46. We Have Different 'Sizes'

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Hey my kawai little genin!

Akina X Hidan has been requested by xX_togA-Himiko_Xx and it won't be a major ship.

Just some fun, yeah?

PS.. Please do read the AN at the end of the chapter!

That picture above is of a red hummingbird. The name's Hachiko!


The air suddenly became still, a sudden contrast from the strong winds blowing in Konoha as women held down their skirts and shop keepers tried to catch their flying items.

Sasuke and Naruto- at the two ends of Konoha noticed this sudden change and in the corner of Naruto's eyes, a pink petal fell down.

He stared at the petal resting on the eerily still grass and a sudden fear overcame him.

Stopping his training, Naruto began running towards Tsunade.

Sasuke on the other hand tried to continue training.

Kakashi shot him a look.

"You're distracted."


Sasuke and she had become close over the years and she was one of the few girls he actually respected even though he'd never admit it.

Needless to say, the Uchiha was worried greatly for his pink haired teammate.

"Something's wrong, Kakashi." Sasuke said firmly, before making his way to the Hokage as well.

Kakashi's single eye widened.

He was never a believer of Kami- from a young age he'd been furious at the man upstairs for taking his father away.

A child's thoughts make a man what he is today.

Kakashi knew Kami wasn't to blame, however he didn't want to believe in him either.

Muttering a quick prayer under his breath, he jogged to catch up to his student.

Tsunade looked at the paper in her hands, a courier message from Sunagakure.

As she read the message, her eyes teared up and a few drops silently made their way down her cheeks. Biting her lip harshly, she looked up, and tried to distract herself with the scenery.

Her joyous face.

Her emerald green eyes.

Her bright pink hair.

Her motherly vibes.

Her determination to pass Akina in all fields and to bring her back.

Her strong emotions.

Her strength.

Even her thirst for revenge.

The paper fell to the ground and dark clouds started forming above.

"Tsunade baa chan!" Naruto banged the door open, the rest of Team 7 following him.

Tsunade blinked her tears away and turned to face them.

"Ah what is it Naruto?"

"Obaa chan.. you're crying?"

She wiped her tears away once more and gave them a sorry look.

"Team 7.. I am disheartened to announce that.."

"No!" Kakashi gave her a sharp look.

"Y-you can't just give us that speech!" Kakashi had heard the same lines, about a million times by now and it never got easier.

"Sorry, Kakashi. I am disheartened to announce that your teammate Sai is gravely injured and is being treated in the Suna hospital."

The wind started blowing again and a crash of thunder was heard, along with a strike of lightning as the dark clouds let its rain fall down in Konohagakure.

"Haruno Sakura was a brave Chunin and she fought gravely against Yakushi Kabuto. Haruno Sakura is dead."

Tsunade grabbed her chair so hard, her knuckles turned white and the chair cracked under pressure.

"S-she's dead?" Sasuke said hollowly.

Naruto was stunned, as anger and sadness enveloped him.


Tsunade glare at him. "Naruto, mind you tongue!"

But the young Uzumaki had already left and the Uchiha's heart only grew icier.

"You.. are the worst Hokage Konoha has ever had. Akina left Konoha so easily and now, Sakura left us. You can't do shit! All you can do is condemn us to death! Worthless."

Sasuke spoke so harshly, with such vindication that Tsunade's fears and insecurities came rushing back to her.

"Leave, Sasuke." She spoke without any emotions in her words.

Kakashi was the only one left standing there, an empty expression on his face.

"W-we should've gone with her. Hokage sama, why?"

He let his vulnerable side come out for a few seconds before gathering himself and transporting himself out of there, to mourn probably.

Tsunade let her tears fall freely as the guilt finally consumed them all.

They should've been there.

She shouldn't have died.

Why her?

Why not...

one of them?

Akina gave Asuma a cup of tea after untying him from the bed post.

He looked at her warily and she smiled.

"You want an explanation?"

He nodded once.

Akina's POV

"Oh stripes! Am I glad to see a someone without a dick!"

I laughed at Hidan's crudeness, handing Kakuzu the suitcase filled with money.

He opened it and began counting the cash.

"Just what do you guys do in there for three days?"

"Why don't you actually participate and find out."

I waved him off. "I don't want to. Its too tiresome."

He smirked and hugged me against his bare chest, whispering into my ears.

"Why don't we take a bath together hm?"

I giggled at his stupid attempts of flirting and pushed him slightly.

"You aren't my type."

He clutched his chest. "Ah that hurt me."

"Aww does wittle Hidan have a boo hoo?" 

"Why don't you kiss it better?"

I smacked his chest real hard. "No."

He moaned. "Hit me harder."

I scrunched up my nose.

