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A lil' fluff to mend your hearts from the harsh, angsty chapter before.

Guys I changed the cover so don't freak out!

Which one do you like better?

Also double update??? I'm amazing I know..




Akina's POV

After accepting Seijuro's help, I followed him to his house.

"Sobo! I got a friend."

(A/N: Grandmother is also called sobo in Japanese along with obaa san!)

An old lady wobbled out of her room on a stick, her gray hair twisted into a bun and kept in place with a chop stick. She was wearing a pale green kimono and had a black sash through the middle.

She was holding beads in her other hand.

"Who is it, Sei chan?"

He brightened up. "Its Akina!"

I stood looking at the old woman blankly. "I don't know her. I'm leaving."

"Akina Senju Uchiha.. please stop right there." The old woman called out.

I brought my kunai out again and turned to face them with a glare.

"Who the fuck are you-"

She hit me on the head with her cane.

"No swearing!"

"Its my choice. You aren't my guardian." I stated coldly.

She gave me a disapproving look and I turned to walk away once more.

"It seems as if you found out the truth about the seals." Her voice called out after me and I stopped.

How did she- what?

"What seals?"

"The one which was previously on your stomach."

"How do you know about it?" I turned around to face her angrily.

She gave me a humorless smile. "Why don't you take a bath and we'll discuss this over dinner."

"I'm in no mood for this drama. Tell me quickly or die." I pointed my kunai at her neck and Seijuro shouted grabbing a frying pan and aiming it at me.

"Hey! Leave my grandmother alone!"

"You wouldn't hurt little old me."

"Yeah? Well I've changed for the worse and I couldn't give two shits about you." I growled.

She blinked and started to laugh. 

"Oh my sweet sweet girl! When you were being reborn here, did you honestly think that you were going to live a peaceful life?"

"R-reborn?" I stuttered, my anger forgotten.

Seijuro took a protective stance next to his grandmother.

"Yeah, my grandmother and I have come from Earth."

"Wha-" I stopped myself and took two deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

"Earth..? You guys were reborn too?" I whispered slowly.

Obviously, since I was reborn, others could've been too.. Why didn't that strike me earlier?

The old lady chuckled. "Death makes mistakes and puts us in the wrong world. Have you heard that before?"

I nodded mutely.

Seijuro gave me a strained smile. "Why don't you take a bath and we'll discuss this over dinner? Its down the hall to the left." 

He didn't put the frying pan down though.

I walked silently to the bathroom, not able to process the shock of other people.

People like me.

Did they know about the future too?

I walked into the bath and stared at my blood covered reflection in the mirror. Blood was splattered all over my outfit and hands, the rain barely making a difference. The sleeves of my shirt were ruined completely.

The pants I had been wearing was now torn in multiple places. 

My tear stricken face was the only thing clean from blood. My hair which had been tied up into a tight ponytail had escaped sometime while fighting Danzo and I hadn't bothered to tie it up.

My long auburn hair was matted with dirt and felt sticky. 

I stripped from my clothes and stepped into the bath, vigorously rubbing the blood from my body.

The image of blood on me never left my brain.

I had never returned from an assassination this dirty before and I could only wonder what Yume had done to him.

A sinking feeling told me there wasn't much left of him and I shivered.

I cleaned my hair with strawberry scented shampoo and applied conditioner thoroughly. 

I wrapped a towel around my body and one on my head which had been left in the bathroom for me.

I dried myself off and wore a comfortable pair of clothes, Sasuke's shirt and a pair of sweatpants before walking out of the mist filled bathroom. 

I stood quietly before entering the room, overhearing the conversation between the duo.

"Sobo, is it wise to keep her here? She's a ninja."

"Sei chan, its dangerous but she needs our guidance."

"Well its really her fault for messing up the plot line. Everything could've gone as planned. The casualties weren't even that bad."

"Oh hush! You haven't seen the anime itself."

He murmured something softly to her.

"I know, Sei chan. But it is my duty, my fate. You will need to live with her for a while you know." 

He sighed softly. "I'm just scared to lose you."

She chuckled. "I ain't dying any time soon boy, I can make sure of that at least." 

I walked out making my presence known by a cough.

"I haven't learnt your name miss."

"Just call me grandmother. My name is Mirai."

"Mirai obaa san, explain everything to me."

She cackled and gestured me to sit down on the table for food.

"I'm not hungry." 

"I made some dorayaki for desert."

