36. Her True Power Unleashed

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Its the end of PART 1!!

Holy shit guys. I have 12.1K reads and since last night my book has been #1 in the akatsuki category.

*Internal screaming!*

Enjoy reading!

*evil laugh* 

Im grinning like a Cheshire Cat right now! Honestly I feel bad for you guys. 

*Dives inside a bomb shelter with LRBlade *

^^ (You were right btw)

And hello new readers! Welcome to a lifetime of suffering and pain!



Dear Sasuke and Naruto,

Lady Tsunade has been investigating and interrogating each and every member of the root members found. However, she couldn't find a scrap of information related to why Akina went rogue due to the seals on their tongues. 

Naruto, I'll be sending a design of the seals to you. Give it to Jiraiya sama and have him try to decipher them and unseal it. Work on your fuinjutsu, Naruto and try to get some nutrients in your body, short stack. Don't you dare say ramen is nutritious.  

Sasuke, how are you and Kakashi sensei doing? How is your kenjutsu and how are you holding up? 

She mentioned that Danzo was a traitor, but there is no viable proof. For some reason, Lady Tsunade keeps looking under all the pots.

The elders of the Council are absolutely furious and are mourning his death. They are trying to convince Lady Tsunade to send anbu members to track her down and kill her. They want the 'Wanted Alive' classification to be changed to 'Wanted Dead' and are increasing the money.

Its been months now.

Have you guys found anything of importance yet? 

Have you found her?

Dear Sakura chan and Sasuke teme,

I have given the seals to Pervy Sage. He's working on them right now and I don't think he'll be done anytime soon.

Even I can't understand it and you guys know how amazing I am at it!

No, I haven't discovered any leads on Akina chan but I saw a girl with blue hair and neko outfit who looked exactly like her. I was about to talk to her, but she disappeared with a pink haired guy and Pervy Sage was drunk flirting with young woman again.

He's such a pain in my ass!

Stop lecturing me, Sakura chan, I know what to eat and what not to.


Pervy Sage looked over my shoulders to see what I was writing now and said 'Naruto isn't short. He's undergone puberty.'

Dunno what that means but the point is, I am not short!

Akina chan is my best friend, and I know her well enough to know that she's hiding in small villages so that's a lead I guess?

Sasuke, any information so far?

Also I'm going to beat your ass when I come back! 

Sakura and dobe, 

Hn. I haven't found anything.

She's disappeared without a trace. Naruto, tell us the village where you saw the girl in a neko costume. We'll be going there next.

Sakura, Akina had the name 'Kira' in root. Also she was quite friendly with a guy she nicknamed 'Sai'. He's pale and usually talks about weird stuff. He also likes to draw. 

Dobe, I kicked your ass last time. What makes you so sure you'll win? And I know you suck ass at fuinjutsu.

Kakashi is reading Icha Icha again instead of training me. Naruto, tell your master to stop writing those shitty books.

Naruto, Sakura, 

Kakashi and I found a house burnt down.  

I looked through the house and found a photo frame of that red haired boy and an old woman. 

They used to live here and I'm positive Akina did too for a while.

Its been around six months since its been burnt down and we are trying to find out where she went from there.

I'll find her soon. 

I promise.

Teme, Sakura chan, 

Pervy Sage is gathering some information about the Akatsuki. Apparently, they are out for Akina and I. They were the ones who kidnapped her during that mission.

I'm worried.

Naruto, Sasuke,

She would never join the Akatsuki. Lady Tsunade found out something from Sai. Apparently, they were partners on a few missions and she was teaching him about 'bonds' before she left. 

He calls her a betrayer now... And Sasuke, you are right.

He's emotionally stunted and hasn't had a proper childhood. 

Akina won't be found unless she wants to. 

Sasuke, Sakura,

See you guys in a couple of days! I'm coming back!

Sakura, Naruto,

Hn. We'll be a few days off schedule.

Sasuke and Kakashi sensei, 

Please reach Sunagakure as soon as possible! Gaara has been kidnapped by two members of the Akatsuki!

