66. Baka Itachi...

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Decided to rush things in this chapter-

Quick Note: 'Fuka' means shark in Japanese. 'Same' (like Kisame) is another way of saying it too. 'Fukushu' means revenge and it was Sasuke's code name a bunch of chapters ago.

*sobs* time flies really fast.

It was just yesterday when I was hesitating to click the Publish button for the first chapter because I was scared about the feedback..



Also.. my OC was originally paired up with Kakuzu seeing the pictures of her on DeviantArt. It feels odd whenever I look at that XD

Warning: long ass chap - 4K words



A few moments later, she hovered outside Itachi's door, using her wood style to scope out his chakra. The Senju took a few breaths, calming herself down before raising her hand to knock on the door before it opened by itself, showing Itachi on the other side.

The both of them stared at each other with an awkward silence between them, her hand still raised before she lowered it down.

Then, both of them at once --

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

A shaky smile made its way on Akina's face as she looked down sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck.

It was a nervous tic, Itachi had made note of after years of knowing her.

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her towards himself and she fell against his sturdy chest. He just took a bath, evident to the fresh scent of soap she smelt and Akina flushed.

Looking up in surprise, she vaguely noticed him lowering his head towards hers.

She instinctively closed her eyes.

A moment passed and when she didn't feel anything soft touch her lips, she opened her eyes to see Itachi narrowing his eyes at her forehead.

"I think you have a pimple over here."

An invisible arrow struck chibi Akina in the heart, a bunch of them following the first one before a large boulder fell on her, crushing her completely.

She visibly shuddered, shaking in rage before she raised her hand and promptly swung it at his cheeks. His eyes widened, and he caught her wrist effectively.


"Let go of me! And I take my apology back!"

"But wh-"

"Fuck you!"

Then, she promptly bent her knee, bringing it upwards with a great force.

Itachi held her knee and narrowed his eyes at her actions. There were frustrated tears in her eyes and she pushed his chest harshly as realization finally struck her. 

"Why? Why are you doing this?!"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act innocent with me!" She yelled loudly at him, her eyebrows creased in frustration. "Tell me why Itachi!"

"Calm down." He grabbed her wrists from making contact with his face again and she struggled against him. He pulled her inside the room, locking the door behind him and shoved her against a wall, his hands pining her wrists down.

"Don't tell me to calm down Uchiha! Let go of me! I want to hear the reason from you."

"Why? So that you can physically abuse me again?" 

"No fucking shit!"

"Stop swearing."

"No I fucking won't! What will you do, huh?!"

"I will make you shut up."

"Fine! Use your fucking genjutsu on me again! I'm done! I'm done with your whiny selfish ass you stupid toad!"

"Selfish?" He breathed softly. "Is that what you really think?"

"What else will I think?" A choked sob escaped her mouth as tears of frustration and helplessness gnawed at her. "Y-you.. want me to hate you. That's why you were acting so mean. Why? Why do you want to punish yourself so badly? Even after all I've told you at the base.. you still don't believe me."

His eyes were filled with guilt. "Of course I do." 

"No, you don't." She relaxed in his hold, giving up momentarily as she took in deep breaths to calm herself down. "Why do you want to push me away so much? You aren't doing that to Sasuke, are you? So why me? Why am I always getting hurt whenever I'm trying to help one of you?"

"We've told you time and again Akina that we don't need your help." He said exasperatedly. "But you're too stubborn."

"A thank you once in a while would be nice! Maybe a 'thank you for saving my life' or 'thank you for not letting me take a dark path'.. if I didn't step in then.." She glared at the floor, her body thrumming with rage. "I hate this. Its like no one acknowledges anything I've done. All you guys do is insult me a-and call me names."

"You can still get out of this if you can. A spy needs to be emotionally strong, not get attached to easily."

Akina shook her head. "N-no, don't you dare tell me I'm too weak or some bullshit like that." 

"But you are weak."

And his words sent an arrow through her heart as she slumped to the ground in defeat. Itachi closed his eyes holding the pain in. 

He had to do it.

Then she shook her head vigorously and looked up, her eyes filled with determination. The fire was glowing stronger than ever.

"No, I won't let you get rid of me this easily. Sasuke too. I-I'll wait for the day you guys actually say thank you to me. Until then.. I won't stop poking my nose in your business!"

