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Ho ho ho! 

Shit's about to go down my bitches! 

Lol not really. Its an interesting filler mixed with the plot.

This is picture legit what happens in the story! ^^

(Why the hell do people share brushes? That shit's nasty.)

Enjoy reading! 



Akina rubbed her eyes and woke up to the sunlight glaring through the window. Next to her Sasuke had snuggled up to her, an innocent look on his face.

She squealed at how cute he looked.

"Sasuke, wake up please. You're crushing me."

"No." He grumbled and further snuggled his face into her neck. Akina giggled at the ticklish feeling.

"I'll tell everyone you're a big cuddler."

"I'll deny it."

Akina pouted. Her blackmailing skills were rusting.

"I will... hide all your tomatoes."

No response.

"I um won't kiss you."

She could feel him smile.

"I don't need your permission. Like right now." He looked up at her and pecked her on the lips quickly before snuggling back into her.

"Ugh. What a pain." Akina grumbled and used a substitution jutsu with a pillow.

She quickly escaped to the bathroom before he could catch her.

Akina closed the door after brushing her teeth with a new brush she'd found in one of the cupboards. 

Looking under the sink she saw the stuffed duffel bag and smiled at the spare towels and clothes.

Sasuke and she decided to keep spare clothes at each others homes just in case. 

Taking out the two towels, she decided to clean her greasy excuse of her hair. 

Akina hoped Sasuke wouldn't mind her using his shampoo. 

And.... was that conditioner?

The Senju felt as if she understood the deepest secrets of the world and just realized the truth about humanity.

This conditioner...

Had chakra in it!!

Akina sputtered. This conditioner had the power to make her hair shine brighter and become stronger.

Damn you Uchihas, for being so smart.

"Hashirama! Stop standing behind me god dammit! I can't pee!" A young Madara Uchiha snarled at his rival.

Hashirama grinned widely. "I knew it! I just found your weakness."

The Senju walked away chuckling to let Madara complete his business.

After Madara zipped up he looked at Hashirama with fury. "If you know about it, why do you do it you fool?!"

"I-I'm sorry for troubling you." Purple depression lines covered Madara and he face palmed.

"You don't need to- anyways what's with that odd expression on your face? You look constipated." 

"Ahh.. My okaa san said something about hair fall." Hashirama said.

"Hair fall?" 

"Yeah, apparently it happens to people who don't maintain it properly. Would you want long hair?"

"Why the hell would I want long hair?! I'm not a girl."

Hashirama smiled. "Let's make a pact! Until peace doesn't arrive in this world, lets not cut our hair."

Madara looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"I mean lets grow our hair long, like a girl's! I mean we can occasionally trim it but we will never cut it short until peace prevails." His eyes were sparkling with excitement and Madara didn't have the heart to disagree. 

"Okay.. but what about that hair fall problem?" He asked desperately trying to sway the Senju.

"Hmm. I was thinking about adding chakra to conditioners!"

"Chakra to what?!" 

Hashirama blushed. "I researched about it a lot to help okaa san."

"Hn. Let's do it. My okaa san's birthday is coming up soon and I need to gift her something."

Hashirama brightened as he held out his hand for a fist bump. 


And so the two young children, reincarnates of Indra and Asura, one a destroyer of the world and other a savior, unknowingly made the best shampoo and conditioner in the world which was passed down in their families as a family secret until only the Uchihas knew about it.

Alas, no one would know about the fact that Madara Uchiha created a shampoo and conditioner by a pure mistake.

He never did cut his hair either, except for the occasional trim.

Akina brightened. 

Now that she knew about the Uchiha's secret, she'd use it for herself as well.

The young Senju took a bath and washed her hair thoroughly, applying the conditioner later. 

She wrapped her hair into a towel and used the other one to wrap her body. She leaned closely towards the mirror, narrowing her eyes.

Akina peeked to look at her chest and yelled in victory.

"I am not flat anymore! I'm a B!" A smug feeling filled her.

Take that Sakura!

That's exactly when Sasuke opened the door to his bathroom, yawning. Akina stared at him through the mirror horrified.

