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I'm not sure if the media in your respective countries have covered the attack or not, so before I express my feelings about it, I'll briefly summarise what happened.

The other day, there was a terrorist attack at the world's third-busiest airport, Istanbul Ataturk airport, which has killed 41 people and wounded 230. This isn't the first one. In fact, it's the most recent in a chain of attacks—January 6, 2015, August 10, 2015, December 1, 2015, December 23, 2015, January 12, 2016, June 7, 2016, March 20, 2016, and the most recent one, which has happened on the 28th of June, 2016.

Turkish Officials blame the ISIL.

I'd like to express my condolences for the victims, their family, and all my Turkish brothers and sisters. May God bless and bring peace to all the victims of terror and injustice, of every race, ethnicity, and religion. Amen.


Yet another horrifying terrorist attack, yet, you barely hear a peep from the rest of the world.

Turkey was attacked the same way Paris, Belgium, Boston, and London were, but Facebook hasn't released a filter to show their solidarity for the country, social media hasn't been flooded with people showing their support, and the media has done a basic coverage of it, and the UEFA will not hold a moment of silence during the Euro 2016 quarterfinals because Turkey has already been eliminated from the series (as if that's an acceptable justification).

Only a few countries paid their respects by lighting up with the Turkish flag, such as the Municipality of Melbourne, the Brandenburg gate in Berlin, and on Mexico's Foreign Affairs building in Mexico City.

For terrorists, there is no difference between London or Istanbul, Syria or Paris, Boston or Belgium, yet, when a terrorist attack happens in the Western world, people are very readily quick to point fingers towards the religion of Islam and all its believers. The people who have died in Istanbul are no different to the ones who have died in Paris, except, maybe, that they happened to be practicing the wrong religion. It's very easy to be misinformed, to be ignorant and accept everything the Western islamophobic media tosses at you. The world doesn't want to think for itself, so it's in moments like these that we have to stand together and have a voice for those whose voices people are too bigoted to listen to.

I stand with Istanbul, and so should you. 

(If you're islamophobic, get the fuck off my rant book)


Is there something that you're itching to complain about, but have the good sense not to do so on a public forum? I can do it for you! Feel free to PM me with the topic you want me to rant about, and I won't think twice before adding it here. I'll be waiting!

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