"Your stubbornness is admirable but annoying." 

She quirked a smile. "Looks like I'll have to show you that I'm not annoying then. This really brings back memories, doesn't it? Remember when I first hugged you?"

His mouth set into a hard line. "Let go of me, Akina. Stay with my brother."

Akina smirked, hiding the pain in her eyes. "Didn't I already tell you? I'm ready to suffer as many times if it means protecting you guys." Placing her hand on the wall, she stood up wearily and smiled. "I'm not blind, Itachi. All the time that we spent in the Akatsuki base.. you've seemed to have forgotten your feelings for me."

"Feelings for you...?" He repeated blankly. "Are you on drugs?"

"Hm? I should be asking you that, baka." 

All the while, they were in close proximity. Itachi seemed to realize that and released her wrists, taking a few steps back. She stood up, rubbing her wrists and observing the red marks. "Since you are so hell bent on avoiding me.. I'll show you why you can't."

"There's no possible way to do that."

Akina took a few steps towards him, her eyes darkened. 

"Then let me test out a theory, hm? I really feel as if I'm the man here." She grumbled the last part under her breath.

Pulling on the hem of his cloak, she brought his head down and cupped his cheeks gently with a soft look in her eyes. "There's no Kisame to interrupt us now." She spoke quietly. Then she closed her eyes and raised her head to his, their soft lips making contact with each others.

A large blush formed on Itachi's face, his eyes wide as she moved her mouth against his and gripped his cheeks harder.


Next Day

Deidara flushed brightly, his hand instinctively reacting to punch Sakura in the face as he spluttered. But he couldn't.

Why, you ask?

Because Akina had sent (read forced) them to go to the neighboring village to do grocery shopping. He was carrying two shopping bags while the pinkette had three. Of course, his pride was wounded but at the same time those bags were extremely heavy and he was feeling lazy as fuck at the moment.

Laziness was not a good sign as a ninja. That meant that they needed to get off their asses and do some training. Which the blonde decided he'd do once right after.

 "I- no, no, NO! I told you, it was a one night stand only!"

Sakura snickered. "So, her name was....."

He muttered something unintelligible under his breath and Sakura chuckled. 

"What did you say?"

"I said, fuck you!"

"Well then tranny, you're gonna have to try harder than that."

"You fucking bitc-"

Kisame looked up from grooming a violent Samehada (he was hungry for some chakra) to see the both of them wrestling with each other to enter the room first, pushing at each others heads.

'Seriously? What are they, 12?'

"I put my leg first!"

"Technically, you haven't even entered the damn room yet forehead."

He resumed to taming the bratty sword, raising an eyebrow as it violently bit his arm. Kisame was used to such antics. He wasn't a swordsman for a reason.

"You shitty sword, I'm not giving you anymore chakra."

The sword growled angrily at its owner and Kisame scoffed, glaring at it with his beady eyes before pointing a finger at him. 

"Don't you take that tone with me. I fucking raised you. I don't care if you want to taste Deidara. I said, no."

It still growled. "That's it! No more of devouring the enemies chakra for you. No more fun on the battlefield!"

A sudden crash came through the doorway. Deidara screamed, tossing his hands into the air, still holding the groceries. "I win, yeah!"

Sakura frowned angrily. "You used chakra!"

"And? Does it look like I give a fuck?"

She rolled her eyes, elbowing a smirking Deidara in the stomach before walking past him to deposit the groceries on the table as she yelled for her female friend. 

Deidara looked at Kisame. "Kisame, you want to do a friendly spar, un?"


"Why not? You better not be looking down on me." He scowled.

"Guys! Where's Akina?! She's not here and neither are the Uchihas!" Sakura entered the room, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Technically, they're all Uchiha bastards." 

"... shut up."

Kisame perked up, standing upright. "Oh yeah, about that, she dragged the duo off to Konoha as soon as she saw an explosion. Adding on to that, her female intuition was tingling, whatever the hell that means. I stayed back to drag you two."

"To Konoha, why?" Deidara asked.

He smirked deviously, a hint of blood lust seeping through his demeanor as the shark hybrid slung his sword over his shoulders. 

"To see the crushing of Konoha, of course." 

