akina was that shinobi.

Reaching her destination within an hour, she stopped right in front of the bridge. Nicknamed as the 'Great Seven' instead of the 'Great Naruto Bridge', she walked towards the bustling city, after removing her cloak of course.

Akina peered at the stalls, interested in their items. This place had been so dreadful the last time she visited and now it was almost unrecognizable as healthy and cheerful faces occupied the citizen's faces.

It made her proud, that they helped this city prosper.

"Hmm do you know where I can find Zabuza-sempai?" A cheerful voice spoke before a slurping sound followed.

The Senju froze. Nani?

Turning around, she saw a white haired man talking animatedly to a shop keeper. "Oh he's from Kirigakure! Guess you don't know him, huh? I heard he frequents this place a lot." He took another sip from his sipper, his loud voice reaching Akina's ears easily.

"He carries this gigantic sword around! Its... this big!" Spreading his hands wide, he attempted to show the shopkeeper the size of the weapon who in turn paled considerably.

"I don't know him I'm telling you!"

"Well damn, if you see him then can you tell him I was looking for him? The name's Suigetsu Hozuki, by the way."

Akina hurriedly looked away from his violet eyes, thinking to herself. Making a firm decision, she started walking away from Suigetsu.

She didn't want him getting entangled in this entire mess. They were fine, without Sasuke and the Akatsuki. 

Her onyx eyes darted around, peering into the stores, searching for anything really. A peek of spiky black hair, a prominent scowl or smirk, the Uchiha clan printed at the back of his outfit..

However, she didn't find him. 

Hours later, Akina sighed and sat down on a bench, gazing ruefully at the scene of children playing ninja in front of her. She never got the time to play it.

Nor did she have the friends.

"Hey, you want some water? You look like you're tired." 

She turned her head, her eyes visibly widening at Suigetsu offering her a bottle of water as he drank out of another. He grinned at her, his canine poking out and resting on his lower lip.

"So, what do you say? You want it or not?" He shook the bottle in front of her face as she hesitantly took it, opening the cap. He slid onto the bench, next to her as she raised an eyebrow, not saying a word.

"Name's Suigetsu Hozuki. Saw you staring at me a few hours ago and thought I'd say hi."

"Yume Takahashi." She gave him a formal smile, keeping her guard up.

"A pretty name for a girl like you." He winked.

What a flirt..

Akina smiled thinly. "Hm, could you help me find my boyfriend? I've been searching for him recently and can't seem to find him anywhere."

"Well, he's sitting right here." He smirked at her and Akina scoffed, glancing away.

Jeez, he's worse than what I expected him to be. Not in a mood to flirt with you today, sweetie.

"Thanks for the water. I gotta get going." She stood up, handing him a bottle before dusting off the imaginary dirt on her. Suigetsu grinned, watching her walk away.

What a cutie..

Oh shit.. forgot to ask her about Zabuza-sempai. She's a kunoichi and would've known him.

Akina was slowly losing her calm. The city was huge. What if Sasuke didn't even reach this place yet?

She needed her... summons. Gulping harshly, the Senju recalled the way she screamed at Kokomi yesterday, taking out all her frustration and anger on her. Scolding herself, guilt flooded her system. Kokomi and her summons were exceptionally good at their work. They did a single mistake and she just exploded. Actually, it wasn't even their mistake.

It was hers.

"Baka.." Muttering a curse, she did the signs for the jutsu, moving behind a tree to hide herself.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu." In front of her feet stood a cowering blue bird, her head lowered in submission as she shivered. The blue robin was on the verge of tears, being a very delicate and emotional bird.

"U-Uchiha-sama, how may I be of a-assistance to you?"

Akina sighed, sitting down on the grass under the shade of the tree as Kokomi was next to her. "Kokomi-chan, get up on my finger please."

She did as her summoner asked, climbing on to her index finger. Akina gently looked at her summon, as she began petting Kokomi's head softly, entering a smooth flow of chakra inside. 

