54. 9 Ways To Kill A Moron

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Surprise update!


Enjoy reading, un!



Deidara was itching to turn his back against the Akatsuki.

It would be worth it, he told himself.

Only if he could just go against Pain's orders and kill that infuriating man-child already, he'd be the happiest dude alive. 

He grit his teeth, muttering vulgar curses under his breath as he glanced at Tobi from the corner of his blue eyes. He was chasing a yellow butterfly squealing like a prissy girl. 

Tobi was of absolutely no use during the entire journey. Deidara was positive he had dark circles under his eyes right now - that his eyes were equivalent to those of the Jinchuriki he'd captured.

Yes, it was that bad. 

Mentally, he listed out ways to kill Tobi 'as an accident'.

1. Push him off a cliff.

2. Use a C4 on him.

3. Leave him somewhere alone.

4. Trick him into drinking poison.

5. Ask Hidan to take care of him.

6. Torture him brutally by sticking a knife inside each andeverycornerofhisbodysothathebleed. Thenhecouldaddsomeacidtohiswounds and oh the pain Tobi would feel would still not be enough for what he had suffered through!

7. Hit him so hard, he gets amnesia. THEN push him off a cliff.

8. Deliver him to Konoha like a package delivery in one of those FedEx commercials. 

9. Leave him in a brothel. He was bound to piss himself in there seeing women do some R rated things. That'd be fun to watch.

The blonde bomber shivered at his own dark thoughts. He was going bat shit insane with his partner.

"Deidara-senpai isn't still mad at me, is he?" Tobi pouted.

"Piss off, Tobi."

Obito, on the other hand was itching to irk Deidara even more. He knew that Deidara was barely able to control himself and he cackled like an evil witch inside his mind.

Sure, he was going to 'destroy the world' as some of those uncultured swines put it (he was going to save everyone by destructing it, duh.) but then he deserved to fool around.

Right now, Deidara was his best bet.

Sure, he may have tripped the alarm a few times.. and he may have alerted the shinobi by screaming at a little girl as he saw a spider.. and he also may have let a sleeping Deidara be caught again by the guards.. and he may  have walked in on him in the middle of a bath.. he also may have commented on his nether regions which made him blush as hard as Sasori's hair.. terrible puns were cracked as well..

Basically, all the worst shit which could happen on a mission happened to Deidara.

His inner sadist was completely satisfied at the moment. Except...

"Knock knock."

Deidara sighed. Just this once...

"Who's there?"


"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad you met me?"

The silence was deafening.

The blonde bomber grabbed a C1 and threw it at Tobi. "Katsu!"

Obito narrowly dodged the attack. Truth be told, he'd barely seen it coming.

"Eek! Senpai don't attack me!"




"Yah, i'M ON FIRE!"




Oh, he was going to enjoy this.


Akina was in complete and utter turmoil. Gathering her thoughts together, she decided to do shit in an orderly fashion and try to prevent her death.

And the easiest way to do that was avoid Konoha completely. Just because Shikamaru had baited her, doesn't mean she was going to fall for it.

Kakuzu was safer off in Konoha with the Akatsuki on his ass anyways.

Rou could go and suck a dick. 

Akina knew that Pain would probably be asking Zetsu to keep an eye on her and sure enough, she could feel his chakra. It was like an annoying buzz in her ears, not letting relax.

Kisame turned to her. "Just like the plan?" He whispered.

She nodded. "Follow the plan." 


The trio was well aware of Zetsu trailing them, probably after Itachi for his eyes and the two men knew that. It'd be the Senju's job to lure Sasuke to the Uchiha hideout.

She gently touched the tree to her right, as she bit her lip slightly with a sultry gaze. "Itachi, I'll see your hot piece of ass later, won't I?" 

An underlining threat, with a hint of KI and a flirty comment.

Jeez, she could almost pass off as a seducer kunoichi.  Kisame shivered.

