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Akina's eyes in the chapter. You'll know when ;). But her eyes aren't yellow.

Huge rant at the end of the chapter.

Enjoy reading! <3


"Akina open the door we have arrived!" I heard Hinata shout as she knocked on the door. I groaned getting up from my comfortable position. They won't leave now.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I said sarcastically.

Ino beamed. "Your compound is huge."

I snickered. "That's what she said."

Sakura hit me on my head. "Stop it."

"Anyways what else did you guys expect? I am the grand daughter of Hashirama Senju."

"And an Uchiha. Don't you have a sharingan?" Hinata asked me confusion and curiosity displayed in her pale eyes.

"I think that I got the mokuton instead of the sharingan. I'm fine with it anyways. A sharingan would've made me too overpowered." I lead them to my room. They dumped their belongings on the ground and looked at my room in boredom.

"This room is so boring. What happened to the decorations I put up?" Sakura whined.

"I took them out. They were too girly. I'll decorate it after I unpack my things."

"You've been staying here for months now. How haven't you unpacked already?" Ino asked.

I shrugged. "I'm too lazy."

She groaned and face palmed. "She's just like Shikamaru."

Sakura shook her head. "We'll get to that later. Let's do something!"

Ino took out a bottle of purple nail polish. Hinata and I flinched and we both screamed a no.

"Let's do something adventurous.." Hinata slightly smirked.

I gave her a wide grin. "I like this side of you very much Hina."

Sakura and Ino exchanged glances. "Like what?"

A Few Moments Later

"I can't believe we are doing this!" Ino exclaimed as she drew a chit from the bowl.

I snickered. "Its gonna be amazing. I feel sad for the person who got my list."

"Okay. Now we go and complete everything before 2 am right?" Hinata asked her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Sakura nodded. "The only rule is don't get caught. Whoever completes it first wins."

I laughed. "The list I've received is very amusing. I like it. Time starts now. See you later losers!" I shunshined from there outside my home. I looked at my list.

1.Steal Kakashi sensei's Icha Icha book.

2. Sneak into Naruto's house, paint his face and take a picture.

3. Steal Shikamaru's underwear. (the one with hearts)

4. Creep into Sasuke's house, steal all his shirts and wear one of them for the remainder of the night. (Bonus: Wear Sasuke's shirt and make everyone think he stole their belongings.)

You are gonna have a hard time doing this Akina.

"I know. I have only three hours. I'll start with Sasuke. He's my neighbor after all." I said slightly grimacing. I didn't want to enter his house but I had no other choice. I also wanted the bonus. I made two bunshins and sent them out to do #1 and #2.

I went running into the compound as softly as I could concealing my chakra. I closed my eyes and felt for his chakra signature. It was close by and I knew he was asleep.

Time to check my ninja skills as an infiltrator.

I opened the door to his room and peaked inside. He was sleeping and I slowly walked in as I opened the cupboard. My eyes widened.

It was filled with black and blue shirts with the Uchiha clan symbol on its back. There was no other shirt.

He really is too emo for his age..

Opening a storage scroll I took his clothes and stuffed it in it sealing them all away. I internally snickered as I wore one of his shirts over mine. Kami knows what he'd wear tomorrow. I closed his wardrobe and took a step towards the door storing the scroll safely in my pocket as a paper crunched under my feet.


Sasuke stirred as he started to wake up and thinking quick I turned into a crumpled piece of paper. The shadow in the darkness moved and now Sasuke switched on the lights a kunai in his hands. He started to look around. Seeing no one he sighed and rubbed the back of his head and went back to sleep after switching off the lights. I internally breathed a sigh in relief.

After making sure he was asleep I got out of my transformation and shunshined to the roof of the Uchiha compound. That was really terrifying... and fun.

Do #3 next!!

I choked. "Shika's underwear.. with hearts. I'm sure Ino wrote this list. No one else except her would know this shit." I made my way to the Nara compound amused.

Hopefully no one would catch me.

As I was walking I saw Hinata walking in the opposite direction. "Akina! How many did you complete?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I have completed three by now hopefully."

She gasped. "So fast?"

