I'm Only Human

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Sam has been under a lot of stress lately. It's his week to edit the Sam and Colby main channel video, and his personal channel video is late. He hasn't seen Katrina in two weeks because she's off recording another album, and he's got it in his head that she is cheating on him while away. The other roommates are inviting people over left and right. When
Aaron asks Sam to do him a favour, Sam blows up at him. How much more pressure can one kid take?

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Mentions of cheating relationships.

I own nothing but the plot line. Also the beginning is supposed to be chaotic because it's from Sam's POV and he's freaking out.
Sam bounced his leg up and down as he sat at his desk. He was checking his phone for the fifteenth time in ten minutes. Still not a single text or call from Katrina. Sam called her for the fifth time that afternoon.

It went to her voicemail. Sam sighed in frustration.

"Hey, Kat. It's me, again. This is like my third message I've left you. Um. I just wanted to see how the recording is going. Wondering why you won't call me or text me back...I haven't talked to you in two days so...Whatever. Just, call me when you can, okay? Love you." He hung up.

Sam's mind raced with a million thoughts.

You're annoying her. She doesn't want to answer your calls. She's doing something better with her time. She's with another guy. She's on a date with another guy. She's seeing someone else. It's happening again.

Sam pinched his eyes shut and shook his head. He hated that he couldn't fully trust Katrina to go away for a week or two. She was so excited about this album, why couldn't he just be a good boyfriend and be happy for her? Why did he have to be so clingy?

Sam shook his head again and looked back at his computer. The video clips he was editing together swam on his computer screen. He couldn't focus. He checked the time. "Damnit." He threw his phone in his bed.

He was supposed to have this video up yesterday. People were already tweeting him wondering why there was no video up on his personal channel. He had tweeted out a response saying he would have the video up by 8:00 pm that day. It was already 6:30 and he wasn't even half way done with editing.

He hated rushing videos because it made him look sloppy. He wanted everything to be perfect.

It was also his turn to edit the video he and Colby had filmed for their duo channel. That video was supposed to go out tomorrow night, but he hadn't even started on it yet. His mind was so focused on the fact that Katrina hadn't responded to him at all for two days straight. As Sam stared at the computer screen, he felt his heart drop. He reached back and grabbed his phone again. He opened up his text conversations with Katrina. He read back through all of his messages.

"Hey Babe. How's the recording going?"

"Yo what's up?"

"Kat? You busy?"

"I'll take your silence as a yes, lol"

"Goodnight Babe, love you."

He moved on to the second day.

"Hey Kat."

"Hey, are you mad at me by chance?"


"Why aren't you responding at all?"

"You said you'd be free in the mornings to talk."


"Why aren't you picking up??"

"Seriously can you answer? I'm kinda worried."


Reading back his messages made Sam feel even worse. No wonder Katrina wasn't responding, he was annoying as hell. Sam tossed his phone back on the bed again and moved back to his desk. He stitched together a few clips of footage. As he continued editing, he could hear yelling and whooping from downstairs. Sam tried to block out the noise of his friends having fun with headphones, but he just couldn't focus.

Becoming even more agitated, Sam stood up from his desk. He opened his door forcefully and walked downstairs.

Downstairs in the TV room, Colby, Corey, Jake, Aaron, Kevin, and Elton were hanging out. They were all gathered around playing video games. They laughed and told jokes. Colby was just about to take his turn at the controller when Sam walked in the room. The group erupted in a chorus of different nicknames for Sam.

"Heeeeey Sammyyy!"

"Eyyyy Mosquito Nips!"



Colby laughed along with everyone, until he noticed his friend's expression. Sam looked exhausted and pissed off. Colby stopped laughing and frowned. "Hey, you okay Sam?" He asked.

"Hey, can you guys please keep it down? I'm trying to edit and I can hear you guys screaming through my headphones and closed bedroom door." Sam said, very clearly annoyed. The yelling quieted down for a minute, and everyone apologized.

