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"I've never actually asked but I'm getting real curious now," Ritsu suddenly voiced out when the three of them are seating over the couch having their movie marathon session.

Izuku hums while Katsuki stares.

"What's your relationships?"

Izuku chokes on the popcorn he's munching while Katsuki snorted, "what do you think?"

"W-Well, your friends told me you two are roommates.. Splitting bills for a good share house," Ritsu voiced out, "but well.. from my point of view it looks like you two are.. umm close? Like- y'know, in a relationship or the sorts.." they mumbled out softly from embarrassment while fidgetting slightly.

Katsuki blinks, "huh, you're just going through puberty now? Why're you fucking embarrassed from saying that-"

Izuku elbowed Katsuki, "Kacchan!" He hisses.

"The fuck, Deku!"

Ritsu who's in the middle of them both tensed when the two were spatting to each other because of a reason Ritsu didn't quite understand. They're still a bit red- well it's not their fault they didn't get to go through puberty properly since they're practically locked away for years.

"But yeah, we're in a relationship and the sorts." Katsuki finally ended his arguement with Izuku. "Why, are you interested?"

Ritsu's face became darker shade of red before they shook their head, "n-no! I mean like- urgh-" they hid their face, "Am I not a third wheeler?"


Izuku scratched his cheeks, also he's bright red as well, giving a look at Katsuki who shrugs. "Actually, we're.. how do you say it.. open?"

Ritsu peaked out from their hiding and gives a silent signal for Izuku to continue.

"Okay, to be honest me and Kacchan had several talks about our relationships and how we want you to fit in too."


"We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or the sorts so we just continued on until.. we know you're comfortable."

Ritsu didn't knew the two were thinking so much for them. A̶l̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶R̶i̶t̶s̶u̶ ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶'̶v̶e̶ ̶m̶i̶s̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶t̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶I̶z̶u̶k̶u̶'̶s̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶d̶s. "Okay." They replied softly.

Izuku beamed out a relieved smile. "Great, then-"

Ritsu stood up, "I'll go back to my room then! I'll be sure to remind myself to give you two more time together, and no worries I'm completely comfortable and I support the two of you!" They quickly voiced out and ran off, leaving a blinking Izuku and Katsuki. "Have fun!"

"Well, you forgot to take account of them understanding your too ambigous sentence." Katsuki lasted commented as he wheezed, earning a loud slap from Izuku.




Well, ever since that day, Izuku did try to re-explain of his words but Ritsu graciously misunderstood all of them too.

Katsuki only ever wheezed behind the scenes.

Izuku let out an exasperated sigh. "Am I the only one who actually want this three ways relationships?" He finally can't take Katsuki's unhelpful side.

"I wouldn't mind either, but you still need to remind yourself that Riri is lacking youth."

"Are you trying to talk like an old man?"

"The fuck- Deku! You're as old as me!"

Well Katsuki saying Ritsu lacking youth is not an exact.. wrong thing. Ritsu that's being free and having full control of their body is literally internally five years old (in case you forgot) and well, they have no much knowledge of... yes.

And Izuku halfly not wanting to taint.. like he didn't want to give too much information and so resulting in the ambigous wordings while Katsuki has no filters at all so he just stayed quiet.

"I always told you to just say it straightly fucker, if you explain in a roundaway way they would never understand!"

"B-But- what if-"

Katsuki sighed, "then you give them time. Which probably will take fucking decades."

Izuku pouts.

"Riri probably doesn't even know of their own feelings just yet anyway, you know they acts like a freaking child everytime."

"And that's very adorable! Right?"

"That ain't the point!"


"I mean, think about it nerd. You remember the first time you told me that you found them," Izuku nodded slowly, getting the serious air, "you told me they had empty lifeless eyes."

Izuku halted and nodded, "yeah,"

"When I found them they had those eyes too. And those eyes changed back to one I remembered from when we were children during that time after we finished our report."

"and not only their eyes that changed, their personalities changed too." Izuku mumble out, "they'll be quiet and always out of it when their eyes are lifeless."

"It's just my thoughts but don't you think it's the result of them being locked away for years?"

"That.. makes senses." Izuku agreed. "So you mean they might have a some sorts of split personality disorder or the sorts?"


"And the first personality is of when they're still five years old, when they were still... free."


"That.. actually explains how sometime her words slurred and being y'know, childish- like-"

"When we were children." Katsuki finished Izuku's sentence.

"Yeah." Izuku breathed out.

As Izuku prossesed the information, he slumps down slightly, "so what do we do?" He whispered out lowly.