"Mokuton bunshin."

She glared at me. "That is so not fair. I'll have to ask Naruto kun to teach it to me."

I poked out my tongue at her. "Hurry up Hina or I'll win." She suddenly giggled.


"Is that an Uchiha shirt you are wearing?"

My face slightly heated up. "It was on my list."

She looked amused. "I'm pretty sure I wrote that you'll get the bonus only if you are wearing the shirt. Your bunshins aren't wearing it."

I swore out loud. "Fuck. You wrote this Hina? How do you know about Shika?"

She turned bright red. "I-It was by mistake. His pants were loose and Kiba pulled it down in front of me while our teams were training. Ino saw it too."

I chuckled. "Wow. I'd pay to see that hap-"

My bunshins memories filtered into me. I paled. Kakashi sensei caught my bunshin sneaking it out and he was pissed. Naruto had traps laid traps in his living room and my bunshin vanished getting hit by a wooden kunai.

"I-I got to go Hina." She nodded and headed elsewhere as I hurried to the Nara compound.

As I stood in front of the gates I wondered how I'd sneak in. They must be having some security measures I didn't know about.

Use the trees you dolt.

I shunshined to a tree and merged into it as I traveled through them occasionally peaking through the windows to see Shika's room. I found his room and entered it cautiously through the window. Shika wasn't there.

Well, that was convenient. I opened his closets and drawers to find his heart patterned underwear.

There you are!

I picked it up using my two fingers and smirked. Two down, two to go! I put it into my scroll and my ears perked up hearing footsteps approach. I turned into the first object I could think of.

Icha Icha Paradise Threesome Special Edition

The door opened and Shikamaru's mother Yoshino walked in with a basket.

"This kid.. He never does his laundry. He's as useless as his father. Kami knows how Shikamaru's wife will deal with his lazy attitude."

Ahh.. Don't you worry Yoshino. Temari will whip him into his place soon enough.

As she picked up the dirty clothes scattered in his room her gaze fell on me. I internally started to panic.

Oh fuck fuckity fuck my life!!

She picked me up and her eyes widened on reading the title. She mouthed the words and I felt an excruciating pain as she clenched me in her hands in fury.


"SHIKAMARU!!" She bellowed his name out in fury and I shivered in fear. Just what have I gotten myself into?!

I heard Shikaku ask his son. "What did you do?"

Shika nervously stammered out. "I don't know."

There was a tense silence as both the Nara men climbed the stairs to his room. Yoshino was tapping her foot impatiently and had I not been terrified I would've laughed at the way they were trembling in fear. Shikaku was hiding behind his son and Shika looked terrified. Hell I would be too in his shoes.

The temperature dropped as Yoshino spoke out in a deathly calm voice.

"Shikamaru.. What is this?" She pointed at the book in her hands and both of their eyes widened.

"Icha Icha...?" Shikaku trailed off not knowing what to say as he looked back and forth at Shika and the book.

Shikamaru frantically shook his head. "Kaa san I don't read this. I don't read books in general I mean they are such a drag."

Yoshino narrowed her eyes. "... Fine. You don't look like you're lying. But what was this doing in your room?"

The Nara men sighed in relief and internally I did too.

Just throw me out of the window already!

Shika scratched his head and shrugged. "I don't know.. I only know that Kakashi sensei and Akina read this book."

Shikaku groaned. "Kakashi.. How can he influence such a young girl to read these books?"

Yoshino turned her sharp gaze towards Shikaku. "Do you read this M rated book?"

Shikaku shook his head. "Why should I when I have you?"

Did he just-

That was smooth old man. He's still got his game.

Shika shook his head in disgust and muttered whipped under his breath. Yoshino blushed as she looked at Shikaku.

He's getting laid tonight.

For real though that was amazing af.

Yoshino loosened up her grip on me and I could breathe more freely now.

"Well I'm pretty sure someone left it here as a prank or something. Shikamaru throw it in the trash."

YESS!! Throw me out!

He grumbled under his breath and took the book in his hands. He carried me downstairs and I heard the sound of a door closing.

Poor Shika.