"Sorry, Kokomi-chan. I was angry at myself and I took it all out on you. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." She removed her finger from the young bird's head and kissed it before placing it back.

Kokomi blinked, her eyes crinkling up terribly as she opened her beak slightly, sniffling and chirping violently at the same time.

Akina blinked, slightly alarmed. Birds can cry?

Kokomi looked extremely vulnerable. It was like kicking a puppy and her heart constricted even more as she apologized.

"Ah don't cry Kokomi-chan! I promise I'll treat all of you better. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to scold you. I feel terrible as it is!"


Sasuke walked through the city, his mind still set on yesterday's events.

That man murdered Akina's parents...

I can't believe its him and Akina doesn't know... Or does she?

Sighing slightly, he looked around for Akina and sat down on a bench. He was getting impatient. But at that point, he couldn't do anything but wait since she did say she knew where he'd be.

"Yume Takahashi.." Suigetsu muttered her name, a dopey grin on his face unaware that Sasuke was sitting on the bench over. The Uchiha's ears slightly perked up, the name sounding oddly familiar.

Yume Takahashi...


He muttered the name to himself multiple times, pondering over it. A bird chirped and he froze, activating his sharingan and staring up at the oak tree behind him. Everyone in Konoha knew Akina had birds as her summon, which made it all the more dangerous to exchange information freely. 

Perhaps that's why she didn't tell anyone except us in the first place. So that she could use it for spying.

Birds were everywhere, after all.

It was a blue bird. One he'd seen sitting on Akina's shoulders before. 

She's here.

Turning around, he raised his arm to the young bird who fluttered down and landed on his hand. 

"Uchiha-sama, she's coming here. Please, wait." The bird chirped and he nodded, sitting back down on the bench.

"How cool! A bird that talks?!"

Kokomi and Sasuke turned around to face a wide eyed Suigetsu who was pointing a finger out at them, awestruck. 

"They're ninja summons. Run off, civilian." His voice rang with annoyance and an underlying tone of superiority which Suigetsu noticed.

"Oy teme, I'm a shinobi too. Suigetsu Hozuki's the name." Sasuke turned his head away, opting to ignore him as the Hozuki got triggered. Ducking his head down, Sasuke narrowly avoided the sword being yielded at his neck.

"Oh, you're pretty good if you could dodge that hm?" He gave a toothy grin.


"What?" He gave a confused look.

"Look, I'm here to meet someone so if you don't mind, fuck off. I don't need another death on my hand, especially if its someone as weak and pathetic like you." 

"You bast-"

"Sasuke." A sweet voice interrupted them and they turned around to see a female figure standing there, her hands set calmly on her side as she stared at the bickering couple.

Suddenly, the both of them felt an onslaught of emotions rush through their bodies. Sasuke forced himself to stare ahead at her stoically, ignoring the pain. Akina shivered and looked away for a moment.

I shouldn't have come to meet him.

I shouldn't have come to meet her.

But what was done, was now done. Slowly, Akina made her way towards Sasuke and stopped a few steps short as a tense silence ensued.

Neither knew how to break the ice.

"Yume-chan you know this basta- Oh Kami is he your boyfriend you were talking about?! This dick is your boyfriend?!"

oh MY GOD SHUT UP SUIGETSU!   Akina glared at him.

But the damage was already done. 

The atmosphere was tenser than before, so tense that you couldn't even cut it with a butter knife. You'd have to use a kunai.

Sasuke's hand twitched and Akina shuffled on her feet, looking around.

Then, the awkward whistling started.

All I wanted to ask was if anyone knew Zabuza-sempai. What did I get myself into?

Kokomi chirped. "Oh my Kami get it over with already! You guys are staring at each other as if you guys cheated on each other or something!"

The both of them froze.


(Idea given by LRBlade)

Deidara had decided what to do now. After Tobi had successfully survived the fire-

What a pity.. He mourned alone.