"Thank you." Sam said, and he quickly turned to walk away.

"Hey Sam? Why don't you take a break and hang out with us?" Jake asked, but Sam kept walking. "No thanks." He called as he rushed up the stairs. Everyone turned to exchange confused glances. "What's wrong with him?" Corey asked. Before anyone could answer, Sam slammed his bedroom door loudly. "Jesus. What's his problem? Is he okay?" Aaron asked. Everyone shrugged. "I don't know. His video is late, maybe he's just stressed about that?" Colby suggested.
Back upstairs, Sam paced his bedroom, holding his phone up to his ear. He listened to the dial tone for a few seconds before Katrina's voice could be heard.

"Hey, you've reached Katrina Stewart. Sorry I'm not available at the moment, please leave a message and I'll get back to you A-S-A-P! Thanks! Byeee!"

Sam exhaled.

"Hey, Kat. It's me, again. Um. This is probably, like, the fourth or fifth message I've left you today. I don't know why you're ignoring me but...Just, please call me back? I'm like actually starting to freak out. Okay? Bye." Sam hung up the phone. Again, he checked Katrina's Instagram. She hadn't posted anything that day, but the post she made yesterday was what Sam kept staring at.

It was a picture of Katrina drinking a pink smoothie, looking up rather than at the camera. The caption read:

"Couldn't be happier. So grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. I love you ❤️"

Sam had commented on her post.

"Why aren't you answering?"

That had been his big mistake. Instantly, fans responded, each making assumptions and taking sides.

"Katrina is ignoring Sam?? 👀👀"

"Sam what did you do?"

"Wow she's ignoring Sam? What a bitchy thing to do!"

"Are they fighting?!"

"Did they break up????"

"If they broke up I will cry!"

"I hope they broke up, Katrina deserves way better than Sam's stupid ass."

"I mean honestly, Sam deserves better."

"Sam probably fucked something up hahahaha"

"What if she's with another guy???"
"No, Kat isn't like that! She would never cheat on Sam!"
"Would she??"

Sam skimmed through the comments, each one causing his heart to race more and more. His annoyance faded into anger, and his anger faded into fear. What if he had done something wrong? What if he did piss Katrina off? More comments loaded.

"Sam didn't post yesterday..."

"Didn't Kat leave L.A. to record something?"

"Wait Sam didn't post yesterday!! Wtf is happening?!"

"I don't blame Kat for ignoring Sam. He's annoying."

Sam closed Instagram and threw his phone down on the bed. It bounced across the bed and fell off onto the floor with a thud. Sam sat back for a minute, trying to control his racing thoughts. He turned back to his computer and sat down. He tried as hard as he could to focus.

Before long, Sam could hear everyone downstairs yelling and hooting again. He tried to block it out, but it just got louder. Sam ripped his headphones off and stood up abruptly. He threw open his bedroom door, and stormed downstairs.

Corey, Jake, Elton, and Kevin all yelled when Corey scored a goal. "Guys, keep it down." Colby tried, but nobody heard him. Everyone high-fived Corey. They continued yelling until Jake heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Shit, guys! Sam's coming! Shut up!" He whisper-yelled. Instantly, everyone fell silent. Sam walked up to the room.

"Guys seriously?! I'm trying to edit upstairs! Come on!" He yelled. "Sorry, Dude. We're just having fun." Elton said, glancing at Jake. "It's not funny!" Sam yelled again. "Sam, calm down. You're kinda overreacting." Colby said. Sam looked at him. "No I'm not! I'm trying to get my video done and I can't focus because all I can hear is you guys screaming!!" Sam raised his voice even more. "Sam, chill." Aaron tried.

"Stop telling me to chill!!" Sam yelled. Everyone stared at him. Colby noticed that his hands were shaking. "Just, keep it down. Please." Sam said, his voice lowered significantly. "Hey, why don't you take a break? You've been up there for hours." Colby asked. Sam just shook his head. "I can't." He said. "Colby's right, maybe you should, like, walk away from it for a little while." Aaron added. Again, Sam shook his head. "No. I can't. I can't. Just, please, try to keep it down." Sam repeated. Everyone nodded, and Sam turned around. He walked back up to his room. The guys all looked at each other.

