52. Lust and Lies

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Long time no see uwu. Sorry for the late update. I've been having a dry spell recently.

On a completely different note, people are shipping Akina with Neji? Like damn she's got all hotties lining up for her. And it was only one chapter!

She just found him hot since he came out of the shower and Ino pushed them towards each other. 

And really? Who wouldn't find him hot?

So in the Narutoverse its not really clear about the dates and everything so I'm just assuming shit here okay? 

Apparently its mentioned that Naruto is 16 when Shippuden starts, 17 near the 5 Kage Summit and 18 once the war arc starts.. HE'S 18?! wut the fu-

... im confusion - anyways, just assume that here its October and Naruto just turned 17 except the five kage summit didn't happen yet. The whole shippuden is postponed by a couple of months.

So Naruto and Akina turn 17 right before the deaths of Itachi and Jiraiya, my bois.

And this is a very fluffy, very cute filler which had me grinning non stop. Also the end is depressing for Akina lol.

So, enjoy! 



Akina's POV

I stared up at the dark ceiling, lying down on my back as I patiently waited for Itachi to return from Pain's room. His bed was soft. I raised my hand and placed it on my forehead.

For the first time in a while, my mind was silent. Empty. It was calm.

The door opened and the figure slightly shook his head, sighing exasperatedly before closing the door.

"Ne Itachi, do you ever get bored or tired of sleeping?"


"How so?"

"I once slept for six hours and couldn't sleep for a week."

I chuckled. "You must've gotten used to the whole insomnia thing since you were in ANBU huh? Then you joined the Akatsuki and it only got worse because of Shisui's death and Sasuke's heartbroken eyes - hey! Don't give me that look."

He continued to glower at me. "Thank you for reminding me of such acts."

I sighed. "I don't think you need remembering. It haunts you at night."

Staying silent, he walked over to his desk and picked up the eye drops he was using as medicine. I hummed a slight tune.

Turning around, he stared at me after blinking his eyes. "You aren't going to say it, are you?"

I raised my torso off the bed, balancing myself on my elbows as I shot him a confused stare. "There are lots of things I haven't said, Itachi. Which one is it?"

I scooted to make place for him on the bed as he lay down next to me. It was a queen sized bed and there was enough space between us. Oddly enough, I'd woken up in his bed a few times when he didn't even bat an eyelash. 

We got used to each other's presence. The only unspoken rule was, don't bring it up.

"That.. its your birthday today. October 12th." His voice had dropped to a whisper and recognition lit up in my eyes as I slowly got up. 

"Oh.. its that day already huh? I'm finally 17. Yay~" I let out a pathetic cheer. 

"Aren't you 18 now?"

I smiled softly, thinking of Sasuke who said a similar thing when we were younger. "I'm born in the later months, but the same year as the rest. So, I turned 17 late. I just act as if I was already 17 if anyone asks."

"Hn." Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small box and handed it to me. I observed his face before a wide shit eating grin appeared on my face.

"You're blushing!"

"Am not."

"You so are! Does Itachi have a teensy weensy crush on me?" I teased him with a bright smile as I took the present from his hands.

"Don't be daft."

"You never denied it!~" I sang, opening the wrapper. He just sighed.

Opening the present, I saw a small chain and attached to it was a black sword. I smiled, picking up the chain and hugging it to my chest. "Thank you, Itachi." 

"Use it well." He muttered. I nodded.

He gave an amused chuckle before taking the chain out of my hands. Running chakra through it, he threw it up in the air and it turned into a black sized sword as he caught it back down. I gasped before whispering. My eyes were the size of saucers as I gingerly took the beautifully crafted weapon from his hands.

"Its beautiful."

"Wrap it as a necklace around you, and use it when cornered." 

Nodding, I observed it closer. The metal was made of.. the hilt...

"Itachi, I'm not a weapons specialist but I can recognize this weapon well enough. Where did you get it?" I looked at him, as hope started to grow in my chest. 

"My summons told me that your original weapon, Black Nightmare, was destroyed in the fight against Katsumi. It belonged to your father, right?"

