An Unexpected Sleepover

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Sam wakes up from a nightmare screaming and freaking out. Colby-because their bedrooms are right next to each other-hears him and wastes no time rushing in and calming Sam down. Sam asks him to stay with him until he falls asleep, and they both end up falling asleep in Sam's bed.
This is going to be #Solby so if you're not into that please proceed to your nearest exit thank you goodbye.
((Assume Kat does not exist in this world that the story takes place in. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT HATE KAT, NOR DO I HATE SAM AND KAT'S RELATIONSHIP [ACTUALLY I THINK THEY ARE ADORABLE LIKE SERIOUSLY HOW ARE THEY SO CUTE?!] So like pls don't attack me Kay thanks))

Also this is going to be from Colby's POV because why not.

Colby's POV.
I exhaled quietly as I turned over on my bed, repositioning my arm so that I could see my phone again. It was after 3:00 in the morning, and Sam, Aaron, Jake, and Corey had all gone to bed. I for some unknown reason just couldn't fall asleep. I was just scrolling through Twitter and Instagram when I began to feel my throat getting scratchy. I sat up and reached for my bottle of water on my nightstand, only to find that it was empty. I tossed my phone into my shorts pocket and stood up. Slowly and carefully, I made my way downstairs.

I opened the fridge and grabbed out a cold bottle of water and took a drink. Then I made my way back upstairs. I took note of how creepy the house is at night when no lights are on and everybody is asleep. It definitely didn't help the whole "our house is haunted" argument Corey and Aaron keep making. I shook my head of the ghost thoughts and ventured up the stairs.

Just as I was back in my room and began closing my door, I heard a scream. It was a voice I knew all too well, and I immediately dropped my water and raced out of my room, throwing open the door of the room right across from mine. I switched on the light to find Sam sitting up in his bed, shaking and screaming. My mind froze for a second, taking in the situation. Then, I went into that weird auto-pilot state where I just act on instinct before I think.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey Sammy. Sam? Shh it's okay. It's okay, what happened? Sam? Sam calm down." I spoke clearly and gently, but Sam just kept looking around wildly. I could see that his chest was rising and falling faster and faster as each second passed. Shit, I thought. I needed to calm him down, fast. "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam look at me. Sam, hey! It's okay. It's okay, Sammy. Look, look I'm right here. You're okay. You're okay, look at me." I tried desperately to get his attention. His eyes were wide with fear, and he was moving backwards away from me. I slowly sat down on the side of his bed. I raised my hands up level with my chest, spreading my fingers far apart. "Sammy, you're safe. I promise. It's okay. Can you hear me?" I lowered my voice. Sam's back hit the wall that his bed was up against, and he let out a small whimper that broke my heart. He was on the verge of crying, and he was sweating and shaking a lot.

I felt so bad for him. This wasn't the first panic attack I'd seen him have. Ever since we were kids, Sam had had Anxiety. He had panic attacks here and there a lot. I still remember his parents and him explaining to me how to handle an attack, what to do, what to say, how to act...It still scares the shit out of me, but I try hard not to let Sam see that. After all, he's the one going through it.

Sam pinched his eyes shut, and I knew the attack was getting worse. "Sammy, can you hear me?" I asked him gently. Sam nodded hesitantly. This was a good sign-he was responding to me. "Good. That's good Sam. You're completely safe. Nothing is happening, nothing is going to hurt you. I'm right here with you, okay?" I explained. Sam nodded again. He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the ceiling. I could tell that his eyes were filled with tears. Whatever he'd seen or heard had obviously really scared him. "Okay Sam. You're okay. Why don't you try breathing with me?" I suggested. I took a deep, slow breath in, and I let it out even slower. I exaggerated my movements so that Sam could easily pick up on them. He watched me for a minute before trying to take a deep breath himself. "Good. That's really good, Babe." I encouraged. I suddenly remembered the water bottle I had abandoned in my rush to get to Sam. "Keep breathing like that okay? I'll be right back." I said. I started to stand up, but Sam jumped a little. I could tell that leaving him alone would scare him, so I slowly sat back down. "Okay. It's okay. I'm not going anywhere. Let's try breathing again." I told him calmly. I locked eyes with him, and Sam nodded. I took the same deep breath in and let it out again slowly. Sam tried hard to follow my movements, and I continued nodding and encouraging him as best I could.