"You troublesome book.. Akina left you as a prank didn't she? She almost got me killed." He threw me in the bin and went back inside. After a few minutes I turned back to normal and shunshined myself out of there to Naruto's house. I grimaced as I looked at the time. Only 45 minutes were left.

I sneaked into his house and dodged all his traps as I drew on his face with paint which would be hard to remove. Giggling I took a picture. I drew the Uchiha crest on his left cheek, Uzumaki crest on his right and wrote Yondaime on his forehead. Hopefully he gets the last hint.

"Mmm. Don't lick me S-Sakura chan."

This boy..

I couldn't help but snicker out loud as I shunshined to Kakashi's house. 30 minutes were left to spare. I stayed on the roof panting slightly at the massive chakra depletion. Naruto and Kakashi's homes were at the opposite ends of the village.

I shook my head slightly. Its likely that Kakashi already knows I am here. Sighing I knocked on his door and waited for him to open it.

"Akina what are you doing at my home at this hour?" He asked acting shocked.

Oof the sarcasm was strong in this one.

"I need your Icha Icha."

He looked down at me quite literally. "Hmm and why is that?"

"I need it to win a contest."

"Give me one reason I should do that."

"I'll wash all your ninken!"

He scoffed as he leaned against the door way. "Tempting, but no. Its my precious Icha Icha we're talking about. Wait.. Sasuke's shirt? Are my kawaii little genin sleeping together?" His once mocking tone turned into one of anger.

"Wha- NO! Its just a bet!"

"Hmm. Give me another offer."

I sighed slightly, defeated. "What do you want?"

His eye turned into a crescent. "Maa tell me about you and Sasuke. I want all the details now."

"Y-you perverted sensei!" I spluttered red in the face.

He chuckled. "Its quite interesting. Naruto likes Sakura and she likes Sasuke. You and Sasuke like each other but for some reason there's something stopping you both."

"I'm not telling you about my love life!"

"I know a lot more about romance than you think."

"You didn't even know that Rin liked you!"

Kakashi was taken aback. "R-Rin liked me?" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah. That's one of the reasons Obito doesn't like you." I explained. He furrowed his eyebrows.


"Um I made a grammatical error. I mean all the Uchihas are dead after all."

He nodded slowly.

"... There isn't much to say. Apparently I am a distraction for Sasuke." I said bitterly.

Kakashi kept on staring at me with a dazed look on his face as he muttered something under his breath.

"Its repeating again.."


"Sensei? I'll be leaving now. Sorry to have disturbed you at this time. Good night."

"Wait. Here's my book. If anything happens to it.." He let out a considerable amount of KI and I smiled. His single eye showed shock before he covered his emotions and smiled back.

"See you later sensei." I shunshined back to my house.

Nothing would faze me after the KI let out by him.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the door to my room and froze.

Sakura, Ino and Hinata's bodies were lying on the ground dead with guts and blood splattered all over them and I screamed as I fell onto my knees.

The masked man was cleaning his scythe with a cloth and stopped at my howl of terror. I felt myself losing it as I cried hysterically. I felt him smirk at my plight and he let out a deep throaty chuckle.

"YOU BASTARD WHY?!!" I screamed at him rage dotting my vision. I started seeing black and red spots.

He fucking shrugged. "They were annoying Senju hime."

I ran towards him with KI leaking out. I'm going to end him now! I pulled my hand back into a fist to punch him and he smacked me on my face as I went flying towards the wall. I coughed at the impact and struggled to get up.

He scoffed at me. "Still pathetic and weak I see. But you have potential to become stronger."

My eyes started tearing up at frustration, anger and sadness in my eyes and I felt a burning sensation in them. He took a step forward chuckling.

"So that's your true power hm? But it only comes out when you are emotional."

I snarled at him and let my instincts take over as I threw kunai after kunai at him. Making sure he was distracted I kicked him at a fast speed and his mask fell down on the ground. His black long hair was covering his face and the hood made it impossible to see his face.

He chuckled as he wiped his face. "All that for a drop of blood. You are strong but not enough."

Then out of nowhere Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi sensei's bodies were lying in front of me along with my parents and I screamed in horror.