-he tried doing every single thing on the list. And realized Tobi had the power of just letting stuff slide through him. So, the cliff ideas and torturing were gone and so was the FedEx one.

Man, those were his favorite though!

Now, he had only a few left. 

Make him drink poison, leave him somewhere alone and leave him in a brothel.

He was no Sasori. He couldn't magically conquer up any poisons and just hand them over to Tobi. The maximum he knew about medicines were well.. laxatives. And the fact that your ass burned like a bitch if you had one too many, he couldn't see any medical stores nearby to find them.

Poison was out. Leaving him alone was also out of the question.

At the moment, Deidara was walking with a man-child hugging onto him, begging him to take a break as irk marks erupted all over the blonde's face.

"Fine, un! We'll stop. Now piss off, Tobi, yeah."

"Yatta! Lets go and have some dango there. It looks like the perfect store! LETS HEAD THERE SENPAI!!" He did a weird dance, shaking and flopping his limbs everywhere looking like a retarded idiot.

Tobi went running off as Deidara muttered a few unintelligible words under his breath, following him. He wasn't particularly fond of dango, nor did he hate it.

Even that bastard Uchiha likes dango.. almost as much as Tobi, un. Its uncanny.

Settling down, he waited for the food to arrive as Tobi bounced around like a child on steroids. 

"Uwah senpai! Look at those pretty girls over there!" Deidara turned his head. He was a man after all.

A ginger caught his eye and winked at him. Deidara's mouth fell open and she giggled, whispering to her friends. There was a brunette as well and Tobi was utterly still. 

"Hey, you guys wanna join us?" The ginger spoke.

Finally, something goes right.

Deidara had a thing for red heads, as much as he'd deny it. Because if he accepted it then Kisame would scream "HAH GAY!" at his face loudly and tell everyone in the base he had a thing for danna.

He wasn't gay and his hair was just a fashion style.

And he was giving up a fine opportunity to get revenge on Tobi. 

"Ah my man Tobi here wouldn't mind, un. Sorry ladies, but I have some work to do." He winked at them as they blushed and giggled before feeling Tobi up, their eyes widening as they glanced at one another.

"Aww no fun. Don't worry Deidara-sama, we'll take care of him very well." Tobi was extremely silent, and Deidara smirked to himself thinking he was scared. 

"Have fun, Tobi!" 

"Oh I will, Deidara." The blonde bomber froze at the sudden deep voice mentioning his name and he turned around to see a bright blush on his mask-


One girl, poked his mask. "Aww can we take it out Tobi-senpai?"

The other giggled, her finger running up his leg. "He looks so mysterious!"

Deidara took that as his cue to leave, figuring he was going insane due to sleep deprivation. He went to the neighboring village and slept peacefully as certain.. events occurred throughout the night.

Two words to describe it would be hella kinky. 

But we gotta keep it PG 13 so no details will be mentioned.

He slept like a baby. Without having to worry after Tobi and any guards suddenly breaking in, he got a good rest, dreaming about taking over the world with his art as Sasori bowed down to him and said the words - "Your art is superior to mine, Deidara. I accept my defeat."

Oh.. what a wonderful dream!

Feeling refreshed, he made his way back to the inn and saw Tobi waiting for him outside. 

"Tobi my man! How was it, hm?" 

Tobi nodded once and stuffed his hand in his pocket making an infuriating sound Deidara had heard only from one person in his life. "Hn."

"Did you just say hn? Like that bastard Uchiha?!" 

"Hn.. it was good, senpai." His voice was calm and while it still had that enthusiasm, it was subdued. 

Deidara nodded mutely and went inside to meet the girls. "Well.. we'll be going now. Sorry I couldn't-"

"He's a monster." The brunette whispered.

Deidara blinked. "Excuse me?"

The girl shivered, her eyes set on the figure outside as her friend nodded vehemently. "He's a great fuck."