Deidara grinned. "Explosions and  crushing a village? Seems like typical a fun day."

Sakura paled. "W-what?"

Be as may that she chose Akina over Konoha, Squad AH over her family, the anti-heroes over the heroes, a bunch of people she barely knew over Tsunade - her mentor and Naruto...

She gulped.

Lets just say, Sakura Haruno was not looking forward to the destruction of her former village but she knew.. she knew Naruto wouldn't sit still and just let them destroy the village. And neither would Akina for that matter unless things were truly gonna go bad. 

Meanwhile, Deidara and Kisame in the corner were making plans.

"Maybe it'll go out with a bang like I did in Amegakure, yeah?"

"No, that's too flashy. The best is when you kill them slowly, seeing the despair-"

"But that's not flashy at all. Just imagine seeing the fireworks exploding in the air, wearing a pair of shades."

"While that seems tempting, I prefer more violence and blood."

"So you'd rather see a bunch of people dying normally than them exploding in the air? You have no sense of art, un!"

"I don't even care about art."

"Okay, lets decide on this. They die and then they blow up! Bang, un!"

A pair of Japanese fans hit them both in the back of their heads. 

"Would you both just shut the fuck up?!"


Konoha was completely crushed.

It was an acute observation made by three members of Squad AH. Neither of them needed to say it out loud. Each one of them felt varying emotions, ranging from bitter satisfaction to sadness and then, there was the peculiar emotion of confusion and then one of them felt an emotion they couldn't even begin to try and figure out. 

Konoha was their previous home. And neither of them were sure how to react.

The shortest figure out of the trio sat down comfortably on the ground, her legs swinging over the ledge. "This battle is for Naruto only. We are just here to observe." 

And make sure nothing goes too wrong.

As the smoke and dust cleared away, it revealed a handsome blonde man standing on top of a large toad with orange highlights on his eyes, wearing a red cloak. Akina grinned.

"Lets see if my involvement actually paid off."

"Tch, since when did that dobe get a new power upgrade?" Sasuke grit his teeth, obviously pissed off. She wasn't sure how their rivalry was going, but hopefully it was healthier.

She hummed. "Sasuke, your power upgrade is already within you. You just have to utilize it. Train with your brother."

He ignored her, still thinking about their conversation from yesterday. Meanwhile, Itachi was still flustered and stared away.

"That dobe.. just how long will he talk?!" Sasuke snapped. "Its been ten minutes!"

In the anime, this scene was dragged out for ten episodes or so. It certainly seems like the same thing is going to happen again.

Then Itachi spoke softly. "The Jinchuriki can not win unless he uses its power. He can't win using senjutsu against Pain's powers. If there's one way to defeat the rinnegan user, a genjutsu would be his best chance."

"He can't use genjutsu to save his life." Sasuke said after a while.

"He'll win. Its hax, but he'll win." Akina muttered, her eyes locked on Naruto's figure racing towards one of the Pain's.

"If he doesn't, he's not worthy of being my rival."

"Otouto, is this another way of saying you trust him?"

"Shut up, Itachi."

Itachi rubbed his eyes softly before opening them again and taking a closer look - this time with his father's sharingan activated. "Kakashi-kun is.."

"-dead. For now." She finished lowly, her eyes on Naruto as he destroyed one of Pain's paths from reaching Tsunade. Beside her, Sasuke's hands twitched with unease, the blank look on his face refusing to show an ounce of emotion. It was clear that Sasuke looked up to Kakashi in his own way, even though he never showed it. Heck, he'd traveled with the man for three years. Akina was slightly glad that he didn't try to kill his sensei this time around.

".. did the Jinchuriki just throw an animal into the air?" The trio turned around to see Sakura, Kisame and Deidara sneak up on them, their black cloaks rustling in the wind. Akina turned away from them. 

"Took you long enough."

"Senpou: Odamu Rasengan!!" Naruto's shout echoed through the empty village and three giant spheres of wind nature chakra went towards the rinne summons, defeating them effectively. The group watched in silence as Naruto defeated the Paths of Pain one by one.

All was going well, until the main body of Pain had enough and raised his hands. "Shinra Tensei!" The noise reached their ears as everyone on the battlefield went flying in different directions.

Then another attack on Naruto - "Bansho Ten'n."

