60. Truth is a Heavy Burden

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Poor Deidara lol ^

I spoil you guys way too much! Its not even been a year since I published the first chapter and I'm on the 60th chapter already.

You all should fucking worship me or something. Bend down, lowly peasants to your Queen. 

Jkjk I love you guys too much to do that.

No, but seriously.

When you realize that character deaths get more votes on the chapter--

Me: *spams the death button and channels inner katsuki bakuhoe* DIE DIE DIE EXTRAS!

Smh.. I've been watching way too much bnha vines.

And studying.

Oof I hate it.

I want a job already. If I become president, Imma just ban schools.


Enjoy lovelies!


EDIT: I googled cockroaches having red eyes and omfg I'm sobbing. I'm terrified of cockroaches. WHY DID I GOOGLE THAT!?

I can feel the icky creatures and ughhhh *shivers in disgust*

Also, I'd advice you guys strongly to read the 33rd chapter before reading this so that you get a small recap.



The person who loves too much, is the person who ends up broken the most. ~ Unknown.

"Come with me if you want to live." She spoke in a suave voice, making it deeper and sent a burning smolder in his direction. 

"I think the fuck not. I'd rather take chances with Madara. It sounds like a corny movie line."

"Hey, I always wanted to try that! Let me live a little."


"... baka."

"So where are we?"

Akina stepped out of the tree, dragging Sasuke behind her as they stared at the giant waterfall in front of them. 

"Akatsuki base." She murmured under her breath and stepped forward, flashing her ring against a rock before doing hand signs. The water falling from the top came to an abrupt stop and almost noiselessly, the cave entrance behind the water started to open.

"Lets go."

Sasuke followed her silently, taking a glance at his surroundings before entering the dark cave which was illuminated lightly by torches.

"Deidara? Are you here?" She called out his name softly.

"Deidara.. didn't you mention in my letter not to kill him?"

She turned around. "Oh, I forgot about that. I did yes and thank you for that."

"Who even is he?"

She wiped the fringes falling in her face away as they entered the deserted base. No one was here, save for the cockroaches. The once lively and festive place had turned dark and bleak.

Kisame and Hidan were gone.

Kisame wasn't here.

Pain and Konan were in Amegakure.

Rou.. he could go and fuck himself.

Itachi... wasn't here either and the idiotic Tobi was taking over. 

"Deidara! Answer me. Its Akina!"

There was silence for a while until the sound of a door opening was heard and a blonde head poked out.



The duo rushed towards each other and he caught her in a tight hug, crushing her body. But she didn't care. Laughing loudly, she hugged him back with her left arm. Her right arm was still injured and it was proving to be a major hassle for her.

"You're fine, thank Kami."

"Of course I am. I ain't dying that easily."

He bonked her head lightly, scowling as he did. "Kisame, un! What the fuck Akina why are you guys fighting?! You killed him for fucks sake!"

She sighed. "Never mind that Deidara. I'm here for something else."

"Okay no. You-" He poked her cheek harshly and grabbed her shoulder with his other hand to keep her from moving, "- have some explaining to do and you aren't going anywhere else, you little shit."

"Fine. You know, I have a lot of explaining to do Deidara. To everyone. So if you all could just gather at one spot, it'd be easier to explain stuff."

"Every- okay who the hell is he now?" Deidara narrowed his eyes at the silent, black haired figure coming into light, his mouth hardened into a tense line and his eyes furrowed in confusion and suspicion.

"Deidara, this is Uchiha Sasu-"

These damn Uchihas! As soon as one leaves another pops up out of nowhere like a damn cockroach! Its never ending.

Uchihas = cockroaches with red eyes

"What the fuck, un! Why's there an Uchiha next to you Akina?" Deidara yelped, his blue eyes narrowed with disgust. Akina rolled her eyes.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "Is there something wrong with being an Uchiha?"

"Itachi's brother, right? So tell me, what's your view on art."

"Its shit."

"Compared to Itachi, you're as useful as a dictionary is to a blind man."

"Brash, annoying people like you are the reason I've given up on any chance of evolution."

Akina covered up her wince. Electricity crackled between the two and she realized that she just made the worst mistake of her life.

"Guys, can you listen to me?"


"Fuck off."