After a while, we got his breathing under control. We sat in silence except for Sam's heavy breathing and occasional small sniffles. He was crying, and I wanted nothing in the world more than to crawl over with him and just hold him until he felt better. But I knew I wasn't allowed to touch him yet; He was still shaking pretty badly. So I just kept talking to him softly and reminding him that he was alright. Slowly, he came back to me. He looked up at me and nodded. I nodded back. "I'll be right back okay? I promise. Five seconds." I said quietly. Sam looked nervous, so I moved quickly. I jogged back to my room and picked up the water bottle I'd dropped, and hurried back to Sam's room. I gently sat back down on the bed, so as not to scare him, and held out the bottle to him. He took it in his trembling hands and tried to open it. When he failed to get the cap off, he held it back out to me. I smiled slightly, and opened it for him. He took a few sips, and leaned back against the wall. "Do you know what triggered it?" I asked carefully, watching him closely for any sudden changes. Sam hesitantly nodded, staring at the bed sheets.

"Nightmare." He choked out. His voice was raw and shaky.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked. Sam didn't move at first, and I figured that meant he didn't want to tell me. I didn't pressure him, but then he sat up a little.

"Just...Someo-someone broke into the house. And...And they, like, took all of us into the living room, and um...They just, killed Corey-they shot him, right away. They said that if any of us tried anything stupid, that we'd end up the same way." Sam stopped to breathe. I blinked. "Jesus..." I muttered. Sam only nodded, and he continued. "They tied us up, and just held us at gunpoint while they stole stuff. We were crying, and...You moved over to try to put your arm around me...And, Jake and Aaron yelled at you to stop. And...And they shot Aaron and Jake for yelling out. Then, th-they almost shot you for moving..." Sam's voice wavered, and he sniffled. "But one of them stopped him and said they'd get in more trouble for killing more people." He cried.

"Sammy..." I carefully reached out and touched his leg. When he didn't freak out, I slowly moved a bit closer to him. "They told us to keep quiet or else...They'd kill us too. So we did. And-They kept taking things. Buddy was barking upstairs, and-they looked at me. They turned towards the stairs and-You just begged for them not to touch Buddy. Then..." Sam stopped, sobbing into his hands. I felt horrible, but all I could do was rub his knee and talk to him comfortingly. He took a shaky breath and continued. "B-because we were yelling...One of them grabbed me and pulled me up. He-he said...He handed me a g-gun, and held another to my head. He t-told me to shoot you. And, he said if I didn't, then he would. I...I couldn't. I begged them to let us go. And...He just shot you!" He cried.

"Awe Sam." I moved a bit closer, and Sam just crawled into my arms. I felt him grab onto the back of my shirt tightly. "He killed you r-right in front of me..." Sam sobbed into my my shoulder. I rocked him back and forth. "Shh, it's okay. It's over now. It wasn't real, Sam. I'm fine. I'm right here." I soothed. "It looked so real! Th-there was blood everywhere." He choked out between sobs. "Shh, shh, it wasn't real. It's okay, I'm right here Sammy. Everything's fine. Everyone's fine, the roommates are fine. I'm right here, I've got you. It's okay." I rubbed his back gently, just letting him cry. I kissed the side of his head gently. "It's okay. You're safe. You're okay." I repeated. His breathing was growing more and more panicked, and I carefully pulled away. "Hey, hey...Breathe Sam. You're okay, I promise. Everything's okay. Breathe, take deep breaths." I rubbed his back gently with one hand, and held his hand in my other. "You don't have to talk about it anymore. Let's stop talking about it." I said quickly. Sam nodded, coughing.

