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I freakin DIED when I saw that picture.

Itachi makes an appearance!! SJSKSKJSA

Enjoy reading!



Naruto had a big grin on his face as he bugged Jiraiya for more jutsus to learn. 

I walked a few paces behind them as I stared blankly at the ground.

After much coaxing, Naruto convinced me to come get Tsunade the next day. I agreed hesitantly. I needed to escape Konoha and this was the best way.

On the positive outlook, I'd get to meet my only other living relative who didn't know I exist and meet Itachi and Kisame.

Sasuke and Kakashi weren't happy about me leaving but Sakura insisted I take a 'vacation'. For some reason everyone on my team was weary of me- as if I'd suddenly explode and attack them.

I left my summons in Konoha. Kokomi had managed to get other small robins and other birds to spy everywhere I asked them to. 

For Danzo, I convinced the bats to help me to which they readily agreed as long as they got to hunt mice and critters.

 I was nervous. Hell I was terrified if my plan was even gonna work or not. 

I had a duplicate of the files in my travelling bag in case Itachi tried to burn them or something. 

Itachi was unpredictable. Every time he did something it was well thought out.

It was obvious he wouldn't take my black mailing well but I'll improvise on spot. Hopefully.

I ordered Kokomi to keep Sasuke distracted and not let him hear about Itachi hunting for Naruto. That wouldn't go well and would trigger him even more.

"Akina chan! Stop spacing out. This town is so strange 'ttebayo?"

"We reached already?" I asked puzzled as I looked around.

"Naruto, Akina we'll be staying here tonight!" Jiraiya said.

In a few minutes we'll meet them..

"Huh? But I can still walk!"

"A disciple should follow his shisou."

"But I want to learn a new jutsu!"

"Your rasengan is enough for now."

Just then a woman with a short blue dress and black heels came and stopped before us. She gave them a seductive smile and flipped her hair.

Naruto and Jiraiya blushed and their mouths were wide open as they cheered loudly.



She gave them a wink and they both lost it. Jiraiya started running on his spot as blood dripped from his nose and Naruto had a similar expression on his face. 

I was extremely baffled.


"Naruto! Here are the keys. Go and practice chakra control. I'll be back soon."

"AH! That's so not fair ero sennin!"

Jiraiya ran off with the woman and we both were left alone.

"Say Akina chan do you want to roam around? Then we can train together!"

I looked around and saw no one. They are hidden well. I'm sure they are observing us.

"Naruto.. I need to ask you something now."

He gave me a confused face.

"Can you do your rasengan well?"

"Yeah! I'll defeat Sasuke with it."

Can we troll them please?

By saying what?

Just say Deidara's line.. I need to troll them so badly now.

I smirked at Naruto. "Naruto, I'm from Iwagakure you know that right?"

"Really Akina chan! That's so cool." Naruto said clue lessly.

I sighed. "There I had an elder brother. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a bomber, an amazing one at that."

"Tell me more!"

Time for the catchphrase.

Use your chakra sensing now!

"Art is a bang un!" I said.

I felt two chakra signatures suddenly spike up in what I guessed was surprise. I grinned widely. Yume was laughing loudly.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I'm pretty sure he joined the Akatsuki." I feigned sadness.

"I haven't heard from him since. But if I see anyone with an Akatsuki cloak I'll go hugging them hoping its Deidara nii san!"

Naruto looked so lost and confused. "Akatsuki what? Deidara a bomber?"

"Shh. Its a secret. I'll tell you more upstairs." 

I lead Naruto upstairs and put silencing and locking seal everywhere. I finally burst out laughing loudly.

"Oh Kami Yume that was the best! T-their faces w-would've been priceless." 


I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Its nothing important. Now Naruto some people are after you. That's why Jiraiya san is taking care of you."

"Who is after me and why?"

"The Akatsuki is an organization. They want your.. little foxy friend inside of you."

Naruto paled. "How do yo-"

"It doesn't matter. Remember, you aren't a monster. I will always love you. You're like my little brother." I ruffled his hair.

What if I mess things up  and they take him?!!

Oh Kami is this even right?

There's no time to second guess stuff.

"Anyways, don't attack them. They are stronger than Kakashi sensei and only Jiraiya san can beat them. Stay behind me at all costs Nar-"

A knock was heard on the door and I shivered.

"Is that them?"

I went and unlocked the door, peeking out. Looking up I saw Itachi Uchiha. I stared into his sharingan eyes.