"Okay, that's bett-"

"I'm actually six point eight inches-"

Akina screamed and punched the wall. "Too much information guys! There's a woman here!"

"Woman who? I only see men and a lying pervert."

"Hn. Likewise."

She narrowed her eyes at them. "Great, so you're gonna gang up on me now?"


"Pretty much, hell yeah. You're annoying as fuck with your perverted schemes."

She gave Deidara a hard punch, and his figure banged into the wall leaving a hard dent. She stormed off inside a room before closing the door shut with a bang.

"Ouch, damn that woman can pack a punch." Deidara muttered, wincing as he got up and stretched. 

"That's nothing compared to the thrashing I got in Konoha." Sasuke muttered dryly under his breath.

"Wait, aren't you Akina's old teammate? You aren't rogue, are you?"

"I'm not rogue. Akina and I were teammates."

Deidara blinked multiple times with a confused look on his face. "Okay, I might be missing a lot here but I'm pretty sure that she isn't crazy enough to be fraternizing with the enemy."

"Do you even know her?"  

"True. I take back what I said."

The duo leaned against the wall simultaneously, releasing a breath. A few minutes of silence passed by before the blonde spoke up.

"Seriously though, what's your view on art?"

"Never gave much thought about it." Sasuke shrugged slightly, making himself comfortable on the ground. "I was too busy planning revenge against Itachi."

"Oh shit, your battle was pretty good as far as I could see. I was pretty focused on Akina's though. Still can't believe she killed Kisame. I mean, they were Icha Icha buddies."


"You're definitely his brother." Deidara muttered under his breath with a slightly ticked off look on his face. 

"Here Deidara, Sasuke catch this." Akina appeared out of his room and threw them each a scroll.

"What's this?"

"You have your belongings in that. Itachi's belongings are inside the scroll you have Sasuke. I figured you'd want to take a look."

Sasuke nodded, his eyes softening slightly as he gazed on the scroll with a longing look.

"Wait, are we going somewhere?" Deidara glanced at her.

She looked up at him. "Deidara, you never wanted to join the Akatsuki, did you? Here's your chance to leave. No one's gonna be here anymore except Madara, Pain, Konan, Zetsu and Rou."

"Where are you guys gonna go?"

Akina scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. "I can't leave unfortunately and even if I do, I have to hide from Madara and Zetsu which is almost impossible. Deidara, you can leave."

He raised an eyebrow. "So in other words I'm disposable, but you're not."

She flushed brightly and shook her head vigorously, almost becoming a blur. "Fuck I didn't mean it that way! No, I'm just say-"

"Yes, that's exactly what she means." Sasuke clipped in and she shot him a glare.

"No, I didn't Sasuke."

Deidara sighed. "Whatever, I want out of this mess anyways. Uchiha Madara can suck my dick but, at the same time I kinda wanted to gather a little more information on him."

Akina pointed at her brain. "This right here is all the information you need about Madara. I know his abilities and trust me when I say that the three of us couldn't land a punch on him."

"That strong?"

"His name shoots shivers all over the world. He's so strong that he could fight and entire army and win, quite literally. The only way to defeat him is Hashirama Senju, my grandfather."

"Why him?"

"Because he has wood style."

"So do you. What does he have that you don't?"

Her expression faltered slightly. "Our ambitions are one and the same, yet our actions so very different. He knew Madara like.. on a really personal level, more than best friends. Brothers actually. You could say that if two ninjas fight each other on the same level provided that they're close, to a certain extent they're able to read their thoughts and communicate. And I lack the skills Hashirama had."

"How do you know this?"

"You didn't tell him either?" Sasuke interjected once more, tilting his head to look at her nod towards him.

"Look Deidara, we're going to a safe place. Come with me if you want to live." She began walking outside the base, the boys following her lead.

"Enough with the stupid movie dialogues!"

"Let me have fun Sasuke!"

Deidara glanced at the two bickering figures. "You guys fight like a married couple."

The blonde blanched as they both turned to glare at him and the atmosphere turned silent and awkward, a thick layer of tension still viable. 

"Oi oi, what did I do? Why are you guys so tense?" 


"Akina! Full sentences please. Not half assed shit."

"We're exes." She looked away from Sasuke with a flustered look, folding her arms against her body together.