"I f...I f-feel sick." He swallowed. "Okay, okay, drink some more water." I grabbed the bottle of water and opened it, quickly handing it to him. Sam took it immediately and drank. "Slowly." I reminded him. I noticed he was still shaking. "Are you cold?" I asked. Sam hesitated before shaking his head. "I'm...I'm, like, sweating." He panted. "Okay. Alright, just take it easy. You're okay." I said. I gently placed my hand on his bare chest, feeling for his heartbeat. His heart was still pounding a little. "Do you wanna lie down?" I ask. Sam sniffled and shook his head again. He was looking down at the bed. "Sam." I said. He glanced up at me. "Breathe. It's okay." I said, reaching up and wiping the tears off of his cheeks. Sam smiled a little, blushing. "I love you." I said quietly. "I love you too." Sam breathed out. I smiled. "How do you feel? Do you still feel like you could throw up?" I asked him. Sam took another sip of the water. "Kind of. But it's getting better. The water's helping. Thank you." He said. "That's good." I looked him over. He wasn't shaking nearly as bad now, and he'd stopped crying for the most part. "Do you wanna lay down?" I asked him. Sam wiped his eyes. "Uh. Yeah." He said, taking a shaky breath. "Okay."

I moved over to the edge of the bed and stood up. Sam scooted down and lied down slowly, handing the water bottle off to me. I set it on the nightstand and looked at him. "You good?" I asked him. Sam nodded, taking another deep, shaky breath. "Yeah." He said. I could tell that answer wasn't totally honest, but I didn't want to push him. So I just nodded. "Good. Try and get some sleep, okay?" I stood up straight and turned towards the door. "Uh-Hey, Colby?" Sam's voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned around quickly. "Yeah?" Sam was sitting up on his elbows looking at me. The look on his face instantly worried me. "What? What is it?" I asked, moving back to sit down on the edge of the bed. Sam looked down. "Um...Do, you think you could stay with me? Like until I fall asleep?" He asked quietly. I couldn't help myself. I smiled like an idiot and leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Of course, Sam." I said. Sam looked up and smiled at me. "Thanks." He said sheepishly.

"You don't have to thank me, Sam." I said, turning out the light and climbing under the covers. "Come here." I laid on my back and put my arm out, and Sam moved over next to me and laid his head on my chest. I giggled when he snuggled closer. "Comfy?" I joked. "Hmmm." Sam breathed out. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and tucked my other arm behind my head. "Goodnight Sam." I whispered. "G'night Colby." Sam whispered sleepily. I kissed the top of his head.

After another hour of us laying there, Sam fell asleep on my chest. I smiled to myself as I looked down at him. He is the cutest fricken person in the world I thought. Sam looked so adorable when he was sleeping, peaceful and worry-free. I loved it. Carefully, I reached down into my pocket and grabbed out my phone. I turned on the camera, switched the flash on, and took a picture of him lying on me. The flash caused Sam to stir a little, and I froze. Sam nuzzled a bit closer to me, but he didn't wake up. I sighed in relief and opened my Instagram. I posted the picture with the caption "This adorable loser fell asleep on me. Should I draw on his face with marker?" And posted it. Pretty much immediately, people started liking the photo and commenting on how adorable we were. Satisfied with my embarrassing post that I knew for sure Sam would get me back for at a later date, I turned my phone off and set it quietly on the nightstand next to Sam's bed. I slowly moved down onto the pillows and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before sleep set in, and we were both snoring.

A/N: Hai! Thank you so much for reading this! I really hope you guys enjoyed it! Again, idk if it's any good but oh well lol. So Sam and Colby are things that exist in my life now hahahaha. Also school is gonna be starting up again for me in a month sooo.....Pray for me lol I'm gonna need help. But anyways! I really hope you guys liked this story! Thanks again loads for reading!! 😊✌🏻♥️

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