Itachi merely rolled his eyes, not speaking a word. 

"Yah, stop ignoring me Uchiha!" 

Kisame could feel her agitation bubbling up as she stomped towards the Uchiha and poked his chest repeatedly. "I expect you to say yes."

He merely raised an eyebrow. "Are you ordering me around?"

"Yes. You are my bitch and you shall obey my every order. Now, I expect you to battle Sasuke and tell him the truth as well understand? I can help with your eyes. Throw the damn documents I handed to you on his face, if you have to and for fucks sake, don't let him join us. You got it?"

He merely raised his arm and Akina blinked as he poked her forehead, hard as she stumbled back slightly. Not from pain, but rather, astonishment.

Her eyes widened and a prominent blush overtook her features, her eyes holding a slight glaze in them. 

Kisame felt like a third wheeler.

Muttering something unintelligible under her breath, she slid into the tree without making eye contact with either men.

The Uchiha turned to his partner. "Come.. lets go."

"You..." Kisame knew exactly what Itachi was thinking and he didn't need to say it out loud. They could almost be called best friends, seeing how close they were. He held high regards for Itachi, more than anyone else.

And he'd stick with him throughout.


Asuma was dying. Brutally so.

Sakura was trying her hardest to try and save him, as he vomited into the toilet.

"There there.." She patted his back without any sympathy as annoyance rolled off of her in large waves.

Her food couldn't be that bad now, could it?

She could recall handing them to Naruto right before he left with Jiraiya as he popped a few into his mouth and gulped it before collapsing.

Oh.. he collapsed. So it was her food?

Naruto told her it was because he hadn't taken any rest the day before, too excited to go and search for Akina. Sasuke and Kakashi left mere days later as she handed them the same food. Suspiciously, the basket was found a few days later on the outskirts with a bunch of dead animals beside it.

She assumed it was someone else's unfortunate cooking.

"Never..." Asuma rasped. "... cook again."

"You're overreacting! It can't be that bad, I mean, Naruto had it all."

"Are you sure he didn't throw them out?!" Asuma snapped and the pinkette smacked his head from the back. At this point, Sakura had realized that Asuma was nothing but a sassy old man suffering from cigarette withdrawal symptoms and she had lost all respect for him.

They were like a never ending, bickering pair forced to stay with each other.

Scoffing, she made her way towards the kitchen to take a bite for herself.

Was this why Akina never allowed me to enter the kitchen?

Sakura blinked a few times, before shaking her head as a small smile graced her features at the memory flashback. 

"Sakura-chan is going to cook for me -ttebayo!" Naruto gave a cheerful grin as he licked his lips and grabbed a pair of chopsticks getting ready to eat.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Its just dinner, dobe. Why are you so happy?"

"Because Sakura-chan never makes food for us dattebayo! Its always Akina-chan or takeout. And it feels as if.." Naruto reduced his voice to a loud whisper.

".. as if Sakura-chan is making dinner for her amazing husband who is a Hokage, returning from his duties late at night dattebayo! Then we can go up to the bedroom and-" A blush came on his face, as he wiggled on the chair squealing in delight, stopping mid sentence.

Sasuke gave him an unimpressed stare. "Kami, you're worse than the fang-"

A frying pan hit Naruto's face, sufficiently knocking him out of his chair. Sakura breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling with each huff she took. Her face was red in anger and embarrassment. "Don't be getting too ahead of yourself, baka!"

Akina giggled at the scene, just entering her kitchen from the bath. The scent of fresh soap and shampoo radiated from her and she quickly kissed Sasuke's cheeks.

"What happened now?"

"Hn. Just Naruto acting like a dobe, that's all. He has no sense of how to treat a girl."

Akina scoffed. "And you do, Mr. Uchiha?"

He gave her a smirk. "Of course I do."

"Since I'm a great girlfriend, I'll let you think that way." She gave him a cheeky grin, messing his hair up before shrieking and bouncing towards Sakura.