The blonde's eyes widened, feeling himself get pulled towards Pain with an untraceable force and he went skidding in his direction. Then, raising his other hand, Pain reached out for Naruto's summon - Pa - and stabbed the poor toad.

Sakura winced, worry growing in her green eyes as she paced back and forth. "Damn it.. I want to help. What about the civilians, the damage done? Can I heal anyone?"

Akina raised her head, turning to address the pinkette. "I got it covered. They're safe, so don't worry. The casualties are less. Tsunade is still standing, which wasn't the case in my.. visions." She let out a satisfied smile. "At this rate, nothing's gonna go wrong."

Then Deidara groaned, swearing under his breath. "Akina, you just fucking jinxed the entire thing!"

"Oh fuck!" Her onyx black eyes widened with horror as she stood up abruptly. "Change of plans, everyone."

They all turned to pay attention at the sound of her authoritative voice. She was serious, and her limbs were aching to fight. "Our priority is to prevent Naruto from falling into the Akatsuki's clutches, no matter what." Grabbing her necklace which was a gift from Itachi, she pulled it off and it transformed into her sword - Black Nightmare.

"I've already told you the powers Pain possess. Try to find any limitations and use it." She ordered.

"Isn't this going a bit too far?" Kisame voiced his doubt dubiously. "Jinx? Really?"

"Oh trust me.." Deidara replied, shooting the auburn haired girl an excited smirk. "Its a real thing. I'm kinda fired up now, un." 

Before their eyes, Naruto let out a pained shout seeing the rod enter his hands. Akina closed her eyes, forcing the mixed emotions deep down inside. It was getting harder and harder, really. She chose her friends and family over everyone but was she ready to kill Pain if she had to? If it was the worst case scenario?

She didn't know the answer.

"Kisame," She whispered quietly to her comrade. "If I can't kill Pain.. kill him for me."

His beady eyes were still for a moment before a toothy grin took over and he nodded. " 'kay then. Whatever you say Cap'n."

Akina let out a wry smile and right in front of her, Pain stepped back after restraining Naruto. A swirling mass of black appeared, an orange swirly mask appearing on sight. And as panic seized her desperately, she ran, the rest of her squad following her no questions asked.

It went unsaid that this was something new - and change terrified Akina because no matter the situation, she liked being in charge and know what was going on.

Tobi raised his head towards the direction of a group appearing. They were wearing simple black traveling cloaks, their faces covered from everyone else. He let a smirk, and spoke.

"If it isn't Akina-chan and her little posse. Here to save the day, hm?"  

Naruto's eyes widened as the group came to a stop, their hoods still on top of their heads. They made no indication to agree or disagree with the statement and Pain's violet rinnegan eyes flashed. "I knew you were up to something, but I must say I expected better from my student."

Konan landed next to Pain, her amethyst orange eyes filled with sorrow and disappointment at the betrayal.

"Well, as touching as this is.. we have some work to do." Tobi replied into the silence and a figure stepped forward, the sword in their hands flashing. 

"And so do we. Let the Jinchuriki go, Uchiha Madara."

Katsuyu poked her head from inside Naruto's red cloak, the addition of members reaching every shinobi out there. Shikamaru's insides twisted with the news.

If Naruto was captured.. then they were doomed.

Tobi's sharingan flashed and simply stood there as Akina made the first move, her black sword merely passing through him. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her movements and aimed a kick at her abdomen. 

The Senju landed a few feet away, nursing the bruise on her stomach and she spoke. "Weasel and Fukushu.." 

Sasuke smirked with the use of his ROOT name, wondering how she remembered it all the while. He understood her orders. Without looking towards Itachi, he attacked Tobi, the red sharingan quickly turning into a mangekyou sharingan. 

Madara Uchiha vs the two strongest sets of sharingan in the generation. However, the Akatsuki member had a great advantage. Both brothers had received new powers, their potentials still untapped. But Akina knew that they'd be able to take care of themselves.

"Kira, go after him.

Akina smirked, hearing Sasuke's orders and nodded. "Am I the leader here, or are you, Fukushu? Fuka, you're with me. True Artist and Slug, take care of the Jinchuriki and Konan. Remember your main priority."