An overflowing sense of happiness enveloped me as I held the sword tightly. I let out a half sob and laugh. 

"H-how did you even repair this?"

"I didn't. Black Nightmare was given to your father by the Daimyo of the Land of Fire as a reward for protecting his daughter. The Daimyo had the twin weapon, made from the same material. I merely borrowed it."

I quirked up my eyebrow as I crawled closer to him. "Borrowing? So you intend to return it sometime?"


"That, dear Itachi is called as stealing." I laughed lightly.

"In my dictionary its known as borrowing without returning. Stealing doesn't exist."

"From where did you buy such a ridiculous dictionary?" 

He chuckled at that and I entered my chakra into it, making it reduce in size. He leaned close towards me, and brushed the hair off my neck as my face burnt a crimson red. My heartbeat was erratic and I gulped harshly, freezing up. 

The sensation of his hands at the back of my neck brought goosebumps on my body and I shivered, hoping he wouldn't see it. His hot breath fanned my face and he finally leaned back, staring at my.. chest?

"It suits you."

I wrapped an arm around my chest as steam exited my face. "W-what does?"

"The necklace around your neck."

"A-Ah of course. That makes sense. Thank you 'Tachi." I hugged him tightly, tucking my red face into his chest and inhaled his scent. 

"Stop doing that. Its weird." I could feel him chuckle as he placed a hand on my head. He was enjoying it.

"People who smell nice can step on me." I mumbled and hugged him tighter. (PREACH)

"At this point, I know I should just go with the flow." Sighing, he hugged me back and mumbled a few words.

"Happy birthday, Akina." Happy tears exited my eyes slowly as I eased myself in his warm, comforting embrace.

Thank you for saving me, Itachi.

"You know what would be a better gift?" I sniffed. 


I grinned a little before answering. "You."

His hand movements on my back stopped abruptly as I giggled like a lunatic. "That took me quite some time to think of, not gonna lie. Its cliche but the perfect opportunity to use it just appeared. You already know I crack stupid jokes as a defense mechanism."

He held my shoulders and pushed me away from him gently, before staring into my eyes. I poked out my tongue. "Don't lecture me now, 'Tachi. Its fun to tease you."

"Hm, is that really what you want? This day is yours, you know and I'll do anything you want as long as you say it confidently."

My grin faded away as nervousness danced in the pit of my stomach as I looked up at him, laughing slightly. "Nice joke." 

He raised an eyebrow and activated his sharingan. "Who said it is a joke?"

I sputtered, making random hand moments to try and convey my thoughts. "Its not?!"

"So tell me, do you really want me as your present?" He gently laid me down on the bed, holding my wrists next to my head as he towered over me. 

My face was a burning mess. I looked away before stammering nervously. "W-what are you doing? Let me g-go I-Itachi."

"Say it confidently and I'll comply." He leaned closer to me and I willed myself not to look at his face, murmuring a 'stay strong' to myself. 

"Look at me Senju-hime." His breath fanned my neck and I shivered in delight as I forced myself to stay calm. His sharingan caught my actions and he slightly smirked. I bit my lip as I continued to look away.

"No. Let me g-go Itachi." 

"Was that another stutter? Tell me what you want clearly and look at me." His deep and hoarse voice made me have an ear orgasm right on the spot. 

Meeting his eyes, I was mesmerized by the gleaming sharingan, as his face was inches away from mine. He already had had a small smirk on his face and I observed the bobbing of his Adam's apple before my gaze made way to his soft, pink lips.

"Itachi..." I spoke softly as haziness took over my vision. I was fighting myself and my urges. My face was sporting a red blush which covered my cheeks and nose as my eyes were half lidded in submission. 

"Yes, Akina?"

"Kiss me." A clear command.

Surprise overtook his face as he stared down at me. I was helpless and it was driving me insane. This asshole better know what he's doing to me, making me crave his touch.

He gulped harshly for a few seconds as he raised his head up and looked down at me again, tightening the grip on my wrists. 