I sighed. "I said, I'm not hungry."

She gave me a stare. "I'm excusing you because you lost someone."

Seijuro sat down next to his grandomother, across me and his hand was hovering over the frying pan.

"A frying pan can't hurt me." 

He blushed a deep red at being caught.

"Just for protection."

"I have no weapons." 

He slowly withdrew his hand and I shot him a terrifying grin, eyes bright which made him grab on to it again, his hand shaking.

"Sei chan, calm down. Ninja prey on fear." 

"Explanation, now."

"Well, our family is filled with people supposed to be born in this world for starters. We all use our old names used back then, however my son and his wife had to learn Japanese to speak it. Every female born in the family has a power. A power of seeing the future. A true seer."

She gave me a knowing look.

"We are responsible for making sure everything progresses smoothly, the whole arc. My son and his wife were exempted from this and so is my grandson. Females married into this family do not have this ability." 

"So in other words you saw my future?" I asked slowly, my mind racing at an unexplained speed.

She hesitated. "Yes. Death told me about how a young girl will change this Universe, whom I had to guide. I waited for years and years altogether until a name popped into my head around last year. Akina Senju Uchiha. I knew it was you and we shifted from village to village, searching for you. Its a shame that your parents died. I'm sorry for your loss."

Seijuro's eyes widened and he shot me a sympathetic look as I stayed quiet.

"I began getting small glimpses about you, how you changed the plot I had originally seen in my youth. I was ordered not to change anything. At times I often thought if this was a kekkei genkai of sorts passed to females but I do not know."

"A week ago, I received a vision about you killing Danzo Shimura. Has it happened already?" Her voice took a strange turn.

"Yes, I killed him today."

"Good nuisance. He needed to go."

"Tell me, will Yume come back?" 

"No my dear, I'm sorry." I bit back a sob.

"What else do you know about me? Tell me everything." I demanded.

She smiled at me. "I know you were reborn and by some miracle, you watched the anime itself, as if it was destined to happen. Tell me, did you tell the future to anyone?"

"A little."

"But it wasn't the complete truth. In fact, you lied a couple of times."

I flushed knowing what she was getting at. "I need to know the truth."

"And you will get to know when the time comes."

I snarled at her. "Tell me every single thing. What is my power? Why did my parents lie to me? Who is the masked man? Do I defeat him? Do I accomplish my mission, my goal?"

She winced. "Ah my dear. Telling you the future is like meddling with a lock keeping a dangerous beast inside. There is a reason that only our family knows the truth and that's because we know what to do and what not to. We are the guardians of the future as a sort. We correct the plot line when its meddled with, nothing more or less."

"When will you tell me?" I asked, irritation seeping into my voice.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Never. I am just here to take care of you, offer you comfort, guide you and raise your determination."

"And how will this guiding work?" She gave a strained smile. 

"Ah, that will happen in its own time, even when I'm not there."

"Yeah well, I'm not in any mood for a speech so can it." I grumbled and fell back on my chair.

Seijuro seemed to be in conflict when he asked me a question. "Do you want to sleep?"

Suddenly I felt the exhaustion and emotional strain weigh on me as I considered my answer.

"I'd rather go to my house so no thank you."

Mirai gave me a sad look but didn't say anything as Seijuro led me back to where he found me. He shifted uncomfortably. 

"Do you have the keys?"

I whipped out a scroll from my bag which I carried with me while leaving. I took out keys from the scroll and opened the door. 

A familiar scent took over as I entered. I switched on the lights and completely froze as my heart rate elevated. 

"N-no!" I staggered against a wall and slid down along it as I took deep breaths. 


Blood was splattered against the wall, a dark red signifying it had been written months ago.

In front of me was lying two coffins, both of them black in color.

I ran towards one and opened them. A note was lying in the middle of the empty coffin.

'I ordered this for them but turns out I burnt them into a crisp instead. This is for you and your precious boyfriend, Uchiha Sasuke.'

My breathing hitched.

If he knew about me and Sasuke, chances are he was keeping an eye on me, the whole time.

He knew..

I can't protect them anymore. 

My hands fell weakly to the side and I fell on my knees.

"I want this to stop.. Seijuro, take me back to your house please." 

He placed his hand on mine and kept the frying pan on the ground.

He stared at my defeated figure.

"I'll carry you to bed."

"I-in your h-home please.."

He stayed silent and I felt him carry me bridal style as he walked away from the room.