The rest of them jolted at the odd selection of nicknames, but were okay with it. It was easy to tell who she was referring to. Deidara found his name extremely satisfying and made a mental note to make that his stage name later on.

Deidara and Sakura; Itachi and Sasuke weren't in sync at all, but they were successfully keeping their enemies at bay.

Akina approached Pain, Kisame right behind her deciding to take the ban off of Samehada. The sword would get punished later.

"Traitors, you entire lot." Pain spoke coldly. 


"Bansho Tenin."

"Fuck!" Kisame swore as his feet moved involuntarily towards Pain.

"Shinra tensei!" Akina yelled, grabbing onto her partner and retreating a few steps away. The two jutsus were canceling each other out and Pain knew that. The Naraka Path appeared before them and her eyes widened.

It was the Path which restored his other bodies. If all of his Paths were restored then they would be in deep shit.


"On it."

Kisame raced towards the Naraka Path as Akina made way towards the main body. Kunai clashed against a sword - and the sounds of a taijutsu battle going on took place.  

Sasuke was finding Tobi annoying. Really annoying.

Because somehow, this fucker could stand in one place and dodge all attacks. His amaterasu wasn't working on him because of the kamui and he was able to see through Itachi's weak genjutsu. The elder landed a few steps back, his eyes still activated.

"If only I were at my prime strength.." He murmured under his breath. Sakura had mentioned that these few weeks Itachi was supposed to take rest and not overwork himself but he was doing the exact opposite. He was going out of his way to protect his younger brother.

Sasuke was pissed. Grabbing Itachi's cloak, he pulled him towards him and growled. "Quit protecting me Itachi! I'm not fucking helpless like you think I am!"

"Ohoho~ A sibling fight hm?" Madara chuckled darkly, his gaze landing on Sakura helping Naruto out of the chakra rod embedded in his palms. He transported over there and her emerald green eyes flashed with annoyance as she grabbed his wrist mid air and immediately activated her medical chakra, using it to break it.

"You're annoying." Tobi mumbled under his breath, holding his broken wrist as Sakura aimed more attacks at him. "I hate annoying pests."

He backhanded her cheek and she went flying towards Deidara, disturbing his attack on Konan. "Fucking hell Sakura!" He was momentarily distracted and that's all the time Konan needed to restrain them using her paper.  


The purple haired woman's eyes widened, feeling the clay sculptures destroy her paper.

Akina was trying to stop Pain, the hesitation making her spew words. "Shishou! Naruto can end this path of hatred and war!" He remained silent, completely focused on his taijutsu. With a powerful kick, Akina sent him skidding backwards and her eyes glowed with triumph.

"Just listen!"

"Shinra Tensei!" He raised his hand forward and the Senju went flying back into Naruto who was just getting up. He caught her with a wince, his palm bleeding heavily as he stabilized her. 

"Good. Now we have the both of them." Tobi's voice came from somewhere behind the duo and they shivered. Naruto turned around with rage in his eyes, his hands holding a swirling ball of chakra.


"Wood Style: Half Formed Buddha!"



The last thing both Akina and Naruto saw was a swirling black shadow engulf them all and on instinct - she grabbed onto Naruto and created a chakra sphere around the both of them.

Things had just taken a twist for the worst.

Pain wasn't dead. Konan hadn't run away. Tobi decided to reach the party early.

Konoha was destroyed.

And Squad AH had no sense of teamwork to destroy the rest of them.



That escalated quickly.


Haha I loved writing that. I want to go into a lot of depth with that scene though.. If by any chance I make another Itachi smut I'm gonna make it with Akina where the both of them are switches (which won't be canon). And if I make it with Sasuke...

I can never see Sasuke as a sub. Its impossible and I can't even begin to write that. I feel as if he'd be the really rough guy but also cares about you in his own sadistic way and Itachi would agree to do anything you order him to. Except when he's angry/ jealous.. in which case he's real rough on you.

*lenny face*

I've been reading a lot of Haikyuu!! and Naruto headcannons/scenarios lately lol don't blame me.

I completely chucked out the scene wherein Hinata battles Pain. Lmao RIP Hinata's love decleration

Also.. does anyone play Mystic Messenger here? I don't wanna break Yoosung's heart but I also love 707 and Zen. WHY CAN'T I TAKE THEM ALL?!


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