"Are you sure?" He asked lowly, as if he couldn't believe what I was saying. I nodded once before closing my eyes. 

Fuck it all. I-I can't think anymore. Rational thoughts be damned.

I could feel him leaning down as his long bangs fell on either side of my face, pooling next to my hair. I squeezed my thighs together in anticipation as wild thoughts of being completely dominated by him rushed through my mind and almost gasped as his nose touched mine. He was breathing as heavily as I was and his chest press down on my breasts, almost making me arch into his back.

A knock.

A motherfucking knock.

"Yo Itachi, you up for a card game?" 

Why Kisame, why? What did I ever do to you?

I opened my eyes to glance into Itachi's. He had a neutral expression on his face as he released my wrists and climbed off me. My sense of warmth was gone and I couldn't tear my eyes from his tall figure as he walked towards the door, opening it as I sat up.

Kisame shot us a smile. "I somehow found the go fish cards- woah, Itachi this is the first time I've seen you without a cloak on. Did I interrupt something?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I grit my teeth looking away.

A few motherfucking seconds more, Kisame. That's all I ask you!

"No, of course not." He commented and moved away as Kisame entered the room. Kisame paused once and turned to stare at Itachi, his taller frame hiding his partner. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. 

"Is there something wrong?"

Kisame turned to me with a cheery grin and I narrowed my eyes at his beady ones. "Nothing's wrong!"

Itachi grabbed his towel from the chair in his room and walked towards the bathroom. "Going to take a shower. Start without me."

The blue man snickered.

I turned away as the blush came back, this time even stronger. Kisame smirked.

"So did he eat yo-"

"Complete that sentence and I will whack you with a fish before frying your two dicks off." I hissed.

".... how did you know I have two?"

"I didn't... I just thought you're a shark so..."

He turned purple. "Next time Kisame, please walk in his room a few minutes later no matter what. Just have some patience fish man."

All I ever wanted to do was tease you back as payback. 

Gosh, you're too troublesome and yet I fell for you.

I love how fun and happy you're to be around even when the world around us is falling apart. You make me feel as if I have a reason worth living when I know I shouldn't.

You make me feel alive. You're so selfless.

I don't deserve you.

I lose myself in your onyx black eyes. But, they're not completely black. Sometimes, they flicker a different color.


Its sudden and rare yet I can't get enough of your stupid jokes and your smile.. your laugh.. your determination.. that twinkling of mischief in your eyes.. your body.. 

If only you didn't belong to my otouto.. and if I didn't have to die.

I'd make you mine. 

I'll hold myself back now.

We are an ill fated relationship - one that's never meant to be.

The brown haired girl stared nervously at the corner of her room, waiting for her father to come back. Her blue eyes were shimmering with tears. She fiddled with her hands nervously, biting her lip.

She didn't want to do this anymore.

She wanted to stop and live a normal life. But she couldn't.

Soon enough, her father appeared and shot her a smile as he held out his hands for an embrace. "How are you, my daughter?"

She gave him a small hug before stepping back calmly and shooting him a smile. "I'm fine, father."

"Everything's proceeding well enough. You must hide yourself soon enough when the time comes so that you don't die. You know that, right?"

"Yes, father. I will do as you say." She bowed down with a heavy heart.

"Good girl." He ruffled her hair and shot her a charming smile, using his kekkei genkai on her. The young girl knew how to dispel it, but now she needed it desperately to hide the fear in her heart.

To hide from her father when angered, she'd have to be the perfect, obedient daughter.

The calm washed over her.

And she lamented the fact that she was ever born in the first place. She missed her sweet aunt.

Her sweet aunt who always showered her with love no matter what.

She was a terrible niece. Guilt was the only emotion she knew now.

They were all.. betrayers, weren't they?

What a pathetic clan we've become... Yamanaka..

Akina's eyes trailed Itachi's wet figure as he exited the shower, a towel wrapped around his nether parts for some decency. He was shirtless and the droplets of water were still on his body and she could see his defining muscles.

Holy cow he has a six pack?!

She gulped harshly, trying to tear her vision away from his abs.