"Why was he so pissed?" Corey asked. Colby shrugged. "I don't know." Colby said, looking back towards the stairs. "He was, like, shaking, did anyone else notice that?" Colby turned to the guys. Elton nodded. "I noticed that." He said. "I noticed that too." Kevin said. "Is he okay?" Aaron asked. "Obviously not." Corey said. Everyone turned to look at him. "What? You guy heard him yelling and shit. And he was shaking." Corey pointed out.

"Has anyone seen Sam eat anything today?" Jake asked. Everyone hesitated, thinking. Slowly, everyone shook their heads. "That's probably not good..." Jake said. Aaron shoved his controller at Jake. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He said. "You sure?" Colby asked. Aaron nodded. He ventured up the stairs.
Sam stared at his phone. He had texted Katrina again, and was waiting to see if she'd respond. His heart was pounding out of his chest, and his head pounded along with it. A knock on his door made him jump. Sam just set his phone down on his desk and looked back at his computer, ignoring the knock. When another knock sounded, Sam jumped again. "God...What?!" He yelled. There was a moment of silence. Sam rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked over to his door. He opened it, and Aaron jumped back slightly. Sam ignored the fact that he'd scared him. "What?" He asked again. Aaron blinked. "I, uh. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Aaron said. "Why?" Sam challenged. Aaron looked at him. "You seemed kind of off downstairs." He said. "Well I'm fine, and you can tell whoever sent you up here that I'm fine too. I need to get this done." Sam said, walking away from the door and over to his computer.

Aaron, not satisfied with Sam's responses, stepped inside his room. "You don't seem fine." He said. "Aaron, I'm fine. Just go back downstairs." Sam said, trying to look at his computer. "Sam, you're not fine. Have you eaten anything today?" Aaron asked. "I'm not hungry." Sam muttered. "Sam you need to eat something. Just come downstairs and-" Aaron was cut off by Sam whirling around to look at him. "Why are you guys so obsessed with me not finishing anything?!" He yelled. Aaron frowned. "W-What?" He asked, caught off guard. "All day you guys have just been distracting me and trying to get me to stop editing! My video is late! I-I have to get it done!" Sam said. His heart raced faster.

"Sam...No one is trying to stop you from getting stuff done. We're just worried about you." Aaron said, frowning. Sam had gone pale. "Maybe you should sit down." He added. "Stop!-Don't tell me what to do!!" Sam yelled, awkwardly struggling to catch his breath. Again, Aaron frowned. "I wasn't." He said. "You just look like you're about to pass out." Sam swallowed with difficulty. He opened his mouth to say something, but his phone dinged before he could. Sam immediately turned and grabbed it, looking at the screen. Instead of seeing a text or a message from Katrina, he saw a message from Colby.

"What's all the yelling about?"

Sam felt like he was about to burst into tears. He threw his phone across his bed. Aaron watched as Sam's breathing suddenly skyrocketed. "Sam? What happened?" He asked. Sam just shook his head. "I have to get this done. I have to get this done." He said. Aaron took a step closer, and Sam jumped back. "Don't!" He yelled. "Sam, you really should sit down." Aaron said, taking another step towards him. Sam moved back again. "Stop!!" He screamed.

Just then, Colby walked in the room. "What the hell is all the yelling about?" He asked. Sam jumped hard at Colby's voice. Aaron only glanced at Colby before returning to Sam. "Sam, please sit down." He said. "Just...Go! I have to get this done!!" Sam yelled.