"Damn it, Hidan. You twist all of my words into innuendos!"

"Let's get going." Kakuzu said closing the suitcase and giving me a nod.

I sighed. I'll still be alive for another day.

"You seem oddly happy." Hidan observed as we began walking.

"I had three days to meditate and clear my mind, away from you idiots so I feel normal."

Thanks to Asuma.

After a while of walking, we reached the place where Konoha would ambush us.

I kept waiting for someone to attack...

but no one ever did.

I had fucked up the timeline so much that now, I had no idea what was happening and that was worrying.

Well, bring it on motherfuckers.

I'm refreshed and ready to take on life.

A little sparkle of hope tends to do that to you.

"We need to stop at this town." Kakuzu said, breaking our small silence.

Hidan was unusually quiet and that was worrying.

"You know Kakuzu, I kinda have this feeling that I'm not supposed to be here." 

"Like did Jashin sama tell you?" I asked.

"No, its like... I am not supposed to exist."

I blinked in surprise and Kakuzu scoffed, walking ahead towards a street vendor.

"Try not to cause mischief or else I'll end your damn existence right now." 

"You wanna get a bite?" 

I shrugged. "Sure. What are we having?"


"Ah no. Anything other than that please. I hate them."

I only have bad memories associated with them.

He began walking towards a restaurant and I beamed.

"Oy, two bowls of ramen. One for me, and the other for stripes." 

The waitress nodded, looking terrified before running off. We sat down on a booth.

Hidan scanned the room before his eyes landed on a woman sitting and laughing with her friends.

"Do you see that woman over there, in the purple dress?" Hidan whispered, a serious look on his face.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well I used to date her. Mind if I put my arm around you to make you jealous?"

"You dated?!"

He scoffed. "Is that a bad thing?"

I shook my head confused. "Sure, I mean.. you can use me to make her jealous. I'm just surprised I guess."

Grinning, he slid himself into the seat next to mine and placed an arm around my shoulders.

Our normal (as normal as it could be) conversation resumed and the ramen came in a short while.

"Not as good as Konoha, but it works." 

Hidan grinned, taking a bite of his own ramen.

The woman in the purple dress got up and walked out with her friends, after paying the bill.

"Hidan, she's gone now."

He hummed. "I know, that wasn't my ex anyways."

I let out a small sound of surprise and he laughed.

I was aware of his arm on my shoulders and didn't push it away, feigning ignorance.

"Very smooth mister. I'll give you that."

"Does that mean I can take you out on a date?"

I laughed slightly. "Aren't we already on one?"

"Not as dumb as you look. I mean, who falls for that?"

"You looked genuine!"

"Genuine my ass. I'm not that type of guy to hit on one girl and chase after another at the same time."

My heart warmed and I leaned into his hold.

"Just to let you know, Hidan, I see you as a caring friend. It's gonna take a lot to actually get me to date you and with our lifestyle... its hard." I whispered.

"It'll be worth it."

Some of the ice cracked away from my broken heart and I smiled.

If only you wouldn't have to die...

I jolted upright from his grasp and he seemed confused.


Shikamaru wanted to kill Hidan since he killed Asuma.

But... Hidan only hurt Asuma.

I delivered the final blow.


Does that mean... he wants to kill me?

I leaned back into the seat shooting him a smile.

"Nothing at all Hidan. Everything's perfect."


really want to die don't you?

We spent the night at a local inn, getting up early in the morning to make way to HQ.

Entering the base, Kakuzu turned to us and spoke.

"This mission was peaceful. Come on more missions with us. I'll give the mission report."

I blinked, surprised at his compliment and Hidan whistled.

"You know, I think that's the third time he's acknowledged someone."

"Who was the first?"

"The first was Leader and the second was the fucking puppet."

"Sasori no Akasuna, right? They both have the 'old men' vibe going on so I'm not surprised."

"You know Akina, you never told me how you know all this shit."

"A magician never reveals her secrets."

I waved at Hidan before rushing towards Itachi's room.

"Itachi! I did it!" 

I froze at the sight of him coughing blood heavily on to the ground before rushing towards him. 

I held his weak body up and checked his forehead for a fever.

"You're burning up.." I muttered.

I hoisted him on top of the bed and placed a blanket on top of him. He coughed weakly, his eyes were glazing with the fever.

"I'm fine."

Like hell you are.

Ignoring him, I entered the bathroom and grabbed a handkerchief lying there, placing it under cold tap water and filling the mug with water.

Grabbing them both, I rushed towards him and knelt down, dabbing his forehead with the wet kerchief.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu." I muttered, gathering my chakra.

A clone stood in front of me and nodded once before rushing off to bring medicine.

"Kami, Itachi can you hear me?" 