"Don't cook!"

"Why not?" The other girl questioned. The Senju stammered.

"I-if you do then the house will explode! I just saw a vision about it!"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at her, placing her hands on her waist. "Oh really now? Then what's going to happen now?"

"Naru will make another perverted remark without meaning to." Akina said with such confidence that both Sakura and Sasuke turned to look at the unconscious blonde on the floor.

"S-Sakura-chan st-stop doing that -ttebayo!" He giggled in his sleep and Akina sighed internally in relief. 

Thank Kami for that intervention. Sorry, Naru but you're our scapegoat now.

The pinkette nodded, a serious look on her face as she handed her friend the spatula. "You make the food. I'll just teach him a lesson."

Sakura's eyes were on the verge of a sudden breakdown. Grabbing the suspiciously hard brown ball from the box, she took a bite and chewed the food before pausing as her face turned blue.

Spitting it out in a random direction she rushed towards the sink and began downing the water from the tap.

"Geez, that mud ball almost hit me. How disgusting." 

Sakura froze. Asuma's rainbow retches from inside stopped.

She turned.

Asuma turned.

There, in all her glory was Akina Senju Uchiha standing in her Akatsuki cloak, the cloak slightly open showing her inner kunoichi outfit. She was wearing an entire mesh net outfit, just like the one Anko had except Akina had some sense of decency. A red colored outfit covered her body from the chest all the way down to her mid thighs as a pair of black shorts peeked from under the flowing skirt. 

She was wearing a black necklace with a sword as a pendant.

Sakura stood there silently, her mind racing 130 miles per hour. She didn't even feel or sense the Senju enter.

Just how good had she gotten?!

A flying shuriken came from the bathroom as Akina merely blinked and caught it in her index finger.

Didn't Kakashi-sensei do that during the bell test!?

Was she on his level.. or stronger, even?

"Asuma.. you should know better than to eat Sakura's food." She drawled out, lazily almost, her mouth quirking up ever so slightly.

Akina had no idea how Sakura would react. In fact, she was preparing for the worst. Punches, screams, kicks, jutsus..

She was ready to take it outside and not destroy the house.

Sakura took a step forward as the sound of water rushing from nearby was heard as Asuma vigorously brushed his teeth.

"Just let me exit the house and you guys can blow each other to bits! Just let me out! I can sense your damn female hormones from here."

"You stupid.. hoebag." Sakura's voice slightly wavered as Akina glanced at her curiously, not speaking a word.

"Just how long... how long have you been protecting us?"


"Shut up I'm not done yet!!" 

But you asked me a question. The Senju sweat dropped.

"Why did you leave us? Do you know how much pain we felt? You selfish bitch!" Sakura hurled verbal insults at the Senju and Akina could only blink, accepting them all.

"Naruto looked for you.. Sasuke was fucking heartbroken! He didn't eat for days, thinking he wasn't good enough for you!"

Akina's heart broke.

"Did you even trust us?!"

"I don't know who to trust." Her voice was calm, almost devoid of emotions altogether. Her black eyes were flickering between Sakura to the wall behind her.

The pinkette took another step.

"Why? You should've trust us - your team! Kakashi-sensei was calling himself a failure, you know. Naruto was crying all day long in your bed, our house!"

"I.. had to manage everyone, keep them altogether. After you left, I was the glue who kept them together." Her voice cracked a little.

"I had to act normal as everyone broke down. You promised us you'd never leave."

She gulped. "Promises I make, are meant to be broken most of the time. Don't trust me because-" She grabbed a kunai from her holster and made a notion of cutting her own neck with it.

"-I'm a murderer for hire. I'm a kunoichi and we never hold our promises. Ninja handbook, rule number 20." 

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Sakura's scream echoed in the deadly silent house.