Colby assessed the situation very quickly. He'd seen this happen before. "Aaron, go downstairs." He said. "What? No!" Aaron said, turning to look at Colby fully. "Aaron, I got this." Colby said. "Colby, I'm not a child." Aaron said. "Shut up!!! Get out of my fucking room!!" Sam screamed. Both boys looked back to Sam. "Sam? What's gong on? Can you talk to me?" Colby asked. Sam shook his head. Colby slowly moved backwards and started to close Sam's bedroom door. "N-No!" Sam choked. Colby froze. "You want it open?" He asked. Sam nodded. Colby removed his hands from the door. "Okay. You got it. Can you tell me what happened?" He asked gently. "I have to get this done!" Sam repeated. "Your video?" Colby asked. Sam nodded. "It's late! And, everyone's asking why...And they're assuming...Things! And, I can't concentrate!" He said, tears forming in his eyes. "Okay. Okay. Why don't we all sit down? Let's just sit down, and talk for a minute. Okay?" Colby said slowly.

"I don't want to talk! I need to get this done!" Sam yelled. "Okay, Sam. Okay. Just sit down in your desk chair, okay? Please?" Colby asked. Sam looked at him. "Please?" Colby repeated. Sam slowly nodded. He lowered himself into the chair. "Good. Aaron? You can sit in the chair there. If it's alright with you, Sam, I'll just sit on the end of your bed." Colby said, walking past Aaron and sitting on Sam's bed. Aaron cautiously sat in Sam's other chair. "Good. Okay. Sam? Just take a second, alright?" Colby asked. "I can't." Sam breathed. "Yes you can. Just take it easy." Colby said.

The three boys sat in Sam's room in silence for a while. Sam's breathing got worse, and he started shaking badly. Colby left momentarily to get Sam some water from downstairs. The others had questioned what was going on, but Colby had ignored them. He rushed back to Sam's room and gave him the water. Sam was struggling to keep from crying for a while, but he finally broke. He turned away from Colby and Aaron and covered his eyes with his hands. Colby moved from the side of Sam's bed. He walked over to Sam's desk and leaned against it, putting his hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam tensed at the sudden weight in his shoulder. Colby removed his hand quickly. "Sorry. It's alright." He said. Sam stood up suddenly and tried to leave the room, but Colby grabbed his shoulders. Aaron stood up quickly. "Nope, nope, nope, nope. Stay here, alright?" He said. Sam jerked Colby's hands off of his shoulders. "Please stay here, okay?" Colby repeated. Sam walked to the other side of his bed. Aaron moved slowly across the room and over to the door. He leaned against the wall next to the door, glancing at Colby. Colby looked at him and nodded, mouthing the words "thank you". Aaron nodded as well, and they both looked back to Sam.

Sam bent over and picked up his phone. He opened it and checked his messages. Nothing. He wanted to throw his phone at the wall. He wanted to scream. All of the comments on Katrina's post ran through his mind over and over again. Aaron moved over to Sam. "Here, lemme take that." He said gently, slowly taking Sam's phone out of his hand. Colby frowned at Aaron. Aaron mouthed to Colby. "He threw it a minute ago." Colby nodded, giving Aaron a thumbs up. Colby walked over next to Sam, who was starting to calm down. Carefully, he lowered Sam onto the bed and sat down next to him. "You wanna tell me what's really going on?" Colby asked. Sam wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve. He took a few deep breaths. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Aaron spoke up. Colby held up his hand, signaling for Aaron to stop. Sam lowered his head. "I...I think, Kat..." He choked up again trying to explain. "You're okay. Take a deep breath. It's okay, Sam." Colby said. Sam covered his face with his hands, his shoulders shaking. He leaned his elbows on his knees.

Aaron wanted to run over and hug Sam. He had no idea what could've upset the teen this badly. Colby put his hand on Sam's back. "Okay. Okay. It's okay." He soothed. The panic attack had subsided, now Sam was just crying. Colby had been through these situations numerous times with Sam. He pushed himself too far constantly. Every now and again, he reached his breaking point.