The lust and tension was growing between them. But more than the physical part, the emotional part was growing as well.

They cared for each other. Akina showed her affection in forms of hugs and perverted comments, often taking care of him whenever he felt ill. She'd become serious in such moments bringing a drastic change to her character.

Itachi watched out for her in his own way, making sure Tobi stayed away from her as much as possible. Now that Rou was back in the base after his long mission, Akina was weary of him. He made sure to make Akina steer clear of him. His eyes trailed her figure no matter where she went and he felt jelous whenever Hidan made a mood on her.

He knew the both of them went on a date together which upset him to no end but he didn't comment. It wasn't his business.

But Itachi wanted to forcefully get in there and slam her against a wall, kissing her so hard, she melts. 


He knew Akina was planning to revive him with her rinnegan.

And he wasn't going to let that happen.

Not at any cost. Because he didn't deserve her love. She'd take care of Sasuke, he knew she would. And all he was doing right now, was selfish of him.

If he wanted her and Sasuke to end up, he'll have to distance himself.



The Senju realized much later that Yume was right. Of fucking course, when was she not?

She couldn't trust anyone. 

Not Konoha.

And not even Itachi.

He shattered her completely and this time, the glue wasn't working. 

Like a broken China doll, she was fragile. But people overestimated her. She trusted too easily. Sasuke always said that she trusted too easily.

And she'd reply back confidently with an I know.

Akina laughed pitifully at her condition. She wanted to die.

Just what was she thinking, saying she'd save the world? The Sandaime would pay. Kurenai would pay. Mirai would pay.

Seijuro... has paid.

Fuck everyone.

Her heart which had opened its gates to everyone didn't close. Instead, it collapsed. It had been conquered. The people entering through the gates were the liars, the traitors and they crushed her completely.

Akina wasn't sad anymore. Her crying period was now over. She wasn't angry. The time for anger was gone. The masked man was dead.

She killed him.

And now... 

She giggled into the dark as her small, cute laughter turned into a loud bellow making anyone who would cross by her path shiver in fear. She held her bleeding eye and threw her head back, laughing so hard her cheeks and stomach hurt.

"Oh Kami, Yume you were right! I can't trust everyone. There's something wrong with me. They either leave me, or I leave them." Her laughs only increased in volume until she suddenly stopped, a calm silence washing over her.

"The best part is... I can't trust myself."

She tilted her head to the right slightly, looking like an innocent China doll with wide orbs blinking often.

Her eyes were black.

Her heart, frozen.

And her mind, insane.

She chuckled once, before blinking. Her eyes were still black....

But they weren't onyx black like her father's. 

There were concentric rings of white in her eyes as black replaced purple.

The highest form of the rinnegan, only appears when the user has felt pain. Enough pain to make them want to hurt loved ones and kill themselves. A sociopath, one could say in normal terms.

Another chapter done!


Hope you had an amazing ramen filled day!

Also, Jimin's birthday is on October 13th aka tomorrow and I wish my bias a happy birthday too!!

And lastly, a happy birthday to myself as well today. 

Saisei was going to be a X Reader story you know? So I kinda made it an SI. Afterwards I changed it to Akina because I didn't want to write Y/N.. it just seemed so typical and I don't know.. I didn't like it. So, I kept the character traits and the birthday of Y/N the same as Akina and mine lol and voila! Here she's born.

However, this day ain't gonna go good for me fam because we have to go meet my class teacher today and we're having a parent teacher meeting so... bang! I'm dead.

Your votes and comments are my only reason to live now. Lol.

I die today and this is probably the last update for Saisei. Am I over dramatic?

Maybe.. but its fun...... 

Also I feel SUPER SUPER honored that a few of you created a separate reading list for my books like -- I felt so touched and happy that I want to do so much better for you guys so that you enjoy more. I don't want to disappoint y'all so tell me where I need to improve.

I love you!

Does anyone have any idea regarding that young Yamanaka girl and her dad? Hehehehe *evil laugh* 

and wtf happened to akina? HER EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL OMGGGGS


bye hoes.


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