"WE MAY BE NINJA BUT WE ALWAYS NEED SOMEONE TO TRUST, SOMEONE TO TALK TO! If you take this burden all on yourself.. you'll destroy yourself. What happened in Konoha, Akina? What did we do wrong? Can we fix the mistake we did? Can we bring you back and stop this madness? Tell us.."

Akina lowered her eyes as Sakura took another step, taking her in a hug as sobs racked her thinner frame.

"Please.. come back to us."

Akina silently hugged her back, as a single tear fell down from her eye. She was quiet as a mouse, as she whispered a small no.

"I have to do this, Sakura. For everyone."

Asuma frowned. For everyone?

"Sakura.. I'll tell you a part of my truth, if you agree to help me." The Senju spoke after a while, her eyes cold and calculating.

She sniffed. "Should I even trust you? What if you end up killing me instead?"

Akina chuckled. "Then I wouldn't have revived you. Its a fair bargain, don't you think? Information for a small surgery. You don't need to know who."

"I want every, single detail or no deal."

She chewed on her lip. "How about I let you return to Konoha with some information regarding an Akatsuki member."

"And Asuma as well."

"Deal." Akina agreed without a moment's hesitation. She'd do anything to protect them and she didn't give a fuck about Konoha anymore - whether they think of her as a villain or hero. 

For she followed no one's orders. She was independent - a rogue kunoichi who did things as she wished. And no one could stop her.

Be Death himself.

The girls shook hands on it but Asuma had seen the calculating glint in their eyes. They both were planning something big, making something out of this deal which the other didn't know. 

Smiling, more out of formality than anything else, they hugged each other and the Sarutobi saw how their emotions changed within a second.

One pair of jade green eyes - filled with warmth and determination but a calculating look.

The other - empty and devoid except for a certain anger and determination. She was ready to kill anyone who stood in her path, and make things work her way.

Pulling away, Akina smiled. "Leave the food to me, yeah! I'll cook a feast for you guys." She winked at a stone cold Asuma. Sakura giggled.

"I'll set the table. Why so serious, Asuma? We just made a deal which works for us both."

Akina leaned over and grabbed a knife, inspecting it. He saw her reflection in the knife and nearly had a heart attack as he gazed at her warm, serene expression.

Just what type of a monster changes emotions so quickly? 

Is this how seducer kunoichis act?!

He gulped, mentally thanking Kurenai for being a simple minded woman who excelled in genjutsu.

Females are scary and hella two faced.





A man walked through the bazaar of the new and improved city, his sandals making a sound as he walked. No one paid him much attention as he looked around, his mask hidden under his hood.

Entering a tea shop, he asked for a cup of tea, his eyes narrowed down on another man drinking tea calmly.

She should be here if he is here.

What a pity she didn't listen to me.. Perhaps she's forgotten and needs a reminder.

The man abruptly placed his tea down, slamming a few bills on his table. He called the waitress over and whispered something in her ears.

Paling considerably, she ushered out everyone from the shop.

Sasuke got up and activated his sharingan, his gaze set on the man following him.

"Who are you?" 

"Ah, the curse mark? You're good, Uchiha."

Sasuke remained stony faced, as he grabbed his katana and appeared in front of him, a cold look on his face.

"Why so serious? Lets talk calmly without weapons, shall we?"

He removed his hood and mask, as red hair fell on his eyes. The masked man shot Sasuke a smile. 

"Its.. you?" Sasuke muttered under his breath confusedly before sitting down.

"Glad to see you can understand. So, lets make a little deal, shall we?"


His identity is almost revealed with his looks. See if you can find out who is the masked man. 

A hella lotta shit is going on.

Sakura is planning something.

Akina is planning something.

Itachi and Kisame are planning something.

The masked man and Sasuke may be planning something.

Tobi, Deidara and Asuma are just there for entertainment.

Whoo-hoo! This was a fun chapter to write uwu.

If I'm correct, not a lot of you people guessed this dude above to be the masked man - most suspecting Rou, eh?

Hope you enjoyed it!

Leave a review! <3


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