After around twenty minutes, Sam started to calm down again. Aaron had moved to sit on Sam's other side, and was trying to help Colby calm him down. Sam wiped at his eyes repeatedly. When Sam had gone silent, Colby spoke up. "You wanna try again?" He asked. Sam nodded. "Okay." Colby looked at him. Sam sniffled. Again, he took a deep breath. "I think Kat is cheating on me." He forced himself to say it. "Sh...She's been ignoring me for two days s...straight, now. She posted on In...stagram. And, I commented, something stupid. And, now the fans are making assumptions. And, I can't g...get it out of my head that she's...That she's with another guy." Sam struggled through his explanation. Aaron and Colby nodded. "Okay." Colby said. "And, the stupid video is late. Because I can't fucking concentrate on anything. I'm so scared that she's...I l...I love her. And if she's...I don't know what I'd do." Sam finished. He had choked up again, and was trying not to lose his cool for a third time. "Okay. So, we know Kat. We know she's off recording stuff. We know that when she's recording, she gets really into it, and she gets really focused." Colby said.

"She posted on Instagram." Sam interrupted. "I saw. That was probably directed at the people she's working with." Colby said. Sam took in a few sharp breaths. "It's okay. It's okay. Sam, we know Katrina. She would never do something like that. Okay? You know that." Colby said. Sam nodded. "Yeah. We all know Katrina would never ever do that to you." Colby repeated. "Yeah, she loves you way too much." Aaron said. Sam nodded again. "She does. Now, about the videos. I'll edit the main channel one tomorrow. Okay? Don't worry about that. Just tweet out that you'll upload yours on Monday or Tuesday. It's really okay. No one's gonna hate you. No one's gonna unsubscribe. It's not the end of the world." Colby continued. Sam shook his head. "Sam, you're exhausted. You need to stop editing. You need to stop all of this. You should either come downstairs and hang out with us for a while to get your mind off of things, or just crash now. Honestly, I think you should come downstairs and hang out with us, because we're pretty fun." Colby said. All three boys smiled.

Before any of them could say anything else, Elton walked into the doorway. He took one look at Sam and frowned. "Who the fuck do I need to kill?" He asked quietly and calmly. Colby, Aaron, and Sam chuckled. "No one. I'm fine." Sam said, wiping his eyes again. Elton walked into the room further. "You sure about that?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Sam nodded. "Yeah." He said. Elton looked at Colby and Aaron. "No." Sam said. Everyone looked to him. "But I will be." Sam added. Colby put his arm around Sam's shoulders. "Did something happen?" Elton asked. Sam shook his head. "Overthinking mixed with overworking." Colby said. Sam pointed at Colby and nodded. "Yeah." He said, chuckling sadly. Elton nodded. "Okay. You gonna be okay?" He asked. Sam nodded. "Yeah. Just freaked myself out a little bit." He said. "Okay. Well, I came up here to check on you guys, and to let you know that Jake and I ordered pizza and it's here. Sam, I know you haven't really eaten today." Elton said. The others nodded. "Cool. We'll be down in a minute." Colby said. Elton nodded, and turned to leave. Sam spoke up. "Hey, Elton?" He said. Elton quickly turned around. "Yeah?" He asked. "Don't, tell the others." Sam requested. Elton smiled. "I won't, Bud." He said. Sam sighed in relief. "Thanks." He said. Elton gave him a thumbs up, and left.

"It's up to you. But I really think you should come down with us." Colby continued what he was saying before Elton walked in. Sam let out a deep, shaky breath. "Okay?" Colby asked. Sam sniffled, and nodded. "Okay. Good. Let's take a minute and you can calm down and then we can go down. Sound good?" Colby asked. Again, Sam nodded, rubbing his eyes.

They waited until Sam had stopped crying for the most part. Colby suggested they wait a little longer, and Sam mumbled that he didn't care. He stood up from the bed. Aaron and Colby exchanged glances. They knew Sam was just exhausted. The three ventured out of Sam's room.