Akina's POV

"Are you sure you'll be fine, Seijuro?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course, I'll be fine Akina! Go and do your shopping."

I stayed still for a few minutes. "Maybe you should come with-"

"Akina. I'm elder to you, don't forget that." Seijuro's eyes flashed with annoyance and I frowned. 

"Fine. But if you see anyone in a mask or having a Konoha hitai ate, just run."

He gave me a thumbs up and I walked towards the supermarket, a basket in my hands.

This was our schedule for about two weeks. 

We'd have a small argument on if I should leave him alone or not, and he'd always glare at me and mutter about frying pans being powerful to destroy each and every ninja.

Yeah, he wished that was true. Ever since I'd started teaching him how to throw a kunai, he'd complain.

"Why am I learning this again?"

"Has a kunai actually ever killed someone? I doubt it since your reflexes are awesome."

"Why can't we use the substitution jutsu repeatedly instead of a shunshin since it takes lesser chakra?"

"If I get your DNA, would I be able to perform your kekkei genkai?"

"What happens if I do random hand signs together? Would I explode?"


The last one was the most common occurrence. 

He neither had the patience to wield a kunai, nor the skills and often used a boulder to break the kunai in half.

I had almost given up on him until I realized he was street smart and could do exceptionally well taijutsu. 

"I'm leaving, Seijuro. Take care."

"Yes mom."

"What was that, baka?!"

"Stop coddling me. You did as he asked and stayed away from Konoha. He shouldn't attack you now."

I shifted uncomfortably. "You're right I guess. Anyways, today I might spend more time in the market. There's a sale."

"Just go already!"

I made my way to my destination, an oddly calm and peaceful feeling in my chest.

Maybe he'd given up after all and I could send Konoha a message. I recoiled at the thought. 

No way. Not now!

After buying the grocery, I made my way home.

"Seijuhoe, I'm back an-"

A large noise was heard as my bag fell from my grasp to see him lying on the ground, a kunai protruding from his stomach.

I ran towards him quickly, breathing heavily and checking for his pulse.

It was faint, but present. 

"S-seijuro, can you hear me?" My voice was a small whimper.

His eyes slowly opened and he smiled. "Akina.."

I sighed in relief. "Thank Kami I reach-"

"Is that my dear Akina chan's voice I heard?" A familiar voice came from the kitchen and my blood turned cold.

He was peeling an apple using his kunai and the red peels fell on the wooden floor.

"I hate the skin of apples."

"Seijuro, I'm going to get you to a hospital. Just hold on till then." I released a shaky breath and turned to the bastard. He nodded slightly.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Hmm.. Well I don't want anything in particular, really. I just like to torment you."

Tears fell from my eyes. "Please, I'm begging you to stop. Just leave me and my family alone. What do you want?"

He laughed loudly, his voice resonating in the empty house.

"Looks like I finally broke you! I'm happy about that. Did you receive my present? I'm sure you did. Your mother and father were a tough battle to fight, but I loved their screams when they were burnt to death." 

Anger rose in the pit of my stomach. "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!"

"A-Akina.. I won't m-make it.. " Seijuro tugged on my shirt and I held onto his hands as tears gushed down my face.

"No please don't Sei. I don't have anyone left. I'll be alone without you. I promised myself and Mirai obaa san that I'd protect you!" I sobbed into his chest as it faltered.

"A-Akina.. I love you, romantically."

I hiccuped and looked at him. "What?" I whispered weakly.

He gave me a sad small smile. "Promise me you'll never falter, that you'll take your revenge and you won't give up. Don't you dare think about hurting yourself. Avenge us all."

"No Seijuro you have to live! Stop saying all this. You and I will be together okay? Just hold on-"

"Akina. Promise me." His voice turned stern.

"I promise." A raw feeling thumped loudly in my heart.

"Good." With a small smile he reached up and gave me a small kiss on my lips, my eyes wide open in shock.

"I know you'll never love me that way, but its my dying wish to have kissed you."

The feeling in my heart grew louder and I struggled to hear his last words, just barely able to understand.