He didn't reply, breathing heavily.

I glanced at the blood stain on the floor.

Its getting worse...

Making another bunshin, I left her there to cool his body temperature as I focused on cleaning the blood.

My other clone entered with a tablet in her hands and fed Itachi the medicine.

I can't do iryo ninjutsu.. This will have to work.

Unless I-

My thoughts were broken as Itachi coughed violently and I panicked.

My two previous bunshins had disappeared and swearing violently, I created another one. She ran towards Pain.

I tore a piece of my cloak and focused on wiping the blood on his face. 

He looked extremely pale and almost on the verge of dying.

I tightened the grip on my cloak I was clasping in my hands.

That means around this time, Sasuke would be travelling with Team Taka or he'd be out to gather them.

There was too much to do and there was very less time.

Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu were complete strangers to me.

But I didn't want them to grow and become old in a random lab.

Mentally creating a check list I grimaced at the very thought.

1. Kill Orochimaru.

2. Make sure the suicidal bastard doesn't die. 

3. Save Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu.

4. Make sure everything is according to plot.

Jiraiya... He dies.. 

But when?

I closed my eyes and began meditating.

Opening them, I walked into my landscape.

There was no ground before me- rather it had turned to a pool of water. Taking a step forward, the water rippled into concentric circles and the color of my mind changed to a dull grayish black.

I began watching the clips of the anime, wincing at how the show ignores the brutality of taking a life.

They missed all the gruesome scenes and the fights were far more serious than these.

After a while of searching, I got my answer.

Jiraiya dies in episode 133 and Itachi in 138.

Exiting my mind, I swore violently and punched the wall.

"Who should I save?"

It was obvious.

I couldn't save them both and had to make a decision.

Just then, my clone came back and spoke.

"Akina, he isn't sure."

I deflated. "I'm still trying it though."

She nodded before disappearing. "Good luck."

"Fuck it all. I'm going to yeet myself into another damn universe like... Highschool DxD where I can be Issei."

Placing my hands on his chest, I had only three thoughts in my mind.

I need my summons after a whole year.

Hope this work.

My period is here. FuCK

Two days later...

Snorting violently, I fell off my chair and winced at the sudden pain in my back.

"Oh Kami.." Rubbing my aching back and now ass, I glanced at Itachi.

He seemed significantly better.

Rinne rebirth was truly a miracle.

His life source was going- and I restored quite a bit of it.

Now, all he had to do was see a medic and get rid of this disease.

He opened his eyes and I gasped, checking his forehead for a temperature.

"Are you fine, Itachi?" 

He nodded once. "Much better. What did you do?"

"Good old medicine helped you. I just focused on lowering your temperature."

"Was that before or after you fell off?"

My face burned. "Definitely before."

He shook his head slightly and struggled to get up.

"How long has it been?"

"Two days."

I pushed him back on the bed and bared my teeth.

"You're on bed rest until I say you can get out."

"I need to... to see Sasuke."

"And we will. Just when you're better. Your fight is coming near and you need your strength." I explained. 

He nodded and lied down once more.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" 

A small, familiar, blue colored robin appeared in front of me and Itachi gazed at my summon.

"Akina chan, I have news."

The last time I'd called upon my summons was a year ago, where I told them I wouldn't be needing them for a long time.

They gave me the space I needed and I contacted them last two days ago to do certain jobs.

They were overjoyed to see me return and Mt. Tori had celebrations in my honor.

"What is it now?"

"Its severe. Its about Sakura Haruno. She's dead and lying in the Sunagakure mortuary."

"Who killed her and how long has it been?" My voice was cold, detached and the young bird sighed.

"Yakushi Kabuto. Apparently, he killed her parents. Its been five days."

"Konoha's plans?"

"Sending Team 8 to bring her back."

"Who?" I blinked. I would've expected Team 7 to bring her back instead.

"Team 7 has another mission. It was a request by Sasuke kun and Naruto kun that they would want to kill whoever murdered their teammate."

Itachi got up and placed his body weight on his elbow to listen to our conversation.

"Tsunade sama allowed it. Kakashi san is the only Jounin accompanying them. Apparently, two members, Anko san and Yamato san have already received a mission to track him down and they've cornered him."

"Kami, those are some twists. I would've never foreseen that."

"Hm.. Naruto and Sasuke are strong. If Sasuke defeats Orochimaru like I saw in the an- visions, then that means he's ready to face Itachi." 

I sighed and began getting up. 

"Kokomi chan, I need the fastest bird to Sungakaure."

"Oh, that'd be Hachiko."

"Fine. Inform her to get flying. I need to gather a few items for now." 

My summon disappeared. 

"Where are you going?" Itachi asked.

"Sunagakure, where else?"

"You can't save everyone, Akina." 