Downstairs, Corey, Jake, Elton, and Kevin all watched Corey and Jake playing Rocket League. When they heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they fell silent again. Colby walked in first. The four on the couch looked up at him, and Colby drew his hand across his neck. He sat down on the couch, and Sam sat down next to him in the far corner of the couch. When Corey, Jake, and Kevin saw Sam, they all sat up. Aaron, who was behind Sam, shook his head. He made the same signal as Colby, and sat down in his spot. Corey, Jake, Kevin, and Elton turned back to the tv.

"Y'all okay? You were gone for quite a while." Corey asked. "We're fine Corey." Colby said quickly, not looking up from his phone. Sam quickly wiped at his eyes again, not looking up. "Sam? You alright, my man?" Kevin dared to ask. Colby and Aaron shot Kevin glares, and Kevin sat back. "I'm fine." Sam murmured. "Okay. That's good. Um. There's pizza in the kitchen." Kevin said. Sam didn't look up, he continued fiddling with his long sleeve shirt sleeve. The rest of the guys silently decided it was better not to bug him.
That night, after Kevin and Elton went home, the rest of the boys stayed up late and messed around in the kitchen and living room. They filmed a few skits, most of which Sam politely declined to take part in, and entertained themselves by being goofy for a while. At one point, Colby, Aaron, Corey, and Jake's phones all went off at the same time. They all checked their phones, and looked at each other. Aaron walked over to Colby.

"Should we tell him?" He asked. Colby immediately shook his head. "No. Kat would be pissed if we ruined it." He said. Aaron nodded, and they both looked over to see if Sam had heard them from the other room. He hadn't. The two breathed out sighs of relief and continued with their skits.

A few hours later, around 12:45 AM, their doorbell rang. All the guys were back on the couch taking turns playing Fortnite. When the doorbell rang, Corey paused the game. "Who's at our door at almost one in the morning?" Sam asked quietly. Colby shrugged a little too casually. "Nose goes to answer it!" Corey yelled. Aaron, Jake, Corey, and Colby all nearly punched themselves in the face trying to beat Sam. Sam, caught off guard, came last.

"Really guys? Come on..." He muttered.

"Sorry, Man. That's the rules of the game!" Corey said in a weird voice. Sam stood up reluctantly, and the others slowly stood up and followed behind.

Sam walked to the door and opened it. When he looked up, his heart dropped.

Standing there with the goofiest, most adorable smile on her face, was Katrina Stewart. She held a box of pizza and a teddy bear in one hand and seven heart balloons in another. Behind her was one of her friends that Sam knew holding a ukulele. Katrina began excitedly singing a few lines of her song "All In." ((GO BUY IT ON ITUNES AND WATCH THE MUSIC VIDEO IT'S GREAT 12/10 WOULD RECOMMEND))

When Katrina had finished her song, she looked at Sam, who was stood at the door in shock.

"Hi Babe!" Katrina said. "I came home early to surprise you!" Sam blinked a few times before turning and waking away. He walked passed the other guys, who were all huddled in a group watching, and into the other living room. The guys all turned back to Katrina in shock, and Katrina's smile dropped.

Before anyone could say anything, they heard Sam burst into tears. Katrina's eyes widened, and Colby and Aaron smiled.

"He's has kind of a rough day. You might wanna go see him." Colby said. Katrina rushed inside and over to Sam.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Katrina asked. Sam stood up and walked over to her and attempted to hug her.

"Aaawweee, Sammy! Hang on, let me set all this stuff down. What happened?" Katrina asked. She quickly set everything down and engulfed Sam in a huge hug. Sam hugged her tightly. Colby, Aaron, Jake, Corey, and Katrina's friend all walked over to see them. Colby and Aaron again exchanged glances and smiles.

"What did you guys do to my boyfriend while I was gone?" Katrina asked, half joking.