"So why did you break up? You're acting as if you both cheated on each other or something."

Sasuke groaned slightly. "Seriously, why does everyone keep saying that?! We ended on bad terms. That's all."

Akina's face was a pale pink. "We didn't cheat on each other."

Deidara raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Akina was acting oddly, a bit fidgety and her gaze shifted to Sasuke involuntarily every few seconds. 

Its something else.. she didn't cheat on him but there's more to their history than she's letting on.

"Fine, lead the way then."

Akina paused next to a tree and held out her hand. "Hold on to me and don't let go."

"Sounds like a corny movie dialogue." Deidara muttered under his breath, grabbing her shoulders as Sasuke's hand slipped into hers and the three of them disappeared into the forest trees.

Thirty minutes later, the three of them stepped out in the middle of another forest of trees. Deidara found tree traveling oddly fascinating. It was so much more efficient and faster, and perfect for Akina since she was scared of heights.

"Remove your shirts now." Akina ordered, placing her hand on her hips.

"Ah, I always knew you had a thing for me Akina but I didn't expect you to be so direct about it." Deidara smirked as he removed his shirt, showing his bare sculpted chest to her. Sasuke did the same and she looked away to provide them with some privacy.

She snorted. "You're not my type."

Deidara winced as a cold watery substance was felt on his back from a stroke of a brush. "What do you mean I'm not your type? I'm everybody's type."

Akina paused drawing on his skin before continuing again. "Well I'm not everybody. As best friend material, you're good. Dating material? Not so much, no." 

She finished her seal and nodded before slamming her palm down on his back and forcing her chakra into the seal. After a few seconds, the seal turned invisible. "Wait, what's this for?" 

She made no answer, turning to face Sasuke. She touched his back tentatively, almost as if she shouldn't be doing this before firmly grabbing onto his shoulders and she began to draw the seal. Deidara felt the tension in the air, pulsating with hot, white electricity. Her face had an odd and mixed expression.

It was incredibly silent for a few minutes as she repeated the process again and told them to wear their shirts and follow her.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the large wooden house in front of them, surrounded by large trees forming a canopy over the building. A peak of sunlight escaped through the canopy and landed on a patch of the tree, making it seem mystical as he could see the smaller particles flow through. There was greenery everywhere he looked, with a large patch of destroyed green land a few feet away. 

There was a certain denseness in the air and Sasuke found himself speaking. "Is there a water source nearby?"

She nodded. "I couldn't make a functioning house without water you know. Its strategically placed in the middle of the Land of Fire, close to a small village where we can buy food and here's our water source. This place is said to be haunted, perfect for a hiding spot. That patch of ruined greenery is where they train."

Deidara, however was more occupied with the important questions. "We? They?"

Akina merely smiled and walked ahead, before whispering. "Don't get so shocked please."

Sasuke and Deidara gave confused glances to one another before following her inside.

Akina rapped on the door lightly. "Asuma, Sakura I'm back."  

"Where's the food woman? I don't give a damn about you!" 

The pattering of footsteps was heard as Sakura threw herself against Akina hugging her tightly. Her short pink hair had grown out now and she was looking pretty with the hair reaching her shoulder blades.

"Akina you dumbass, you could've warned me t-"

She gently pushed her away, staring into her friend's emerald eyes before smiling slightly. "Don't scream, I have a present for you."

"Present? After the last time, I'd rather not." Asuma poked his head out with an intrigued look and Akina laughed.

"Come on in, guys." 

Two men, one with blonde hair and another with black hair stepped in with a slightly impressed look. "Not bad at all, un. I can make use of this."


"Sakura? You're alive?!"

Akina smiled slightly, leaving the both to their reunion before turning to walk inside. Asuma grabbed her hand tightly. "Where are you going?"

"Inside, I wouldn't want to intrude on them." She mumbled softly and his brown eyes hardened.

"You're a part of Team 7 too, don't think anyone forgot about you. Especially that Naruto."

She sighed. "Some things aren't that simple Asuma. Its.. a bit painful."


"I can bear any pain, as long as it has meaning and everyone is safe. However, I do have a limit and I must leave."

A smack was heard along with a hiss of pain (Sasuke's) and Deidara suddenly yelped. "YOU! ITS YOU! YOU'RE THE PINK BITCH WHO KILLED SASORI DANNA!"