"GET OUT SASUKE BAKA!" Blushing furiously she threw a toothbrush and a bottle of mouthwash at him. She reached for the soap bar having run out of things to throw.

"Aki- WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sasuke narrowly dodged a razor being thrown his way and he looked up wide eyed to see Akina clad in a really small towel.

He backed up real quick against a wall and flushed.

His mind wasn't going to the right places.

"S-sorry." Sasuke stuttered for the first time after the Forest of Death.

She closed the door on his face after an 'its fine' blushing furiously.

He groaned and walked towards the kitchen.

This day had gone off to a very weird start. He couldn't stop imagining her in the same purple towel and he smacked his cheeks to snap out of it.

He glowered at the dining table, knowing his hormones were at fault.

Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined her looking at him in a tender, loving gaze asking for him to come closer.

Except she was older and mature.

"Sasuke hello?" Akina waved a hand in front of the distracted Uchiha.

"Akina, what is it?" He changed his expression from one of surprise to a normal one.

When did she appear in front of him?

"I've been calling you for a whole minute now. Something on your mind?"

He hesitated. "No. Let's have breakfast and leave. Kakashi called for a team meeting the day after you'd wake up at 7."

Her eyes flitted in surprise. "Oh! Fine let's go. We'll be late if we make some breakfast now. Let's have it on the way."

He nodded and the two made their way to the Training Fields where their team always met, deciding to skip breakfast. Neither were hungry.

He noticed her outfit and snorted.

"A high collar shirt and shorts?"

She flushed. "It looked like someone attacked me with a vacuum cleaner. I had no choice. My kunoichi outfit is torn anyways."


"Yeah. I have no idea how. I'll have to deal with this for a day. Train with me on genjutsu later?"

"Hn." He gave a slight nod.

"Akina chan, why are you dressed so casually dattebayo?" Naruto questioned her, an innocent look on his face.

"Hn. Dobe for hanging out with a pervert, you really don't know anything."

Sakura giggled as her mischievous eyes flitted between a flushing Akina and a proud Sasuke.

"How late will sensei come?" The pinkette questioned.

"Maa, I'm so sad my genin think so lowly of me." A voice spoke from behind them and Naruto gave a surprised shout.

"You're here today sensei on time! What happened? Who died?"

Akina swore Kakashi was pleased that he'd surprised them with such a simple thing like reaching on time.

Keeping low expectations truly makes you surprised easily.

"The Godaime has requested to meet us." His voice had suddenly taken a 180 degree turn.

Team 7's mood deflated.

"Um last time I checked I was supposed to be angry at her, not you guys. What's going on sensei?"

Kakashi refused to make eye contact with her. Akina was now really confused.

What did she do?

"We're angry that she sent us on that mission." Sakura finally said.

Half truth half lie.

"You guys are angry at yourselves aren't you for not saving me?" She slowly questioned.

There was no response as Naruto looked away huffing.

"If she hadn't made us go on that mission, you wouldn't have been hurt dattebayo! We thought you'd have died."

"Oy! I'm never going to die Naruto. I promise." Akina said smiling. [2]

"Promise?" He looked at her hesitantly.

"I promise. Now lets go see what Tsunade sama wants. Please do not get angry at her. I need to make things right with her." Akina pleaded with her team.

"Hn. I'll do it for you." Sasuke surprisingly spoke up first. But because of his hands curled into a fist, Akina was thankful he was even considering it.

"Fine." Sakura said hesitantly. She couldn't be angry at her mentor for long.

".. I like the old hag so I'll forgive her." 

"Sensei?" Akina looked up to see Kakashi considering it.

"Let's just go."

Team 7 knocked on the Hokage's door and walked in after a faint 'come in'.

"Ero sennin! What are you doing here?" Naruto exclaimed with a smile.

Jiraiya chuckled. "Good to see you too squirt. That's what Tsunade will tell you."

The said Hokage gave them a stare. 

"Team 7 is officially promoted to field Chunin."

Naruto gave a whoop of joy and Sasuke smirked. Sakura held Akina's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze in excitement.

Kakashi was stoic as ever.

"Now then, I've decided to do something with this team. I want to split you up."

"Split us up?" Sakura asked confused.