"Nothing, he did it all to himself." Colby said, gesturing to Sam. Katrina pulled back to look at Sam, who rubbed his eyes. He took a few deep breaths. "Sammy what happened?" Katrina asked, sitting Sam down on the couch. Sam took another deep breath. "You weren't responding...Like, I didn't know why...If I did something, or...If you were with someone else." Sam explained shakily, trying hard to calm himself down. Katrina hugged him again. "I'm so sorry!! I felt so bad not responding!" Katrina said. "Then why didn't you?" Sam asked, wiping his eyes again. "I was scared that if I did I'd blow the surprise! I was afraid I'd blurt it out not thinking." Katrina explained, rubbing Sam's back calmingly. "And then I texted them that I was here and I was gonna knock and to make sure that you answered." She added, pointing to the group. Sam looked at them. "Colby, Aaron? You guys knew?!" He asked, but he was smiling. "Not until like an hour ago!" Aaron said, holding up his hands. "Yeah she texted us at like, what, 11:00? 11:30?" Colby said, looking at the others. Corey, Jake, and Aaron all nodded. Sam nodded.

"Okay whatever. Well I'm glad you're home, and I'm glad you're not cheating on me." Sam said, hugging Katrina again. "Cheating on you?! Sammy, you know I would never do that!" Katrina said, pulling back to look at him. Colby and Aaron both looked at Sam. "I know. I know. But I just got it in my head and I couldn't get it out. I panicked." Sam explained. "You did?" Katrina asked. "Yeah, he kinda had a panic attack mental breakdown earlier today." Colby said. Katrina looked from Colby to Sam. "Aawwe Sam!" Katrina kissed him. Sam kissed her back and then looked to Colby. "Hey, yeah. Thanks for telling her that." He said. Everyone chuckled. "She's your girlfriend! I'm sure she understands!" Colby said. Katrina chuckled. "I do. I'm so sorry for making you freak out! Are you mad at me?" Katrina asked. Sam tackled her in a hug. "No, I'm just happy you're home. Sorry for crying like that..." He said. "You don't have to say sorry! Plus you look cute when you cry." Katrina said, kissing Sam again. Again, Sam kissed her back. "Thank you? I think." He said. Katrina laughed again. She sat up. "Look at the cute teddy bear I got you!" She said, grabbing the plushie and handing it to Sam. Sam took it and looked at it. "Thank you! He's adorable, just like you!" He said, kissing Katrina. Katrina giggled into the kiss.

"Alright, ew!" Corey said in a weird voice. Everyone laughed. "You have a girlfriend!" Sam said, making everyone laugh more. "Whatever!" Corey retorted. "Alright, alright. Let's let them catch up." Colby said, ushering everyone out of that living room and into the tv room. He made eye contact with Sam as he walked out, and Sam mouthed "Thank you!" Colby nodded, and left the room himself.

Sam and Katrina ended up talking and cuddling for almost three hours while Katrina's friend hung out with the other guys. After that, Katrina mentioned that she was tired, and Sam ordered her to go home and get some sleep.

"I promise I'll take you out to a really nice breakfast or dinner or whatever tomorrow and you can tell me everything!" He said as Katrina stood. "Yaaay!" Katrina said. They kissed goodbye and Katrina and her friend left. The rest of the guys helped Sam put the pizza away and carry the balloons up to his room. Sam put the bear on his bed. Then, he went back downstairs and sat with Colby and Aaron, Corey and Jake had decided to go to bed. He sat with them for a while before he crashed himself.

When he changed into pajamas and got into his bed, he held the teddy bear and smiled. He set it down next to him and lied down. He was asleep quickly, thinking about spending the next day with Katrina.

A/N: Wow, Wattpad really likes to slow down once you hit 4,000 words, and then it gets worse the more you add lol. Sorry it's taken me so long to update! Shit in my personal life kinda hit the fan, but I wanna write more so I'mma do that! Anyway! I hope you guys like this part!! It was fun to write, and I've had this idea for a while. I have another fun part in the works that someone suggested, so look out for that! It has to do with the Queen Mary 👀👀
So yeah! I hope you guys liked this part! Thank you for reading!! Have a great day/night/whatever time it is where you live! 😊✌🏻♥️

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