"Oh fuck!" Akina turned around to see a furious Deidara and confused, yet amused Sakura.

"Deidara, calm down."

"HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN, UN?! She killed one of us! And you may not know Sasori danna, but I'll avenge him."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "You take a step towards any of them, and I'll chidori you."

Akina stepped in between the three of them. "Okay look guys! That was the past, okay? We were in different groups, different villages and enemies. Now I feel as if its ti-"

"You want us- " Deidara gestured at the people in the room "-to form some kind of a group?"

"What? No! That didn't even cross my mind!"

"Well fuck this. Its either me or pink bitch, un. Choose now, Akina." Deidara's eyes were extremely cold, filled with unfathomable rage.

"Look Dei, I understand more than anyone how much you want revenge but that's not the right path."

"You're seriously saying this when you want to kill your parent's murderer?! What a hypocrite!"

"Please Dei, don't make this harder than it already is for me!" She raised her voice slightly to match his.

"No, I'm fucking done. Its either going to be her here or me. I'm leaving if you don't choose."

Akina shouted at him as the blood rushed to her face in anger. "If you leave, Akatsuki will fucking kill you! Do you have any idea why I brought you guys here?! Each and everyone of you in this house are dead to the outside world! I revived you guys and I fucking saved your ass Deidara from being murdered in the first place!" 

"Then I'd rather leave than stay with my friend's murderer, knowing I can't kill her." He spoke quietly and the tension lingered in the air.

Another door opened and another person lumbered out, groaning slightly at the ruckus. "Can't you guys let me sleep peacefully? I fucking knew its you Deidara."

"K-Kisame?! You're alive?!"

He snorted. "Barely. Her eyes fucking changed color to black in the middle of the fight! That was so bloody terrifying. After she caught me with her trees, she stabbed my thigh because she knew Madara was watching her. Then, using her wood style she transported me here where Sakura healed me. I'm not well, but I could be dead. And if I'm correct, I was delivered on the front porch of the house wrapped in a red bow as a present. There was even a gift card reading 'Heal him or else... ~ Akina' " 

"Black?" Akina whispered softly to herself in confusion. She clutched her chest in sudden pain.

Shit, that hurt.

Sakura took a step forward and Deidara's blue eyes zoned in on her instantly, the anger swirling in his darkened eyes. 

"Look Deidara-san, I am really sorry about killing Sasori-san and while I know that a sorry isn't going to bring him back, please let me make it up to you somehow."

"How in the world will you even make up for a death you imbecile?!"

She flushed, but didn't remove her eye contact. "I suppose I can't, but don't leave. I'd hate to see Akina running after your corpse once you die and bringing you back again. It really takes a lot out of her once she does that."

Kisame placed his hand on Deidara's shoulders, patting him slightly. "While I'm sure Sasori would love for you to take revenge on him, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want you hung up on his death like this. What did you say again? Art is fleeting like life or some shit like that right? Don't waste it. Besides, if you leave now then you will die that's guaranteed. Your death would be a complete waste especially since you want to go out with a bang."

Deidara let out a sigh. "The best you can do, pinky, is to stay out of my way here. No talking until absolutely required, understood?"

Sakura nodded.

"That was some great tea." 

Everyone turned to look at Asuma sitting on the kitchen counter, sipping his lemon tea. He smacked his lips and frowned.

"Well, go on fighting! I haven't got all day."

"I swear his sass increases everyday. Its annoying." Sakura muttered under her breath.

"Oh darling, please go buy a personality if you're jealous of my sass."

Akina nodded. "You guys.. wanted answers right? So you'll get them. Gather round."

Her eyes were puffy with dark circles underneath them. Her slightly tanned skin was looking paler than usual and her body was weak. She collapsed on the couch, massaging her thighs as everyone took seats. Sakura sat next to her.

"Right, so what do you want to know?"

"Everything." A chorus of agreements rang out as Sasuke said the single word. A troubled sigh left Akina.

My chest is throbbing in pain...

"Fine. Well if you must know, I can see the future, past and present....."

It was nighttime when Akina finished her tale. Taking a few small breaks in the middle, she completed all she had to tell them, keeping important pieces of information to herself. Such as that this was a mission, Yume and others of the like. The Senju basically encountered her life story with a few white lies, however she did make her spite for Danzo and the likes known.