I didn't remove my eyes from my house, as it became a smaller figure as we walked away from it, after locking the door.

The situation finally weighed on me.

Yume- no.. we killed Danzo Shimura.

Anko Mitarashi caught us committing treason.

I attacked a team of Konoha consisting of clan heirs.

Kakashi sensei saw me escape after I hurt his friend.

I am a rogue kunoichi.

I have a power, because of which my parents were terrified. They tried to seal this power but only existed in doing half.

My parents knew who was after them, yet they chose to die and leave me alone willingly.

The masked man was mostly after my power.

Kurenai lied to me.

She made Yume disappear.

Hiruzen told her the truth about everything.

He used me.

And in the end, I was still loyal to Konoha, refusing to give up on my mission.

"And as your Hokage these are my orders. You will take these matters into your own hand and do what you think is best for the best outcome. I know that there will be a war coming soon and I trust you to make it better for the future generations."

And as sleep overtook me, two thoughts were left for me to think on.

1. Did the Akatsuki know about this?

2. How much more would I have to suffer? 

I felt myself being dipped into a warm bed. It didn't feel like my bed at all but I let it lull me into deep sleep.

From there, I slept for the next 24 hours. It was almost as if my body wanted to take a break to catch up with what had transpired. 

It was almost as if it wanted to give up by remaining in a coma.

I would've continued to sleep more until Seijuro screamed when he saw a cockroach while checking my vitals and proceeded to jump on me. 

Then I woke up, saw the cockroach and screeched loudly along with Seijuro in my arms bridal style, until Mirai came in and killed it with her slippers.

The first thing I did was brush my teeth.

The disgusting taste of not brushing my teeth was getting to me and ohkami-

It smelt so bad.

"Looks like you're awake."

"No shit." I scoffed at the dumb observation made by Seijuro.

"Hey! No need to be rude. I brought you back, ya know."

Mirai hobbled into the room, carrying lunch for me.

"Let her be, Sei chan. We have to be courteous to our guest." 

He pouted like a child but didn't say anything further as he went into the kitchen and brought out the frying pan. 


"Oi are you serious? I already told you it can't hur-"


"How's that for courteous?" I heard the smugness in his voice and then pure silence as the frying pan fell off my face and onto the ground.

My face was red and I'm pretty sure a frying pan shape had been embedded onto my face. Permanently.

"Its the ultimate weapon for defeating a ninja! My mother said so while fending off an overly friendly shinobi." 

"Tch. Be prepared to die." An aura of anger was resonating off me and I growled at him like an animal. 

I picked up the frying pan and broke it into two pieces while maintaining eye contact with him.

"This frying pan broke easily without me using chakra. Imagine the damage I can do to you while using chakra."

(A/N: oof kinky- //slapped//)

He paled and smirked nervously before hiding behind Mirai.


She turned to glare at the both of us. 

"Seijuro, Akina go buy me a new frying pan! Otherwise no food for a week." She threatened us.

"B-but she started i-"

I threw my shoe at him and it hit his face, leaving an imprint.

"How dare you lie! I'll throw my kunai next time, civilian." 

Mirai marched up to him and pulled him by his ear before doing the same to me.

"O-ow ow ow-!"

"L-let us go sobo!"

With that she threw us out of the house along with some money and stood in front of the door.

"You both will have to get along no matter what! Akina will be staying with us for at least a year before she is on her way. Be civil with each other or get out! And buy me a frying pan!"

She slammed the door shut with a bang.

The villagers walking around us began whispering among each other.

I glared at him. "It started because of you!"

He gasped. "If you had acted civil with me in the beginning, this wouldn't have happened."

"Yeah well I just lost a very important person to me. Also, you have to earn my respect before I act civil with you."

"What should I do to impress you then?! Tell me should I throw a knife at a tree and kill other ninjas with a single attack?"

"First off, its called a kunai. And secondly, that is almost impossible unless you're extremely powerful."

"Has something called sarcasm reached your ears before?" He threw his hands up in the air.

 "Clearly not."

"I don't know if you're just that dumb or if you know sarcasm. I'm going to take a guess and say you're dumb."

"Don't you dare judge me!"

"Well you aren't giving me a chance to judge you properly if you keep snapping at me!"

Our fighting escalated until we began screaming at each other.





We both breathed heavily, still glaring at each other.

The villagers had all left and the streets were deserted now.