She nodded. "Your team has potential unlike I've ever seen before. You can get much stronger under apprenticeship. So that's why we are putting you under tutelage of different people for three years."

We remained silent and she continued. 

"Naruto will be under Jiraiya, Sakura will be under me and Sasuke will be under Kakashi." Akina nodded satisfied.

"But what about Akina chan?" 

"Nonsense Naruto, I don't need an apprenticeship under anyone. I just need to train myself." Akina waved off his worries.

"For Akina we have thought of a solution. She'll spend one year with each one of us. For the first year, she'll be under me. For the second, Jiraiya and for the last year Kakashi."

"Woah okay that's quite... interesting but why can't I just go on my own for three years?" 

"Because Jiraiya has intel that the Akatsuki is after you and Naruto. You both need to be monitored closely."

Akina paled and Sasuke clenched his hands as they both had the same thought.

Itachi did this.

However they both were irritated for different reasons.

Akina because she wasn't planning on joining anyways yet he created such an elaborate system to make sure she's safe.

Sasuke because he thought she was being targeted because of him.

Naruto gasped. "T-those creepy men!"

"Hn. She's right. Akina you should split your time."

She shrugged. "Fine but on one condition."

"What is it?"

Akina smirked. "I get to have one month off every year to do whatever I want and no one will question me. During that time, I will be sending you occasional messaged to keep you informed."

I need to start my preparations early anyways.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at her imouto. 

"And what will you do?"

"Mess up the future to make it a better one."

Jiraiya and Tsunade chuckled not believing her. "Fine kid. Do whatever you want."

They missed the glances Team 7 shot at Akina. The Senju undisturbed stared ahead.

"You guys will leave with your mentors within a month." Tsunade smirked at them.

"After three years, we'll see how much you've developed. Understood?"


"You guys have your first mission today as field Chunin." Tsunade grabbed a file and handed it to Kakashi.

"This better not be as dangerous as before, Godaime." Kakashi drawled out and read the file.

"It isn't Hatake. I'm putting them for the simplest one."

"Team 7, your mission is-"

"These missions are so boring dattebayo! There's no real threat except a few bandits! These escort missions are a bore." Naruto complained as he received his mission fee in Gamma the frog purse.


It was after working closely as a team that the teammates were able to understand the differences between his monosyllabic word.

It all depended on the tone, facial expression and his posture.

This particular hn meant he agreed with Naruto but wouldn't verbally say it out loud.

Akina had given up on making him say proper words. 

Sakura sighed. "After Orochimaru, sensei and Tsunade sama have been giving us the easiest missions. I don't know how long they want to baby us."

Naruto got a funny expression on his face.

"I know what to do! Let's make a bet with the old hag!"

Akina perked up, her ears twitching like a dog ninken.

"Did I hear a bet?"

"Yeah! We'll ask the old hag to give us a harder mission if we see Kakashi sensei's true face. We wanted to see his face anyways!"

Akina deflated. "A word of advice Naruto, you want to win the bet, not fail miserably."

Sakura frowned. "Since when do you back out?"

"I always back out when its not possible."

"Hn we have a chance to do so." Sasuke spoke up, his face scrunched up in concentration.

Naruto glowed. "If the teme thinks so, we can do it! What's the plan?"

Sasuke smirked. "You know how they made us take a photo of ourselves for the ninja registration form once we became genin? Well they don't let us wear masks."

Sakura's eyes widened in understanding. "That's an amazing idea Sasuke!"

Akina noted the kunoichi not using the 'kun'.

Naruto scratched his head. "What? I don't get it... I painted my face and they took my picture anyways."

Sasuke got a tick mark. "That means dobe, that we can sneak in and see Kakashi's picture on his registration form. It'll be a childhood pic but at least we'd know something!"

"Ohh!" Naruto nodded.

"But where do they keep it?"

The three genin turned to look at Akina simultaneously.


"Use your wood style to search for the room. Then see sensei's file and show us a picture." Sakura said her green eyes glittering.

"What will I get?" Akina got a teasing smile on her face.

"Sensei's face. What else?"

"I want dango and dorayaki as well."