Papi looks finee. His sharingan makes him look hotter.

Its a miracle how terror can turn into lust within a second. I had the same thoughts for Kakashi and now I was having them for Itachi.

I gulped. "Can I help you?"

"Hm. Itachi, which is the brat with the Kyuubi?"

"How do you know about the Kyuubi?" I asked as I let large amount of chakra develop inside me. I wanted to trick them into thinking I had it, not Naruto.

Kisame looked surprised. "Looks like we got the wrong kid. Its this one isn't it?"

"No, Kisame. She is merely protecting her friend." Itachi spoke. His deep voice made me shiver. 

Is it weird to be attracted to people in a dangerous situation?

"Yeah well Naruto is out training."

Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Move aside. We do not want to kill you. Let us take Naruto." 

I turned to the side to look at him. "Naruto run!" His blue eyes shone with fear as I felt myself get lifted up by Kisame. He held me up by the collar and it was choking me.

Naruto stood stuck in place as anger clouded his eyes.

"Let Akina chan go you bastard!"

"N-Naruto r-run and f-find Jiraiya. D-don't tell S-Sasuke." Itachi looked at me as I mentioned his name.

"Hm Itachi. This brat is annoying. We should kill her ne?"

Glaring into Kisame's pea sized eyes I used the substitution jutsu without any hand signs. His eyes widened and he chuckled.

I snarled. "Get out Naruto!"

Using my wood style I created a barrier on the door. Samehada broke it down almost immediately as Naruto was half way out the window. 

"Huh? A wood style user? So you were lying about Deidara hm?" Kisame asked.

I smirked. "For S ranked ninjas of the Akatsuki you're really dumb. I knew you guys were there."

"If you knew we were there, why didn't you tell your guardian?"

"Don't be stupid. You'd follow us everywhere. Hell, I know you guys were in Konoha and battled Kakashi sensei, Asuma sensei and Kurenai sensei."

Itachi stared at me.

"Itachi, this brat is pretty perspective."

I saw Kisame twitch and I moved. I stood in front of Naruto with a kunai as he brought down Samehada on him.

I need to talk to Itachi at any cost!

Naruto shot me a terrified look. 

There's only one choice. Wait for Jiraiya and look into his Tsukiyomi.

"Naruto get out! Bring Jiraiya. He'll be a few blocks from here. I can sense h- ouch!"

Naruto went running as soon as Samehada came down on me. Blood spilt from my wound.

I created a bunshin to go after Naruto and I snarled at them. 

"You guys have to go through me to get to him!" 

Hope this jutsu works, Yamato senpai.

I went running at Kisame and he smirked thinking I wanted to engage him in taijutsu. He was standing on the wooden floor. I went inside it and held on Kisame's ankle. Encasing my chakra around him I transported him as far as my chakra could take him away from the city. He'd be in a forest now.

I panted heavily. That technique was easy if I was transporting myself. If I was transporting random people then it was extremely difficult.

Itachi had a cool look on his face as he observed me.

I stared at the ground, adamant not to look in his eyes, or his ring.

"Itachi san, can we talk?"

He remained silent and I could feel him observing me.

"Now I know you can kill me with your mangekyou. But please look at this file."

I went to my bag and took it out. I tossed it on the ground, near Itachi's feet.

He picked it up and I finally glanced at him. His eyes had slightly widened as he read the details.

He looked back at me. "What is this fake file? Its not real."

"Its in the Konoha archives. You killed everyone with someone's help didn't you?" I said calmly.

His eye twitched and I was lost in the mangekyou world.

"I will not hesitate to use each and every method I have to make you reveal information. Talk now." 

I looked around at the black and red world awed. 

"Ask me and I'll tell you. We have 72 hours after all." I smiled at him.

He stared at me passively. "Does Sasuke know?"

I shook my head. "Not yet." 

"How did you find out?"

"I snooped around. No one told me."

"Hn. Stop lying, Akina. The tuskuyomi is not the best place to be in right now."

"Well then. I can't tell you the truth, but I can tell you this. Hiruzen is dead."

"I heard."

"Now, I know Danzo promised you that nothing will happen to Sasuke. But he broke his deal."

Itachi slightly narrowed his eyes at me. "And why should I believe you?"

I shrugged. "Don't believe me then. Danzo wants to bring Sasuke into anbu root to use him for his sharingan. Orochimaru is targeting Sasuke as well."