"Speechless, aren't you?"

"My parents died too. They knew who was after them and yet chose to die, leaving me all alone."

"Is that supposed to make me pity you?" He asked slowly.

I gave him a sharp glance. "No. I said that only because you told me about your parents."

He bent down and picked up the money before walking ahead.

"Are you coming or not?"


"We need to buy a frying pan so that I can hit you of course."

"Maybe I should sharpen my kunais." With that I caught up to him.

We stared ahead, not speaking to one another unless absolutely necessary.

"Its this way." He pointed to the right.

I looked at the left, to where I'd go to the local library to research about Konoha.

"Yeah su-"

"Go explore the village if you want."

"There's nothing to explore. I just want to go back to bed."

He frowned at me. "And cry?"

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing. Just don't dwell on your failures too much. See what you've accomplished."

"Me? I just made things harder for myself and others."

"You must've done something."

"Well, I saved my boyfr-"

I stopped talking as shock enveloped me. I'd completely forgotten about my team, too wrapped up in my emotions.

I began pacing back n forth, worried about how they were faring.

Yume should I send a bunsh-

I stopped walking, realizing she was now gone. I had no one left.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" 

A familiar small blue bird appeared before me.

"Akina sama, what can I do for you?"

Seijuro gasped. "T-that bird can talk!!"

"Kokomi chan, meet Seijuro san. She's my summon. Kokomi chan, do you know what's happening in Konoha? I need each and every detail about me."

"On it." She disappeared into smoke.

I stood up worriedly. "Now we can go shopping for frying pans."

"We might have to check if its good or not. Try and break each and every one you find until you can't break one with your bare hands."

My lips twitched. "Sure."

3rd Person POV

"Aki-" Kakashi called out for his student, her orange bird mask placed on the top of her head, wearing an outfit he'd never seen before.

If he hadn't seen her face filled with absolute rage and sadness, he would've mistaken her for someone else.

She disappeared into the trees and the platoon stopped, seeing the injured team.

Kakashi stood frozen as all the shinobi around him, ranging from high Chunin to high Jonin rushed to help the team.

Akina possibly couldn't have done this. She wasn't that powerful.


Kurenai looked worriedly towards her unconscious students as a medic worked on removing the tree branch from her thighs and healing the artery torn there.

"What happened here? How many were there?" Izumo spoke up as he checked Kiba's vitals.

"Only one.." Her voice seemed hollow and broken.

"One? Who was it?" Kotetsu asked, fearing for the worst despite already knowing the answer.

"A-Akina.." Everyone's eyes moved to a stiff Kakashi who heard everything. 

"What happened exactly, Kurenai?" Kakashi asked her. His lazy voice had been replaced with one full of seriousness and authority.

"We were returning from a mission and tried to intercept her after realizing she killed someone. Who did she kill?"

"Shimura Danzo."

"Izumo, Kotetsu head back quickly to the village and inform Tsunade sama of the situation. Takao, Aoi and I will carry the injured team."

"What about Akina, taicho?" Takao asked his leader.

Kakashi grimaced. "Only Yamato can track her and he isn't in the village right now. We have to leave and decide the best possible outcome."

Two thoughts were running through his mind when he was debriefing a shocked and sad Hokage.

Just where had he gone wrong with his teachings?

How will he explain his team about how he failed to bring Akina back? Or rather, how would he face them?

It was 5 'o' clock in the morning when the debriefing was finished and everything was kept a secret for now, only a select few shinobi knowing about Danzo's demise and Akina's betrayal to avoid spreading panic among civilians.

Kakashi had asked his team to meet at the fields at 7 am. 

With his luck, he was pretty sure they'd reach on time today.

He went to the training fields at 7:15 to see his team talking between themselves, their faces worried.

Even Sasuke.

Seems like they found out.

Sakura turned to him, hearing his approaching footsteps.

"Sensei! Akina is missing! I can't find her anywhere."

"She isn't in her house dattebayo! And neither in Sasuke's house!" 

"Hn. She isn't anywhere. I searched everywhere."

Kakashi looked at their worried faces and told them to follow him to the Hokage tower where he opened the door to an empty room.

"Team 7.. I hate to break this news to yo-" Kakashi began speaking, about to tell them what really happened when the door blasted open, broken off its hinges.

"Team 7! I have a new mission for you!" Tsunade barked out, her face furious. A shivering Shizune trailed behind her, shooting them apologetic looks.

