57. The Fated Battle of the Brothers

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I know you guys are busy with stuff or probably are even supposed to be studying. 

Trust me when I say that the AMV above shoots the feels straight into your heart. That way, this chapter becomes more fun to read, more enjoyable.

Its time, for the feels to hit hard. So prepare yourselves for these chapters.

Its been a while, hm? If you guys throw shoes at me, I wouldn't be surprised.




If you wish to kill me, resent me, hate me and survive.. in obscurity. 

Run, and keep running to cling to your pathetic life.

Then one day come before me with the same eyes I possess.

"A-aniki.. why?!"



Sasuke walked into the room to see him sitting on the throne. His silent steps echoed in the room as he slowed down, right before the man he despised the most in his world.

"That sharingan.. how much can you actually see?"

"What I'm seeing right now Itachi, is your death."

Itachi leaned his head back slightly, sighing softly as he did so. He shifted slightly, making sure to hide the vanilla colored file in his Akatsuki cloak carefully. "My death huh?"

The air around the younger Uchiha slightly shifted as Itachi rushed towards him suddenly, whispering near his ear as he did so. "Then make it happen."

Sasuke gave a cold smirk.

I'm sorry.

Almost instantly, the both of them took out kunais and turned around to counter one another, the sound of the kunai echoing loudly. Sasuke grabbed his katana and defended himself from Itachi's kick as he jumped away, doing hand signs.


The sound of a thousand birds signified the start of the battle.

Akina kicked a pebble to the side, as her foot trailed the gravel in front of her. She made a kanji on the ground, eyeing the silent Uchiha building.

Kisame sat down on the ground, cross legged as he turned to Samehada with a soft gaze. "Alright you shitty sword, I'm gonna groom you now and no biting."

The sword yapped once in its rebellion phase before toning down, almost purring as Kisame stroked it gently. 

"Its like a pet dog." Akina smiled slightly at the bond between the two as Kisame nodded once in agreement. He was a little pale, almost on the verge of shitting himself as he remembered Itachi's instructions clearly.

That damn bastard is going to get it from me.

He glanced at Akina murmuring softly to herself, probably making another plan. Kami knows what goes on in that head of hers. Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out a note and handed it to her comrade.


"Yes, once we get Sasuke and Itachi safely, to escape the Akatsuki we have to head here where I have a secret hideout. Its invisible and untraceable. So even if someone does tell it to Pain under pressure, we'll be safe. Unless of course Jiraiya or some other formidable seal master is there in which case we're royally fucked."

"I see. Using tree transport you'll take us there?"

She nodded. "I'm not too sure about letting Sakura and Sasuke meet however, they have to."

"And why is that?"

Akina's eyes glittered with a negative emotion as the green monster enveloped her heart. She blinked it away, settling down on the ground next to Kisame.

"Well, Sasuke has to return to Konoha. And if he tells Naruto Sakura is alive then Tsunade will know. As a result, people will come after us. That also rises suspicion that Asuma may be alive and Shikamaru needs to hold on to his grudge. I need an insider to set things up in Konoha for Itachi to return and Sasuke would probably be my best shot."

I don't have any rights to claim him anyways. I shouldn't be acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Sakura i- was my friend and Sasuke is a free, single dude.

Not to mention... I'm confused about so much shit right now - including Itachi. We almost kissed twice. I don't really deserve anything at the moment.

Pursing her lips, she turned around to look at the Uchiha compound once more. "How long does it take to talk to Sasuke? I mean, I want to check up on them but I don't want to intrude on their brotherly reunion."

Kisame cleared his throat. "Maybe Itachi is trying to talk him out of revenge? Why don't you wait, for a while?"

"I-I suppose so. I trust them to work things out without a fight. I've handed Itachi the mission file anyways. That should be enough evidence to prove him innocent." She nodded once, and went back to leaning her head against the tree as Kisame internally sighed.

"I mean, I'm ready to trust people again. If you guys wanna help me.. then I wouldn't mind sharing some of my stuff with you. Maybe, even Sakura and Asuma can help.. if they wanted to." Akina turned away, blushing under Kisame's heavy stare. He remained silent.

Go quickly Akina. 

Stop them. 

Don't listen to me. Don't trust me, or that suicidal loser.

"Sasuke! You are my new light for I shall take your eyes and achieve the eternal mangekyo sharingan, only to surpass Uchiha Madara!" 

