1. Rebirth because Death made an oopsie

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A/N: First time writing a fan fiction. I have read so many fan fictions where the OC is reborn into Naruto, so I decided to write one for myself. I am not copying anyone's story. Only the OC belongs to me. Naruto unfortunately doesn't. Constructive criticism appreciated but if you gonna hate on my books I'll block your dumbass. 

Enjoy and please don't forget to vote and comment! <3

Hello new readers!


Well fuck my life.

Those were the last thoughts I had before I died. Not that I was complaining. I never had a will to live as disappointing as that sounds. But it wasn't suicide either. I was simply existing, staying alive. 

My parents didn't give a shit about me, too busy in their own lives to never notice that a prodigy was living right under their noses. I didn't have any friends at all except my bodyguards. 

Well, that's what happens when you are the illegitimate daughter of a politician who had to be hidden from the public. I only had my anime, manga and k-dramas.

Yeah, life was bloody brilliant.

So the real question here is, how did I die?

Well, let me tell you. I fell off a cliff. 

No questions will be answered. I was simply at a wrong place at the wrong time. But because of that I gained a fear of heights. Falling to your death is probably not the best way to die. It was terrifying. I was dead before I hit the ground luckily, so no pain. 

Opening my eyes I looked around. One word to describe where I was would be - Dark. It was completely silent and it seemed like I was the only one there. 

"Welcome to the Void child." 

I turned around with a serious gaze. "You God?"

He chuckled. "Not really. I'm Death."

"Okay nice to meet you. Now send me back. I have to binge watch some more seasons of Haikyuu."

He let out a noise akin to disapproval. "No can do. I know you aren't happy with your life and so I have come to give you a second chance. Another life. You wanna take up my offer?"

"I guess so. I don't have anything to look forward to though. Life's been disappointing."

He let out a nervous laugh. "It's my fault kiddo. I placed you in the wrong world by mistake. You have a knack for surviving dangerous situations and making the best out of them. Your soul begs for freedom and the thrill of surviving and fighting battles. Putting you here was a mistake. It nearly extinguished your will to live and dream freely. You haven't experienced love or any other emotion properly."

I felt something was off but ignored it.

The whole situation was off. 

"How do you know all this?"

He smiled. "I have my ways."

"So where can I go?" I asked him, my curiosity peaked.

"Here's a fun fact. You can choose for yourself."

Suddenly the Void changed it's scenery. In front of me were two options. 

Earth or Anime?

"This seems incredibly stupid to me that you guys have such options. The anime world is real?" I asked as I pressed on the Anime option.

"Where do you think people get their ideas from? They are born in the anime world which was a mistake on my behalf and most of them choose Earth upon another chance at life. They recall their previous lives and write it down as a story. But not all worlds are like that. Very few are real. And it also gets tweaked a bit."

Which type?

Shonen (young male hero and focused on action, adventure, and fighting )

Seinen (like Shonen but more violent)

Shojo (female counterpart to Shonen)

Josei (Slice of life romance - targeted audiences are young men and women)

Kodomomuke (for children: Example :- Doraemon, Anpanman)

"So Naruto is real? Also won't I change the story line or something?" I asked as I clicked on Shonen. Josei and and Kodomomuke were out of the question. I haven't seen any Shojo animes and I wasn't particularly fond of violence. I also knew which anime world I was going to choose now. 

"It depends on what choices you make now. It's very complicated and it takes some getting used to. You will also remember everything from your previous life."

"Damn. Will I have that skinny figure like an anime girl? Because honestly, it'll help me improve my self esteem." 

He hummed. "Yes, you'll be drawn like a cartoon but everything will look extremely life like to you."

Would you like to be a :

Male or Female?

"I am a 13 year old girl who died. I'm not ready to see a dick yet." I selected female. Death snickered.

"For all the stories about you Death, you aren't that bad. You actually suck for making mego through that shit on Earth. Life was terrible." 

Which anime world do you prefer to live in? Enter your option below.

Death ignored the jibe I made at him. "Of course. God and I are pretty close friends. He changed me for the better now. But a few of the stories are wrong and I'm not going to correct them. I need a good reputation around here. You have no idea how much souls gossip when they have nothing to do."

I entered Naruto into the keyboard which appeared out of no where. I nodded my head listening to him rant about his job which never gave him a break. Then after asking me which village I entered Konohagakure.

Which era?

First Hokage's rule

Second Hokage's rule 

Third Hokage's rule

Fourth Hokage's rule

I selected Third Hokage's rule. "I want to be born around the same time as the Rookie 9."

Death smiled. "I knew you'd do that." 

How'd he know that? I never mentioned it before.. Suspicious.

With a wave of his hands the scene changed to another set of questions which seemed important.

Which clan? (* impacts story line of Naruto)

Aburame Clan
Akimichi Clan
Hatake Clan

Hyuuga Clan

Inuzaka Clan

Nara Clan
Kurama Clan

Sarutobi Clan
Senju Clan

Uchiha Clan

Uzumaki Clan
Yamanaka Clan

Minor Clan

Civilian Born

"I'm confused. Which clan should I choose?" I whined. Death shrugged.

"Well, I'm going to go for a major clan. Chances to save Itachi, Asuma and Jiraiya will increase. Not the Uchiha. I'll probably die in the massacre unless I'm his sibling or something."

Death nods his head. "Smart move. But you can also save them if you pick a minor clan." 

"I don't want to. Mind techniques are not going to be that useful. Shikamaru is already a genius in his own way. I'm not interested in the Aburame, Sarutobi or Akimichi clans. Inuzaka clan can't do much without their canine partners and they become vulnerable without one. That leaves the Uzumaki and Senju clans. I actually don't mind Hatake either. I'll be Kakashi's daughter then!" I let out a fangirl squeal as Death sweat dropped. 

"It's your life on stake here kid." 

"Oh let me fangirl for sometime. He, Sasuke and Itachi are my favorite characters. Also can I mix  bloodlines?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like I can be the daughter of a Senju and Uzumaki. Like Tsunade! She has both Uzumaki and Senju blood line in her. Or maybe Hatake and Senju?"

Death nods knowingly. "I can make that happen. But you shouldn't rely on that too much kid. You also need to train."

"I need to be strong to save those three. I signed up for life as a kunoichi. I need to be as strong as possible to save them. Ooo! What about an Uchiha and Hyuuga!?"

I started muttering to myself which creeped out Death. "Jesus fuck. Calm down. I know what to make you now. You'll be happy."

"You shouldn't swear with God's name! Also who am I then?"

He grunted. "He gave me permission to curse. And who you are is going to be a surprise to you kid. But since it's two major clans, life is going to be difficult so train and become strong quickly. It's all ready for you kid. Go live your life well, okay? And better not die early! I shouldn't see your bratty face for the next 30 years at least."

I gave him a mock salute. "Aye aye captain! I won't let you down."

He gave me a smile. "Go enjoy yourself. Oh by the way you are going to be born as a new born kid with the mentality of a 13 year old. So be careful." He snapped his fingers and I started to disappear slowly.

"Wow, Thanos vibes much?"

"It was a good movie!"

Before fading out completely, I gave him a small grin and the peace sign.

Lol cringe compilation 101 ^^

Posted: January 24th, 2019

Edited: June 25th, 2019

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