"Not now. Akina is missing." Sasuke spoke up.

"Its regarding her. Akina Senju Uchiha has left the village. Willingly."

A loud gasp echoed in the room. 


Sasuke and Naruto were extremely silent.

"She was caught killing an elder of the Konoha council, Danzo Shimura singlehandedly and mutilated his body to no return. There were holes in his arms which suggested she carved out something and his eye is missing. She also attacked Team Kurenai. Shino, Kiba, Akamaru and Hinata are admitted in the hospital. You along with Team 10 and Team Gai will search for her throughout the Land of Fire."

"Why did she leave 'ttebayo?" 

Sasuke spoke up, his hands curled into fists. 

"Isn't it obvious, dobe? She's hiding something."



"I-If I ask you to kill Danzo with me w-would you do i-it?" She stuttered.

His eyes widened. "What for?"

"I have this bad premonition that something bad is going to happen soon, including him. My psychic abilities have been down lately which means everything is calm for now. But, I saw him a lot in visions."

"What visions?"

"He- he helps in the destruction of something important yet I'm not sure what."

"It depends." He wasn't one for killing people unnecessary but if Akina thought so, what could be so bad?

She suddenly chuckled, a light smile on her face. "Just messing with you, Sasuke. Its nothing."

He internally breathed a sigh of relief. "Hn. You loser." 

It was true. She had planned to kill him from the beginning.

But what did that old bastard do?

"She did it for us. That absolute loser." He chuckled without emotions.

Tsunade frowned as she took a swig of her fifth sake this morning. 

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" She was in a grumpy mood.

Sasuke and Naruto made eye contact and nodded at each other. They immediately turned around and walked out of the room leaving Kakashi and Sakura behind.

Sakura was furious and confused, yet she waited to hear some more information. Perhaps someone knew something more.

"Hn Naruto, you know she did it for a reason."

"Of course, Sasuke. I'm her best friend and she wouldn't leave Konoha just like that." 

Needless to say, the two boys were extremely worried about her teammate and believed in her. 

Naruto and Sasuke reached the Senju compound and knocked down her door. 

"A full search, Naruto. Any hints about where she's gone."

"On it."

The blonde boy began searching her closet for any scrap of information.

The Uchiha looked at the floorboard near her bed, cracked in half. Akina took something from it. He was sure of that fact.

After an hour of searching, they fell on her bed exhausted. 

"Nothing.. She took everything with her." Naruto groaned.

"This wasn't planned. When we entered the room, everything was a mess which means it was done in a hurry."

"I did find a single thing though, but it didn't make any sense to me." Naruto took out a half burnt piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Sasuke.

1   m Tr  ni g Gro  d

There were a couple of letters missing, but Sasuke understood the messy handwriting.

"We got a lead. We need to retrace her steps." He suddenly stood up, hope brewing in him.


"She killed Danzo for a reason, right? We just need to find out what it is."


Sai looked at the remaining root members. 

They knew Danzo had been killed.

By a traitor no less.

Kira or Akina.. However you'd put it.

The seals on their tongue hadn't vanished, the secrets of the root would be hidden forever. 

Six anbu root members burnt down the whole chambers, and waited for the Hokage to apprehend them.

Their purpose in life would always be to serve Konohagakure and now it would be under the leadership of the female Hokage, a person Danzo sama hated greatly, but they had no choice.

Sai looked at the few belongings he had.

His incomplete book of drawings, some clothes and weapons.

In his hand, he held a book from the Konoha library.

Nicknames for your Friends!

He truly found the perfect one for Akina and he didn't even need the book.

Uragirimono, or in other words a betrayer.

Hey mah peeps!

I'm cackling like a witch here.

The 36th chapter is officially the last and I have no shame in admitting I teared up.

Even though only PART 1 will be ending, I'm way too sad. 

And it seems like our Uchiha had some sense knocked into him by Akina. He's actually investigating Danzo's secrets, instead of going all emo and who knows what that might lead him too.


Except, the important files that is, Itachi and Shisui's files are with Akina so he won't be finding them any time soon. 


Honestly, maybe I mentioned it earlier or maybe I didn't (Im too lazy to go and check. I'll see while editing) Akina has xeroxed the files regarding the two. 

Extras, just in case Itachi decides to destroy each and every one of them.

*cough* *cough*

ahem excuse me.

AnyWAyS, thoughts?

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