Kakashi entered his home with a tired sigh. Honestly, since Team 7 had disbanded with one member dead, another gone rogue, another out on a revenge mission (where he could possibly die) and the other training with a Sannin in Sage mode, all he could do was go on solo missions.

Shoulders slumping slightly, he fixed himself a cup of instant ramen and sat down on the couch, ready to reread Icha Icha again.

It was.. the 68th time now.

He kept count. Just one more and he'd be able to reach the legendary number. Uncovering his mask, he took a bite of his noodles.

A knock interrupted his cheap date with Icha Icha. "Who is it?"

"Kakashi-senpai, Tsunade-sama is calling for you and Jiraiya-sama!"

Kakashi groaned. "Tell her I'll give the mission report later. I'm busy."

"Senpai, its a message for the three of you."

"From who?"

".... Akina."

Well shit. Something bad is gonna happen, isn't it?

Kakashi called out for Yamato to leave before setting down his hot noodles, directly using body flicker to enter Tsunade's office. The ANBU in the shadows tensed but Tsunade waved them all off, her eyes still concentrated on the neat handwriting in front of her.

"Kakashi.. this letter is it really from her?"

He gave a careless shrug, removing his headband covering his sharingan eye. "I suppose I can take a look."

As Tsunade handed him the letter, she activated all the silencing seals around the room as well as the protection barriers as it emitted a faint blue glow. She sighed once, staring at a few loose files lying near her desk. 

"Neko, you can leave. I'm in no danger."

The files nodded and made its way towards the door not bothering to remove his jutsu. A few distant screams emitted from outside the room confirmed that he'd really left.

"Yeah, this is definitely her. I can recognize this without the sharingan."

"How so?"

He sighed, flinging the letter down on the desk. "She called me a hot sensei and proceeded to act as if nothing was wrong in the world with what she's doing. That's definitely her."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow as Jiraiya entered through the windows, his brush still dripping with ink at trying to remove the seals. "Tch, your seals are too easy to break, Tsunade-hime. I'll update them later."

"We have information regarding the Akatsuki." She replied stoically, handing her friend the letter. He read through it quickly, almost snorting a few times trying to conceal his laughter. But it did have useful information.


He narrowed his eyes.

"She knows.." He murmured softly to himself, the gears in his head turning.

"You've been jealous of me, resented me and harbor hope to pass me in terms of power. That's why I'm allowing you to live." 

Hiya Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama and my dearest Kakashi-sensei!

If you're reading this, good! That means Konoha hasn't been destroyed yet and my summons have reached you. I told them to send this letter explicitly under the orders that if I were mentally unstable or busy with work.

(They worry about me way too much! I'm completely fine, thanks for asking Kakashi-sensei.)

Or if they could sense something wrong.

My summons have an unexplained ability to be able to sense dangers, far earlier than humans. Due to enhanced chakra of mine, they can almost predict if something bad is going to happen.

Pretty useful, eh?

I mean, when a natural disaster strikes, my summons are the first to know no matter what.

"Her summons are birds." Tsunade firmly nodded, agreeing with the statement provided in the letter.

"- to restore my clan and kill a certain man."

Enough about them.

What I want- no, needed to tell you is that there will be an attack on Konoha soon done by the Leader of the Akatsuki to capture the nine tails aka my best boy Naruto Uzumaki.

Aw, you don't believe me? 


I'm sad.

Well, anyways if you miraculously do believe me, evacuate all the citizens to Sunagakure and send a few of your Konoha nin to support them, preferably genin - except Team Ebisu.

Konohamaru might be actual useful, that precocious brat.

Also, if Naruto isn't already - FUCKING TRAIN HIM IN SAGE MODE YA OLD GOATS!

That's the only way to defeat him. DON'T go searching for my Leader.

He's way too strong... 

But trust Naruto. Let the remaining of Konoha 12 (or is it 13? I really don't know if I'm included) - stay there and provide him with emotional support. 

Heck, don't even announce that you're sending your civilians anywhere. He'll attack Sunagakure too and my baby Gaara's siblings are already withdrawing from their battle against me.

Jiraiya, super glue your ass next to Tsunade and don't fucking move.

"You broke through my tsukuyomi.. how?"

Also, sorry for the fact I stole Sakura's corpse. Yeah... not my finest moment but I can assure you, she was cremated. I meant well.

I hope Sasuke and Naruto are well!

Kakashi-sensei, my super hot #1 daddy material, I have one job for you.

Don't fucking die.