"But I can try. She isn't supposed to die. Take care, Itachi." 

Without another word, I walked out of Itachi's room I had been cooped up in for the last few days and made way to get ready for a retrieval mission, probably a battle as well.

You had one damn job Sakura, and that was to live.

"Shishou, I'm heading out for a while." I poked my head inside his office to inform him.


"Why not?!"

"Because we might need you."

"I need... supplies." 

"We have tons of weapons and medicine in the storage room. Ask one of the members."

I groaned. "You misunderstand me. I need.... female supplies."

".... Ask Konan." 

My face burned.

Talking about bras, tampons and pads was definitely not one of the top 10 stuff on my list I'd talk about in the first place but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"We have different sizes."

He chose to drink water at the wrong time.

Spitting it out, he tried to compose whatever little dignity he had left and cleared his throat multiple times.

I just stood there, hands on my waist.

"May I?" 


"And I might need a few days off."

"Take all the time you need, but never mention this again."

"Of course."

Walking outside the base, I did the hand signs.

"Nothing happened?" I said out loud, confused as to why Hachiko wasn't there in front of me.

"I'm here!"

I turned around to see a small red colored hummingbird, perched on the branch of a plant. 

It was seriously small and was as big as my thumb, but it was...



"Sweet mother of God, how are you so... red and small and cute?!" I squealed and extended my arm for her to jump on.

"Ah thank you, Uchiha hime."

"Uchiha hime? I... haven't been called that ever. Most call me Senju hime." I laughed.

"Well, you are an Uchiha in our eyes."

"Hachiko chan, you must be knowing this already but.... I can't ride you since you're so small."

She let out a small adorable sound before pecking my skin.

I hissed in slight pain as a pool of blood appeared on my skin and she spoke.

"Give me blood of a summoner, and I'll become big."

I blinked once.

"For someone so small and innocent... that really took a dark turn."

"The more blood I get, the bigger I become so be careful."

In the end, I gave Hachiko quite a lot of my blood but not enough to faint.

"What speed? Rate it from 1 to 5."

It had been 5 days since Sakura had died.

I recalled the conversation of my clone with Pain.

"What's the time limit? When's the last day to use rinne rebirth?" I asked.

Pain looked at me blankly.

"The earlier you do it, the better it is. The last day is the seventh day. After that, its not possible since the body starts to decay and chakra flow completely stops. Shinobi have different bodies. Even in their death, little chakra is still there- of course this can be seen only by the rinnegan. Most think that chakra stops flowing completely but its not true. Our chakra connects with theirs and together, bring the soul back to the body."

"Understood, shishou!"

Huh, so this is why I could revive Asuma.

This is new.

I held on to her with the chakra, knowing how birds were sensitive about their feathers.

"If you go at speed 1, when can you reach Sunagakure?"

"Two days."

"And speed 5?"

"In three hours."

"....Holy fuck. But don't you have to be small to fly that fast?"

"Our chakra makes up for it."

I was at a loss of words. I don't even want to know what else chakra can accomplish.

"Go at a speed 3." I said.

"Hold on tight, Uchiha hime."

I let out a blood curling scream as she shot through the sky, her wings beating at an abnormally fast rate.


"Hai, Leader sama."

"Keep an eye on Akina, will you?"

"Of course."

Next up!

I looked down at Sakura's pale lifeless body, as sadness overwhelmed me.

"Don't worry, Sakura. Soon, you'll be back here with us and you can take your revenge." 


I turned around to face him and blinked.

"Well.. if it isn't my dear panda kun. How are you, Gaara?"

*bows down so hard I break my head*


Translation: GOMENASAI MINA SAN!!!!

(I'm sorry everyone)

I got lost on the path of life- 

Yeah, no- I'm not Kakashi.

I had the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing aka the dreaded....


I've had it once before but this was a serious one guys. I literally had to watch hundreds of Naruto AMV's and listen to anime op to get myself out of it.

It somehow worked and I'm aware this is a filler but deal with it lol.

Also, Gaara is here!!! Yayayayay!

I have started a Naruto one shot books for ya thirsty hoes out there who prefer other boys so be sure to check that out! ;)

[Includes lemons and smut] 

So be sure to send in requests!

I have a teensy tinsy request for you guys.

If you had to make a summary for my book...

what would it be?

I decided to change it to attract more readers and my potato self is too lazy to think.

I'll give you guys creds if I choose one description or I might just scramble them all up.


And that's about it!

Akina X Hidan is there only for a few chapters so... Idk where I'm going with this man.

Here's a Poll.

You can vote only once and the poll will stop once I update the next chapter.

I'm out! ~

EDIT:- Sorry to the late readers, but the poll is now over!!! 

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