His finger twitched. "Is that so? How do you know this?"

I smiled. "Orochimaru attacked Konoha during the Chunin exams. In the Forest of Death while we were running to the finish line, Orochimaru attacked us. He wants to give Sasuke the curse mark and make him his vessel. I'm pretty sure you know what I am talking about, Itachi san. After all, he attacked you and failed."

"Hn. I must ask you again how you know this information." I shook my head.

The landscape changed around me. It turned to my old house and I gasped. 

My parents were in front of me as they held out their hands for a hug. I ran towards them and hugged them sniffing loudly.

"I miss you so so much. Why did you leave me alone?"

"I'm sorry Aki."

"Ina, we love you."

"I-I'm sorry for not pr-protecting you. I was s-scared an-" I stopped talking as I fell something wet fall on me. I looked up and saw blood coming out of their mouths. They were still smiling.

There was a sword sticking out from their chests and I wailed. 

"No no no! Not again please no!" 

The masked man chuckled as their bodies fell down. He removed the sword and smirked at me.

"Please don't do this. Kai kai kai!" I screamed in frustration.

The masked man turned to become Hiruzen and he smiled at me. "Akina-"

His throat was cut off as Danzo sliced it.

I choked back a sob.

The scene changed again to Sasuke. 

"S-Sasuke.." I ran towards him and hugged him sobbing. "What's happening?"

"I like you so much Akina. But I'm sorry I have to leave you. I need to kill Itachi."

"L-leave me?" I looked up to see him kiss my forehead as he walked away from me, following Danzo and Orochimaru.

"N-no! Sasuke Itachi is innocent!" I screamed after him as I ran.

I ran through the forest and reached the Uchiha compound. It was a scene from the anime.

The brothers had ran out of chakra and Itachi was staggering towards him.

"Forgive me, Sasuke." Itachi poked his head and smiled. I ran towards them.

"No no no! Itachi you can't die. Sasuke will lose himself!" I tried putting my chakra onto him before I realized I couldn't do any medical ninjutsu.

"S-sorry Akina but, my time has come..." Sasuke stammered.

"I can't lose you too!"

The scene changed to the remaining members of my team. They were stuck in a building, a fire blazing around them.

"Guys get out!" I shrieked as tears endlessly fell down my eyes.


They shot me a sad smile before the flames engulfed them.

The scene changed again to see me battling the masked man. I fell down tired and the he raised his sword.

All my worst fears had just come true.


I blinked and everything around me was black and red again. It was back to normal. I was on my knees and breathing heavily.

I got up slowly and saw Itachi standing there his face momentarily surprised.

I ran towards him.

"You can't hurt me here Aki- oof." I hugged him tightly as tears ran down.

"You are alive. Thank Kami you're alive." I sniffed.

"I just tortured you and you're hugging me?" 

"I know you are good Itachi san. Please just listen to me carefully."

He remained silent and I continued.

"I can't tell you how I know all this. Maybe some time in the future but not now. Danzo has asked Sasuke and I to join root. Sasuke is considering it to gain more power. I'll try and make him reject the offer but I'm not sure. Danzo will die by my hands. When he dies, the new Hokage Tsunade will see all the records of what you've done since I will show it to her."

I looked up at him.

"You can come back to Konoha. Tell Sasuke the truth and live peacefully."

His poker face didn't even budge. Damn he's good.



"The Akatsuki is a dangerous organization. They are planning for world domination. I need to be there."

"No, you don't. You are a pacifist. I know everything about them, possibly more than you. I know everything about everyone and can give Jiraiya san the information instead."

"You make quite a compelling offer. What is in it for you?"

"Saving you."

His eyes widened in slight shock. 

Nailed it.

"Why is losing me a fear of yours?"

"That's personal."

He raised his eyebrows.

God dammit he's too hot. Choke me daddy.

Yume! Not now! You aren't helping!!

I flushed brightly, unholy thoughts polluting my brain.

HOLD UP! Isn't it weird I like both of them?

Its just fangirling. Its not like you're cheating on Sasuke. But honestly, if I were you I'd go for the hotter Uchiha.

Again, you aren't helping! Also you are ME!

"What is your relationship with my otouto?"

"I like him Itachi san and I'm doing my best to protect him."

"Hn. I do not trust you."

I chuckled. "Not the first time I'm hearing it but okay. We have time to get to know each other better."

"Who says I'll meet you again?" He spoke in his soft velvety voice. My heart fluttered.