Or else, I'll bring you back to life and will kill you. Again. And believe me, I will fucking do that.

Dearest sister, don't go in a coma. Actually, you can. Hehe. 

I got rid of the rat in your village anyways.

Ja ne~

PS: I really hope you follow this or you and I, will have some further problems if I attack your village next.

Haha I'm just kidding.

Or am I?

Oh no worries, I definitely am!


PPS: Jiraiya-sama, your internal spy in the Akatsuki.. I don't think he'll be sending you information any time soon once I take care of him.

: D

~ Your faithful servant, Akatsuki's ex Konoha nin Akina.

Silence engulfed the three as Jiraiya's jaw tightened, before cursing softly to himself. "She got rid of my spy."

Kakashi chose to stay silent, wondering about how she told him to stay alive and not die. 

Tsunade opened her previously closed eyes, her hazel eyes narrowed in a glare as her blonde hair fell across her face. She growled slightly, banging the desk harshly making cracks appear all over.

The two men took a step back, whistling nervously.

"She wants to play like this? Fine. I'll play her little game."

"Hime, we can't take any chances now if its true."

"Jiraiya, of course I know about that! That's why.. we'll be evacuating the citizens within three days time as soon as Sunagakure confirms that they can provide places for 3,000 more residents."

Jiraiya nodded. "My spy is no longer functional. I might have to go to Amegakure myself to get some information."

"Jiraiya-sama, that's way too dangerous." Kakashi spoke in a restrained manner, keeping a cool facade on the outside. He remembered how Akina's predictions used to come right all the time, getting flashbacks to the genin days where she predicted Zabuza and Haku's defeats and Sasuke activating his sharingan.

"Firestyle: fireball jutsu!"


There was something blurry in his mind.. Something which had been blocked. It was a hazy mist, not letting him access his memory. 

It was something important and it perplexed him. He'd go and meet Inoichi Yamanaka if he couldn't unlock it on his own.

He really didn't want an inquisitive mind such as the Yamanaka's patrolling in his mind, seeing his worst fears and incidents in his life.

But one thing was for sure. It was regarding Akina's psychic abilities.

Tsunade mentally agreed, concern flashing in her face for Jiraiya. But, it was the village over her personal beliefs.

"Kakashi, inform all the Chunin and above to train themselves and increase security for we might have an intruder."

As the trio discussed further plans, Naruto practice his Sage Mode with his summons. He had more time than usual, and while he was worrying for Sasuke he trusted that his friend would be back soon enough.

Akina turned around and gasped loudly at the sound of a sudden building falling apart. A large amount of dust escaped through the roof as the concrete caved in.

She could vaguely make out Itachi's figure jumping into the air as he did hand signs for another fire jutsu. The orange flames clashed against the dust and pieces of debris.

Another figure stood from the midst of rubble proudly and Akina ran.

"Hold on brat, just for a sec."

Her eyes flitted to his and suddenly, everything dawned upon her. "I-Itachi was never going to follow the plan, was he?"

His eyes were almost mournful as he replied. "No, he wasn't."

"Where do your loyalties lie?"

"Itachi." He spoke softly, the single name crushing all forms of trust gathered between them.

A pained expression took over her face as she nodded once, stepping away once. 

I can't trust them either.

"Should've known." She said simply and Kisame narrowly dodged the sudden wooden stick which would impale his heart.

Her eyes were purple, filled with unadulterated rage as waves of chakra, almost as equal to one of his. Everyone called Kisame a 'Tailless Beast' and he could suppose they were right. He had vast amount of chakra.

But looking at the purple- no, black aura surrounding her, he had a terrible feeling.

She could absorb chakra - an unlimited amount and he knew that. Her love for both the Uchihas were enormous, to the extent that she would do anything to reach and stop them. 

He brought out Samehada, the sword snapping excitedly for a taste of the peculiar chakra.

This was her endgame. And he was merely a stepping stone in between. With her purple eyes glaring into his beady ones, she released her killing intent at full force. 

"Kisame. Move or die."

I genuinely wanted to write more, but I gotta study for my exams tomorrow.

Also, I changed the book cover. How is it??

The girl on this cover above is Akina. Finally found a picture for her!

The credits all go to Kirara_Uchiha7 who made this amazing cover for me. TYSM I LOVE IT!!

To all the Kisame fans out there..

your boi is in danger.

Like, he's on the verge of death if he doesn't move away fast lol.

Hope you all enjoyed it!


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