"Find out all your secrets and you'll find me. Seals... Uchiha... kekkei genkai... Konoha... family... brother... these are your words. You aren't who you think you are."

And with that he swiped his hands and everything returned back to normal. I continued bawling my eyes out as I saw myself back in my room all alone.

"Akina! What happened?" Sakura shook me but I curled up in a ball and refused to move as I continued sobbing. The mental pain was killing me.

"Quick! Get her to the hospital." I heard Ino shout as I felt a sudden pain in my neck and I blacked out.


3rd person POV

Sasuke ran through the halls of the hospital looking for his team mates room. The last time he'd ran so frantically was when he was 8 and was running out of the hospital to the Uchiha compound to confirm the massacre. He opened the door to the Senju's room and closed it.

He saw many people assembled there. Kakashi, the dobe, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji and Shino were there along with Kurenai sensei. His eyes twitched at the number of boys present. A nurse was tending to her.

Akina was awake and staring out of the window.

"Akina." He called out for her and she didn't respond.

He nudged Sakura and whispered. "What happened to her?"

She gave the Uchiha a look of guilt and fear for her friend. "We were playing a game at night. She entered the room and suddenly started screaming. After a few seconds she fell down crying hysterically. Ino, Hina and I knocked her out and brought her to the hospital. Apparently she was in a horrible genjutsu and she couldn't get out of it."

Naruto gave Sasuke a glum look and if it weren't for the fact that Akina was mentally unwell he would've snickered or at least smirked at his face.

"Your shirt is pink dattebayo."

"Dobe.. your face."

They both huffed and looked away. Akina finally turned around to look at them and there were multiple gasps. Her eyes looked so very dull and lifeless. It was the same look Sasuke wore for the first few months after the massacre.

"Please leave me alone." She managed to croak her words out as tears slightly fell down her face. Everyone winced.

"You tell us what happened dattebayo!" Naruto asked hurt.

"Get out." Her eyes turned a little sharp.

Naruto and the rest of the genin walked out whispering among themselves. Kakashi, Kurenai and Sasuke remained.

Kurenai began speaking. "Your eyes are a different color.. You've changed."

She silently stared out of the window as a breeze came in making her hair sway gently in the breeze.

"Seals.. Uchiha.. Senju.. kekkei genkai.. Konoha.. family.. brother.." She slowly said these words and continued repeating them. Kakashi and Sasuke tilted their heads slightly in confusion. Kurenai stiffened slightly but only Kakashi noticed.

Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were streaked with tears as she turned around to face the three remaining people in the room, ignoring the Uchiha altogether.

"You aren't who you think you are." The Senju seemed to quote someone and her eyes filled with a single emotion.


"Who am I, really?"

Hey! Here was some drama for this chapter.


Idk if you guys realized this but... *cue drumrolls*


Its time to par-tay! Omg you have no idea how freaking happy I am rn!

When I first started writing this book I was thinking that no one would read this trash. XD but you guys proved me wrong!

I can't believe that there are a thousand people around the world reading this shitty excuse of a book! Like honestly you guys are the best!

Every time I open wattpad I see tons of notification from new and old readers alike commenting, voting and spamming my book. Like honestly you guys make me day. Im gushing about how amazing you guys are to my school friends and they're like calm tf down bish but I just can't!

Like honestly your one vote, one comment or even a lengthy review (I love those big ones;)) makes a person so effing happy. I was so effing thrilled I told my friends I was writing a fanfic on wattpad n now I regret it. They won't stop bugging me to tell the name. *facepalm*

Anyways I really wish I could send you all chocolates as a symbol of my love for you but idk where you guys live :( .

I rushed to finish this chapter and gift it to you guys as a 1K special so here ya go!

Q: What do you think the masked man meant by those words/phrases? Do you guys have any theories? If so I'd love to hear them.

Also I was thinking of changing the cover of this book. So should I change it? I'll show you guys a pic soon.

And you all are welcome to pm me anytime you want. Its not like I have anything better to do. Don't be shy. I love making new friends on wattpad.


See you next chap!

Don't forget to vote and comment. Makes me so happy.

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