She silently got up and headed towards the refrigerator to grab a bottle of sake. This was going to be her first bottle. Taking a sip, she savored the burning feeling rushing down her throat. The alcohol would take a while to kick in.

You shouldn't be drinking sake when your lung is punctured. 

She ignored the voice in the back of her mind. Heading back, she stared at their stony faces and her eyes twitched. "Don't feel pity for me. Everyone's life is hard. I just got the bizarre one."

Settling down, she hugged a pillow to her chest. "Any questions?"

"Akina, why you? Why do you have this ability?" Asuma asked immediately and she gave a mysterious smile. 

"That's for me to know and for you to ponder on."

Sasuke was still. Extremely so until he looked up. "So you're saying, you knew the truth about my clan since.. we met? And you didn't tell me?" 

Akina winced. "Yeah, I knew. In fact, saving Itachi has been my number one priority for a long time. I always planned on saving him no matter what." 

The sake made her tongue loose as she spilled some unnecessary detail.

"If you told me.. I wouldn't have killed him." His voice was deathly quiet and she took another sip, finding the flavor addicting.

"I couldn't. First, I needed to find the files. After finding them, Hiruzen died and we became a part of ROOT. I didn't want you to deflect to pedo man-" She froze, not completing her sentence. She said too much. They weren't supposed to know that he was going to deflect. If they did, then they'd wonder about the true story line and-

-realize that I'm not supposed to exist.

"Akina? You were saying something?" Kisame egged her on and she stood up abruptly, the world suddenly tilting around her. She stumbled, giggling before grabbing her head.

"No, I-I'm getting drunk and I need to head to bed."

"Why don't you stay awake?"

"Okay, one question for you all. I-Itachi's body.. where is it?" She hiccuped slightly. 

"Oh Lea- Pain took it away with him, un. But then they kinda removed his eyes-" Deidara shot a fleeting glance at the pale Uchiha before continuing to speak. "-so even if you bring him back, how can he see?"

Akina suddenly became serious which was pretty hard to do considering she was seeing yellow bananas on Deidara instead of his hair. 

"U-uhm.. leave that to me. When I killed Danzo - I mentioned about the sharingan eyes on his arms right-" the chakra level suddenly spiked alarmingly as everyone cast a weary glance at Sasuke and scooted away from him ".. right, so Yu- I collected the sharingans." 

His head shot up as she continued speaking. "I remember that during the battle.. wait, let me just show it to you all."

"Show what?"

"The battle."

"Sakura, please help me get back to normal." Sakura grumbled under her breath, comparing Akina to her aunt as she started the process. Senses returned back to Akina after a while and she sighed in relief, seeing Deidara get his normal hair back.

"Great. So I mentioned how Inoichi Yamanaka taught me a few of his clan jutsu and then erased Yamato, Chouza, Shikaku and his own memories under Hiruzen's orders right? Only Kakashi-sensei knows now. Everyone else thinks I'm a true rogue except my team. Well, I can pull you guys into my subconcious and show you memories. So hold each others hands now."

Everyone held each others hands and Akina concentrated her chakra to her mind, and everyone else's. 

"Let's begin."

As Asuma opened his eyes, he turned around wide eyed at the sudden change of landscape. It was completely black in color with tints of blue and grey showing here and there. In front of their eyes was a large screen, almost like a big computer.

Akina was swiping through her memories in a blur of colors until she finally found the one she was looking for. 

"... okay guys, now just watch this."

(A/N: The italics are people speaking in her memories, not the thoughts.)

The scene was playing from Akina's point of view. The five watched how Akina ran across the roofs of Konoha soundlessly, entering a large hidden base. There, she began talking to a pale faced boy.

"Its Sai!" Sakura gasped and Sasuke stared ahead.

"You guys fought in the base?"

"No, out in the open." Akina murmured.

After a few comments about her body figure, Sai let her go and she began running towards Danzo's location in the training grounds, not before telling him to join Team 7.

Then, the thirteen y/o girl spoke to herself out loud. 

"Yeah Yume, because its so easy to kill a man 10 times."

Deidara turned to present Akina. "Who is Yume, un?"

"She's my subconscious. We often talk to each other. You guys don't need more information." 