I took a step back, freeing him from the hug. "I say that. Itachi san, by now you must know that I am far from ordinary."


I gave him a weak smile. "Please. Or else I'll tell Sasuke the truth."

"What?" He asked in a stern voice.

"I'll show him the file. He'll bring you back. Hell, I'll tell everyone if you don't."

"How dare you blackmail me?"

"Can you let me go now? I'll be awaiting your answer. Your crow summons know my summons. We can talk through them."

"Which species?"

I smirked. "All of them. I defeated Katsumi."

His eyes hinted shock. "I see. You will be unconscious though."

"Fuck! I thought I'll be able to meet Tsunade!" I whined. He glanced at me sternly.

"I sense darkness in your heart Akina. Take care of my brother."

"I will. Also, Itachi san can you destroy the files in my bag? I have Shisui's as well." He nodded.

"I'm quite amused." He suddenly spoke.

"At what? You don't look amused. In fact, your poker face is fabulous."

"You. You are a total stranger, yet you want to save me whereas I was doomed from the very start. You hugged me after I tortured you."

"You aren't doomed. You just have an unusual death wish to die by your brother's hand. If that's not insanity and suicidal thoughts, I don't know what is. But I don't blame you. You clearly have a severe trauma and haven't undergone therapy sessions."

"You have an unusual death wish as well." His face had a slightly dark look.

"The Akatsuki is dangerous."

"With people like Hidan and Tobi, what do you expect? But Itachi san you all underestimate Konoha. And that will be your downfall."

His eyes raked me, calculating. "You are a psychic, are you not?"

"It was about time you figured it out."

"Hn. No wonder you know all this about Madara and Tobi."

"Now Itachi san. I apologize but as soon as I met you, your life is going to be twisted upside down." I smirked.

"Can't I live like how I planned to?"

"No. I won't allow you to die because that's just selfish."

"Selfish?" His voice was hollow.

I nodded. "Imagine if you were in Sasuke's shoes."

"Its for his own good." He spoke softly.

"I guess that way we are the same. We keep information hidden away from our loved ones." I said sadly. 

"I imagine being a psychic must be hard."

"Honestly, I feel like its tormenting me but I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as everyone is fine and happy, I don't care what happens to me."

"Well that's two things we have in common."

"Just because I understand you doesn't mean I'm going to let you throw away your life. As soon as you die, Sasuke learns the truth and joins the Akatsuki to crush Konoha. Your death will be worthless."

He stiffened. "I see. That is not very pleasing to hear."

I shrugged. "Anything to convince you that its wrong."

"By the way Itachi san, what is wrong with you? What's your disease?"

He looked surprised and then regained his poker face. "Only Kisame knows of my condition. I didn't expect.."

"I am a psychic after all. Now tell me."

"If Sasuke won't kill me, this illness well. There's no way to save me."

The tsukuyomi faded away and I looked at Itachi standing in front of me, his sharingan eyes blazing. 

I fell forward and he caught me. 

I giggled. "Itachi san I didn't tell you but I'm such a big fan of yours. You smell nice. I'll save you."

With that my eyes closed as I vaguely heard Naruto screaming for me.

That's my babe Itachi. 

He's the hardest character I've ever written. I don't even know how to write him. He's just so complex...

Its quite obvious he doesn't trust Akina. Yet.

Sksksk but I'm so happy he made an appearance.

Q: Was this chapter up to your expectations? Rate it from 1 to 10.

Btw guys..

I have entered this book for the Naruto Watty Awards in the category of Rising Authors.. It'd mean so much to me if you guys would vote for my book when the voting session begins!

Check out the link in my bio if the link below isn't accessible! 


Encourage your favorite authors to participate in this! 

Also I see I've gotten some new readers. 

Konichiwa! Are you all enjoying my cringe story? I hope you are..

And Holy shiet 5.2K views?! It might not seem like a lot but it really is. Like wattpad is my escape from reality.

Do you guys want me to read your stories if you've written any? Just comment the name-->

Why is Chemistry so hard? 

I mean its killing me! Physics and maths are quite easier compared to chem.

I mean at least they're logical! In chem its just random shit you have to mug up!

Ughhhhh i hate 12th grade.. stupid exams.. stupid SAT's.. stupid chem.. stupid life

I mean WHY WERE EXAMS EVEN CREATED?! Its just so darn troublesome.

Q: Where do you think I'm from? Like which country?


luv u guys!

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