"You're the one offering we spoil them to make up the missing years." Katsuki pointed out, "I say we continue doing that." He shrugs.

Izuku blinks and finally nodded, "yeah, okay." He told. Then he groaned, "urgh but Riri's been locking inside their room because they thought I wanted us to have more of us-time!"

Katsuki snorted, "that's your own fucking fault."

"And seriously Kacchan! You sound like you don't care much! Am I overthinking it or are you actually don't care? I'm surprised you are because I thought you were-"

"Unlike your workaholic ass I actually fucking spend time with Ritsu. Surprisingly, much more than you." Katsuki rolled his eyes as Izuku never felt anymore betrayed and gasp out loudly. "So yeah, nothing much will change so,"

"How?!" Izuku yelps out, "we- we work the same time?! We do the almost same thing?"

"Except I don't stick my nose on others' business like your nerdy ass does."


Before Izuku could let out another complain, they heard the alarm ringing and Katsuki stood up to turn it off. "Alright go call Riri, we're having dinner in five." Then the blond went to the kitchen to probably do the finishing touch of said dinner.

Izuku let out another pout but went to call Ritsu as told.




"Thank you for the food." Ritsu voiced out when they finished their food and they jumped down from their seat and took their tableware to the sink to wash it.

Izuku slightly pouted when he noticed Ritsu is eating on a fast pace, like they always did after of the start of the misunderstandings, and heaved a quiet sigh to himself.

Katsuki doesn't seem to be bothered much, it's quite amusing for him.

"Oh, right!" Ritsu then suddenly exclaims startling Izuku.

Izuku gulped down the food he almost choked in and gave a confused look, "w-what's wrong, Riri?"

"I forgot, did you remember last time I asked for permission to do the grocerries?"

Katsuki met eyes with Izuku before the two nodded, "yeah?"

"There was a somekind campaign held!" Ritsu excitedly exclaim as they turned off the water, "wait a bit." They hastily wiped their hands to their own clothes while they ran somewhere leaving a confused Izuku and a halfly interested Katsuki.

"This!" They soon heard another word from Ritsu, "Tada~! I participated and I won the first prize!" Ritsu ran back with the envelope saying first prize.

"Whoa! That's awesome!"

"So what'd you won?"

Ritsu grins widely at the praises and opened it, revealing two tickets for the amusement park. "One day pass to the Hero Land!" They excitedly exclaim out, "and adding on," they pulled out another two tickets, "an early pass for the newly open All Might area!"

Izuku slams his hand on the table, "holy shit! You mean the one that will open next month at the anniversary? I've been dying to buy the ticket for next month and you got it already oh my god you're so lucky Riri!!" He can't help but squeal out.

Ritsu giggled, "I knew you would be so happy!" Then they gave out the four tickets to the two's direction, "I mean, this isn't something I prepared myself but, I thought I'll give this to you two as thanks for taking care of me!" They then told.

"What? But you were the one that-"

"I ain't even interested in the damn-"

Ritsu shook their head, cutting of their complains. "You two are always taking care of me, I want you two to have more quality times! I never saw you two going out on a date you know?"

Ritsu let out a cheeky smile as Izuku blushed out, "that's beside the point!" He huffed out.

"So I would really like it if you two would accept this and let me know how your day went on in return." Ritsu finishes their sentence.

Izuku glanced to Katsuki.

"Please?" Ritsu tries again.

Katsuki sighed and nudges Izuku to take the offered tickets and Ritsu cheers.

"But," The blond then added on right after, pulling out his phone and as Izuku and Ritsu lets out a confused look at him, Katsuki continued to fiddle on his phone, pressing the screens and when he pressed one last time he let out a satisfied smile and showed the phone to Ritsu's face, "you're also coming with us dumbass." It was a digital one day Hero Land pass.

Izuku lighted up brightly while Ritsu gasped out, "what?! Kacchan!!!" Ritsu whined out.

"You're so smart Kacchan!" Izuku hugged Katsuki's arm as the blond just huffed.

"I can't believe you bought that in seconds! Oh my god, I wanted to pay back but you just wasted- how much does the one day pass even costs again? I can't- urghh Kacchan!!" Ritsu whined out, "how dare you backfiring my surprise to you both!!! Aaaaahghhhhg- I hate youu!"

Katsuki just gave his smug face, "heh, love you too asshole."


( i just thought u all wanted more bkdk fluffs so yeah supportive ritsu/reader urging bkdk to go on a date !!! :< )

27 April 2023

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