The two kunoichi shook hands and nodded.

"Leave it to me!" Akina touched the wooden walls and went inside it, popping her head inside each room.

She sensed two chakra signatures outside a vault, heavily guarded.

Maybe its this one..

Akina tried entering the room but an invisible force pushed her out. The sirens rang loudly and the two shinobi entered the vault searching for enemies, after entering a six digit code.

A worried Shizune came running with TonTon in her arms.

"Who is the intruder trying to break in?" She asked worriedly.

"No one. The ninja files are all safe and it was a false alarm." Genma said as he chewed on the senbon once more.

"Ahh. I'll inform Tsunade sama. Just check again to be sure." Shizune walked away and the heavy gates were closed after the six digit password was entered.

Akina went back to her team only to find them missing.

"Where the hell are they?" She murmured and set out to look for them.

After a while of searching she giggled lightly. It was a repeat of episode 101.

Naruto was trailing Kakashi as he walked towards the bookstore.

Kakashi took a turn and Naruto ran to catch up with him. Naruto's eyes widened as his sensei was nowhere to be found, him having shunshined.

"What the hell.. Dammit teme and Sakura chan will be so angry dattebayo.."

Akina giggled and jumped next to Naruto.

"Just ask one of them to trail him instead."

"Akina chan! We couldn't wait for you because we saw sensei walk by us. He mentioned something about a new movie."

The Senju's eyes widened. "Its the Icha Icha movie! I'm so excited for it to come out!"

"I forgot how much of a pervert you are."

"I'm not just a pervert..I'm a super pervert!"

"Don't be quoting ero sennin now!"

Akina giggled. "I know how sensei looks like."


Akina shrugged. "Sure. But did you make a bet with Tsunade sama?"

He deflated. "She said no. Or more like her assistant did. But we still want to see him."

"Take me to Sakura and Sasuke then."

(The one on the left.. or right. Its your choice)



"Is he really...?"

Akina transformed back into herself and she nodded. 

"Yup. Naruto, stop screaming. It hurts my ears. Sakura, he's our sensei. Why do you think of sex appeal? Sasuke yes he really does look like that."

Hehe Sakura is on the right path if she finds Kakashi sexy. 

He's hot asf.

Too bad he's our sensei, Yume.

Might I remind you how much you enjoyed reading about the teacher student love affair in Icha Icha snippets of Affairs? I mean I'd jump him if I could.

Can you not?

You want to read it again don't you, ya perv?

... maybe. And don't you like Itachi?

Hmm.. Who says I can't have two men? Itachi is my main dish and Kakashi is my side dish. Or maybe the other way round. Either way, both can stick themselves in me.

What the fuck... 

Its hoe life or no life. I tell you to get all three of them.


Kakashi, Sasuke and Itachi

Akina whined and covered her face which had turned red.

The said Uchiha turned to face the wall and Naruto saw his shoulders slightly shaking.

He pointed a finger at him. "Teme's laughing!"

Sakura gasped. Sasuke turned around a scowl on his face.

"No way dobe!"

"Then what were you doing huh?!" Naruto jeered at him.

"I was using my sharingan to look for sensei."

"Huh? It can do that..?" Naruto asked confused and the Uchiha smirked.

"Hn. You don't know shit dobe." 

Sakura got a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Oh really? Because I don't remember such abilities-"

"Maa, my kawaii genin have been following me all day. May I know why?"

The three genin stopped and shook with fear as they turned around to face him.

"N-no s-sensei. We w-were just um-" Sakura stammered.

"Ahh sensei we were worried about you." Akina smoothly covered up as she walked towards them. Her face still had a slight blush from conversing with her inner self.

"Worried?" Kakashi asked acting confused. He obviously knew what they were planning.

"Yeah. Apparently a group of nin were trying to sneak in to see forbidden files to see how you look like."

"Were they caught?" He played along with her lie.

Akina shrugged and cracked a small grin. "Maybe. But we know how you look like."


Naruto spoke up excitedly. "Sensei! You have to take us on important missions or else we'll tell everyone how you look dattebayo! Akina chan saw how you look."

The Senju tapped the side of her head. "Psychic abilities sensei."