"Okay, one too many details. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing at all. He was enough." Their eyes were clouded over with a certain haziness, their eyes fixed on Tobi's figure and they gulped harshly. Deidara felt like he was intruding on something, their gazes so dark and heavy it almost seemed as if they wanted to devour him completely.

"Did you see his face under his mask, un?" He asked them curiously and they gave him a mysterious smile as they both chanted unanimously.

"We can not tell you."

"Wow. Creepy much?" Muttering under his breath, he went towards his partner who turned to him and spoke.

"Shall we head for base now?" 

"Tobi, are you fine? They didn't drug you, right?" Deidara was honestly worried for his serious partner now.

"..Hn they did not."

"Oy, stop saying hn so much like that damn Uchiha!"

"Shut up, you're annoying." With that, he walked ahead as blue eyes glared at his back furiously.



"I swear to Kami if you were an Uchiha pulling this shit on me, I would've blasted you to bits."

Inside his mask, Obito slightly smiled and Deidara began to wonder what Akina had mentioned a few weeks ago.

He really isn't who you think he is. If you really knew, you'd hate him much more.

Cue a mysterious smile from Akina and a confused Deidara. 

Just what is Tobi's real identity and why is it hidden?

The more Deidara thought about it, the more he realized that Pain allowed Tobi to stay. He just isn't that type of man to let useless people hang around.

Tobi has a power. To allow stuff to pass through him. Probably a rare kekkei genkai.

Is this why Pain wanted Tobi to stay- No..

The blonde bomber was positive he just saw Tobi's real behavior and the dark voice he heard yesterday wasn't something he quite imagined.

There was a reason Tobi is his partner, not Akina like they all assumed in the beginning.

Something was definitely up...

And the only way he'd get to find out was if Akina told him (because he just knew that girl was a psycho psychic - the amount of money he'd lost was pitiable...)

Or if Tobi or Pain told him.

Deidara didn't even want to know what was going on behind the scenes.

And honestly, he was feeling hesitant to.

"You alright Deidara-senpai, you seem pale!" A cheerful Tobi nodded at him in a doting manner and Deidara merely looked away, not reacting.

Gosh, even his stupid fake ass behavior isn't irritating anymore.

Just how stupid are we all?

Does anyone know?

Another chappie done!

Also NWA posted my interview with them so be sure to check that out. I posted the link in my announcements.

Seems like Deidara is suspecting Tobi now... what will Akina do?

She may have protected Dei from one Uchiha but the other one... is just getting started.


Haha also I realized a friend was bitching about me behind my back and I started to giggle.

No joke, I didn't give a fuck coz she's annoying af. All the toxic people I've observed around me have no room in my heart because I got rid of them. Like one day I care, the next I don't.

But anyways, I started to giggle because it was the first time I got to know someone was bitching about me and it was incredibly funny because that just shows how much hold I have over you. Does that mean I can use her whenever I want?

Yes, I can, since I have a hold over her. 

(See this style of thinking? This is EXACTLY the type of people you should avoid and get rid of ASAP) 

*Looking at a few of my readers whose friends are hoes* #Exposethehoe

I'm not exactly a saint and I'm pretty sure people have talked shit about me. I'm a big bitch tbh and I am proud of it.

Like if you guys would meet me irl then you'd see the sweet side of me. You get to know me better, I'd make stupid moves on you. But if you hurt me..

I'll make your life a living hell I shit you not. 

And she didn't show me an ounce of respect. And she made me feel worse during terrible periods of my life. So, I acted like a bitch. She deserves the shade I'm throwing at her.

I love you guys though and wouldn't dare to hurt y'all. You're my precious readers I must protect at all costs.

Also, if I call you guys a hoe or a bitch please don't  be offended because I'm a weird person in general and I use them as an endearing term.

Haha thanks for tuning in to my Ted Talk.


EDIT: Wattpad is acting like a bitch and no notifs of my update are reaching anyone yet I'm still getting false notifs. Its not letting me publish the chappie! I'll just do it another day.


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