Sakura's eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh, I get it. I have one too! Her name is Inner."

"You females are creepy." Kisame shivered.

"Danzo-sama, you called?"

"Kira, you've been quite useful but now I have to kill you." He began unwrapping his arms and the scene shifted slightly.

"Oh, you think 13 year old plain me is deserving to face off against your sharingan? I'm honored."

The fight began and everyone went silent as blows were exchanged. After he used up three of his sharingans, he used his kage bunshins and pinned her against a tree.

"I see you figured out my sharingan trick. I must say, you're a keen observer if you could figure it out that fast. Now, after slowly torturing you I will go after Sasuke making it seem like an accident. He's bound to go rogue anyways and I can always stage an accident."

"O-over m-my dead b-b-body."

"As you wish. I have more sharingan eyes, enough to last me a lifetime, including the clan heads eyes. Fugaku Uchiha.. his eyes are quite a big deal." He chuckled lowly.

"Y-you fucking sc-scoundrel.. Just because y-you couldn't g-get powerful like H-Hiruzen-sama d-doesn't m-mean you can k-kill him."

"I had to. I have to become the Hokage to protect this vill-"

"Wrong! You just want power! You made Itachi and Shisui massac-" He choked her, cutting her off.

"Looks like you need to die now since you know. And I'll end up killing Sasuke and Kakashi as well. I have no use for the annoying pinkette and the Kyuubi is needed for this village for he is a powerful tool."


The vision began to haze around the edges and it went completely dark. Akina paused the video.

"So that's what happened."

"Why'd you stop it? I want to see the complete battle!" Sakura frowned.

"I don't remember what happened after that. I zoned out and Yume took over. I just remember waking up on a bench and fleeing Konoha after injuring Kurenai."

"Wait fuck that was you?!" Asuma growled.

"Is this like 'expose everyone day' or something?" Sakura grumbled, shooting a glance as Deidara who huffed and looked away from her.

Akina stared at him. "Yes, it was me. After being lied by Konoha all your life, I'm sure you would've had the same reaction so don't bother scolding me. Or do it. I don't really care."

Ignoring his reaction she pressed play. "I'm kinda intrigued what happened then."

The darkness faded away as her eyes open and Danzo flew away from her at a burst of power. Her voice was different. It was filled with arrogance, disgust and a feeling of superiority. The entire screen turned a hazy red.

"Ah Danzo, Danzo.. I've been waiting for a long time to kill you."

Danzo's eyes widened. "Y-your eyes?"

She giggled. "Its the rin-ne-gan ass hat. Don't you recognize this from the Akatsuki leader, the very one you asked Hanzo to kill?"

He stilled. "How do you know that? You weren't even be born yet."

She pouted taking a few steps towards his fallen figure. "Why don't you attack me? Isn't it humiliating, knowing a thirteen year old girl will defeat you?"

Her teasing and amusing tone switched into one filled with promises of pain.

"I read the file regarding my parents. You drove them to leave Konoha, didn't you? Then, you caused the Akatsuki to act like a major villain today. If it wasn't for you, then so many lives would've been saved."

He glared at her. "I did all this for the benefit of Konoha alone. Enemies need to be eliminated and Hiruzen wasn't doing shit, that blithering fool of a Hokage."

Yume smiled. "Let's play a game. For every time you hurt someone, I'll take an eye. How's that sound?"

He sneered at her. "As if you can do anything like that. When I use all of my shar-"

"Yours? You actually think these sharingan belong to you?! You seriously have some nerve you fucking bastard. As the Uchiha part of Akina, I'm insulted." Her voice had dropped an octave and she restrained Danzo's movements with her trees. 

Akina's eyes were glued to the screen, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. Whispers broke out among the rest of them.

An eye on his arm started spinning, only to stop abruptly. Yume giggled. "With this rinnegan, I'm the equivalent of God you know." 

Walking towards him, she sat down and grabbed his arm. "My abilities are endless, my prowess God like and my mind is a sadist. That's terrible for you. So, lets start with the basics hm?"

She whipped out a kunai and the sharingans stilled. "Your Izanami and Izanagi won't work on me. I'm a mix of the Senju and Uchiha, your abilities are wasted on me."