Kakashi stiffened and cursed internally.

Is she fooling around or..

"I don't believe you."

"Team 7, get ready to see his face again."

Sakura giggled. "Sensei we will turn around just so that we don't die laughing."

Sasuke smirked and nodded his head. 

They felt pity for their sensei. According to them it was no wonder he hid his face behind a mask.

Kakashi was extremely confused and a little offended.

He thought he wasn't that bad looking but his genin's reactions showed him otherwise. 

Akina held up her hand in a sign and turned into Kakashi without a mask. His real face. Within a few seconds she turned back to normal.

Kakashi sputtered. "Y-you know?" 

Yume cackled with glee.

This is the best idea you've had Akina.

I know..

"Now then sensei, take us on a cool mission and treat us all to whatever we want or let everyone know how you look like. Which will it be?"

Kakashi had no choice and his eye twitched in obvious irritation.

"Damn you Akina."

"Oh? Now's when you talk to me sensei? Anyways, my demand is that you tell me why you've been ignoring me."

The three turned around.

"Sensei, I would like a new kunoichi dress. I don't feel like buying one for myself." Sakura asked innocently.

"Sensei! I need some sealing equipment."

"Hn.. A sword would be fine I guess and a summon."

Kakashi glared at his team and mentally calculated the costs. Depression lines covered him.

"Y-you guys will leave me bankrupt..."

Akina rolled her eyes. "You were an ex anbu. I doubt it."

Kakashi looked at the blackmailing little bastards. 

"Team 7, if I give all of this to you, you have to promise not to parade my face around."

"We promise!" 

"I don't trust you guys..."

"Its your only option." Sasuke smirked.

"Maa, Team 7 meet me tomorrow at 8. Akina, come with me now."


After Kakashi explained his reasons, Akina went to train with Sasuke. Obviously she hit his arm but hugged him anyways as she cried. 

Every time he looked at her, he was reminded of Obito and his failure. 

He thought that Akina should be dropped off the team since he couldn't protect her.

He promised not to ignore her again and she promised him to be careful.

Sasuke gazed at her approaching figure. "You're late."

Akina kissed him softly before leaning back. "Sorry."

"Hn." He was satisfied.

"Sasuke, come at me with your sharingan but only genjutsu. I need to learn how to break out of it."

"I needed to practice anyways. I'll be giving you multiple layers."


Sasuke activated his kekkei genkai and sent a medium level genjutsu at her which she broke after a few failed tries.

"You're slow."

"I suck at genjutsu."

"Tch. Never reveal your weakness." He sent a stronger wave at her and the Senju doubled over.

After two minutes she broke out of it and shook her head.


A small blue robin flew into a girl's room in the middle of the night.

"Akina! H-he knows!"

"Who knows what Kokomi?" 

"D-Danzo knows you betrayed him! He's sending people after you! You aren't ready at all!"

"Oh fuck."

Dun dun DUNNN! 

A cliffhanger for y'all!

Such a boring chapter.

I honestly wanted to keep going and finally end the book, but I decided to do one last filler. 

Btw all the episodes are scrambled up. This episode is supposed to happen before Sasuke deflects but it happened afterwards instead. 

Just ignore it..

I'll mostly be sticking to the order but I dunno.

See you next chapter!

Rate this out of 10.

Anything special you'd like to see?

Also should I do a QnA for my characters?

I feel like I'm feeding you guys way too many chapters!

I should really cut it down...

Q: Anything you wanna ask me? It can be personal as well I'll answer!

I don't have a meme so these puns have to do.

Pun 1: The number 2 slaps 4. 4 slaps 2 back.

What does 2 say?

A: I guess we're even now...


Pun 2: If Bakugou is reborn in Naruto, what would he be called?

A: Byakugan


Pun 3: What does a scissor like to eat?

A: A Caesar salad!

Badum tsk!

Here's a chemistry pun for y'all!

Pun 4: What does one person say to the other in the middle of chemistry class?

A: This is such a Bohr.

*muffled giggling*

I tried this out on my friends... Haha they wanted to murder me.


Comment your fav joke/ pun!

xoxo luv y'all!

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