"Live your life, Akina. Remember, you deserve to enjoy it. I love you."

"I l-love you too.."


With a small smile, he closed his eyes and the faint pulse finally stopped beating for him.

The ringing in my ears grew louder and I was vaguely aware of someone brushing the hair away from my face.

"Aww. Looks like Akina chan lost boyfriend no. 2. How sad!"

He stroked my cheek gently as I couldn't process the shock of Seijuro's death. The ringing in my ears dulled to a faint sound, a familiar one and more tears fell down my face.

The bastard started chuckling loudly.

"Yes, Akina, get angry and attack me for it is our destiny to fight one another!" With a shout of glee he walked outside my home.

I was weak, too emotionally drained to even lift up a finger to try and stop him.

My breathing was growing shallower by the second and I looked at the body of my best friend in my lap, his eyes closed and mouth shaped into a serene smile, one filled with peace.

I looked at the kunai on the ground and slowly picked it up, my breaths becoming even slowly in the silent house.

I raised the kunai and pointed the tip towards my chest, almost like a robot.

I brought the kunai closer and stopped, a centimeter from my bosom as his last words rang in my mind. 

Promise me you'll never falter, that you'll take your revenge and you won't give up. Don't you dare think about hurting yourself. Avenge us all.

I promise.

With a loud scream, filled with despair and anger I threw the kunai to the side and pulled my hair as I curled up into a ball.


This pain.. had me wanting to kill myself.

Now, was when I knew I was truly alone in the world.

No one would save me.

Blank eyed, I got up and made my way to my room, gathering everything into scrolls and stuffing them into my old backpack which I'd worn while escaping Konoha.

I took a few of Seijuro's belongings and kept them in my bag as well before picking up his limp, cold body and exiting the house.

Fire style: fire ball jutsu

The house burnt down, as I walked away from the village and everything I'd grown used to for the past few months. 

Reaching the cemetery, I did the ritual rites and buried him, next to his grandmother. At least they'd be together in death and would be placed in a shinobi free world.

I never regretted my decision to become a civilian, as much as I did now.

I looked at the shinobi map and slowly made my way towards the only person who could help me. 

Looking at my reflection in the water, I let out a small laugh because suddenly, everything made sense.

Everything, came rushing to me at once and my head pounded.

Groaning in pain, I stumbled through the gates of the village, finding comfort in the fact that I'd see a few familiar faces at least.

It was raining heavily and I slowly walked through the rain drenched streets until I curled up on a bench.

Around me, the few people that were walking ignored me and gave me a wide berth.

The fluttering of wings was heard and then two pair of footsteps as they came and stood before me.

"My child, what brings you here?" 

The rain had stopped and I looked up from under my lashes to see a gorgeous purple haired woman with orange eyes stare at me in what I guessed was sympathy. 

Next to her, was an orange haired man with piercings all over his face and a cool look in his eyes.

"I have nowhere else to go." My vocal chords were sore from all the sobbing and screaming I'd done, hours prior to reaching Amegakure.

The purple haired lady placed her finger under my chin and raised it gently to get a better look at me. With a gasp, her eyes widened.

I touched the tears falling down my eyes to see a little red.

Red drops were falling on my hands now as I stared at it with absolutely no emotion.

"Do I still have the offer of joining the Akatsuki? This is why you wanted me, didn't you, Pain?"

He gave a slight nod before kneeling down on a knee and getting a clearer look for himself.

"Absolutely fascinating..." He murmured.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki, Akina Senju Uchiha."























The two pairs of purple rinnegan eyes stared back at each other, one filled with a cold look and the other filled with red tears.









Will of Fire: 5%

Curse of Hatred: 95%

Will to Live: 0%

The man stared down, looking at the defeated spirit of the girl. Her chakra was gloomy, depressed and worst of all filled with anger.

"Seems like the Uchiha side of her has taken over." The man murmured to no one in particular.

"Are you sure she can correct it?" He asked the person in the hidden cloak.

"Of course she can. This is just the beginning." 

"I trust your judgement."

"Thank you, old friend." He gave a thin smile.





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