"First, you manipulated Hanzo into murdering Yahiko and Nagato, whoever possessed the rinnegan. In doing that, I will take two eyes." As Yume dug in her kunai into his hand, Danzo screamed loudly in pain.

She took her time, humming a little song as she did so. "Aoi, aoi ano sora~ Blue bird is a nice song. I like it."

"I had to! They were planning to-" 

Taking out a container filled with liquid, she placed the two eyes in it gently. "Fugaku Uchiha's eyes.. very powerful indeed. They weren't planning anything. All they wanted was peace. They are war orphans."

"Next up, what did you do.. ah! You stole the sharingan eyes. Yes, I shall take one more for that heinous crime." She dug in the kunai close to his artery and blood splattered everywhere on her hands and face.

Asuma turned away. "Gods, I'm gonna be sick."

Akina felt the same, yet her eyes were glued to the screen. A sense of cruel satisfaction spread through her. 

Yume laughed loudly in glee as another scream of agony tore through his throat as she carved a design there. "Oh! Oh! This is fun! I love this so much, I can do this all day!"

She giggled before speaking another sentence. "Third, you killed Hiruzen. While I don't care for that pathetic fool, Akina does and that's why... another eye from you!"

"Fourth, you ruined Sai's and Kakashi-sensei's childhood. Another eye."

"Fifth, you.. you made Akina's parents leave Konoha. If it weren't for you, they'd be alive. Or maybe not. Who knows but at least she'd have a better childhood. Two eyes for that!"

His left arm was completely mauled and Yume chuckled. "Seven eyes.. seven beautiful sharingan eyes in a jar! Unfortunately, you used three of them and they're blind."

The blood dripped down his artery and down into the ground continuously like a stream. She shook her head sadly. "I wish we had more time to play, Danzo, but I still have to hide your body. Burying you alive would be fun but... I have a better idea! Let's just take out your normal eyes, hm? Lets see you face some pain."

"Hey, what's going on here?" 

The scene changed to Anko Mitarashi turning around the corner and gasping loudly.

"W-what.. you brat!"

Yume grinned and raised her hand. "Almighty Pull." 

Anko went flying towards her grip and Yume tightened her hand around her neck. "What a pity I have to kill you. After all, Akina doesn't want to leave the village. Actually, she doesn't want to leave Sasuke. She's afraid, you see. Afraid he'll go down the dark path. It can't be helped."

Anko smirked. "Y-you'll be c-caught. I sent my s-summons to Godai-"

Yume hissed as she released her grip on Anko, growling. She grabbed her purple hair and smashed it against the tree multiple times, knocking her out before sniffing.

Danzo lay there unconcious and Yume grabbed a kunai, shoving it through his heart. "I have to leave, hm?"

Licking her lips slightly, she grabbed Anko's jacket and cleaned her blood stained hands against it before grabbing the eyes and running. She ran inside the Senju compound, and grabbed her bag before muttering nervously under her breath.

"Akina, wake up! I defeated Danzo, wake up!"

Akina stopped the memory there as silence ensued. 

"That's.. why I left Konoha."

The world around them turned back to normal as Akina let go of the hands she was holding abruptly, hugging herself. Her expression hadn't changed, at all. Instead, there was a dark smirk on her face. She was pleased. 

Pleased at how he suffered for thirty minutes before he died.

"You guys have exactly 12 hours to decide if you want to leave or not. By nine tomorrow, whoever wants to leave and go back to Konoha or the Akatsuki can do so. But, in order to do so, I'll remove your memories. This applies only for Sakura and Asuma. Sasuke, I'll remove every memory except for information regarding Itachi. You have to go back."

Suddenly, everyone seemed aware of the clock's ticking, counting each second they had to make a decision.

"What will you do if we all leave, Akina?" Sakura asked softly.

Do my mission alone..

"What changed? Don't you want to keep us here? Because I will leave tomorrow." Asuma frowned.

"I'll stay if pinky leaves. Otherwise, I'm going, un."

She didn't answer, choosing to sigh instead. It was a tired sigh, one filled with physical and mental exhaustion.

"Sasuke, I promise I'll bring Itachi back. Even if its the last thing I do."

He turned away from her.



Q: Who do you want to stay, and who do you want to leave?

Its purely out of interest I'm asking you this. I've actually already decided it.

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